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How do you know if you are tight?

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Bit of an embarrassing question but its something im a bit paranoid about.

How do you know if your vagina is tight enough? Obviously it also depends on how big the guy is but when is it too loose?

Guys and gals advice please
Active Ink Slinger
Well I'm no expert but I guess it all depends on both partners. How big is the guy's penis, how tight is the woman's vagina. The vagina muscles are obviously somewhat elastic in that they'll have to stretch open far enough to enable childbirth. But I'd assume that a woman who has a partner with a large penis (or has big toys) will become slightly more loose over time. I read some personal stories from women who claimed to feel a bit less from a less endowed man after having been in a relationship with a more endowed man.
Also read the same about some women after childbirth though it doesn't apply to all women.

Race can also be factor. For instance, I've been with Caucasian women who were always "tight enough" for me but loose enough to provide easy access. Now that I have an Asian gf her height and body are smaller than those Caucasian women and her vagina is also tighter. When we have sex it takes some playing time before her vagina muscles open enough to allow full penetration.

I guess one could also ask a counter question: when is a vagina too tight?
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Active Ink Slinger
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.
Quote by SweetPenny
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.

Same as me. Its just something im worried about.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by SweetPenny
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.

Same as me. Its just something im worried about.

You're worried about being tight? Please explain.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by SweetPenny
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.

Same as me. Its just something im worried about.

I realize I'm not a girl, so my take on this may be a little different than you want to hear, but the only way I'd worry about it (were I you, that is) is if I were in a committed relationship, and I heard him complaining about it to someone. Or if I started hearing echoes when I was at my Gynecologist appointment. Other than that, if you're feeling pleasurable sensations, and so is he, then it all should be fine, I'd think...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MrNudiePants
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by SweetPenny
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.

Same as me. Its just something im worried about.

I realize I'm not a girl, so my take on this may be a little different than you want to hear, but the only way I'd worry about it (were I you, that is) is if I were in a committed relationship, and I heard him complaining about it to someone. Or if I started hearing echoes when I was at my Gynecologist appointment. Other than that, if you're feeling pleasurable sensations, and so is he, then it all should be fine, I'd think...

This was my exact thought.
Quote by SweetPenny
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by SweetPenny
I just know I'm tight because guys are always telling me, "Oh my God, you're so tight!"

Things don't go in or come out too easily. And when I put my finger inside, I can feel the walls of my vagina around them.

Same as me. Its just something im worried about.

You're worried about being tight? Please explain.

No i mean im worried about not being tight
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
No i mean im worried about not being tight

Has any man ever complained about you not being tight enough? Do you have a lack of satisfaction during sex?
Unless your pussy looks like a man can shove his head in easily, I think you're worrying too much.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by thepainter
Quote by MMonroe
No i mean im worried about not being tight

Has any man ever complained about you not being tight enough? Do you have a lack of satisfaction during sex?
Unless your pussy looks like a man can shove his head in easily, I think you're worrying too much.

No and no.

I guess its just me worrying for nothing then
Active Ink Slinger
Don't be shy asking your Doctor about this, they've got all the right gear to help you - if needed.

You can measure your grip on a perineometer. Which is basically a dildo that monitors your squeeze. If you score low then do your kegels or get some vaginal cones and work that pussy with weights.

Your score gets better after regular workouts, your sex life will be more satisfying and there's much less chance of pissing in your panties when you get older.

Apart from that I don't know anything about it.
Constant Gardener
Of all my sexual partners, and no I am not mentioning DamonX's dreaded The Number, I can honestly say that I have only met one young woman who was too tight.

And I am of average male endowment (maybe a bit below average). I don't know that really either, as I don't actively gaze at other men's packages...and it has been a long time since I was 18 years old and checking out my hardened cock with a string and a tape measure.

