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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by stephanie



Lol...yeah, it's's just a coincidence that someone asked me to write something poetic for their birthday yesterday...but it worked out, I think...I can always use a birthday poem, even for my own birthday...and it's nice to have a poem suitable for any occasion...

And thanks for that exercise in poetics there...I shall cherish it for...well, several minutes at least...Cheers...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
My friend Nadeem Bhatti over on Facebook wrote me earlier requesting I write him something poetic for his birthday, and post it on his timeline. Well, after giving it a little thought, the idea of writing a birthday poem seemed like a good idea...and I can tell you that his timeline today will not be the last time this one gets used...just sayin'

And yeah, it's just in time for my own birthday...I know, I know...

This Day Is Yours, It Belongs To You (Happy Birthday)

This day is yours, it belongs to you,
Do anything that you desire to do.
Watch your favorite shows, eat your favorite food,
Do anything that puts you in a good mood.

Your friends are here to celebrate too,
This day is yours, it belongs to you.
You’ve been working too hard, you need a break,
Sit down and have another piece of cake.

Open the presents your friends have bought,
You can see they’ve given this plenty of thought.
This day is yours, it belongs to you,
So spend it joyfully with your favorite crew.

Just here to wish you Happy Birthday,
That’s really all we have to say.
And may your dreams all come true,
This day is yours, it belongs to you.


Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Not sure where to put this in the forum exactly, but I know it belongs somewhere...and yes my friends, it's the end of an era for Playboy, but we can take a trip down memory lane here...

Every Playboy Playmate Centerfold

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Tommy Emmanuel, and Stochelo Rosenberg together...just a little bit of talent on stage here my friends...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I think more than a few here can relate to this one...

She Fills My Loving Cup

She’s hot and wet when she greets me in the morning,
I know of no better way to wake up.
And when I need her she is always there,
She fills my loving cup.

It is an affair that has been going on for years,
And she will continue to comfort when I’m old.
When I am down she perks me up,
She warms me when I am cold.

Dark and bold she comes to me,
More beautiful than any sunrise.
Like a gypsy with her magic charms,
She has the power to open tired eyes.

Though some folks may criticize her,
Pointing out her mother’s a Columbian nut.
And yes, those South Americans are a bit hot-blooded,
But I just smile and say “So what?”

For coffee and I are partners in life,
From her I will never stray.
And should anyone try to get between us,
They will surely rue the day.


Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Happy Birthday to one of Lush's most prolific writers I believe...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by stephanie


(Did you REALLY do that??? That's hysterical! They'd NEVER let you do that NOW!)

Yes I most certainly did...I started writing on another site back in April, I already had something like 41 stories and poems already written...I didn't submit them all for various reasons...a couple I didn't think were good enough, for my first story...but ended up submitting it later...

But yeah, back then the site was smaller...most of those 32 stories were verified by Nicola, Susan, and Chef Kathleen as I recall...the only thing I didn't count on when I submitted them all at once was they weren't always approved in the order I submitted them...and some of my stories build on previous ones, so I had to do a bit of shuffling real big deal...

Yeah, I started on another fairly small writing forum or anything...and it really didn't take much effort to read all the stories submitted that was nice in certain had a very small town atmosphere, and everyone kinda knew each other...I have to admit, although I sincerely think that Lush is the nicest erotic story site on the has no equal as far as features, ease of use, the forum, that sort of thing...I'm very glad I started writing on the other site...because of that small town feel where everyone knew each other, you didn't just get comments, you got personal messages, and there was a lot of discussion about the stories, and writing and the like going on between some members, which I was part of...all done through PM's of course since there was no forum...but I believe I have something like 1000 messages to one member alone in the first three months I was on there...

But yeah, for the first three months or so I was only one site...then someone told me about another, rather big site in June, 2009...and then another member gave me a whole list of sites in October...Lush included, so that's how I ended up here...I believe most of the sites I joined around that time are gone...Lusty Library, Mindspired, and the like...most of them weren't all that exciting anyway...she also told me about a poetry site, which I joined, and that actually broadened my writing sphere significantly because it meant I could write poems that weren't just about love or sex...and as some may know, I've actually gotten far more recognition in the non-erotic world than I ever did in the erotic genre...and I think that's one of the main reasons I haven't really been on here much the last couple of years...

Though I have to admit I miss this place...just don't seem to have the time lately...I keep telling myself I'm going to start spending time here again, but it doesn't seem to of these days though it just might...ideally I'll even start writing some erotic pieces again...maybe one of the contests here will inspire me again...don't count me out though...I do believe I will be back one day...though definitely not as prolific as I was in 2009 and 2010...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Yeah, have a very Curry Christmas...and a spicy New Year...or something like that...

And don't listen to this guy...he has no clue where he even is...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by sexysalma
Browser is chrome
Antivirus is Avast

I have the same combination, and I find my laptop slows down after a while...not just on Lush btw...

I tend to leave mine running all the time, but I find I have to re-start it every day or two...or else it just slows down to a crawl...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by LadyAnnWest
A pilot and a plane

Lol...I'll second that one...I was thinking along the lines of a cell phone and credit card...but a pilot and plane would work fine...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Ophelia
I've just submitted my first story for moderator approval. How exciting! When did you first submit a story to LUSH?

If I remember correctly, I submitted 32 stories here the first day I joined...a little over six years ago...damn, is it really that long ago?
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by AnnabethStone
It is 70 degrees, humid, and wet. Not like the normally cold and snowy December we have here.

