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Just starting on lush

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Active Ink Slinger

Pls don't be annoyed, I'm sure the answer is obvious and I should have found it but how do I post a photo of myself on my profile? (not just in the image gallery)

Also, I'll want to write my personal story which could take a while but I assume the best method is to cut and paste. Is that right? i.e. there's no facility to save drafts prior to posting the completed story.

Any help or comments pls....
Hi Beth smile

Welcome to Lush, 'tis a lovely place.

As far as stories go, cutting and pasting is the done thing (unless I've been wrong this whole time haha). Many people like to edit and fiddle with their work elsewhere in other programs or even by hand before bringing it here to submit.

I'm not sure what you mean by posting pics. You seem to have one in your gallery already. If you are wanting to change your red and white avatar pic, then you can go click on the settings icon (the funky little wheel thingy at the top of the screen) and move down and click on Settings, and then you can navigate to either changing your avatar, or adding more pics to your gallery and many other bits and pieces to edit your profile.

If you are wanting to add a pic to your profile wall, or as your status, you go to your profile and you will see the little icons for adding YouTube videos, or an image link (just copy and paste the link), or an image from your computer (lets you browse and select the pic you want).

Oh, you can also add an image as your profile background if you like. That is found in the Settings area as well.

Hope this helps a little :)
If not, there are many folk here more wisdomous than I :P
Enjoy your stay!
Welcome BETH!

Sorry, I haven't a FUCKING CLUE how to answer your query! I'm USELESS at Tech Stuff!) Ask LIZ. (She's NICE and she's a GENIUS!) Oh, don't say you know me... That won't help with the bitch, believe me.

xx SF

Everyone: "You're useless at a lot of stuff..."

Me: "Fuck all of you."
It's easy to save a draft on Lush!! I'll find you the link to thread which explains that...

For your profile pic, it's probably easiest to upload it to your gallery but you can keep it hidden so that you are the only one who can see it...

I'll go find that link for you


This should give you an idea of how to save your story so that you can pick it up and edit it.

If you do submit your story and it doesn't get approved first time, don't be disheartened but make sure to make your changes on your saved story - that way the moderators can see the changes you've made because they will be highlighted within the text - if you copy and paste the text back in, it will lose all of that tracking and they will have to verify the whole thing again!! (they hate that BTW)

welcome to Lush

Active Ink Slinger
Hi Beth!

Like most people here I think, I write my stories off of Lush in a word processing program (I use Wordpad personally). Then when I have it written, proofread, and edited as needed and it is ready to publish, I copy and paste it into the submission form. I put the cover pic in my Image Gallery and it's all set! It's really quite simple to submit a story here in Lush (much harder sometimes to come up with that story!)

You will find Lush really user-friendly compared to some other sites like it elsewhere. And the people here are really helpful, friendly, and supportive. It's a wonderful place (and this is not a paid commercial advertisement LOL!)
Prolific Writer
Hi Beth:

Welcome to Lush.

To put a picture in your avatar. You need to select a picture from your computer. Right click and hit save image. Next you save the image where ever you will remember it on your computer.

Next go to Settings, then Change Avatar, Choose file, (Go to where ever you saved the image) Upload image. Hope that helps.

As for creating stories, I usually type my stories in Word and then copy and paste them to Lush.


Quote by Jonathans_Fantasies
Hi Beth!

Like most people here I think, I write my stories off of Lush in a word processing program (I use Wordpad personally). Then when I have it written, proofread, and edited as needed and it is ready to publish, I copy and paste it into the submission form. I put the cover pic in my Image Gallery and it's all set! It's really quite simple to submit a story here in Lush (much harder sometimes to come up with that story!)

You will find Lush really user-friendly compared to some other sites like it elsewhere. And the people here are really helpful, friendly, and supportive. It's a wonderful place (and this is not a paid commercial advertisement LOL!)

Jonathan has said it all, so take the plunge, and enjoy!!
Active Ink Slinger
Hi Beth and Welcome to Lush!!!
Looks like you've gotten all your questions answered ? Just wanted to say hello and welcome ... Enjoy ?
Madam Carol
Quote by Mysteria27
Hi Beth:

Welcome to Lush.

To put a picture in your avatar. You need to select a picture from your computer. Right click and hit save image. Next you save the image where ever you will remember it on your computer.

Next go to Settings, then Change Avatar, Choose file, (Go to where ever you saved the image) Upload image. Hope that helps.

As for creating stories, I usually type my stories in Word and then copy and paste them to Lush.


I'm new here too. This is exactly what I did. I also had the help of Bethany Frasier in editing my first two stories. So many people have helped me here and I'm grateful for each one.
Active Ink Slinger
Finally found how to change the picture thingy. It was under Other Options in Settings. Then Change Avatar - just as you all said.
Now then - writing my story might take a while judging by how long it's taking me to get going. I wanted to write and edit drafts in Lush simply so it couldn't be found on my computer. I've got lots of naughty secrets that I'd love to shout from the roof tops really, but I'd die if my friends or family found out. That's why I'm on Lush really, so I can talk to people and hear what open minded people, both male an female make of my sex life so far. I love it. Also turns me on to write it !!! BONUS
Site administrator
Quote by hotbeth
Finally found how to change the picture thingy. It was under Other Options in Settings. Then Change Avatar - just as you all said.
Now then - writing my story might take a while judging by how long it's taking me to get going. I wanted to write and edit drafts in Lush simply so it couldn't be found on my computer. I've got lots of naughty secrets that I'd love to shout from the roof tops really, but I'd die if my friends or family found out. That's why I'm on Lush really, so I can talk to people and hear what open minded people, both male an female make of my sex life so far. I love it. Also turns me on to write it !!! BONUS

Just waving hello and welcome to a fellow Brit smile.

Rookie Scribe
Hi, I tried to submit but was told I need 3000 characters. Thought I saved what I wrote, but can't find it! Should I just use notepad and start over? Never done any of this before.
Where do I start? Thanks for any help at all! DEE820DREAMING
Rookie Scribe
Hi, I tried to submit but was told I need 3000 characters. Thought I saved what I wrote, but can't find it! Should I just use notepad and start over? Never done any of this before.
Where do I start? Thanks for any help at all! DEE820DREAMING
Charming as fuck
Hi, I tried to submit but was told I need 3000 characters. Thought I saved what I wrote, but can't find it! Should I just use notepad and start over? Never done any of this before.
Where do I start? Thanks for any help at all! DEE820DREAMING

Hiya, and welcome. If you go to your stories list, you'll find your story in there. I'd recommend saving stories somewhere other than Lush, just as a back up.

If you want you can submit the story to the Flash Erotica section. There's no lower limit on that one. J x

Help how to post pics with smart phone.