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Taser Sparkle Dances For Her Admirer

"Taser meets her admirer and has the night of her life."

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She took her final bow, and slowly walked off stage. Alexia felt energized as always after a good performance. She rushed to her dressing room. Would there be a present again? The first time it had been a red rose with a simple thank you note. Last week there had been a bottle of red wine. The wine had been very good. It was an expensive gift, as she found out when she tried to buy the same kind later. This time there was an envelope on the make-up table. ‘Taser Sparkle’ it said in clear handwriting. Excited, she opened it. She read the card.


I will expect you at 21.30 in the Catz' Lounge and bar.”

She looked at the clock. She had half an hour to get to the Catz', if she wanted to go. Exciting as this was, part of her realized that meeting a random admirer of her burlesque act was probably not a sensible thing to do. She hesitated, should she ask some of the other girls? No, she decided. They would probably tell her not go or want to accompany her. She realized she had convinced herself. She would meet her admirer.

After her act, there was not much clothing to take off. She quickly stepped out of the little string and pulled the tassels of her breasts. She paused, looked in the mirror at her naked self. She cupped her large breasts in her hands and squeezed her nipples. She felt exited. Not just excited, she felt alive and aroused. She was happy she had brought her vintage summer dress. It was classy enough for Catz', and sexy enough for a flirt. She quickly collected the remains of her burlesque costume from Rose. Rose was the inspiration, mother and soul of the group. Alexia made a feeble excuse of having to see her parents urgently. She realized a woman of Rose’s experience would see through the lie, but not ask questions.

She walked out of the old theater into the warm night. The thin dress felt sensual against her skin. If anyone asked her why she did her burlesque act once a week, she would answer something about liking to dance, and the camaraderie of the girls in the troupe. To a more intimate friend she might confess how the atmosphere of the theater, the costumes and the period references made her feel good. It was an escape from her normal life. It felt glamorous. The theater was a very long way in space and time from the call-center where she worked. What she would not admit was the sexual excitement she felt on stage. She knew she was turning on the men, and some of the women, watching her. On the best evenings, she felt her own sex drive rise with the crowds. Many of her practice sessions at home had ended in wild masturbation. She would lie on the bed fantasizing about being shared by three fit men for whom she had performed her show.

Alexis arrived at the Catz'. She had been there once before. It was a nice place, but expensive. She walked in to the bar. She was curious how her admirer would announce himself, and how he would look. As she stepped in a waiter came up to her.

“Miss Taser Sparkle?”

“Yes, that is me.” She tried to hide her surprise, acting as if she was used to this sort of treatment.

The waiter took the little suitcase with her outfits. “If miss would care to follow me please.”

He led her to a table with two comfortable chairs in a quiet corner of the bar. She held her breath. Her heart was beating fast. A man rose from one of the chairs. He smiled, and gestured her to sit down. Alexis did not quite know what she had expected, definitely not this handsome man in his dark blue suit. She noted that he only sat down after she did. A small gesture she really enjoyed.

“Good evening,” he said.

“Good evening, Mr..?”

“Graham, no need to make it more formal than that.” He smiled. “And you miss Taser, would you like me to address you by a less dangerous sounding name?”

“I kind of like Taser, but call me Alexis if that is more comfortable.”

The waiter handed them two menus.

“Order what you want, my invite,” Graham said.

Alexis studied the drinks list. She was happy to concentrate on something else for a second. Her date, if she could call it that, was quite a man. He was good looking. The suit helped, but he was obviously well built underneath. His age was hard to guess in the low light. She thought at least thirty-five if not forty, which was considerably older than her own twenty-two. He seemed self-assured in an understated way. He was polite, but seemed used to getting things his way.

The waiter returned. Alexis ordered a Mohito, and her suitor a Campari-orange juice. She was too nervous to order food, but Graham ordered olives and humus to share. Conversation was easy, if not inspired. Alexis started to wonder why this man had invited her. She could have been in the theater flirting with the guys in the audience.

Graham put down his drink, leaned forward and looked her in her eyes. “I am not good at small talk. It bores me. I think you also didn't come for idle chat.”

“No, I am not sure why I came. But not for boring small talk.”

“Bon, then let's come to the point. I have watched your performance a number of times. It's good, the best of your troupe by far.”

She tried to stay poker faced. “Thanks, that means a lot to me, but this is still not the point I think.”

“It is part of it. It’s the reason for the question I have for you.”

“Which is?”