Mauretta was a very pretty teen-aged girl who has become a gorgeous woman of 49. I heard that she gave birth to two daughters (by Cesarean). She would have had to with those 26 inch hips, I remember thinking.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
If you're are getting plenty of call backs for another audition ladies you are plenty tight enough!

That is the only degree of tightness/looseness that counts even a little bit.
Quote by WHR43
If you're are getting plenty of call backs for another audition ladies you are plenty tight enough!

Very good point. Well ive heard back from every guy ive slept with so they mustve enjoyed themselves!
Active Ink Slinger

Gosh. Yes. Smartballs.

One of my favourite exercise thingies I have ever invested in. And the most used. And the most satisfying. And the most turnonable exercise equipment I've discovered.

If you are worried, and you enjoy sex (gosh, I should become a sales Woman or something....) and you enjoy being sneaky in public (or private sneaky???) insert these balls, and jump rope. Go to a book store. Meet the girls for coffee. Go to work. Just don't climb stairs. Big word of advice. Don't climb stairs. Maybe while vacuuming you will wear them. If you haven't guessed it, you can wear them anywhere.

They are a ball within a ball, inserted into your vagina, and they help to strengthen your pelvic floor. This increases the intensity of your orgasm, makes you tighter by toning those muscles, and helps to prevent those little pees when you sneeze or laugh too much later on in life. I can't spell the word I want to spell here.

Another item you might want to try, but I cannot remember what the specific name is, but they are similar to ben-wa balls, are what I call The Stones. They are three precious stones, that are egg shaped in various sizes. You insert the largest to begin, and clamp your walls tight around it and go about what you need to go about doing. Over time, you use the medium sized stone, then finally the smallest. It helps to strengthen your muscles.

Now the bonus. Using both of these, I've discovered that my period pains are much less and little to no cramping either.

I use either or on a daily basis, and I have been told that I have an amazing pussy. Although, that one guy who was just... well wow... thick as my wrist, he said I was way too tight for him. I told him he was just way too big for me.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Cogent Sensualist
It's all in the penis/fingers/tongue of the beholder. Too tight isn't a benefit--takes a long time to work your way in. Yes, it will eventually stetch to accomodate you (unless your thicker than a baby), but it can take a while to get there. Too loose, well, you can play with angles and positions to make that work. But every person is different (and vive la difference, I say) and some just fit better than others. Super-tight petite girls shouldn't sleep with men with horse-cocks, and more spacious women won't enjoy pencil-dicks very much. I won't even start on the whole depth/length issue, lol. As was said earlier, if you're both (or all if there's more than two of you ;) having fun, it's all good.

Sorry, can't help thinking about Goldilocks here...the first cock was too thick, the second cock was too thin, but the third cock was juuuust right, lol.
Quote by WorkAlone
Sorry, can't help thinking about Goldilocks here...the first cock was too thick, the second cock was too thin, but the third cock was juuuust right, lol.

Too Funny!!
I have talked to a couple of male friends about this, and both said the same thing... that all vagina's feel the same. One went on to say that if there was a line up of ex's, and he was blind folded, unable to touch, just insert the penis, he would unable to pick which one was which.

I have been too tight in the past and that is ONLY because I was nervous, not ready but still lubricated, and anxious (especially if he was well endowed)... once I relaxed my vagina muscles, it was just normal.

Sometimes when I am super turned on... it may seem I am loose (my opinion - not sure what the guy thinks)... but it is not the case... all it means is that I am super relaxed and very lubricated. Could be the alcohol as well.

Just don't worry about it.... just enjoy if a guy ever says to you, you are loose, just say 'no, it's just you are too small' but I don't think you will ever hear that...

But as steffanie and woman said... doing pelvic floor exercises and using 'smart balls' lol help other factors such as tightening your muscles during intercourse and of course, when you get older.
Quote by Harmony
I have talked to a couple of male friends about this, and both said the same thing... that all vagina's feel the same. One went on to say that if there was a line up of ex's, and he was blind folded, unable to touch, just insert the penis, he would unable to pick which one was which.

