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Adult Film Industry & Photos - Can we pick your brains?!

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We just wanted to pick your brains you lovely folk!... Especially the more adventurous, imaginative and deviant amongst you!

Right now we are doing abit of research into the Adult Film/Photography Industry with a view to getting on in there and setting up our own gig. Rather than the usual run of the mill and often unimaginative type of films that are readily available, we want to make films that cater for what people really want! In addition we would love to create films that appeal to the ladies too - in this day and age more women watch adult films and maybe more would try it if the films had more for them to relate to. In other words less contrived and more realism than the emotionless "Jack Hammer Joes" hell bent on getting his rocks off in any fashion he can without regard for the female/s involved! As a woman myself (and I'm guessing most other women would agree) shouldn't the ladies be entitled to have their thrills put across in a manner that's arousing to the female audience too?

Surely to God filth + deviance + raunchy scenarios need more than just the chap hammering the lady like he's drilling for oil!
It seems there is a glut of poor adult films on the market and after alot of thought we've devised a plan and a set up on a limited budget that we believe would still be superior to the over-priced and disappointing dross that occupies the shelves in adult shops and online. We think people would be more likely to buy films that contain everyday cute girls and guys that you could encounter walking down the high street doing a full range of sexual scenes where pleasure is real! That's we want to create as personally it's what gets us pair hot under the collar and we're sure we are by no means alone judging by the filth we adore on this site courtesy of you lot!

We are currently in touch with a few ladies who wish to make a career in this industry as well as make abit of extra cash. We've met up as a group and brainstormed the backing to our plan and the strategy behind our venture. The girls are what we think are what the market is lacking; down to earth, a genuine look with personality and enthusiasm to succeed in what has become their project too now. They are all attractive and have a high level of sexual and self confidence which pleasantly suprised us as we didn't have high expectations initially.

Right then, down to the nitty gritty! We have put the feelers out on several sites in order to gather some valuable opinions and feedback on the following:

1. Porn shop or porn online? Which is more popular and which would you choose if you were to make a naughty purchase?

2. Does the content/story-line/acting really matter all that much to people? What would you prefer: believable and erotic (like so many of the stories on here) or wooden acting and going through the motions?

3. What content/scenarios would you like to see included in a film? Our aim is broaden the spectrum, embrace the sensual, the taboo offering a more diverse choice. We have been educated in what people desire and what presses all the right buttons from being on Lush and reading all we have on here. We believe we could cater for many tastes where mainstream "hardcore" won't.

4. We welcome all genuine thoughts on all mentioned above and would value your opinions greatly. Lush was 1 of the 1st sites we joined and have enjoyed endless hours reading all the horny stories and in a way has given us the kick up the arse we needed to get our little venture underway after a long time umming and ahhhing!

Apologies for waffling but wanted to convey as much as we could to you guys so you can give us some informed feedback that we welcome good or bad.
Who knows, if this takes off we could be calling all aspiring Adult Industry starlets on Lush who would love the chance to get involved and turn fantasy into reality like we hope to!

Cheers very muchly! xxx
Alpha Blonde
As a woman... we are looking for a different experience when we watch porn.

The biggest gap in the industry is the lack of connection between male and female stars. I am amazed at how much kissing and foreplay is involved in girl-on-girl scenes, but when it comes to straight sex, there is barely more than a quick "shake of the tongues" and then on working down the body. As someone who LOVES the intimacy of kissing, I would really LOVE to see porn that takes this into account.

We know that a lot of men are watching girl-on-girl scenes, and if they like watching two girls kiss, why not watching a guy and girl kiss?? I have never understood this...

It's sexy to see two people who are really into each other... kissing... looking at each other (not the camera) and communicating. I want to believe that they really want to have sex with each other. Maybe a more natural approach and less concern about weird positions to accommodate awkward camera angles that distract the actors and make the scene look less 'authentic'.

Also... more wide-angle shots and less prolonged close-ups of 'in and out'.... Just my opinion...
Advanced Wordsmith
In my opinion your idea of starting your own porn production for profit would be a mistake. Guys look at porn to help themselves to relieve their sexual urges. In this day and age of the computer everything we want is available for FREE. All you have to do is look at the popularity of or One can choose from any scenario imaginable to masturbate to.

In my opinion what is where the porn industry is failing though is that there are not enough videos of women and men using sex toys during masturbation or foreplay. I also really enjoy watching girl/guy scenes where the woman gives a guy a hand job or a great blow job. Cream Pie scenes are also hot.

Another area that the porn industry is failing is sex using older couples. We are not all in our teens or early twentys. We are also do not all have perfect bodies when we age. But we all still have sexual urges. I might be in a minority with this but I am not interested in having sex with a twenty year old at my age. I am in my late fiftys and would perfer a woman in her late thirties or in her fourties. The porn industry fogets that we exsist. My wife shut down in the sex department 5 years ago. I still have a healthy sex drive and resort to masturbation at least 4 or five times a week.

