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Author's Notes

"Luke makes his decision, the couple get to know more about each other, yes and there's more sex."


“Trust me,” she said, two fingers with something cold and slippery on them, poised at the edge of my arse and she said, “Trust me.”

On one hand, each time I had said it to her, she did with little to no hesitation. On the other, what did I really know about this person with her fingers ready to go where no one had gone before. The ‘bunny boiler’ thought sprang to mind just to add to my confusion. “Okay,” I thought, “you only live once, give anything a go, if I don’t like it, I’ll tell her to stop. If she doesn’t, well…” I left that thought unfinished as I relaxed all my muscles, as best as I could.

It only took a fraction of second to work through and relax. Tina slipped her fingers between my cheeks, only a little way before pulling them back. I felt her kiss the side of my neck.

“Thank you,” she said.

“Huh?” She didn’t respond, just kissed me again.

I heard the tube spurt again and then felt the same cold on my arse, only this time the pressure was pushing out on both cheeks. Having rubbed, whatever it was into the edge of my crack, I heard and felt more cream being put onto each cheek. Tina started to massage my bum, I hadn’t registered how stiff it was. Although the cream was highlighting that the stud marks were tender, it also felt damned good.

I let out a little gasp as Tina squirted more cream on my back. Just that was soothing, then she spread it all over before rubbing it in. She wasn’t giving me a deep tissue massage like I had had with the physio on a few occasions. It was more than just rubbing it into my skin too.

When she was done, Tina kissed me in the middle of my back and told me to turn over.

“There’s still some marks on your leg to deal with.”

Straddling my leg, she was intent on what she was doing, squirting what I could now see was body lotion onto my leg.

“Isn’t that stuff meant to keep your skin soft?”

“Sort of, more a moisturiser.”

“You think it’ll help the stud marks?”

“It can’t hurt,” she looked up at me, “if it works, I could get a side-line helping all the team.”

Talk about pregnant pause! I was silent but felt myself tense, just a little. Tina must have felt my leg twitch under her.

“Oh crap! No! No sweetie, I meant to pay the team back for being so nice. No! Oh god, that’s worse. It’s not, I just…”

This was the second time she hit me. My initial reaction had been genuine, I had felt anger and jealousy, but I also knew immediately she had said it in all innocence. It was a by-product of her caring nature. I could almost see her thought process – ‘I’m doing something to help a loved one, I bet others could benefit from this.’  If I had said something to encourage her, she would have typed up a leaflet or repackaged the cream to hand out. But she did look so beautiful when she got flustered, I couldn’t help but keep quiet and enjoy her beauty. I also couldn’t help smiling and when she saw that her hand had come crashing down on my leg.

“Luke, sweetie?” She didn’t need to open like this, the red handprint on my thigh was testament to her having my attention.

Oh shit! I was in trouble, I answered with trepidation, “Yes, Tina.”

“Do you remember what you said in the library once, about what people call you?”

“Yeesss,” I was discovering a new side to Tina. She could take you by hand and lead you through the streets of your own making, to your very own cliff edge and let you teeter there with two choices, jump or step off.

“How special is special? I mean would you say I’m special?”

What could I say? I had confessed to Diane and so I was sure Tina knew I was falling in love with her, I had made love to her last night and now she was straddling a leg with no underwear on, rubbing my thigh while I was lying on my back with a very obvious hard-on.

“Tina, dear, you are as special as anyone I know, more special than most.”

“Bastard!” she said and slapped my leg again.

I started to laugh and sit up when she pointed and growled, “Lie down and don’t move.”

If it hadn’t been for the smile in her eyes, I might have been concerned. I lay back down with my hands behind my head looking at her. She squirted more cream over the two handprints and started to rub it in. I couldn’t help but notice as her hands were moving back and forth along my thigh, her hips were doing similar on my shin. I also saw how her fingertips were brushing the edge of my boxers too.

“How big are you?”