You must live by me...yeah, it was in the 70's earlier with 80% humidity...but it felt like it was about 100 here...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This guy became a bestselling poet, thanks to the internet...kinda gives hope to the rest of us...

"Seven years ago, Mr. Gregson, 34, was scraping by as a freelance copywriter, churning out descriptions of exercise equipment, hair products and medical imaging devices. Now, thanks to his 560,000 Instagram and Tumblr followers, he has become the literary equivalent of a unicorn: a best-selling celebrity poet."

Web Poets’ Society: New Breed Succeeds in Taking Verse Viral
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Three good sites for writers that may be of interest to my friends here...


Writers Reign
A huge collection of competitions, articles, Q-and-A, links/resources and software for writers, served with a healthy dose of the editor's tongue-in-cheek humour.

Advice To Writers
Interviews, quotes, links, tips, book reviews, just about everything related to writing. "Writerly wisdom of the ages".

Words With Jam
"The eZine for writers and publishers." Lots of interviews, discussions and opinion on the current industry trends, also competitions and some fun stuff. Subscribe to their free newsletter for their monthly issue.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by elizabethblack
This is indeed very moving and expresses the honor and rememberance we all owe these brave first responders. Let's never forget their generous spirit and sacrifice.
Thank you for giving this to the world and I'm so happy it was taken up by the children and schools.

It's actually gotten pretty darn enormous, almost immediately, and way beyond just children and give you some idea, I did this post over on the blue site back in 2011, which is the first year the poem was out btw...I do realize that some of these links no longer work, but most of them'll see church bulletins, police, schools...even an Air Force Base...

My 9-11 Tribute poem has been "in print" at least fourteen times in 2011...

Here's someone else reading it btw...someone told me they saw this on TV, so managed to find this ceremony out in LA County, California...if you click on the 27:00 in my comment, it will go right to where my poem you don't have to watch the whole ceremony...

Here's the newspaper article about that ceremony'll see my name mentioned in there somewhere...

Local tribute marks 9/11 anniversary

Every year though there's always something really cool though it seems...I happened to think this one was really cool this year...Human Rights Org in Sacramento, California tweeted my poem to their 42k followers again this year...they did it last year as well...and note who they tagged along with me btw...

Human Rights #HRV 9/11

Yep...I get tagged in stuff along with the President and Vice-President of the United many people here on Lush can say that?
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by nicola
It's best not to have videos of children on a site like this, regardless of the subject matter.

I've linked to it instead.

Sorry about that Nic...thought it fairly harmless...

Quote by elizabethblack
I would love to read the poem. Is there a place I can? Hard to understand all the children. But a huge CONGRATULATIONS!

Here you go Elizabeth...and thanks...

We Shall Never Forget (9-11 Tribute)

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duty's call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men's hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let's never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This is a poem I wrote for this upcoming anthology...and I think I posted about this one somewhere in the forum...

World Healing World Peace 2016

They're taking submissions until the end of the year, if anyone's interested...anyway, I wrote this's an idea I had for a while, and I guess it's rather timely, unfortunately...

When A Child Dies, The Whole World Cries

Two young brothers are left at home,
All by their lonesome selves,
The older one notices a new toy,
Sitting high up on a shelf.

He climbs up and brings on down,
What he believes is a toy gun,
He thinks about the games they’ll play,
Boy this sure will be fun.

He aims the ‘toy’ at his little brother,
And shoots him in the head,
But that gun was not a toy at all,
And soon the three-year-old is dead.

When a child dies,
All the stuffed animals cry,
Alone on a shelf,
They sit by themselves,
In a cold lonely room,
Like a final tomb.

Johnny’s tired of being bullied at school,
But every dog has its day,
Though all his classmates seem so mean,
Johnny will make sure they all pay.

The next day at school will be different,
From a knapsack he pulls out a gun,
Suddenly he starts shooting his classmates,
Shoots them in the back as they run.

Soon most of the class has been shot,
And their young bodies are lying there dead,
With one bullet left in the chamber,
Johnny puts the gun to his own head.

When a child dies,
All the angels cry,
The tears flowing down,
On the sad little town,
It’s a cold, cold rain,
But it won’t numb the pain.

For Jose this is the biggest day in his life,
It’s his gang initiation in the ‘hood,
He must seek out a rival gang member,
With a couple of shots he’ll be good.

Jose packs his piece and extra clips,
And his driver takes him to the spot,
He takes aim at his helpless victim,
And another is dead with just one shot.

But that one bullet it ricocheted,
You hear a young mother scream and cry,
As she realizes her young son is hit,
On a cold dark street he is left to die.

When a child dies,
The whole world cries,
All lives matter, big and small,
I ask you people, heed the call,
Please stop the hate, before it’s too late,
For the future of us all.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Here's a list that may interest some here, and seems pretty is described as "a plethora of book promotion sites have sprung up over the last few years"...check it out my hard working author friends...and the rest of ya'll too...

An Interactive List of Book Promotion Sites & Free Submission Tool
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Third graders from Sunset Park Elementary School reciting my 9/11 poem...not sure exactly where this is, as a Google search turns up about five schools by that name...but I found it very touching, and well done...heck, my eyes were tearing up watching this one...come on now, you gotta like this one...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Happy Birthday Miss Laura Lee Penguin...

Hope you great Penguiny Day...<(")

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Oh damn, somehow I missed this...I really need to stop by here more often it would seem...Happy Birthday Boss Nic...slightly belated, I know...hey, at least I'm in the right month...

Hope you had a good one anyway...

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Unquestionably one of the greatest guitarists of all's a whole club gig from 1987...

Roy Buchanan - Live At Joseph's Foodliner '87