“Do you want to come to my place, and do your act for me? Private, one to one.”

“Just dance?”

“Dance and whatever the magic brings. You seem capable enough to say no when you mean no. I trust you on that.”

He leaned back. Gave her the space to think. Alexis picked up an olive, and looked at it. She looked at the man in the suit. He did not give himself away. There was none of the nervousness she inspired in most men.

“Ok,” she said, “I will come and dance for you.”

The decision was made, immediately she felt fully alive again. She looked at Graham differently. He grew ever more attractive. The way he handled himself, friendly yet full of a quiet purpose. On the way out he carried her things, and held open the door as if it was the most natural thing to do. He offered his arm as they walked into the night. When she saw his car her eyes went wide. It was silver, beautiful and unlike any car she had been in.

“What is that?” She managed.

“It is a DB 9, it’s from England.”

He opened the passenger door for her. She slid into the car. She had never cared about cars, but she had never known that this kind of car existed. She felt thrilled, special, just to sit there. He sat down in the driver’s seat, and looked at her.

“Do you like mystery Alexis? I have a blindfold here. Wear it if you dare.”

She was not sure why she accepted so easily. Was it the dare? Was it him, or just the Mohito? “I will take the blindfold as long as I can take it off at any moment.”

He handed her the blindfold. She put it over her eyes and immediately felt her other senses heighten. She was aware of her own breathing, she smelled his perfume and she sensed excitement between her legs. He switched on the stereo. Ella Fitzgerald’s voice filled the car. Alexis recognized the song, “The very thought of you”. It struck her how erotic it was.

Alexis was feeling on top of the world. She was being chauffeured around the city by a mysterious, handsome man in a luxurious car. The flirtatious music, the buzz of the rum and the sense of total irresponsibility made her want to laugh like she had not for a long time. She felt this was a night from a novel; a night in which she would learn how to fly on a broomstick.

They went down a short incline and stopped.

“We are there.”

She took off the blindfold and saw they were in a parking garage. They got out of the car and into an elevator. She guessed they were in a luxury hotel. She noted her man pushed the button for the twenty-fifth floor close to the top of the building. They went up in silence.

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She wanted to touch him but thought it may be inappropriate. Finally, they arrived at their floor. He led her to a door and opened it for her. They walked into much more than a normal hotel room. It was a full apartment. She walked to the window and almost gasped. The view was amazing. She looked at Graham.

“Welcome, Alexis. I won’t apologize for my expensive taste.”

She smiled mischievously. “I would say good taste, especially, since it seems to include me.”

He laughed, the first time she saw him relax that much. “It is true. You are much to my taste. Would you like something to drink before you change dress?”

“No, just some water. I want to dance, and see about the magic.’’ She raised her eyebrows when she said it. She realized she was in full flirting mode. She wanted this man, and wanted him now.

Graham led her to the master bathroom. “This will have to suffice for the dressing room.”

She took her suitcase from him, and started to get dressed for her performance. The moment he left her alone her nerves jumped. She started to do the breathing exercises Rose had taught her. They helped a little. Her hands stopped shaking. She concentrated on perfecting her make-up. She put glue on the tassels, and put them on her nipples. She started to feel the good excitement again. Alexis’ hand slid between her legs to adjust her string, and stayed there. She tested her excitement and was surprised how wet she was.

She finished preparing, looked in the mirror and whistled softly at her own image. Slowly, she walked back into the living room ready to give the performance of her life. The light had been dimmed. A spotlight lit a circle on the floor. She walked into the light and saw Graham. He was fully naked, lying comfortably on a black chaise-lounge. He looked intently at her, and she at him. Alexis realized she had been right. He was very fit under the suit. He had a body you could sell things with.

He pushed a remote by his side, and she heard the first bars of her song. The song she had built her act around. Almost automatically she started to move. First the slow, theatrical hand gestures, then her hip work. She put everything into this. She felt she hit every beat. She was fully in Taser Sparkle mode. She looked at Graham. He looked relaxed. She noted his penis was coming to life. She danced closer to his chair. She teased him with her long gloves. He did not try to catch them, but put his hands behind his head. His penis was now almost fully erect. She locked her eyes to his and started to take of her corset top. She wanted the music to slow down further. She wanted to make this moment last. He was eating her with his eyes, his cock hard. She was almost burning between her legs, but only halfway through her act.