This question caught me off guard, “Erm… I can’t say I’ve ever measured it.”

And slap number four, though totally playful this time, “Not that, you pervert.”

“Hey, you’ve heard the songs I sing, if they didn’t give a hint to my deviant desires, living with three perverts should have.”

Putting on her best attempt at a cockney accent, “Yes, but I thought you would be a gentleman, mister and not try to corrupt a young innocent such as me-self.”

I laughed, “You seriously need to work on that accent.”

“Oh, is that so,” Tina slipped into a full Welsh accent, “or would you prefer the gentle tones of my native accent?”

She burst out laughing this time as she saw my dick throb, “Oh, that’s just lush! Tight jeans and a Welsh accent. Best make sure mummy never wears tight jeans around you then, is it. Anything else I should know, lover?”

I looked down at my traitorous dick, then into her eyes. “When your eyes are getting tired and you put on your glasses…”


“Hmm, and I do like…”

“Go on.”

“I do like a pair of boots.”

“Interesting.” Then as if nothing had been said, “How big are you around the here?” She gripped the sides of my thigh, then put her hands to her waist.

I shrugged. “A bit bigger than average? I really have no idea.”

Tina giggled, “No, not just a bit.” Then her hand flew over her mouth, “Oh god, sorry, I was comparing.”

“Hey, shush! How do you know if something is bigger or ahem, smaller, better or worse if you don’t compare?”

“Sorry, I’m not used to someone not being jealous.”

“Oh dear, sweet Tina, don’t misinterpret my understanding and explanations for not being jealous. Would I have liked to be your first? Yes. Is there anything I can do about it? No, okay move on. Would I like you rubbing your lotion into the team? No. Is there anything I can do about it? Yes, so do something. Would I do serious harm to someone in your name? I’m definitely getting there.

“Does that help?”

Tina smiled and as she jumped off the bed and said, “I think. Still, I’m not used to someone dealing with their jealousy so quietly.”

“Don’t they say it’s the quiet ones you have to watch?” I winked at her.

She bent over and started rummaging through her bag, I don’t know if she was doing it consciously to tease me, but I wasn’t going to jeopardise my view. Her arse was poking from below my top far enough that the bottom of her crack was clear. Her legs were together, but the light shining through the top showed the very slight protrusion that were her delicate lips surrounded by a fuzzy outline. If only I had a camera to hand, I would be able to show her how beautiful she was and still is.

“Ah-ha! I thought I had one,” she said triumphantly, standing and turning to show me what she had. I swear one day she would actually pull a kitchen sink from her bag, today it was a tape measure.

“It’s for when I’m shopping.” I must have had a look of confusion that needed this explanation. The look obviously didn’t change, “You know, if you need to check the length of, well for me a dress or something. Oh, shut up, I like to be prepared.”

I couldn’t help laughing at what she saw as perfectly normal. “I’m not laughing at you; I’m laughing at the simple joy you have. The joy on your face when you showed it to me. I’m laughing because you make me happy.”

“Keep digging mister, you’ll find a way out of that hole.” Tina may have narrowed her eyes in mock anger, but the smile that played across her lips told me I was safe, for now.

“What’s it for?”

She didn’t respond other than to walk over to the bed and put her hand under my upper thigh, then pulled it out. She reached over and took the end of the tape and drew it around.

“Flex,” I did as I was told. “There, twenty-eight inches.”

Not remembering, thinking or caring about which underwear she wasn’t wearing, she lifted her top and put the tape around her waist, then stood to show me. I instinctively reached out and put my hand on her thigh between her legs and ran it upwards.

Taking a step back, she said, “Later, did you see? Twenty-four inches.”

She had my attention, “No fucking way!”

“Yes…way. I suspected this morning when I was looking.”

“I knew my neck was big. I was given special dispensation in the sixth-form as the biggest collar shirt we could get without special order was seventeen and a half inches and….”



