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Caught out Chapter 4

"Jim misses out because Rod wants more."

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As Jim was about to cum there was a knock on the door. Amy, who had been holding him tightly around the neck, let him go, which took his attention away from his orgasm and destroyed his desire.

“It will be Rod,” she told him.

“Yes, fuck it, it will be Rod,” Jim replied, annoyed that she had spoiled it for him.

“He’s locked out.”

“Yes, but this is our time. He had his opportunity. It’s our time now.”

“But Jim, he is our guest. You can’t lock guests out. It’s just not right.”

Jim let out a deep sigh, “I guess,” he said. “You go clean up. I’ll take him out for a drink.”

“You’re a mess too. Maybe I can put my robe on to cover up and look after Rod while you take a shower, then you can join us.”

“Yea, I suppose.” Jim was not convinced but as usual, he gave in to what his wife wanted. 

Rod knocked loudly on the door again. Amy got up. She put a different robe on as the one she had been wearing was soiled, then walked to the door. Jim moved towards the bathroom but stopped close enough to hear.

“I can’t get my car out,” Rod told her. “Jim parked behind me when he came back from getting the condoms.”

Jim’s ears pricked up. How did he know that I went out for condoms? he thought. There was silence for a time; Jim wondered if they might have gone down to the lounge room, but then Amy spoke.

“Oh, Rod, That’s nice but I’m so messy down there.”

“I don’t care,” Came the reply in a hushed male voice.

“Well, not here, Jim will hear us. Take me to the spare bedroom and don’t bite my tits so hard. I don’t want bruises on them for Jim to see.”

“I think Jim might like to see bruises on you. He seemed to enjoy it last time, didn’t he? If Jim was so concerned, why haven’t you cleaned yourself up? I think he loves it just as much as we do. I’m glad it’s all out in the open now. We won’t have to hide from him anymore.”

“Rod, what we did was a once of. It was a slip up on my part. If Jim didn’t want this, it would not have happened ever again.”

“You would have come around eventually. You know it and so do I. You were just playing hard to get. You enjoyed it too much not to want to do it again.”

“Having sex with Jim aware and supporting me is one thing, but I’m not going back into cheating, Rod. I had trouble living with myself after that party. Even now, the moment Jim says no, this will be over.”

“Then I’ll have to look after you both very well then, for a while anyway. Once you get used to this log of mine, you won’t be happy with what Jim has to offer. You’ll be mine whenever I want you within a few months.”

“Understand, Rod, this is sex, nothing more than that. Jim is my husband and a damn good one at that so after you have moved on, Jim will still be my husband and I will be his wife.”

“Okay, whatever you say. Now, come on, let’s get this party started.”

Jim heard their footsteps as they moved down the passageway to the guest’s bedroom. He hurried into the bathroom, took a wet rag and cleaned up his crotch then hurried down the passageway to watch them.

The room was too bright with the afternoon light shining in through the window, so Amy had told Rod to lie down on the bed while she pulled the blinds. She then pulled the heavy curtains across in front of the blind to make the room dark. Amy wanted it that way because she was self-conscious, not having cleaned herself since they last had sex. She did, however, leave the door cracked open, hoping that Jim might wish to watch them and he did.

Amy lay down beside Rod, who had removed all of his clothes. Her robe was still on because of her feeling of self-consciousness. She made no attempt to touch him. Rod rolled on his side to face her, which coincidentally meant his back was to the door. After looking at her for a while without her looking at him, he asked. “Are you okay, Amy?”

“Yes, but I’m concerned that you are becoming too demanding.”

“I thought this was all about having sex and that is all I expect of you. I ask for nothing more.”

Amy saw a shadow of movement at the door. “You must wear a condom,” she told him.

“Why? You’ve already been flooded with my sperm, how is wearing a condom going to make any difference? It simply doesn’t make any sense now.”

Amy saw Jim enter the room, sliding through the small gap in the door. “It is not about what makes sense, it is about what Jim expects of us. He is allowing this to happen so we have to meet his conditions or we don’t do it.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Then I get up and go back to Jim and you go home.”

“So, it’s a rubber or nothing.”

“Now you’re getting the picture.”

“Jim wouldn’t know if we didn’t use one.”

“I think you underestimate Jim.”

“Okay, give me one.”

Amy opened the drawer and chose a box. She showed it to him. He shook his head and said, “Bigger.” She reached in again and got a bigger size. He nodded. She pulled one out and ripped the covering off it.

“Put it on with your mouth,” He told her.

“I don’t know how.”

“Doesn’t Jim teach you anything? I thought that every married woman knew how to do that.”

“How would you know anyway? You're single and have never been married.”

“I get around. Now put the nipple part in your mouth. Don’t close your mouth on it. He held his rock hard cock up for her while lying on his back. Place it over my head. Yes, that’s right, like that. Now use your tongue to clear the air out of the nipple. Push down and use your mouth to roll it on. “

She rolled it on about an inch with her mouth then used her hand to roll it all the way on. As she did it, she saw Jim sitting near them with his back to the wall on the opposite side of the bedside table. He smiled at her.

“It only goes on about halfway. Is that enough?” she asked.

“That’ll be fine,” he told her, then went to move over on top of her.

“No, this time I want to go on top. Now lie back and enjoy.” Amy was aware that if Rod went on top, he would most likely see Jim.

Rod did as instructed; after all, he needed to keep her happy if he was ever going to get into her panties again. Amy aimed him towards her hole but with the lubrication on the condom plus the sperm that was leaking from her, his head slipped up along her stomach. She went to grab him again but another hand was in her way. She turned her head and there was Jim directing him to her pussy. She couldn’t see as he directed the stiff, hard phallus into her but she looked at Jim as he did it.

Rod should have known, but he didn’t seem to let on if he did because he continued to look up at her. Once he had entered her, Amy saw Jim look up at her and he smiled before he moved back to his original position.

Amy worked away on Rod but it seemed to be taking a long time. Occasionally she looked over to see her husband watching intently. Because it was taking too long, she was getting a little peeved. Eventually, after a good fifteen minutes, she asked Rod when he was going to cum.

Rod looked up at her and said, “I’m trying but that fucking condom is taking all the feeling away.”

“Don’t try to pull that one,” she answered and looked across to Jim, who mouthed something to her. She bent her head slightly so that Rod couldn’t see to indicate that she didn’t understand. Jim put his finger inside his clenched fist and pulled it out sharply to tell her to pull out. She got the message and started to lift higher as Jim moved across to the side of the bed.

When Jim was beside them, she lifted high and Rod slipped out of her. Jim slid his hand up along Rods erection, then put his hand on her back to push her down again onto Rod.

“What the fuck?” Rod said. “I thought you said I had to use a condom.” Amy felt it too. She looked to the side and Jim held up the condom. He has slipped it off. She smiled at him and he gave her the thumbs up. About twenty seconds later, Rod let out a roar and filled her pussy with his sperm.

Amy dropped her body down to lay on top of Rod but as she did so, she looked towards where Jim had been to see him disappearing through the door. He had left them alone to recover from their post ejaculation exertion.

“When do I see you next,” Rod asked her.

“I thought that we had a date for tomorrow night to go to the movies.”

“Yes, well, I thought that was just to keep Jim happy to make him think that we weren’t going to do anything sexual.”

“I can’t believe you! Jim is allowing us the opportunity to spend time together and all you can think about is how to con him.”

“No, Amy, I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought that maybe he might not be happy to know that we are having sex together.”

“Jim is not stupid, Rod, so I wish you would stop thinking as if this is something he doesn’t understand. Of course, he knows that we had sex. He was making love to me when you knocked on the door of the bedroom. Also, why did you lie? I checked the driveway and Jim’s car is not blocking your car from getting out. Now Jim will think that he can’t trust you and he might even think that I can’t be trusted.”

“I’m sorry. I just have difficulties understanding why a man would let his beautiful wife have sex with another man.”

“Thanks for the compliment, Rod. What Jim believes is that I want more sex and better sex than he can provide to me, so he is trying to keep me happy and contented.”

“Do you?”

Amy didn’t understand. She didn’t think in terms of what she wanted but what Jim believed. She had never actually thought very much about her needs at all. “Do I what?”

“Do you want and need more than Jim can give you?”

The question surprised Amy. She thought about it trying to find an honest answer. At the party, when Rod had whisked her out the back door, she was taken by surprise and it definitely had felt nice to be desired by a man other than her husband. He had touched her despite her objections and yes, later on, she had masturbated thinking of what might have happened if she hadn’t put a stop to it. It had played an important part in her lovemaking after that with Jim. It allowed her to once more achieve those orgasms that she had missed for quite a while with her husband. If she noticed it, then it was likely that Jim had as well.