Just a few thoughts from an old guy.
Artistic Tart
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Also... more wide-angle shots and less prolonged close-ups of 'in and out'.... Just my opinion...

True f'ing that! I don't need to see what the bitch had for breakfast, so back the close up away! Show me the bodies move together, show me what each thrust does to her face, when her toes curl, and both in the same shot, is that so hard? I want to feel like I am there watching, not that I'm a damn doctor checking for STDs!

Good luck! Where are you located?
I don't like it when the men spit in the porn starlet's cooch...seriously...what is that all about? In real life if a guy did that to me in real life I'd get very very fact when I watch porn and I see that I shudder in disgust...
also I want to see the female porn star come...I never see this in porn unless she's a seems like the male just pulls out and comes on her face...I find it sexy when females come. I actually prefer watching amateur because then maybe it the porn star woman might enjoy just seems so formulaic and same(y) most porn movies
Quote by Loislane
I don't like it when the men spit in the porn starlet's cooch...seriously...what is that all about? In real life if a guy did that to me in real life I'd get very very fact when I watch porn and I see that I shudder in disgust...
also I want to see the female porn star come...I never see this in porn unless she's a seems like the male just pulls out and comes on her face...I find it sexy when females come. I actually prefer watching amateur because then maybe it the porn star woman might enjoy just seems so formulaic and same(y) most porn movies

Agreed! And I personally enjoy lots of deep sexy kissing.
Active Ink Slinger
Don't forget the real life hentai porn lois!
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Constant Gardener
01) Pr0n online, anytime, on my schedule.

02) unbelievable, unattainable, total fantasy - if I want sex to be believable and erotic - I will attempt to contact a willing female partner and engage her directly, for sexual and sensual relations.

03) All the scenarios are already out there, there are numerous free porn sites on the internet. Why would anyone ever purchase pr0n, after the year 2002? If you have a computer and DSL or better connection - you can select and accumulate your own free library.

Any entity considering entry into the pr0n industry at this point in time, is only really about half a dozen years behind the curve - unless that entity also owns a new distribution method of said pr0n to their possible niche client 'spokes' - (those without hi-speed internet -or- behind firewalls preventing connection to such sites). I can think of probably a dozen types of client demographics which might qualify.

There definitely remains a market for what you're proposing, I think it is pretty specialized, but it is there.

Good luck with your endeavor!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
you can select and accumulate your own free library

That's right. I do it the American way.

Who knows, if this takes off we could be calling all aspiring Adult Industry starlets on Lush who would love the chance to get involved and turn fantasy into reality like we hope to!

Is this a spam/casting call/couch casting ad?
Not spam in any way at all. An honest and open question for input and views. Seems wierd how the only two that bring up free internet porn sites are the two men that are satisfied by tacky plots and storylines,no structure to them and basically are just all about teen this and teen that, hence why they are free. Starting with a bj,then some ropey quite retarded looks into the camera and then climb onboard and let me robotically with the poise and elequency of a amputated elephant reem you a new orifice. Then onto ride it you ho, then spin around and again spin and bend over before the almighty...Get on your knee's and let me cover that little teen face in my dong butter whilst you try and hide that there cringe on your face. Our point is, more and more ladies are watching porn and yet all films seem to just have the same content and format of the obligatory, toned old man with the looks that generally women do not find in anyway dampening at all turn the said teen into a piece of flesh that ocassionally utters the sound of "ooooo,ooooo,thats it yeahhhhhhhh". We just think that if some movies were made in a more lady friendly way, the more women would want to watch, purchase or even download what they want for there viewing pleasure as well. Im male and if i wanted to watch porn that basically showed me some young gals ass inside out or her choking and drooling like niagra falls, then yes i too would go to all these free download sites that offer such a veritable feast of teen vs goliath cock. We are not disputing free porn, each to there own in that respect,we are just asking, is there a better way of producing films that a women can enjoy too as much as a man does. We think so so will maybe have a blast,not for the get rich quick or profit theory as said above but to make something we feel we not only can but enjoy it too. Maybe no man buys porn anymore due to ease of access on the net and thats maybe why they settle for second rate material, the ladies we have spoken to all say the same thing. They want the sensuality with more kissing,touching and seeing the man actually care about affording the lady some pleasure too and not just a husain bolt style sprint to the finish. I love seeing a lady orgasm intensely and watch her sqirm,wriggle and twitch with every pulse of pleasure. Im sure im not alone in saying that the sight of that maybe beats a hand furiously bringing himself to a climax or should i say anti-climax...Just my opinion as we all got one. It appears every lady who put forward a view today has the same opinion, which just shows the difference between what men want and what women want out of an adult film. Men will always want the same thing, so why not make a selection of films aimed at women and whether or not we make anything from it, il be happy because my lady is happy in what she is watching making her mood for the naughty times all the better. Result in my eyes.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Loislane
I don't like it when the men spit in the porn starlet's cooch...seriously...what is that all about? In real life if a guy did that to me in real life I'd get very very fact when I watch porn and I see that I shudder in disgust...
also I want to see the female porn star come...I never see this in porn unless she's a seems like the male just pulls out and comes on her face...I find it sexy when females come. I actually prefer watching amateur because then maybe it the porn star woman might enjoy just seems so formulaic and same(y) most porn movies

