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New features: getting feedback

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Rookie Scribe

It would be great if:

  • People had to comment on order to leave a vote, especially a new one. I understand that not everyone likes a story, but it would be great to know why!

  • I could see who had read / voted for my story, so I could ask for feedback or their thoughts, even if they've not commented

Can any mods or the Lush team help out?

Writius Eroticus
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Quote by BullOne
People had to comment on order to leave a vote

We had this in Lush 1 and it was irritating beyond reason, imo. I'd read story, love it, leave a comment, then click to vote... and a comment box would appear forcing me to leave a second comment. Grrrr.

As hard as it is to accept, some people would rather read and nothing more. Or Vote/Like and move on without commenting. Yes, it's potentially annoying if someone drops a 1 and doesn't say why, but forcing them to comment isn't going to change that. The only effect it'll have is people won't vote at all.

Quote by BullOne
I could see who had read / voted for my story, so I could ask for feedback

We also had this in Lush 1 up until about 5 or 6 years ago and it caused problems, which is why anonymous voting was introduced. Badgering people for feedback (or going on the warpath if they 1-bombed you) wasn't worth the hassle of having the feature.

Sorry if that's not the answer you're after but I doubt these features will return here. I may be wrong so it's good to gauge opinion from other members.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 101 stories, nine micro-stories, and two poems with the following features:

* 26 Editor's Picks, 69 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 9 other times in the top ten.
* 20 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Rookie Scribe

Well, I appreciate the fulsome explanation.

I guess I'll just have to learn to love it.

Keep up the great work smile


I post my score in the comment section and I still get message as to why I gave such a review. Hello, I left a comment. In a few words, mind you.