Luke trailed off, “Sweetie, what’s the matter?”

“Stupid insecurities coming back, I guess.”

This man, who had legs each of which was bigger than my waist, a body in proportion to them and faced down a giant yesterday, looked suddenly so fragile. The thought of him twiddling his hair and sucking his thumb flashed into my head.

“Oh god Luke,” I sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his head into my arms. I held him to my insubstantial breast and felt his arms encircle me.

“Yours is not a straightforward story is it, sweetie?” He moved his head, I think a shake.

“When you’re ready to tell me, let me know,” I thought I was about to get a flood. Luke took me by my shoulders and pulled me back a little and looked me in the eye. We sat in silence for what must have been at least thirty seconds, I didn’t dare break eye contact. Luke seemed to study one then the other of my eyes and both together. Finally, he pulled me back into a hug with his head back on my chest.

“I will.” His voice was quiet, he was forming his sentences with great care, it was obvious. “You’re right, it’s not straightforward. Bits will come out when they have to, but I’m not ready to tell yet. But you know, I think I might be closer than I have been.

“In two months and two, sorry, four dates, you have wheedled your way through my defences easier than those three thugs trying to smash their way through,” this last sentence made me smile inside.

“Let’s just say, I took a lot of shit about the size of my neck when I was going through school and most of it at the worst time possible. My teammates were always supportive but never seemed to get the same. We sort of picked at a scab. It’s okay, you weren’t to know.

“Much as I love having my head here, let’s see just how big it is now.” There was a determination back in his voice along with some of the cheek I had started to love. As I sat back, he rolled his head as I had often seen him do on the pitch, stretching his neck. He set his jaw and his eyes were focussed.

“Oh my, just over eighteen inches, that’s insane!” I blurted, then panicked, I didn’t want to add to the list of people that had hurt him because of his neck.

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“No, it’s not, top class players and the biggest boxers will top twenty inches. Anything else you want to measure.”

I did, but it was awkward, so I measured his chest, arms, and calves. His calves were silly, when he flexed them it was like he had a book strapped to the back of his leg. He was laughing with me.

“My greatest asset and you’re laughing at them.”

“I can think of better assets.”

“Oh really? You’re not being brazen, again are you?”

“No, but you’re still being a pervert. I was referring to here,” touching his head, “and here,” putting my hand flat on his chest.

When I leant forward to kiss him, his arms wrapped around my back pulling me closer. “You’re fucking gorgeous, you know that?”

I couldn’t reply to what he said, I didn’t know how to respond to compliments well, I still don’t. “My mother would be appalled at such language,” I said as a distraction.

“I’ll just have to remember not to call her gorgeous then.”

He stopped any response by kissing me again. It was gentle but filled with passion. When I opened my mouth to welcome him, he didn’t come. He teased, licking my lips, pulling back. After he repeated this a couple of times, I put a hand either side of his head next time he pulled his tongue back I followed with mine. He closed his lips around it then teased the tip with his.

While kissing, I got onto the bed properly and straddled him. He was erect again and I knew I was already aroused.

I pulled back a little, “Sweetie, remember what you said to me this morning about comparing and liking and not liking?”

“Erm yes.”

“The same. If there’s anything you like or don’t, if you ever just want to stop. You make sure you tell me too. Please.”

He looked a little confused, “Sure.”



I was not sure what I had agreed to. I knew what I expected of Tina when I gave my little speech, but what was she expecting of me. I was a little dense then, I now know that Tina understood that I was upset earlier and was just giving the option to choose. Let her lead or stop her and cuddle.

There was an impish smirk on her face. Her eyes played across my face, then my body, then back into my eyes. Then she moved, she slipped forward on top of me. Wow! That was one hell of a feeling. It was only compounded when she slipped backwards. Although she had made the move, she lost focus for a second.