agreed. i am a guy and i want to see her come as well. and it needs to be real, no this fake crap.
Active Ink Slinger
1. Porn shop or porn online? Which is more popular and which would you choose if you were to make a naughty purchase?

online because i can really take my time looking and comparing. i also don't want to be watched.
2. Does the content/story-line/acting really matter all that much to people? What would you prefer: believable and erotic (like so many of the stories on here) or wooden acting and going through the motions?

yes. create a file or mini films that act out some of these story lines we read. acting should be ok and clothing maters for sure. i want to see the sexy day outfits before everything comes off. and it does not all need to come off either.
3. What content/scenarios would you like to see included in a film? Our aim is broaden the spectrum, embrace the sensual, the taboo offering a more diverse choice. We have been educated in what people desire and what presses all the right buttons from being on Lush and reading all we have on here. We believe we could cater for many tastes where mainstream "hardcore" won't.

4. We welcome all genuine thoughts on all mentioned above and would value your opinions greatly. Lush was 1 of the 1st sites we joined and have enjoyed endless hours reading all the horny stories and in a way has given us the kick up the arse we needed to get our little venture underway after a long time umming and ahhhing!
Constant Gardener
Quote by teffwad
Seems wierd how the only two that bring up free internet porn sites are the two men that are satisfied by tacky plots and storylines,no structure to them and basically are just all about teen this and teen that, hence why they are free. Starting with a bj,then some ropey quite retarded looks into the camera and then climb onboard and let me robotically with the poise and elequency of a amputated elephant reem you a new orifice. Then onto ride it you ho, then spin around and again spin and bend over before the almighty...Get on your knee's and let me cover that little teen face in my dong butter whilst you try and hide that there cringe on your face. Our point is, more and more ladies are watching porn and yet all films seem to just have the same content and format of the obligatory, toned old man with the looks that generally women do not find in anyway dampening at all turn the said teen into a piece of flesh that ocassionally utters the sound of "ooooo,ooooo,thats it yeahhhhhhhh". We just think that if some movies were made in a more lady friendly way, the more women would want to watch, purchase or even download what they want for there viewing pleasure as well. Im male and if i wanted to watch porn that basically showed me some young gals ass inside out or her choking and drooling like niagra falls, then yes i too would go to all these free download sites that offer such a veritable feast of teen vs goliath cock. We are not disputing free porn, each to there own in that respect,we are just asking, is there a better way of producing films that a women can enjoy too as much as a man does. We think so so will maybe have a blast,not for the get rich quick or profit theory as said above but to make something we feel we not only can but enjoy it too. Maybe no man buys porn anymore due to ease of access on the net and thats maybe why they settle for second rate material, the ladies we have spoken to all say the same thing. They want the sensuality with more kissing,touching and seeing the man actually care about affording the lady some pleasure too and not just a husain bolt style sprint to the finish. I love seeing a lady orgasm intensely and watch her sqirm,wriggle and twitch with every pulse of pleasure. Im sure im not alone in saying that the sight of that maybe beats a hand furiously bringing himself to a climax or should i say anti-climax...Just my opinion as we all got one. It appears every lady who put forward a view today has the same opinion, which just shows the difference between what men want and what women want out of an adult film. Men will always want the same thing, so why not make a selection of films aimed at women and whether or not we make anything from it, il be happy because my lady is happy in what she is watching making her mood for the naughty times all the better. Result in my eyes.

That's not very neighborly, man.

There's a lot more porn available out 'there' for free download (if you know where to look - and I do) to find that which the ladies above have expressed their preference for. You just have to know where to look.

For you to condemn me and Rocco in the manner you have, above...reveals a bit more about you, than those thirteen extremely sophisticated and dignified, ultra sexy photos on your profile page.

Now that, brother - is class...and I cannot compete.

I apologize for offending you, and bow to your superiority.

