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Thread locked for no apparent reason

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"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
The thread "Does the new American President seem mentally ill to you?" was locked earlier today, without any warnings beforehand or a note stating why. Can we please get some info as to why this thread was locked? Thx.


Site administrator
This is now your second, if not third thread on this topic, albeit the last one was because a thread had been deleted:

I recall another one but I cannot immediately find it which is a shame because that one got some responses which I believe were very appropriate. The thread above got no posts.

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.
Rainbow Warrior
Quote by simplyjohn

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.

You sound like Trump... "No one even cares about seeing my tax returns" we never see the evidence of massive and illegal conflicts of interest, and collusion with an enemy dictator.

In this age of cover-ups and secret dealings of those in power, we are subjected to the same lack of transparency on Lush? This is the kind of abuse of power that disillusions and disgruntles the average person towards those in 'unquestioned' power.

Count my bonnet as wasped too!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BethanyFrasier

You sound like Trump... "No one even cares about seeing my tax returns" we never see the evidence of massive and illegal conflicts of interest, and collusion with an enemy dictator.

In this age of cover-ups and secret dealings of those in power, we are subjected to the same lack of transparency on Lush? This is the kind of abuse of power that disillusions and disgruntles the average person towards those in 'unquestioned' power.

Count my bonnet as wasped too!

the Russians locked it.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Internet Philosopher
I have no idea why it was locked, but as a former mod, I can say if it was, there was a good reason for it. These things are never done arbitrarily. And it certainly wasn't done to protect Trump.

The mods have far more to do than to defend themselves against this sort of thing, so if it was locked, it was a decision made or backed at the highest levels, and it was done after some discussion. Best leave it alone and move on, IMHO
Unfortunately, this shall not silence the masses...i demand a recount of those who voted for this madness... If someone would JUST CALL BATMAN already, we can get the Joker out of the Whitehouse...

Hi angiegirl!

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Princess D
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I have no idea why it was locked, but as a former mod, I can say if it was, there was a good reason for it. These things are never done arbitrarily. And it certainly wasn't done to protect Trump.

The mods have far more to do than to defend themselves against this sort of thing, so if it was locked, it was a decision made or backed at the highest levels, and it was done after some discussion. Best leave it alone and move on, IMHO
Oh i agree it was not done to protect Trump, it always cause's a bashing by the left..So great call for closing it.........( i hope my spelling was correct)...............Hello Simmer nice to see you as always
Quote by simplyjohn
This is now your second, if not third thread on this topic, albeit the last one was because a thread had been deleted:

I recall another one but I cannot immediately find it which is a shame because that one got some responses which I believe were very appropriate. The thread above got no posts.

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.

are we to assume that this topic in now off the table for anymore discussions? It bothers my OCD because the other threads are 'February fast approaches' and "January fast approaches' and 'Immigration, the elephant in the room,' but no specific "Why Trump is not my cuppa tea" thread...

**this ammendment to original comment deleted because I changed my mind **

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by simplyjohn
This is now your second, if not third thread on this topic, albeit the last one was because a thread had been deleted:

I recall another one but I cannot immediately find it which is a shame because that one got some responses which I believe were very appropriate. The thread above got no posts.

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.

I dont think asking why a thread was locked is Out of line. Natural curiosity is going to make people wonder why.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by simplyjohn
This is now your second, if not third thread on this topic, albeit the last one was because a thread had been deleted:

I recall another one but I cannot immediately find it which is a shame because that one got some responses which I believe were very appropriate. The thread above got no posts.

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.

This site runs on user generated content. The stories are most important of course, but the forums are user generated content as well. Content for which people come here. Users invest time, and some even money, in this site. If there's a good reason to close a thread it should be fairly easy to state the reason, right? Some transparency might even take away the perceived notion of censorship that seems to plague the forums every now and then.
A statement as to why a thread is closed can also be a good moment to again mark the boundaries of what is and what isn't allowed. That does not work if people have to guess for the reason.

Let me know if you find that other thread.


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by noll

This site runs on user generated content. The stories are most important of course, but the forums are user generated content as well. Content for which people come here. Users invest time, and some even money, in this site. If there's a good reason to close a thread it should be fairly easy to state the reason, right? Some transparency might even take away the perceived notion of censorship that seems to plague the forums every now and then.
A statement as to why a thread is closed can also be a good moment to again mark the boundaries of what is and what isn't allowed. That does not work if people have to guess for the reason.

Let me know if you find that other thread.

we ran out of space. it was either that, or the 'show us your boobs' thread. judgement call.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by simplyjohn
This is now your second, if not third thread on this topic, albeit the last one was because a thread had been deleted:

I recall another one but I cannot immediately find it which is a shame because that one got some responses which I believe were very appropriate. The thread above got no posts.