She repeated the action, only this time she carried on moving her hips further back. Kissing me intently, playing her tongue around mine, I felt her nails draw across my skin, past my chest to my stomach. She then pushed her hands behind me and into the top of my boxers. As she continued pushing down, I lifted my bum. Next, she brought her hands to the side and pushed down, my boxers were off my bum and hips.

“Hmm,” Tina had sat back and was looking at my dick. She took her forefinger and ran it down the length of the bottom all the way from tip to balls. She then took hold of it and pulled it so it was pointing toward my feet and ran her finger along the top in a similar way. “Hmm.”

She flinched when she looked up at me and let go, “Sorry. Does it hurt doing that?”

“When it’s as hard as you make it, it’s not its natural position to be pointing down. It was a little uncomfortable.”

“Sorry. Please tell me if I do something wrong…”

“I didn’t say it was wrong, just a bit uncomfortable. When I have morning glory, erm wake up with a hard, with an erection, I have to do similar to have a pi, pee.”

She giggled, “Sweetie, just because I’m not a potty mouth, like Diane, you don’t have to temper your language for me. I do know what morning glory and a hard-on is.”

Suitably chastised, I replied, “Yes, dear.”

Which earnt me hit number five, “However, if you ever, ever call me dear again, I will hurt you,” she clicked her fingers just over the tip of my dick, “just like that.”

“Yes, dear,” I opened my eyes wide in fake shock and grabbed her wrists as she swung to hit me again. While we were both still laughing, I pulled her in for a kiss.

After a few seconds of dancing tongues, Tina used my grip as leverage to push herself back up. I adjusted my arms until she was sat upright and stopped pushing, then I released her wrists.

Running her finger along my dick again, she said, “So how do you do this?”

“Err, take it in both hands?”

“Fool! Measure it, not masturbate it.”

“Oh, erm, no idea, tip to base I suppose.”

Tina took the tape measure and held the end at the tip, then she put her hand over the tape and around my shaft.

“Got to make sure it’s accurate,” she said before slowly running her hand down to the base. For someone so inexperienced she knew how to be just sensual enough to be a huge turn on without crossing the line and losing the innocent air she had.

When her hand reached the bottom, she held it in place while moving her other hand down and doing the reverse. Holding the tape under her hand and slowly lifting it up my shaft, stopping when she had covered the head. Then she put her thumb on the exposed tape and with a little pressure, slid it down to the base again.


“Hmm, what?” I asked.

“Hmm,” she prodded around the base of my dick, “do I stop here or do I push your mons down?”


“Mons pubis, the fleshy bit here,” prodding again. “Didn’t you do biology?”

“Only enough to pass. I have no idea. I would have thought it would just be the exposed bit.”

“But if you push it down there’s an extra quarter-inch or so that’s,” she paused her eyes roving as if looking for something.

“Available, usable?” I offered

“Yes, either works. I think I should measure to the bone, that would be the absolute limit,” she pushed her thumb with the tape down against my pubic bone. “Oh, okay.”

“Everything to your satisfaction m’lady?”

“We shall see.” She leant forward and kissed me.

I could feel her shuffle forward on her knees. Then she wiggled her hips and I felt a warmth along my shaft. Tina was kissing me gently, her mouth open a little, with her tongue slipping in and out of mine. Then she moved, the warmth and moisture on my shaft was moving slowly forward and then back. Tina was trying to maintain eye contact with me as she was doing this. She had a curious look of arousal and embarrassment on her face, looking at me then looking away.

I had my hands on her hips while she did this. Occasionally I would bring one up under her top, either dragging my nails or fingers back down. Everything was happening in slow motion. After a few minutes, Tina’s breathing was short and shallow and her eyes had lost focus. I was kissing her neck and face, but she was not kissing back. On one forward move, she had gone too far and come off the top of me. When she started back down, she stopped. Suddenly she was alert, eyes open and focussed but holding her breath. There was pressure on the end of my dick, I thought I may be touching her backdoor from the way she reacted.

“I think I need to practise that move more,” she said.

