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Problem posting stories

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My name is sinnndy, I'm trying to post my stories from when I was younger. I've had a couple published here and have had positive responses. My latest about how I met the man who became my husband has been rejected a couple of times because of grammar and capitalization. I didn't go to college, I try my best to make my English teachers proud, but I'm far from an English major. To me, the content is the most important, if the story is boring, then what does grammar or capitalization matter? It won't get anyone off.

Just interested in people's opinions.

Testing The Waters.
It does matter. No matter how hot the content is, you have to remember that you're seeing what you were thinking when you wrote it — not necessarily what's on the page. That's doubly true if you're reliving fond memories and extremely aroused by them.

If the sentence structure is confusing, or the wrong word ends up in there due to a typo or homonym, it brings readers up short. One mistake may be a speedbump that they'll recover from. If it happens repeatedly, you're going to lose them. They don't have the benefit of your memory or fantasy. They're depending upon the words you've written to paint that picture for them. If they keep having to stop and look at something a couple of times in order to figure out what you meant, that picture rapidly falls into tatters.