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10 hours ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · London


Active Ink Slinger

I find that my characters develop a life of their own and often take the story in a direction I had not thought about. They are all very confident & sexually adventurous.

Active Ink Slinger

In a shed at my allotment in a London suburb. It was a tidy shed and I had room for a sleeping bag and a plastic chair. One evening it soon became clear that neither of us was particularly enthusiastic about going home to our respective partners. I had a fire going and offered her some good whisky I kept there. A good conversation, a hug, a kiss and then we went for it. A lovely evening, we both needed the warmth of intimate contact.

Active Ink Slinger
  • As most of my stories were written during several British lockdowns then they are clearly fiction. However, most have a grain of truth to them. Some actually happened some are embellishments of some very enjoyable cyber-sex sessions here on Lush.

Active Ink Slinger

What will it take for the British to realise that their prime minister is a lying sack of shit who cares about nobody but himself and never has. I'm waiting.

Active Ink Slinger

I secretly filmed a sex session I had with a work colleague, I keep it for me and me alone.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, I certainly do. Hold up type stockings with embroidery at the top plus something lovely in silk from a British designer near Bath (Sulis Silks)

Active Ink Slinger
That it gives you a completey unrealistic expectation of how quickly a plumber or a pizza will turn up.
Active Ink Slinger
In the days before endless lockdowns, seduction often worked. I can recommend a drink somewhere swanky, the offer of dinner, plenty of compliments and a generally cool and confident demeanour. Being an English gentleman doesn't hurt.
Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely well deserved. Kimmi is one of the nicest people you could ever meet on this site. She is helpful, supportive and always provides generous feedback on any published work. Her own writing is wide ranging, there is nothing she won't tackle and is always sizzlingly hot.
Active Ink Slinger
I think Literot raises a very important point? Surely it is the height of bad manners to look at your phone or iPad while you are being fucked or fucking? The same goes for your watch (younger readers, this is a device that your parents wear on their wrists to tell the time) Like you I had no training in writing and am entirely self taught. My scores at school were abysmal. I write mainly in the first person because my lead character is usually based on me and what I would like to do or be doing, I feel it gives an immediacy to the tale. Writing in the third person allows me to be more voyeuristic but is much harder. So my contribution is that I think it depends on the strength of your story. Sometimes I start with a sexual fantasy in the form of a sex scene and expand from there. Sometimes the stories are character driven and I just let my imagination see where it takes me.
Active Ink Slinger
English Judges & the English Court.

Why don't you just all fuck right off? You are lazy, complacent box-tickers. You have never been on the side of right. You are there to reward the rich & the powerful, you are their plaything. You are dysfunctional and no longer fit for purpose. The sooner you are replacwith A I then the sooner honest, hard working people will have a chance at real justice.
Active Ink Slinger

But at the same time Alex Kingston as Dr Elizabeth Corday from E.R. would be a lot of fun. A difficult choice? Maybe I won't choose, maybe both?
Active Ink Slinger

I'm glad to see that I am not alone in thinking Gillian Anderson would be a lot of fun?
Active Ink Slinger
For any British readers who like red wine and have a Lidl nearby, they are doing a deal on a very drinkable Australian Cabernet Sauvignon called Second Voyage.
Active Ink Slinger
Mikhael Gorbachev in the lift of the Dorchester hotel in London. I thanked him (through his translator) for making the world safer for my son who had just been born. Sadly this was a long time ago.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not sure if this is appropriate for this forum but I wanted to share my Friday with you. I must have dropped my wallet on my morning walk. A family on their way to Friday prayers at the mosque found it. One of them recognised the sort code on my bank card as the local branch of the Nat**wide and took it there. An hour later I got a call from them telling me my wallet had been handed in.

Surely this is how we should all aspire to live?

Please delete if this is not the right forum.

Have a good weekend all of you.
Active Ink Slinger
I planted Roses instead of cut flowers. I tended them carefully and lovingly. She has gone but my garden looks superb and comes back every year.
Active Ink Slinger
Gentlemanly behaviour requires you to think of others first. Whenever possible I cum second.