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Opinions on "Male Lesbian"?

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Rookie Scribe
So this is just a general thought gathering post.

I want to know what all of you ladies (Homosexual and Heterosexual alike) think about the idea of a "Male Lesbian."
This doesn't mean a man who is simply turned on by lesbians, or who is interested in a gender change.
This is only about a man who wishes he had been born a woman, but knows that he would then still be attracted to other women.
As it is, he might even be uninterested in sex with a woman simply because he is so "turned off" by his own masculine role.

To clarify:

"Specifically, a "male lesbian" is a heterosexual man who wishes
that he had been born a woman, but who (even if he had been a woman)
could only make love to another woman and never to a man. Unlike
the transsexual, the "male lesbian" does not feel himself to be "a woman
trapped inside the body of a man". Moreover, none of the love-shy men
studied for this research entertained any wishes or fantasies of any kind
pertinent to the idea of obtaining a sex change operation. All wanted to
keep their male genitalia; all wanted to remain as males."

So my question for you homosexuals is this:
Would you tend to sympathize with this so called male lesbian, or on the other side, would you find them repulsive? Is their physical gender too much of an obstacle for them to be considered a lesbian?

And for you heterosexuals:
If you knew that a man identified as a male lesbian, would that change how you see him and how you would approach relationships with him?
Active Ink Slinger
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Quote by Alcaeus
So this is just a general thought gathering post.

I want to know what all of you ladies (Homosexual and Heterosexual alike) think about the idea of a "Male Lesbian."
This doesn't mean a man who is simply turned on by lesbians, or who is interested in a gender change.
This is only about a man who wishes he had been born a woman, but knows that he would then still be attracted to other women.
As it is, he might even be uninterested in sex with a woman simply because he is so "turned off" by his own masculine role.

To clarify:

"Specifically, a "male lesbian" is a heterosexual man who wishes
that he had been born a woman, but who (even if he had been a woman)
could only make love to another woman and never to a man. Unlike
the transsexual, the "male lesbian" does not feel himself to be "a woman
trapped inside the body of a man". Moreover, none of the love-shy men
studied for this research entertained any wishes or fantasies of any kind
pertinent to the idea of obtaining a sex change operation. All wanted to
keep their male genitalia; all wanted to remain as males."

So my question for you homosexuals is this:
Would you tend to sympathize with this so called male lesbian, or on the other side, would you find them repulsive? Is their physical gender too much of an obstacle for them to be considered a lesbian?

And for you heterosexuals:
If you knew that a man identified as a male lesbian, would that change how you see him and how you would approach relationships with him?

Is all this blurb about a feminine heterosexual?
I'm only asking because I don't know many lesbians that wanted a cock, in fact it's usually the part of the male anatomy that they don't like.
The definition confuses me, surely a lesbian is a woman who is sexually attracted to other women and not to men, in its purest sense of the word?
He wishes he was a lesbian, but doesn't want to have a sex change and doesn't feel like he is in the wrong body and yet he does sound gender confused to a degree? And he probably wouldn't want to have sex... And, I imagine, he'd not want penetrative sex or blow jobs either?

As a straight woman, no, I don't think I'd be attracted to this. It all sounds angst ridden and confusing and has the potential for huge emotional turmoil.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Mazza

He wishes he was a lesbian, but doesn't want to have a sex change and doesn't feel like he is in the wrong body"

I think the passage means more that a male lesbian feels that he is in the wrong body, but doesn't want to make some artificial change. If that is the case, then he simply wishes he had ALWAYS been a woman.

If that makes sense?
It is rather strange.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Alcaeus

I think the passage means more that a male lesbian feels that he is in the wrong body, but doesn't want to make some artificial change. If that is the case, then he simply wishes he had ALWAYS been a woman.

If that makes sense?
It is rather strange.

So he's a girly or feminine heterosexual. If he keeps the penis his sex is male but he can have a female gender.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by dpw

So he's a girly or feminine heterosexual. If he keeps the penis his sex is male but he can have a female gender.

That makes sense.

Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you!
Isn't that what straight cross dressers do anyways? I think sometimes people try to look too deeply into kinks and fetishes. If you have no real desire to remove your male parts, or otherwise physically transform yourself into the other gender, IMO it is simply a fantasy or fetish; role play. To me it is no deeper than wishing you had been a fireman or police man and dressing up as one for sexual role play.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnC
Isn't that what straight cross dressers do anyways? I think sometimes people try to look too deeply into kinks and fetishes. If you have no real desire to remove your male parts, or otherwise physically transform yourself into the other gender, IMO it is simply a fantasy or fetish; role play. To me it is no deeper than wishing you had been a fireman or police man and dressing up as one for sexual role play.

I am reading these responses and I am trying to formulate my own thoughts on the idea and this makes the most sense to me. Thank you kindly
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I don't find it all that unusual. Of course my initial reaction was, "What's the point?" But it makes perfect sense.

You were born as a man. Gender-wise, you think and feel as a woman. You're also attracted to women. Sexual orientation and gender are two completely different things. One has nothing to do with the other. He wants to experience intimacy and everything else with a woman as a woman would, because he feels as if he were meant to be a woman.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by Moonbaby

I am reading these responses and I am trying to formulate my own thoughts on the idea and this makes the most sense to me. Thank you kindly

You are welcome.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnC
Isn't that what straight cross dressers do anyways? I think sometimes people try to look too deeply into kinks and fetishes. If you have no real desire to remove your male parts, or otherwise physically transform yourself into the other gender, IMO it is simply a fantasy or fetish; role play. To me it is no deeper than wishing you had been a fireman or police man and dressing up as one for sexual role play.

Mmmm! Well no not really, you're mixing a fetish with a lifestyle. Men who crossdress don't live as a "male female", not to be confused with a "shemale". Crossdressing is often roleplay, gay or straight. A "male female" would be more akin to a pre op transexual who didn't want the op because they weren't gay in their male body. It is really is a very feminine heterosexual man.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to think ''That doesn't excist, you're just a feminine heterosexual'', but to people who still think that... I changed my mind about it by this video:

Quote by dpw

Mmmm! Well no not really, you're mixing a fetish with a lifestyle. Men who crossdress don't live as a "male female", not to be confused with a "shemale". Crossdressing is often roleplay, gay or straight. A "male female" would be more akin to a pre op transexual who didn't want the op because they weren't gay in their male body. It is really is a very feminine heterosexual man.

I can see some of that and admit it is valid. I think it isn't quite as simple as that though either. LOL Like another post points out, human sexuality is quite complicated and can have a wide range of things. I think in reality, we BOTH could be right... depending on the person being talked about.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
I don't find it all that unusual. Of course my initial reaction was, "What's the point?" But it makes perfect sense.

You were born as a man. Gender-wise, you think and feel as a woman. You're also attracted to women. Sexual orientation and gender are two completely different things. One has nothing to do with the other. He wants to experience intimacy and everything else with a woman as a woman would, because he feels as if he were meant to be a woman.

Emotionally yes, he would be a lesbian with a built in strap-on(not a joke by the way).
It's really quite a difficult concept for me to grasp as I know how male hormones make me feel. I'll have to chat to some lesbian friends to find out how they feel when they use a strap-on.
Quote by JohnC
Isn't that what straight cross dressers do anyways? I think sometimes people try to look too deeply into kinks and fetishes. If you have no real desire to remove your male parts, or otherwise physically transform yourself into the other gender, IMO it is simply a fantasy or fetish; role play. To me it is no deeper than wishing you had been a fireman or police man and dressing up as one for sexual role play.

I think this kind of nails it for me... Thanks John
The term is rather baffling to me. What does it really mean? What context? Cross dressing? Or some guy says it to mean he understands the sensitivities of women? Rather broad to me.
Active Ink Slinger
This person has some deep seated emotional turmoil.I don't think the term male lesbian is correct though. I can relate to his dilemma however.I have An attraction to T-Gurls.(A nicer term than shemale but also non existent) I am bisexual but do not find men attractive at all. However I wouldn't use A term like Male Lesbian or Leztian. To describe it. I have read A lot of books on Psychiatry,Psychology & Human behavior. I never remember hearing any kind of terminology that came close to that. I'M no expert but it seems like what your describing is someone who either fears ( Phobia ) or hates Men. However more information would be required to determine which. I would recommend this person get some professional consultation.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by InTears
I used to think ''That doesn't excist, you're just a feminine heterosexual'', but to people who still think that... I changed my mind about it by this video:

That. Right there... Is awesome.
Active Ink Slinger

I consider myself to be a Male Lesbian !!!