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1 month ago
Bisexual Male, 76
0 miles · Worcester


Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have and I do. In chat, I find it especially sexy when you both (genuinely) cum together. Not as good as real-life sex, of course; but a most enjoyable substitute!
Active Ink Slinger
Elie Saab every time. It is head-and-shoulders above any of the French perfume houses.

And if you really want to please your man, put a generous spray of it on the inside of your thighs, so he encounters it the first time he goes down to 'eat' you!
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have (only once). It was on the English transport system we call the London Underground. I'd been to the movies with a girl who resisted all my attempts to get inside her knickers (she was very prim and proper in those days). I walked her home, kissed her goodnight, then raced to catch the last train. I had the carriage to myself. I soon realised that I had a severe case of what I believe is now termed 'Blue Balls''. I hardly had to touch myself through my slacks than I was producing a veritable gusher (it felt as if I was peeing cum!). I think I just sat there with a silly grin on my face. Ooops - writing this naughty reminiscence: I might even be doing it again!
Active Ink Slinger
Marlene Dietrich - so long as it was in my bedroom, and she sang to me in her husky voice and called me 'Darlink', slowly removing her long cream satin robe.
Active Ink Slinger
Bit of both really. Though seeing the smile of satisfaction on his face is an added bonus.
Active Ink Slinger
Perfect your blow job techniques (practice makes perfect). There's nothing a man likes more than a superbly-performed bj!
Active Ink Slinger
@ Her Royal Spriteness: Love supercalerificexpialigocious (?sp) too; but I think it would need to be shortened to s-c-x-g...or something equally memorable. Which Gav could turn into a lovely badge!
Active Ink Slinger
The late Leonard Cohen's 'Treaty' from 'You Want it Darker'. As moving a hymn as 'Hallelujah.'
Active Ink Slinger
By 'job', if you mean do I like writing fiction - whether as published books or short stories for Lush - then I love it to pieces!
Active Ink Slinger
The sublime Bulle Ogier being fucked (for real!) by Gerard Depardieu, while driving through the French countryside in her posh convertible, in the BDSM classic 'Maitresse'.
Active Ink Slinger
The late Leonard Cohen's wonderful final album 'YOU WANT IT DARKER'. So poignant.
Active Ink Slinger
The best news I heard all week, after the suggestion - from the latest polls - that Donald the Groper is toast!
Active Ink Slinger
I thought that just about every song ever written and sung by the devine k d lang was abaout lesbian love.
Active Ink Slinger
I discovered the delights of tasting my own cum comparitively late in life, but now do it regularly and enjoy it (its taste is greatly enhanced by a daily diet of a glass of pineapple juice. Highly recommended!).

How to I make the discovery? Simple. I figured it could be no coincidence (nor was it being faked) that so many female porn artists clearly enjoy giving head. So I thought: "If they're enjoying it so much, why shouldn't I?"
Active Ink Slinger
Because I've been in love with Kim Novak since I was a teenager; and because 'Bell, Book and Candle' was unquestionably her best movie, with some stunningly-sexy outfits.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd move Heaven and Earth - using only fair means, nothing foul or illegal - to ensure that The Donald NEVER becomes US President. Money no object with this project, folks!
Active Ink Slinger
For me, sex is like Christmas presents.

Of course, I enjoy 'opening' mysterious packages.

But the real pleasure, is experiencing others 'receiving' things which I have taken ages to plan, wrap and deliver.
Active Ink Slinger
A champagne cocktail (three-quarters fizzy; one quarter brandy) to celebrate Britain's epic decision to get out of the time-wasting, money-wasting European Union,
Active Ink Slinger
No, I'm a two-finger typist (sometimes only one, if the other hand is busy).

Touch--typing is hiiiihgly overr=ratted, ass I sledom mak a misteek. Oooops...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a bit too old for this sort of naughtiness now, but when I was younger I did have a g/f who had an insatiable appetite for sex in public. She reckoned that the risks of observation / discovery heightened its pleasure.

One winter's night, after attending a screening of the sexually-charged movie 'Liaisons Dangereuses' (starring Glen Close and John Malcovich), my lover made it abudantly clear that she needed to do it. Now.

"Where shall we go?"

"Let's fuck in a doorway, darling. It would be so exciting, with my knickers round my ankles like a dirty hooker!"

"What in November? In Kensington High Street?"

"OK, then in your car?"

"But I've got a Mini Cooper - and we're both 6' tall. I'm not a bloody contortionist!"

In the end we found an unlocked gate to a nearby municipal park and playing fields, surrounded by high-rise apartment blocks. We 'performed' stark naked (in the zero degree temperature) on a frost-covered football pitch, under a full moon. And as my then-lover was a 'screamer' (rather than a 'moaner'), I imagine the residents of the flats overlooking the park were well entertained.

(If she's reading this: I do still miss sex with you terribly M*******)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mysteria27
My best chats in chat rooms are in whispers.

I much rather whisper with people then talk in the open.

That's just me.


I'm with Mysteria on this one.
Active Ink Slinger
My advice (based on bitter experience) is: HANDLE WITH CARE!