I have been too tight in the past and that is ONLY because I was nervous, not ready but still lubricated, and anxious (especially if he was well endowed)... once I relaxed my vagina muscles, it was just normal.

Sometimes when I am super turned on... it may seem I am loose (my opinion - not sure what the guy thinks)... but it is not the case... all it means is that I am super relaxed and very lubricated. Could be the alcohol as well.

Just don't worry about it.... just enjoy if a guy ever says to you, you are loose, just say 'no, it's just you are too small' but I don't think you will ever hear that...

But as steffanie and woman said... doing pelvic floor exercises and using 'smart balls' lol help other factors such as tightening your muscles during intercourse and of course, when you get older.

Thanks for your reply. I do my kegal's most days, if i remember to smile
Active Ink Slinger
This thread reminds me of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode....
Constant Gardener
Hotdog? Meet hallway.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
When you still have the first dollar you ever earned...
Active Ink Slinger
I he can slide in both hands and clap, chances are your not tight enough!!

Seriously, it all depends on his size, your level of excitement, lubrication, etc. I have been with an average size guy and it felt like I was so full and another time been with a bigger guy and it less tight. I was so much more turned on with the bigger guy (not because of his size by the way) that I was so wet. Depends on the situation for me.
Quote by Nikki703

Seriously, it all depends on his size, your level of excitement, lubrication, etc. I have been with an average size guy and it felt like I was so full and another time been with a bigger guy and it less tight. I was so much more turned on with the bigger guy (not because of his size by the way) that I was so wet. Depends on the situation for me.

I think the same for me too. With my ex i always felt tight but that was because, in all honesty, he wasnt very good and i rarely got turned on. Its different with a friend of mine, he is amazing and this is why im asking as i didnt feel as tight with him. Good new though is that he has no complaints so maybe its just all in my head
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by Nikki703

Seriously, it all depends on his size, your level of excitement, lubrication, etc. I have been with an average size guy and it felt like I was so full and another time been with a bigger guy and it less tight. I was so much more turned on with the bigger guy (not because of his size by the way) that I was so wet. Depends on the situation for me.

I think the same for me too. With my ex i always felt tight but that was because, in all honesty, he wasnt very good and i rarely got turned on. Its different with a friend of mine, he is amazing and this is why im asking as i didnt feel as tight with him. Good new though is that he has no complaints so maybe its just all in my head

Im sure it is all in your head. If he is happy with you, no worrys!
Active Ink Slinger
for 5 years, i have started each morning doing a few minutes of kegels... i had heard it was for women who had just had babies, but then i heard of the benefits of the exercises

it has made sex even more awesome for both me and my bf

while i may not be able to use my vagina as a bottle opener, the muscle control ability has significantly enhanced the act... i can grip his penis, i can do a rippling motion, pulsing, etc...sometimes it is almost an uncontrollable action specially at orgasm

there is the additional benefit of not ever worrying about "loosening up"

the rewards in the difference in my orgasm intensity and pleasure for us both, make this the best few minutes each day i have spent, and i plan to continue to do them every morning

here is a video... the kegel part is only 4 minutes

and a couple written instructions
Active Ink Slinger
I find the men's reaction is a good gauge.

But i worry about getting loose when I get older so i do excersises.

Clench (like u wanna stop peeing) and release for a few minutes a day. it works all the right muscles an tightens them.
and p.s- it feels quite nice too

Quote by MMonroe
Bit of an embarrassing question but its something im a bit paranoid about.

How do you know if your vagina is tight enough? Obviously it also depends on how big the guy is but when is it too loose?

Guys and gals advice please

You might get an indication if your partner is munching away on your lovely Y....and if you seem to hear this nearby echo.....
Active Ink Slinger
When I had sex with her it ripped the skin on my penis below the head! I'm for thinking it was pretty tight!