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All We Need Is Just A Little Patience...

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Story Verifier
No, I'm not going to sing Guns N'Roses here. My insurance isn't that good to pay for the hearing loss

I want to ask all authors who are submitting stories (or have recently) to show a little understanding. We story verifyers here are a volunteer bunch, and you won't believe it, some of us have a private life too and family and friends to visit over holidays. So, if your story took a few days longer to approve over Christmas or perhaps takes a while over New Year, it's neither some technical glitch nor wilfull ignorance on our part.

I know that it can be annoying to wait for your baby to make it to the front page, and double annoying if it gets sent back to you for the one or other, what may feel like, minor issue after days of waiting. Please take a breath, try to be civil and don't read more into our messages than there is. We verifyers are humans too, and some of us work through mountains of personal odds to be able to moderate your submissions that you can't even begin to fathom. Winter hols should be a time of peace, love and understanding. Please try to keep that spirit alive.

Thank you. May you all step into a wonderful new year full of love, health and joy. May your imagination soar free on wings of magic.

Well said Chrissie.

A reminder to a few impatient people, that it's not uncommon on the most popular story sites (of which we are in the Top 3), to wait over 2 weeks to see your story published. The average turnaround on, is typically less than 24 hours. Our verification team is the best around =d>
It strikes me every time when I come across threads about time verifications. Members who are complaining about it are just plain rude, selfish and illogical, to me.

I think that Lush team is doing wonders and wonderful job, so every complain about their work is beyond my understanding.

Wish you good luck Lush team in year 20015, with much less nagging from some members about your efficiency!
No complaints from me at all. Happy new year Chrissie!
Unicorn Wrangler
Thank you Chrissie! I do understand the frustration but as Nicola said, our average turnaround for stories is 24 hours. As someone who has posted on one of those "other" top 3 sites, I've been the victim of a two-week delay for what I saw was no real good reason (my story was not rejected for any reason) except there was a story contest and thus, my piece got pushed further and further down (mind you, this is my best, educated guess.)
It took 9 minutes for my submission to be published! Very impressive! Thank you to the whole of the moderating team.
To all the mods and Nicola and Gav,

Big hugs and from Margot

I agree that people should be patient. I'm not gonna go over the points the mods and authors could make, but authors, make sure you thank the mods for verifying your stories. Sometimes, even just two words can do a world of difference for their spirits too. Mods, I just want to ask to try to return the favor and let them know their appreciation is noted. Sometimes the other two words that usually follow the first two can make the author feel good, and therefore make the site just a tiny bit better. Isn't that what we all want?
I always say thank you to the story mod/verifier when my poem has been approved.

Then I sigh a big sigh of relief.
And sometimes I'll go-"Oh my god, really?"

Weaver of Words
I used to post on another site, and it was standard for them to take two to three weeks to approve a story. they said that straight up in the explanation of how to submit. So if you had a multi-part story you wanted to post a part of every few days, you just had to keep submitting and may have the 4th one already submitted before you find out they rejected part one for some reason. either that, or only have one part posted every few weeks. For my current series, Angela, which is a 20 parter, that could mean 40 to 60 weeks to get the entire story posted.

I don't say it often enough, thank you story mods. You all do a great job!!
Active Ink Slinger
Most of my friends are authors and mods or both; I've not heard any of them say a thing about verification time or loads of work with verifyers. I've no idea how an author becomes impatient after submitting his/her story, similarly no idea why Chrissie had to say all this. But since whole mod community stands behind Chrissie there may be some reason. So may I suggest Lush to have a policy explaining the procedure of verification and time it requires, adding a couple of days as cushion period. I think a week's time should be fair enough to verify a story. No author should become impatient before that stipulated time. Mod's life will be easier and patience will be inculcated in impatient authors by default !

PS: To avoid any untoward incident between author and verifyer, intimation of approval may be system generated.
I like the way you make me feel even when I'm nowhere near...
Story Verifier
Quote by LusciousLushie
Most of my friends are authors and mods or both; I've not heard any of them say a thing about verification time or loads of work with verifyers. I've no idea how an author becomes impatient after submitting his/her story, similarly no idea why Chrissie had to say all this. But since whole mod community stands behind Chrissie there may be some reason. So may I suggest Lush to have a policy explaining the procedure of verification and time it requires, adding a couple of days as cushion period. I think a week's time should be fair enough to verify a story. No author should become impatient before that stipulated time. Mod's life will be easier and patience will be inculcated in impatient authors by default !

PS: To avoid any untoward incident between author and verifyer, intimation of approval may be system generated.

It isn't usually an issue. When I posted this, it was after a huge wagonload of fresh stories had been submitted into our verification queue in a short time - lots of authors wanting to get their story submitted before family time over the holidays - and a few misunderstandings sprung up that were triggered, no doubt, by holiday hectics. Even positive Christmas stress can sometimes be a bit much. Things like that happen, and my posting was just a small reminder to keep calm. This is not something that happens often though. World-wide holiday seasons make it more likely that we end up with loads of new stories and few moderators at hand, but in the end, both the queue and life in general are as predictable as Schroedinger's cat. Giving a fixed period including a sufficient buffer would make approval times probably look a lot worse to the uninitiated than they are, and a simple question by a new author about how long it takes isn't any trouble at all, so I'm not sure its something that needs formalization.

One of the big points in favor of of Lush is that we don't hide that the mod team is made up of individuals, contrary to other big erotica sites where you get anonymous responses that may or may not have been assembled by a program and which you can sometimes make neither heads nor tails of with nobody specific to ask for clarification. This is also something that gives back to us mods - when you approved a story and get a thank you back, or if you get into a PM exchange with the author to explain some finer points about an issue with a story, when you get asked a question related to something you wrote in an approval or rejection message or even a short request if you could look at the story again you approved just a minute earlier because the author forgot their cover image - these are the moments that remind you that you are working with the authors, not against the counter at the top of the queue.