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Unimportant, trivial, and/or obscure facts from your past.

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Her Royal Spriteness
my dad taught me how to fly fish when i was little, when we went camping i'd always go with him and i caught my first fish when i was 7 - i felt so bad, though, that i put it back in the river and never did it again.

i once told my brother's gf that he cheated on her. btw, he really did, i didn't make it up. they broke up over it. we didn't talk to each other for a year over that.

i like to climb trees.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Linebacker
Okay here is another obscure trivial fact from my past while playing football in high school.

I once blew my girlfriend, a cheerleader, a kiss as I passed her on the sideline while scoring a long 95 yard touchdown.

I received the kick-off on the 5 yard line and found an opening between my team's blockers on the left side of the field and sprinted as fast as I could go down the left side just a couple of yards in bounds, as I streaked past our cheerleaders I could see my girlfriend on my left so I turned my head and gestured a blowing kiss at her as I ran by her.

All the girls in school loved me for that. I was like the most popular guy that next week. However, my head coach wasn't too fond of me doing that. He thought I had been a show off (and I was often guilty of that.) So despite the fact that I had scored 2 touchdowns, caught 6 passes and was second on the team in tackles that game, after the next Monday's practice I had to stay late and run wind sprints, lots and lots of wind sprints, until I vomited.

If I had the chance to relive that moment I wouldn't change anything. It was worth every wind sprint! haha
Active Ink Slinger
1- when I was little, my best friend and I thought we would become rich by selling chalk paste (sidewalk chalk mixed with water)
2- I have over 50 trophies from bowling and basketball, more from basketball.
3- when I was little, I would go around my house singing stuff, making up lyrics mostly about how much I love Jesus, trees, the stars and stuff like that and just random stuff... Actually I kinda still do that lol except the lyrics I write now make lots more sense
Active Ink Slinger
1. I did Ballet dancing for 10 years (Grandma's orders)
2. I've never had a "proper" girlfriend
3. I cant remember a single point in my life where i have been 100% happy with everything, there has always been something missing (yeah i know, get the violins out lol)
4. Playing Final Fantasy VII, VIII & X changed my life
5. I never had a proper holiday abroad until I was 18
6. Ive only ever wanted 2 things in life, to be popular, and to have the perfect girl, they are same 2 things ive never really achieved (although its getting there now ive moved) ; )
Quote by TheScottishGal

Active Ink Slinger
At one time or another, I have played in marching bands delivering honors to President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President-elect Kennedy, President Johnson, Queen Elizabeth II of England, French President Charles DeGaulle, The King of Sweden (I forget his name), and the Queen of Norway (whose name escapes me also). I was one of the many sailors lining the parade route for President Kennedy's funeral. I have also played (many times) for Blaze Starr's Exotic Dance routines.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Active Ink Slinger
I once went out riding, having no idea my horse was in heat ....
At least not until the neighbor's stallion jumped the fence and had his front hooves in the saddle with me
I had my tongue pierced when I was twelve... by my dog! Man's best friend my a**. Serves me right for teasing him.

I'm very shy in a group of more than 4, even if they're all friends

Spiders and snakes freak me out, but I don't mind sleeping under the stars while backpacking

I've got great rhythm (I play bass guitar) and I've been an athlete my entire life, but sadly, I'm a complete dork on a dance floor
Active Ink Slinger
When i was in junior school (i was about 8/9) to get out of a detention class i climbedinto the ceiling, needless to say i fell right through and broke my ankle

I have a scar on the palm of my hand that goes half way up my thumb, sliced it open on the front sight of a gun.

I have a bb lodged in my knuckle, a realy long story to this, so as short as possible, someone brought in a loded co2 bb if for repair, i picked it up and it went off, needlesss to say the gun was not repaired and the person left never to return.

I have been bent twice in 26 years of diving, something that is realy not nice, and extremly painfull, not recomended, i make sure i do extra deco now just to be sure.

I have a scar on my bicep, and when people ask about it i tell them it is knife actually i did it working on a car, the fan kicked in and took a chunk out of me

This list could go on and on, so i'll stop here.
Active Ink Slinger
I have an inverted sternum (It isn't as bad as some pics I have seen of others with the same condition).
1. I used to be a Girl Scout
2. I have a screw in my foot and it'll be with me forever
3. I didn't have a cavity until I was 17
Purveyor of Sweetness
i have to tell all of you that i have read your facts and did not find any of them to be unimportant or trivial... they may have been obscure i guess... but i found you all endlessly interesting and entertaining....

just so you know.....
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy Scrabble
I have climbed on Uluru (Got halfway up it)
I love catching the train smile
Active Ink Slinger
I was once yelled by Arthur Feidler for not playing loudly enough. ...... on piccolo!
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Active Ink Slinger
Due to having broken and dislocated my left elbow two years ago I now have two screws, a pin and a little plate in there.
"I find that a duck's opinion of me is largely influenced by whether or not I have bread". - Mitch Hedberg
Active Ink Slinger
I currently have braces, this is my second time as I was a naughty girl for losing my retainer at 19. I really hate getting food stuck.
Active Ink Slinger
I was almost arrested at 18 for skinny-dipping in the pool of an apartment building near my house. I had been walking home from a friend's house when a girl (also 18) and her mom (mid 30's) drove by. They stopped and asked me if I wanted to go skinny-dipping with them. Of course I said yes. I was just about to get lucky with the mom, when the apartment manager came out with a shotgun in his hands and told us that the cops would be there in a few minutes. And yes - it would have been worth it. Mom was a fucking hottie...
For a period of time, I could orgasm if I was on my knees. It was weird.

Once in church I swore under my breath and couldn't stop swearing. It was like I had tourettes.
1. My dream car was an AMC Gremlin.

2. Played the lead in Little Red Riding Hood

3. Put pickles on my pizza
Active Ink Slinger
I once discovered that I couldn't negotiate turn one at Summit Point Raceway. They later told me told me the radar gun showed I was doing 186 MPH at the end of the straight.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Rookie Scribe
...led my basketball team in blocked shots my junior year. i'm 5'7
...have broken 3 bones -- all sports-related, all in freak accidents
...1st bone i ever broke -- collarbone, when i was 6, when a girl tackled me in backyard football and landed on me wrong. humiliating.
when I was a cop I delivered two babies
ok I sometimes catch myself watching and enjoying chick flicks
Active Ink Slinger
Jim your aweosme.

None of my cars have been made in the 90s or 00s. I love my 89 car, it's so retro and I love it's cassette player. Plus I can get cheap parts for it if (let's pray it doesn't) break down.

I actually love the 80s.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled when I was 17.
When I was born.... with a copious amount of dark hair, I had a patch of white hair at the top of my head. As an adult, I had a long white streak down one side, a la Lilly Munster.....No, I didn't look like my Av
Purveyor of Sweetness
every now and then i have to post here to remind you that there are no unimportant or trivial facts from your past... they may be obscure but every event and every small relationship makes you who you are....

that is important.....
The Bee's Knees
i eat white chocolate wonderful peanut butter straight out the jar. i've never seen titantic. i don't like when my socks get wet. i don't like my food to touch on my plate. i'm addicted to bubble wrap.

Say. Her. Name.

Active Ink Slinger
I hate being barefoot. At home the only time I'm without shoes is when I'm in the shower. In my mind the only time for me to be barefoot is when at the pool or the beach.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates