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Author's Notes

"J.L. Gainsborough is the ex-Chair and still the largest shareholder of Encrypticom™, a world leader in encrypted communications. He refused to sell the technology to the National Security Agency because he deplored spying on Americans by their own government. In the process, he ousted Valentine Kanrith, whom Gainsborough described as a psychopath, as CEO. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Kanrith was attempting to take over the company from Gainsborough, partly in order to secure contracts with the NSA, despite ethical objections. One of Kanrith's agents, “Andromeda”, took photos of James and Marta as they dined at Montparnasse restaurant, as described in Chapter 12, “A Dildo for Dessert”."

Sans Souci Restaurant, Washington, D.C.

“Senator, I agree entirely. This country’s gone soft, and but for leaders like you, would have gone off the rails long ago.”

“You’re too kind. But it’s the Party you should be thanking, not me. I’m merely its humble servant.”

They both smiled at this obvious falsehood.

“So, Dr. Kanrith, what can I do for you?” The elderly Senate Majority Leader peered through his wire-rimmed glasses at the tall, impressive figure before him and smiled. Inside he was cynically weighing how much he could get from him, and the preliminary dancing had gone on long enough.

The tall, broad-shouldered man leaned back and smiled. “No, Senator, it’s what I can do for you! I’ve lined up significant money from the tech sector that’s eager to support the right initiatives, but we need some – assistance.”

Now we come to it the Majority Leader thought. “And what might that be?” he asked.

“Well, we think that Senator Kensington of Kansas would seem to be the person we need to head the Intelligence Committee. He has the right – attitudes, shall we say.”

The Majority Leader thought for a moment. Kensington was an intellectual nobody, an ass who believed his own press releases. And he would do positive harm fumbling his way around as Chair of the critically important Intelligence Committee. It would take one hell of a bribe for the Majority Leader to countenance such a move.

So, why would this man want Kensington – Oh, wait. Kanrith had been ousted as CEO from Encypticom, and there were rumors that the Chair of the Intelligence Committee was somehow involved with it. And the Committee had been unusually strong in supporting the founder, Gainsborough, or whatever his name was.

So, that’s the game, the Leader thought. He’s taking a run at Encrypticom. I’ll have to call my broker. But, business before pleasure.

“Well, that’s a pretty dramatic shift. Chairman Cole has been at Intelligence for a long time, and is highly regarded by the Intelligence community. Why would the tech industry want to change that?” Make him put his cards on the table.

Kanrith paused and fixed the Leader with a stare that had made many, many others flinch. “Because Cole is stuck in the past, and America’s tech sector needs to move into the future.”

The Leader nodded, not because he agreed, but because it was part of the game. “And what would the – tech sector – be willing to do to support such a move?”

Kanrith leaned forward and smiled. “Well…” he began.


The Punishment Fits the Crime: Sir

I looked at Marta, sitting naked next to me with downcast eyes, waiting for me to mete out punishment. “Marta, please look at me.”

She looked up.

“You did not cum on purpose, and it is immensely flattering to my ego that I have such a powerful effect on you. Perhaps I shouldn’t punish you.”

She slowly shook her head. “I need to be punished. I must obey you – and I did not.”

I took a deep breath. “You’re harder on yourself than I am. Suppose I said I choose not to punish you?”

She was silent, then said, “Then I will find a way to punish myself. Sir.”

I knew she was more than capable of this. She had been deeply involved in self-harm – with razor blades – when I met her. I didn’t want her to start that again. I could ban it – but she would just find some other way.

And yet, her insistence on being punished for disobedience was couched in disobedience. She was holding herself hostage to force me to do what she wanted. I began to see how a submissive could control the relationship. I wasn’t going to allow that.

So, rather than engage in a useless power struggle, I would have to devise a suitable punishment.

“Okay. Since you insist on being punished for disobeying me – and seem determined to the point of even disobeying me about harming yourself – I will punish you.”

She looked at me through her eyelashes, with just the hint of a smile at the corners of her lips.

“But you’re not going to like it. Stay here.”

I left the bedroom, went to my office, and got two of the most powerful weapons ever devised by humanity, plus a handful of other things, and returned.

I took a lap desk from beside my bed, and placed it on the hard floor at the foot of the bed. “Come here,” I said.

She obeyed with alacrity.

“Kneel down at this desk, with your knees open.”

She positioned herself at the desk.

I placed the weapons – a pad of paper and pen – on the desk. Then, next to it, on the floor, I placed a modest-sized, vibrating butt plug, the oversized dildo she had used at the restaurant, and the keys to her collar and cuffs.

“You are going to write lines, which I will dictate in a moment. You will fill up five pages with these lines. If you make any mistake on any line, you will tear off that sheet, crumple it into a ball, and start that page again. Do you understand so far?”


“Good. Now, put the butt plug and dildo in your ass and cunt, and turn them on to the lowest settings.”

She looked up at me, suddenly unsure, but reached for the tube of lubricant, slicked up the butt plug first, leaned forward, gently twisted and pushed it into the knot of her ass, then turned it on. I could hear the low, steady sound.

Then she did the same with the dildo, and now there were two sets of bumblebee sounds. She sat gingerly back down at the desk, clearly uncomfortable with the pain from last night’s flogging, plus the way in which the butt plug and dildo were stretching her.

I could see a sheen of perspiration start on her forehead and upper lip.

“Now, there are three lines you will write, in sequence. Start as I dictate:

'I will not cum without my Lord’s permission.'”

She carefully wrote that.

“Now read it aloud.”

“I will not cum without my Lord’s permission.”

“Good. Now, on the next line, write, ‘I must not cum without my Lord’s permission’, then say it aloud.”

Again, she wrote it, carefully, as her hand was shaking slightly.

“I must not cum without my Lord’s permission.”

“Very good. Now: ‘I cannot cum without my Lord’s permission.’”

And again, she wrote the line, carefully, then said, “I cannot cum without my Lord’s permission.”

“Excellent. Now leave a space so the three lines are grouped together, and start again, writing those same three lines exactly, followed by an empty line.”

She started writing – and again, I could see that her hand was shaking slightly as the butt plug and dildo gradually worked on her. As she wrote, I heard her say:

“I will not cum without my Lord’s permission.

“I must not cum without my Lord’s permission.

“I cannot cum without my Lord’s permission.”

I nodded. “Very good. You’ve now got eight lines – about a third of the first page. Assuming you make no mistakes, and the page is neat and tidy, when you tear off the page to start a new one, take the keys and unlock and remove one of your cuffs, leaving the collar until last. And for every page you tear off, whether you keep the page or not, you will increase the vibration settings of both the butt plug and the dildo. Understand me?”

She nodded, then took a long, shaky breath.

“Next, do not start a set of four lines if you cannot fit them all on the same page. I want the pages to look neat and tidy. Do you understand?”


“Good. When you have finished the five pages, and believe I will be pleased with the result, you will have removed your collar and cuffs. At that point, you will turn off and remove the butt plug and dildo, and leave them by the desk. You will bring the pages to me. I will be in my office.

“If you cum at any point in this process, you will tear up all of the pages and start again. If you bring the pages to me, and I do not agree that they are all neat and tidy, I will tear all of them up and you will start again. We will continue this process until you get it right. Do you understand?”

She looked at me with her mouth open, shocked. It was clear she didn’t think she could do this. She shivered.

“You insisted on being punished – and you made it into a power struggle – so I want you to realize what happens when you think you can control me this way. Are we crystal clear?”

She dropped her glance, and nodded.

“Say it.”

“Yes, Sir, we are crystal clear.”

“Good. Now get started. As soon as you finish, we will eat. We have not quite four hours until midday, which should be ample time for you to finish this. And if you finish early, then we will drive to your apartment early, and you can do whatever you want with my body.” As I said this last part, I watched her closely.

Her body shivered to the point of almost shaking. She swallowed – hard – breathed slowly and deeply, struggling to maintain control, studiously avoided looking at me, then picked up the pen and started to write and speak:

“I will not cum without my Lord’s permission.…”

I left, going to the kitchen. I drank a glass of water, then brought one for her and set it down next to her. She flicked her gaze towards it, frowned slightly, then carried on writing.

 I left to shower and dress.


Programming a Slut: James

I got everything ready for breakfast, reasoning that she would be famished by the time she finished her lines. I also placed a thick towel on her chair so she could sit in as much comfort as last night’s flogging would allow, then got a robe and took it into my office, draping it on the couch, ready for when she came to me with her completed task.

Then, before settling into my work, I walked quietly towards the bedroom to see how she was getting on. She was steadily working away, being very careful with her writing, and shifting relatively frequently as she tried, unsuccessfully, to get comfortable. I saw one piece of paper crumpled into a ball, plus two apparently completed sheets next to her, and heard a slightly higher pitch from her vibrators.

I tip-toed away to avoid disturbing her, and got down to my own work.

I looked up about half an hour later, stretched, and thought I’d better check on her again. This time I walked noisily towards the bedroom so as not to startle her into a mistake. Despite this, she was so intent on her work that she didn’t hear me. I stood in the door and watched her.

There were now a total of four sheets of paper crumpled on the floor, and three completed sheets piled neatly next to her. I could hear both vibrators now oscillating at a moderate pace, up and down, indicating that they were more than halfway to their maximum settings. Three of her cuffs were lying on the floor next to her, leaving just one cuff on her ankle, and her dog collar.

Marta was trembling, and having to concentrate hard to keep her hand from slipping.

I waited until she had finished a line, and lifted her pen before clearing my throat. She jumped, and looked up.

“Having fun?” I asked.

She paused, then said shook her head and said, “No.”

“Why is that?”

She thought for a moment, then said, “It’s a combination of the discomfort of sitting on the floor, the way my ass smarts, and the vibrations from the butt plug and dildo. But the really difficult thing is trying to avoid thinking of…” She paused, swallowed, then continued, “… about this afternoon,” she said slowly and carefully.

Feeling cruel, I said, “Yes, I’m looking forward to it, too.” And smiled.

She looked away from me, trembling harder now, and said, seemingly to herself, “I cannot cum, I cannot cum, I can… not cum!”

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Then she breathed heavily, looked down again, and said, “Please, Sir, may I get back to work?”

I nodded, “Yes, you may,” then turned and went back to my office.

Almost forty-five minutes later, she walked slowly and carefully into my office, five sheets of paper in her hand. She was now completely naked, without collar or cuffs – and absolutely beautiful.

“I’ve finished,” She said carefully. With trembling hands, she gave me the five sheets, looking very anxious.

I slowly looked over each one. I could see as time went on that her handwriting, normally quite clear and precise, became larger and slightly less well-defined. If I had wanted, I suppose I could have found fault with something or other, but it would have served no purpose.

I looked at her, smiled and said, “You have done well. I accept your lines.”

She sank to her knees in front of my chair, and said, “May I speak, please, Sir?”


“Sir, I am desperate to cum – and equally desperate to pee! May I please suck your cock and cum while I do it?”

I thought for a moment. “If I refused to let you cum, would you be able to do so without my permission?”

She bit her lip, and said, in a barely audible voice. “I cannot cum without your permission. I cannot…”

I leaned back, and said, “Then no, you may not cum – yet. Right now, I want you to go to the toilet and pee without sucking my cock. While you are there, I want you to try your best to cum – but I do not give you my permission. Go now, then come back here.” And I turned back towards my desk.

She made a kind of keening sound, one of frustration and anguish, then rose and stomped out of my office.


I Literally Cannot Cum! – Marta

I was trembling so hard I was shaking as I quick-marched to the bathroom. I was desperate to cum, but was not at all sure I could do so without Sir’s permission. That had been drummed into me while I was writing my lines.

But I also desperately needed to pee, so I had no choice. I hurried to the toilet, not bothering to close the door, and let go.

It felt wonderful to relax my sphincters, and a stream of pee gushed into the toilet bowl. It felt so good, I wondered if it would allow me to reach orgasm, so I spread my legs wide around the bowl, leaned back, closed my eyes, and vigorously started rubbing my clit.

I was sure it would only take me a few seconds to cum, I was so desperate! Yet, every time I could feel it start to build, the words could echo in my head:

I will not cum without my Lord’s permission.

I must not cum without my Lord’s permission.

I cannot cum without my Lord’s permission.

… and my climax would recede, leaving me even more frustrated!

Even when I wanted to, I could no longer disobey him!

I don’t know how long I sat there, trying to bring myself off, when suddenly his voice jerked me back upright, and my eyes snapped open.

“I was beginning to get worried about you. Are you alright?”

I glared at him, “NO! I can’t cum! I literally cannot cum unless you tell me I may! What have you done to me?”

“Marta. Stop.”

Reluctantly, I took my hand away from my clit and sat up. I was sweating profusely, and trembling even harder than before, almost shaking.

“Marta, all you have to do is to say, ‘Red light’. When you do that, you will have my permission to cum because you will no longer be my slave at that moment. Say it.”

I glared at him again, then, reluctantly, said, “Red… light.”

… And I slipped off the toilet, onto the floor, writhing in a massive, overwhelming orgasm! It went on and on, washing over me in wave after wave, leaving me feeling almost sick, my muscles knotted and tight, my head thrown back and throat screaming. It seemed to go on and on and on…

It finally slowed and stopped. And when it did, I noticed that James was sitting on the floor, holding me, cradling me in his arms, and smoothing my hair, crooning soft sounds, a look of concern on his face.

I looked up at him and smiled. “Hello.”

“Hi. Are you okay?”

“I really don’t know. That was – terrifying! It was pleasure to the point of pain and beyond. I don’t know if I ever want to experience anything like that again. Thank you, I think?”

“I didn’t do that. You did.”

I looked puzzled, so he sighed, and continued. “You set it up by insisting that I punish you for disobeying me. I deliberately rubbed your nose in it by making you write lines. And by the physical acts of writing, seeing, and saying those lines, over and over, you imprinted those instructions on your subconscious mind through kinesthetic, visual, and auditory instruction – the three primary ways the mind takes instruction.

“I wasn’t sure if that would work or not – which is why I told you to come in here and try to cum, but without my permission. It worked – but only when you are my slave. When you said ‘red light,’ you released yourself from my bondage, and so was free to cum. Does that make sense?”

I looked at him, “You made me a science experiment?

He smirked at me. “No, you made yourself one. If you wish, once you are again my slave, I will release the inhibition. Your choice, but make it now, while you are a free woman.”

I paused, “What do you mean when I am once again your slave? Am I not your slave now?” The thought scared me, left me feeling vulnerable.

He smiled tenderly at me, then leaned down and kissed me. “No, not right this moment. When you unlocked and removed your collar, you should have been free. That was part of why I had you do that. But when you said, ‘red light’, you were absolutely free, not my slave. As you are now. You are Dr. Rabinovich now, not my slutty slave.”

I shifted uncomfortably, “I’m not sure I want to be free. Sir.”

He kissed me again, “It’s James. And I want you as my slave. But you won a forfeit, and I promised you could do whatever you wanted with my body – even though you cheated! And to do that you have to be free, not a slave.”

When he said that, I could feel my body respond – and, just like that, I came again. And while it was not even a faint echo of the earlier, massive hammer-blow of an orgasm, it was still intense.

He hugged me as I shivered and came, rocking me, loving me, kissing my forehead, smoothing my hair, and murmuring my name.

By now I was drenched in sweat, absolutely exhausted, and feeling cold and shivery – a different kind of shivery, and not a good one.

“Come,” he said – then stopped and smiled, “I mean, let me help you up. You need a warm bath, so let’s get you into the tub, and start the water.”

He virtually had to carry me, but managed to get me into the tub. Then he covered me with a large, thick towel, which I pulled around me for warmth, and turned the water on, running it on his hand until he was satisfied with the temperature, at which point he put in the plug. He turned and got some bubble bath – which made me wonder why he had it – and poured some into the tub.

The water started to seep around me, soaking the towel, and warming my body. The fragrance from the bubble bath was heavenly. I felt my body start to relax, and realized I had been tense for a long time.

James got a bath pillow, fitted it around my head. “Rest now. I’ll get you some juice and coffee. You must be starving.”

I lay back and sighed, relaxed for the first time in what felt like – and probably was – days.



Senator Cole looked sourly at the Majority Leader. “You can’t be serious. Putting that ignorant asshole in charge of the Intelligence Committee? Are you out of your mind? This isn’t about power, it’s about the good of the country! Who got to you, and what kind of bribe did they give you, you fucking snake?” The Majority Leader just stared at him. Getting no answer, Cole stormed out of the Leader’s office, slamming the door as he left.


New York

“Mister Chairman, I don’t have the evidence on Jim Gainsborough yet, but it’s being secured. And as soon as I have it, I will forward it to you. I’m only calling you as a courtesy, to allow you to prepare rather than be caught off-guard,” Kanrith said.

The Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission thought for a moment. “When you have something concrete, call me. Otherwise, stop wasting my time with rumors.”


“Syd here, who the hell is this?” The editor of the New York PlainDealer growled into the phone.

“Hi Syd, it’s Valentine Kanrith. I have a scoop for you.”

Who the fuck? Oh, yeah – him. “Yeah, so wadda ya want?”

“You’re familiar with James Llewellyn Gainsborough, aren’t you?”

“Sure. Billionaire type. Loves the ladies. Wasn’t he your boss?”

“He was never my boss. He owned the company, but I ran it.”

“Yeah, until he fired your ass.”

Kanrith took a deep breath to calm down, “Well, he framed me to cover his own misdoings. Which is why I wanted to talk to you.”

It was Syd’s turn to think. A scandal involving a playboy billionaire? Sure, ham-and-eggs to the PlainDealer. “Whadda ya got?”

“Well, I’ve got some juicy photos of him on the town with his latest bimbo.”

“Yawn. Who cares? Lots of those around.”

“True. But in this one, he has her fucking herself with a dildo. In public.”

Syd stopped at that, “You got photos?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well, send ‘em in.”

“In good time, my friend. I’d also like to blow the lid off his insider trading, and him using the public's money to fund his – fun-time – affairs. Interested?”

“Who says he’s doing insider trading?”

“I have it on good authority that the SEC is looking at it.”

Syd pondered a moment, then said, “Well, that’s a little high-brow for my readers, but I guess we could simplify it. When can I get the details? And the photos?”

“Soon. I want to hit him with all of it at the same time. Then I’ll deliver the lot to you, and you can have a field day with it.”

Syd shrugged. Sometimes these vendetta things worked out. “Okay, but no photos, no story.”

“No problem. You’ll like the photos, I guarantee it.”


Kanrith sat across from the private equity pool's managing partner. “The SEC is looking at Gainsborough right now for possible insider trading. He’s about to be featured in one of the scandal rags for having sex with his current bimbo in a public place. And the Senate Intelligence Committee is about to start hearings on his leadership of Encrypticom.

“Gainsborough fired me to cover up his wrong-doing, and I want to set things right.”

The partner looked at him, and thought to himself, Yeah, sure you do. But he said, “So, why would I care?”

“Because with the right backing, I think we can raid Encrypticom’s stock, and take over the Company. Then, with my connections in the Senate, we can secure massive, lucrative contracts with the Federal Government, especially the National Security Administration.

“The NSA has been hot for some time to have Encrypticom’s technology for domestic and foreign spying, as well as anti-terrorism and cracking the communications of organized crime. I was in negotiation with them when Gainsborough framed me, and ran me out of the Company. It’s a major gold mine.

“Jimmy boy pretended to have ethical qualms about selling to NSA, but I’ve heard rumors he’s playing NSA off against China! The man has no scruples.”

The partner’s ears perked up when Kanrith said National Security Administration. They were perhaps the world leader in encryption, and if they wanted Encrypticom’s technology, it must be really something.

He leaned forward and said, “So, how much is our share? And what will it cost us?”


When Kanrith got back to his office, he went over the detailed notes he’d made one more time, then smiled. “Well, Jimmy boy,” he said to himself, “you shafted me, but turnabout’s fair play. You’re about to get yours – shoved right up your ass.”

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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