“You’re not answering me,” Rod told her, “Do you want and need more than Jim can give you. Is his belief correct?”

“I’m not sure,” she lied. “I was trying to find an honest answer.”

“So you’re only doing this because your husband wants it?”

“I wouldn’t be doing it if Jim didn’t want it and accept it.”

“I understand that. Jim is lucky in that regard. You’re dedicated to him but I want to know about you, not about Jim. If you were my wife, then no man would ever be allowed near you. You’re too precious to give away to someone else.”

“That’s why I’m married to Jim and not to you. It probably explains why you’re still single as well.”

Rod jumped to defend himself. “I’m single because I can get all the pussy I need without getting married.”

Amy laughed at him, “Marriage is not about getting pussy, Rod. It is about companionship and love and doing things together. It’s about trusting your partner and wanting to share your life with the person you care about. It is also about giving your partner what they want and desire.”

“Yes, all of that and also having pussy laid on. I can get any pussy I need when I need it because I’m packing.”

Amy shook her head then lifted up to get him to slide out of her. A huge mass of sperm ran from her onto Rod’s crotch as she did so.

“Look at what you’ve done. You’ve made a mess,” he told her.

“Hold on, I’ll get something to clean you with,” she told him. She stood, placed her hand between her legs and rushed towards the bathroom. As she crossed the hallway, she looked to her left and saw Jim standing there outside the bedroom door. She smiled but didn’t say anything because she knew that he would not want Rod to know that he had been listening.

She entered the bathroom then sat down on the toilet. When she pulled her hand away, she heard the plop, plop, plop of the sperm falling into the toilet. As the flow slowed, she reached for a hand full of toilet paper off the roll but saw Jim standing there. He closed the door then said to her, “Let me help.”

Jim took the paper from the roll then squatted down in front of her on his hands and knees. “Lift up,” he said. Amy lifted up by leaning to the side as she would have done if she were to clean herself. Jim wiped the sperm from her pussy looked at it then placed it in the toilet bowl. He then pulled more paper off the roll and repeated the process.

This time, however, he held the paper just clear of her and said, “Push it out.” Amy contracted her stomach muscles and a quite loud pussy fart issued from her associated with a bubbling sound. They both laughed.

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“That got a lot. Try again,” He instructed. Once more, she issued a loud pussy fart and, once more, they both laughed. “Kiss me,” he demanded. She complied.

“I love you, Jim. Just how much you will never understand.”

“I know. I heard. You’re conflicted but you need not be because I love you so much for doing this for me.”

“It’s not all for you, Jim. Rod forced me to think about it, something I hadn’t stopped long enough to do before. I wouldn’t tell him but I want this as much as you do.”

“It’s okay that you want it. It makes me happy to know that we both want it. I’m worried, though, because you’re not protected. If you keep doing this without protection, you’re sure to conceive.”

“Yes, I know, but Jim, if I did, would it be all that terrible?”

“You would want to carry his child?”

“Isn’t that what all the stories that you read lead to eventually? Isn’t that really the thing that excites you the most about the stories? How many of the stories in your library end differently, Jim?”

“That’s a big step, Amy. That’s a couple of decades of work for us raising a child.”

“You avoided my question, Jim. How many of your stories in your library end without the cheating wife getting pregnant? Be honest, Jim. That is what your fantasy is really about, isn’t it?”

“Rod will be waiting for you, Amy. I have to let you go back to him.”

“No! This is not about Rod. This is about you and me. This is our marriage, not his. I want an answer from you. Meanwhile, Rod can rot in hell as far as I’m concerned because he thinks he is better than us, but he’s not. You and I control this and it is what we decide that is important. I love you, Jim. I love what you stand for and everything about you and I know that you feel and think the same about me.”

“Oh, God, you’re so wonderful, Amy. I love you so much, but you’re right. The thought frightens the shit out of me, but it’s true. The ultimate is for you to carry another man’s child for me but I’m not sure that Rod is the right man.”

“I’m glad you said that because I don’t think he is either. Tomorrow night I’ll go to the movies with him but end it with him after we get home. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, that’s fine. Can I feel inside of you to feel how sloppy and slippery you are?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to do that since I sat down. Once you’ve done that, I’ll get Rod to go home so that you and I can make love. He’s stretched me a lot. I know how much you like me loose and slippery. You’ll really love it, honey.”


Written by goyse
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