Her pumps came off, and she unclasped the suspenders from her stockings. Taser turned her back on her man, and slowly moved her hips. Normally, this was the part where the catcalls were loudest. She took the suspender belt of her waist, and let it slide down her back. She turned around again, and slid her stockings down her legs. She was less than four feet away from Graham’s chair now. She could hear him breathe. She saw the small, involuntary twitches of his hips. She felt his intense gaze while she took off her bra. It felt good to have her breasts free again. She wanted to be fully naked, and sit down on Graham’s hard cock. She started on the final part of her show. Slowly, she took off her lacy shorts. On the final beat of Peggy Lee’s ‘Fever’ Taser finished. She was breathing heavily, standing in the spotlight wearing nothing but g-string and tassels.

Graham took a deep breath. “That was really good.” He shifted forward on his seat, and spread his legs. She looked at his toned body. It was not like a bodybuilder’s. More like one of those European football stars’.

“Come here, and stand right in front on me.”

She did. She now stood with her feet between his legs.

“Turn around.”

She turned her back to him. He picked up one of her stockings.

“Hands on your back.”

She obeyed, and felt him tie her wrists together with her nylons.

“Are you ok with this, Taser?”


“Then turn back to me, get on your knees and blow me.”

He reclined back on his seat. She knelt down. Alexis opened her mouth and took his hard penis as deep in her mouth as she could. Gently, she moved her head back, and let him slip out again. Graham let out a deep sigh. Encouraged, she repeated her moves. Alexis-Taser, she was not sure who she was anymore. She had fallen like a block. All she wanted was to please this man. His hard cock was her fetish. She licked the tip, sucked his balls, took it as deep as she could and only wanted more. She heard his deep breaths. She could hear he was struggling for control, struggling not to come but to last.

He pulled his hips back. “Stand up again.”

She did. His hands grabbed her breast. He gave a short tug on the tassels, and ripped them off in one move. It hurt a little, and she groaned. Pleasure more than pain. He took her hard nipples between his fingers and rolled them. His grasp was firm. She felt a direct signal shoot from her chest to her crotch. She tilted her hips forward urging him to grab between her legs. His hand moved to her hips. He pulled her tiny string down. She was nude now, and craving strong hands on her body. Alexis felt a hand slide up between her legs, following the inside curve of her left thigh. The hand reached her wet sex. The thumb rested on her lower belly. The index finger and side of the palm pushed between her wet lips.

“Ride my hand. I know you crave it.”

Exaggerating the movement of her hips, she started sliding her wet pussy over the hand. She grabbed her own ass and dug her nails in. Now Alexis had to struggle for control. She had to fight the urge to ride harder and wilder. She wanted an orgasm, and knew she was getting close.

The hand disappeared from between her legs. Her hands were untied.

“Back on your knees.”

She knelt down again, and made eye contact. Graham held up a condom.

“Tell me if you want me to fuck you.”

“Please fuck me. I need it. Please, sir.” She had no idea where this came from. She was used to keeping control. She had become her own dirtiest fantasy.

He handed her the condom. “Put it on.”

She took the condom, and regretted she had never learned how to do this with her mouth. She used both hands to get the condom over the tip of his cock. She let her left hand slide down to his balls, took them in her hand and softly squeezed. Little by little she rolled down the condom. After each inch she stopped, and squeezed Graham’s balls. She kept looking at his face. His eyes were closed. His senses fully focused on her touch. She finished, leaned forward and kissed him just below the navel.

“Get up, and turn around,” he said.

She obeyed without thinking. Graham got out of his chair, his hand grabbed the back of her neck and she was pushed towards the couch. He folded her over the black leather armrest. She spread her legs, and felt him enter her. She groaned. He pushed her hard against the leather with his hips, and started to fuck her with long, slow strokes. His hard cock slid in and out all the way. Alexis groaned. This was so incredibly good, this was the ultimate joy.  He changed his technique, sliding in and out between her pussy lips with the tip of his cock. Alexis needed more. She needed him deep inside her. She pushed back. He responded with hard, fast thrusts, pushing in as deep as he could. She felt his rhythm change. No more supple flow, but a more stocky movement. She realized he was getting close to an orgasm. She felt his body stiffen. Her vagina contracted in response. She screamed as they came at the same moment. Seconds after he came, Graham bent forwards and bit her in the shoulders as if to mark her as his.

They collapsed onto the floor. He pulled her in his arms. They both smiled.

“I will bring you home if you want to, but I would rather you stay the night.”

She kissed him on the lips. “I want to stay.”





Written by fischer_mike
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