Can you not just accept, and move on, that there are times, when for whatever reason(s), explanations as to why some moderation actions have been taken are not made public.

Really it would appear to be only you that has a wasp in your bonnet about this.

No, he can't. Just as he can't let shit go without having the last word so you are correct about that wasp... because having a bee in his bonnet isn't nasty enough (wasps are much more dangerous creatures as well.)
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by noll
This site runs on user generated content. The stories are most important of course, but the forums are user generated content as well. Content for which people come here. Users invest time, and some even money, in this site. If there's a good reason to close a thread it should be fairly easy to state the reason, right? Some transparency might even take away the perceived notion of censorship that seems to plague the forums every now and then.
A statement as to why a thread is closed can also be a good moment to again mark the boundaries of what is and what isn't allowed. That does not work if people have to guess for the reason.

Let me know if you find that other thread.

While I won't lie that I was surprised that that thread in the Think Tank was locked... unlike you I'm not questioning the reasons why the Mods felt it needed to be locked. At least it wasn't deleted as the other one you mentioned in the locked thread (that I'm sure Sprite locked after she left an awesome explanation as to why).
The Linebacker
Threads sometimes disappear because of the mobile Bermuda Shorts Triangle.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by NymphWriter
No, he can't. Just as he can't let shit go without having the last word so you are correct about that wasp... because having a bee in his bonnet isn't nasty enough (wasps are much more dangerous creatures as well.)

LOL. You really don't see it when you do it yourself, do you?


Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by noll

LOL. You really don't see it when you do it yourself, do you?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by BethanyFrasier

You sound like Trump... "No one even cares about seeing my tax returns" we never see the evidence of massive and illegal conflicts of interest, and collusion with an enemy dictator.

In this age of cover-ups and secret dealings of those in power, we are subjected to the same lack of transparency on Lush? This is the kind of abuse of power that disillusions and disgruntles the average person towards those in 'unquestioned' power.

Count my bonnet as wasped too!

lol - what kind of power do you guys think we wield around here? that started out as rhetorical, but no, now i'm kind of interested in hearing a reply. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sprite

It's a fun game!


Noll, if you look at the title of the thread, it gives you some indication. The thread had progressed to a point where words like "snowflake" were being used. Mental illness isn't something that should be made fun of. That's my guess anyway. Perhaps it's better to let this one go.
Weaver of Words
Quote by BethanyFrasier

You sound like Trump... "No one even cares about seeing my tax returns" we never see the evidence of massive and illegal conflicts of interest, and collusion with an enemy dictator.

In this age of cover-ups and secret dealings of those in power, we are subjected to the same lack of transparency on Lush? This is the kind of abuse of power that disillusions and disgruntles the average person towards those in 'unquestioned' power.

Count my bonnet as wasped too!

And mine!
Weaver of Words
Quote by Milik_the_Red
I have no idea why it was locked, but as a former mod, I can say if it was, there was a good reason for it. These things are never done arbitrarily. And it certainly wasn't done to protect Trump.

The mods have far more to do than to defend themselves against this sort of thing, so if it was locked, it was a decision made or backed at the highest levels, and it was done after some discussion. Best leave it alone and move on, IMHO

Sounds a bit like a threat, IMHO
Weaver of Words
Quote by sprite

lol - what kind of power do you guys think we wield around here? that started out as rhetorical, but no, now i'm kind of interested in hearing a reply. smile

obviously enough power to lock or remove a thread without letting anyone know why, and thinking we don't need to know the reason.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by adele

Sounds a bit like a threat, IMHO

Not from me.
Trust me when I say, no one in admin gives a rats ass what I think anymore
Weaver of Words
Quote by noll
The thread "Does the new American President seem mentally ill to you?" was locked earlier today, without any warnings beforehand or a note stating why. Can we please get some info as to why this thread was locked? Thx.

Had I seen this thread, I might not have started mine, but I posted mine where the original post that was locked was located. it seemed like more people who were interested in the thread would see it there than they would in this topic. but i am glad i was not the only one that noticed and wondered why.
Let it go. That thread, as with the multitudes of other Trump-related threads, was either a trainwreck or well on its way to becoming one.

You referred to "paying members" somehow having a vested interest in knowing the "why" behind the decision to lock or delete a thread. Well, I'm a paying member, and perhaps I just don't have enough vested interested in threads in which I post, but I wouldn't have handed over payment for my membership if I had any concerns about the skills and abilities of the mods to make conservative decisions regarding the locking or deleting of threads.

I have enough going on in my real life, I'm not about to let anything that happens on Lush cause me angst.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Scarlet Seductress
Он был заблокирован, потому что товарищ Путин хочет, что она заперта.