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12 year old arrested for writing on a desk

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Active Ink Slinger
In New York I think. Ridiculous. I used to set off fireworks in mine as a kid.

It did go a little far(handcuffs?) but, there still needs to be some punishment. Kids need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I think detention would have been enough. And make her clean all the desks.
Active Ink Slinger
Shit i'm glad i didn't go to school in the U.S. i'd probabley have ended up in the chair by the age of 16.
They go from one extreme to the other over hear. Some teachers and such are afraid to touch the little darlings for fear of getting fired and sued. Others go the other way and do what the guy did in this vid. As a result US kids are a bunch of spoiled brats that are getting dumber by the year. The few that do respect others and are coming up right are so few and far between, it's sad.
I have a friend that lives across the street from me that's a teacher. The horror stories she tells would turn your hair white.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
It did go a little far(handcuffs?) but, there still needs to be some punishment. Kids need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. I think detention would have been enough. And make her clean all the desks.

absolutely punishment fitting the crime man. sounds good to me
Even when you're blindfolded, Hindsite is 20/20
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
They go from one extreme to the other over hear. Some teachers and such are afraid to touch the little darlings for fear of getting fired and sued. Others go the other way and do what the guy did in this vid. As a result US kids are a bunch of spoiled brats that are getting dumber by the year. The few that do respect others and are coming up right are so few and far between, it's sad.
I have a friend that lives across the street from me that's a teacher. The horror stories she tells would turn your hair white.

I think drink is the biggest problem we’ve got here at the moment with kids is alcohol, it’s so cheap and easily available I quite regularly see kids as young as 12 and 13 totally pissed, shouting abuse at passers buy. The problems star at home where the parents dont give a shit what their kids are up to, and in shool the teachers hands are tied and there is very little discipline left anymore. I had the cane on many occasions when i was in school for various pranks and minor fights, but i would never dare talk back to a teacher for fear of a smack about the head. God help us in 10 years time, they will have to put armed cops in every classroom.
12? Are you kidding me?