“You’ll get no complaints from me.”

She smiled, sat up a little and then moved back slowly. Reaching between her legs, she took hold of me, then slowly sat down. There was a tightness around the head of my dick. Tina had her eyes shut as if concentrating, she started taking short panting breaths. Then it was like a champagne cork, a bit of pushing then suddenly it was done. She exhaled and opened her eyes, looking at me and smiling.

“Take all the time you need,” I reassured her.

Tina leant forward and kissed me, slowly I could feel her pushing back taking more and more of me into her. Sitting up again she swallowed hard and relaxed her legs dropping bit by bit down me. One hand scrabbled at her hip and grabbed mine. The other hand was probing around close to where we were joined. Then she let out a long breath and a look of triumph washed across her face, then I felt her lift a little.

“Look,” she said.

I lifted my head and looked to her pussy, where she was pointing.

“We’re touching,” she moved her hand out of the way so I could see. I nodded.

She relaxed and lowered herself a little more and I could feel her weight on the centre of my crotch.

“We should take the measurement to the bone, that’s the full length you can share with me.” 

“Did you do this just to prove a point?”

“Not just, but no harm in a little science while we’re at it,” she grinned, “or experimentation.”

“You are such a fucking nerd, aren’t you?” I laughed.

Tina started to lift and drop, often the drop was faster.

“Uhuh, you’re not, ooh, complaining, are you?” I could hear the lack of focus in her voice.

She moved from side to side and rolled her hips back and forth. I tried to move and got a hand on my chest and a shake of the head. The hand that was free on her hip, I brought around to the front and slid between us. I touched the base of my dick and felt Tina’s lips as she dropped down. I pulled my finger back a little and she grabbed my wrist, guiding my hand to where she wanted it. Her clit was not huge, but it was reasonably firm. I started following her movements as best I could, through her changes, each time I touched her clit she reacted. If I maintained pressure for a little bit her eyes closed tighter and her head dropped back a bit.

After several minutes of this, Tina’s head was back and she was gasping, moans were coming from her. She kept her movements going for a little longer then tensed up, arching her back and pushing down. I grabbed her hips, concerned she may collapse. After a final shudder, she did collapse, forwards. Face to face, looking into each other’s eyes, noses touching, we kissed, lip to lip nothing else except hard pressure. I had a hand on her back and one on her head.

As we continued to kiss, I started to move my hips and she groaned into my mouth, shivering a little. As I increased my speed, she got a little louder, then I saw her bite her lip.

“It’s okay, we have the house to ourselves,” I whispered into her ear, before kissing it.

Tina started to moan louder and I could feel her nails digging into my shoulder. Her head lifted up, eyes tight shut and mouth wide open, she gave a long hard shudder and dropped forward onto me. As the shaking got harder I felt her clamp down on my collar bone. 

“Oh god, yes!” she cried.

I could feel myself building, then realised I was bareback and started to panic.

“Sit up I need to pull out!”

“Oh, no. No, you don’t,” she sounded like she was high.


“No!” She pushed down hard on me.

It was too late, I came, my hips pushed up as I grabbed her arse, giving little thrusts before a final stiffening of my body. I hadn’t noticed until I started to come down a little that Tina was having little shakes, she had cum again.

She rested her head on my chest for a few minutes, catching her breath. When she opened her eyes, she said, “Oh crap! I’m sorry.”

“What’s wrong, are you not…” She cut me off.

“No, I’m on the pill, it’s okay. I’m not sure we can keep doing this.”


She ran her fingers over my shoulders and showed me specks of blood on them. Then she pushed down on my collar bone, it felt bruised.

“Ooh, Miss Croft, you’re a bit of an animal,” doing my best to imitate the advert. Laughing, I pulled her into a kiss and she rested her head on my chest.

“Looks like both my favourite activities leave reminders of the fun I’ve had.” How could I complain?

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.




Written by kiteares
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