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Significant other.

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Active Ink Slinger
I was having lunch with a friend today and we stumbled on the topic of where we have met our past partners and thought it would be something lushies would like to share smile

The strangest place for me had to be at the dentist. He was in the waiting room already as I stepped in, after some casual chatting as one does we took a bet on who would come out with the biggest bill... He chucked on that the winner had to buy dinner, sadly I lost after the dentist determined that it was my wisdom teeth giving problems.

I also met a guy at the airport. I mentioned where I worked during our conversation and about 2 or 3 weeks later he just turned up! He was quite lovely, shame his work took him to another country and I love it here too much to leave already! Haha

I met my ex-girlfriend at a maths society pub quiz. She ended up on a team with my friend, got chatting with him and came for a drink with us afterwards. She loved my Danger Mouse socks.

15 months later, BAM! I'm obviously irresistible.
Active Ink Slinger
Ok the strangest place I ever ran across My "significant ex" was once when I went with My wife to her work. My ex-girlfriend had gotten a job there! LOL! Well she didn't last there long (the girlfriend) and since neither could stand the other it wasn't a big deal!
Active Ink Slinger
I met my husband on the side of a soccer field. He was there working as a photographer and I was helping out with one of the teams playing. Took him all season to work up the nerve to ask me out.
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
Cheeky Chick
I happen to meet my ex online, that’s not the strange part. That happens often now a day. I had plans to go down south to spend a few weeks with a friend, for holiday and I met my ex online about two weeks before, online. We started chatting the first night and found out he was from the same place I was going. We took it as fate and decided to meet when I went down there. It was a great holiday!
I met my 1st wife in a Disco in the 70's.... she was waiting tables... on her break she came over and introduced herself to me and then asked if I wanted to go smoke a joint with her in her car.... the rest is history! I met my 2nd wife in a So Calif online chat room.
Active Ink Slinger
Met my first wife through an introduction from my friend & his Gf.. I mess up by falling in love with another. We became involved in swinging.(Not for me any more)

Second wife , left in 93, yea there are times i think of her.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MasterJonathan
Ok the strangest place I ever ran across My "significant ex" was once when I went with My wife to her work. My ex-girlfriend had gotten a job there! LOL! Well she didn't last there long (the girlfriend) and since neither could stand the other it wasn't a big deal!

Active Ink Slinger
I once met a guy when he had a car accident with my friend. I was in the car and the guy was just so nice and apologetic. I ended up dating him for a few months but it just didn't work out/

My SO other now was the wife of my ex-husbands best friend. We have know each other for many years now but didn't hook up until well after we were bot divorced. How ironic is that!!
Active Ink Slinger
I met my ex husband on a blind date. It went so well that we became a couple that night.