I am so not worthy
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by teffwad
Not spam in any way at all. An honest and open question for input and views. Seems wierd how the only two that bring up free internet porn sites are the two men that are satisfied by tacky plots and storylines,no structure to them and basically are just all about teen this and teen that, hence why they are free. Starting with a bj,then some ropey quite retarded looks into the camera and then climb onboard and let me robotically with the poise and elequency of a amputated elephant reem you a new orifice. Then onto ride it you ho, then spin around and again spin and bend over before the almighty...Get on your knee's and let me cover that little teen face in my dong butter whilst you try and hide that there cringe on your face. Our point is, more and more ladies are watching porn and yet all films seem to just have the same content and format of the obligatory, toned old man with the looks that generally women do not find in anyway dampening at all turn the said teen into a piece of flesh that ocassionally utters the sound of "ooooo,ooooo,thats it yeahhhhhhhh". We just think that if some movies were made in a more lady friendly way, the more women would want to watch, purchase or even download what they want for there viewing pleasure as well. Im male and if i wanted to watch porn that basically showed me some young gals ass inside out or her choking and drooling like niagra falls, then yes i too would go to all these free download sites that offer such a veritable feast of teen vs goliath cock. We are not disputing free porn, each to there own in that respect,we are just asking, is there a better way of producing films that a women can enjoy too as much as a man does. We think so so will maybe have a blast,not for the get rich quick or profit theory as said above but to make something we feel we not only can but enjoy it too. Maybe no man buys porn anymore due to ease of access on the net and thats maybe why they settle for second rate material, the ladies we have spoken to all say the same thing. They want the sensuality with more kissing,touching and seeing the man actually care about affording the lady some pleasure too and not just a husain bolt style sprint to the finish. I love seeing a lady orgasm intensely and watch her sqirm,wriggle and twitch with every pulse of pleasure. Im sure im not alone in saying that the sight of that maybe beats a hand furiously bringing himself to a climax or should i say anti-climax...Just my opinion as we all got one. It appears every lady who put forward a view today has the same opinion, which just shows the difference between what men want and what women want out of an adult film. Men will always want the same thing, so why not make a selection of films aimed at women and whether or not we make anything from it, il be happy because my lady is happy in what she is watching making her mood for the naughty times all the better. Result in my eyes.

I'm interested in what you're doing, I agree with your sentiments that there is much to be improved on in the industry, and there are good niches left to be filled...I'll be watching what you do, if you allow us to track the progress you make. I even am appreciative that you would seek input.

On an off day, I can even understand getting minorly exasperated by being asked if you were spam....

But perhaps you'd have been better served by replying, "No, Rocco, this is not spam."

The site doesn't want a spamming/scamming trojan horse coming in here and causing turbulence, surely you can understand that, running a website of your own. We all have off days, so put the gun down, engage the conversation, and enjoy yourself.
Im sorry but how was that post considered an attack on mr rocco and well made? I was asked weather or not the topic was spam or not and gave the reply" no not spam at all". Also, i pointed out that out of all the replies posted, the only 2 that were different from our views were those of the male point of view. This then showed how male and female tastes differ with regards to porn. At no point did i attack the 2 views or people in question, i merely came back with a response to each post. I voiced my opinion on each post as they voiced theres in response to mine, if it has now become an offence to respond and disagree with the 2 post's in question or gentlemen in question then i stand here a confused man as to why? Was anything said to wellmademan for an attack on our page and the pictures on it, which are all real genuine pics unlike 80% of others on here, was there a mention of that to him? NO. Was anything said in relation to the vain attempt to belittle me with poor wit and sarcasm which actually made him sound rather childish and immature? NO. Then i ask why? Is it protocol to pull down anyone who's opinion differs on this site, a site which i thought was a site of genuine,friendly individuals. Im so sorry if i sound a little agrieved by the feeling of how someone misunderstood my post, maybe a tone or the way i put it caused the offensive backlash from himself when there was no need to be so rude.The post was in no way an attack on anyone or anything and was written with no mallice or finger pointing.Accept my apolagies if the atlantic distance alters the way people interperate the way things are said. Consider the thread closed as we think we have our answer to the views and opinions of what we requested. Please can you remove this thread from the forum to stop any further misunderstandings on the subject. Thanks.
Teffwad, you might want to check out the likes of first.

There is also so much amateur / "real" porn on the tube sites these days, I don't think it will be very easy to break into the business.

Good luck making the movies regardless
are the two men that are satisfied by tacky plots and storylines,no structure to them

Wow, that's quite a stretch you made about me, whoever you "we" people are. How would you know what I like in porn? Do you not know there are plenty of porn films out there that are more sensual and cater to what women like?

If you think you have a great niche marketing idea, go for it. Just don't come in here looking for new porn actresses.
There are some sensual porn producers out there such as Viv Thomas which are quite sexy and beautiful.