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1 day ago
Straight Male, 56
0 miles · California


Active Ink Slinger
I've gone 'round and 'round with this feature and from my experience it's just completely broken. At this point, I would just like the mods to remove *ALL* of the attempts I've made from *ALL* of my stories. And maybe just let me know when you think this is actually working and I might try again.
Active Ink Slinger
I've tried to set this up on a couple of my story series and now everything is messed up. Half the time I try to edit a story *just* to correct the series name it sends the story into the edit queue for a moderator. Now half of my stories have the wrong series name and I'm afraid to try and fix it for fear of pissing the moderators off further.

What a cluster fuck.
Active Ink Slinger
7 isn't enough.

A large theater or gymnasium - basically a big, cavernous room with a stage.
Active Ink Slinger

Triple triple (9)

Yes, there are twelve, but that *also* means there are nine.
Active Ink Slinger

Paddling (that is, spanking with a wooden implement).
Active Ink Slinger
Nothing more elegant than a wedding dress.

This works for "heavy metal bracelet" too, actually.

Hands bound
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mzafanek
Love her to death and would do anything for her so if I can't expose my true sexual nature that's fine.

Honestly, it's really not.

Talk to her about what you like. If she loves you as much as you love her, there ought to be no reason you can't at least have a conversation about it. And that conversation doesn't have to start with whips, chains and butt-plugs. Start slowly and see where it goes. As long as you two are talking and everything is consensual, it's way, way better than trying to be someone you're not just to please someone else.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with the communication point. No relationship (and certainly no BDSM relationship) is like another.

Personally, I don't like bratting (that is, faux misbehavior in order to induce a punishment). I would rather she request attention directly if she wishes it, or perhaps arrange for a regular scheduled session.

But by contrast lots of couples like the bratting dynamic. As long as both sides know and approve, it's all good.