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Author's Notes

"Our lusty tale nears its conclusion but not before a new wrinkle is added. There's not as much hot sex in this chapter but it sets up the next one which, I promise, will not disappoint! If you've just come into this series at this point, I invite you to read the previous chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

“I think we should host a party,” Jessie said to James as they caught their breath after a particularly vigorous fuck session. “We could celebrate our six-month anniversary with our friends!”

“What sort of party?” James replied.

“The sort where everyone comes!” she said, joking but not joking.

“You are a naughty girl,” he said, rolling her onto her back and kissing her. “And whom should we invite to this party where everybody comes?”

“Well, Scott and Serena for sure,” she said. “And Carol and David and I think, after what Carol told me about Kelly and Simon we should invite them too.”

“Sounds like quite a collection,” he said. “Should we have it here or maybe reserve an entire floor of a hotel?”

“Why not have it here?” she asked. “We have plenty of space and enough room for everyone to sleep over.”

“OH SCOTT! FUCK MY ASS!” he mimicked her screaming voice from their previous liaison with him and Serena. “Do we really need another noise complaint?”

“Maybe you’re right,” she conceded. She thought for a moment and then had an idea.

“I’ve got it!” she squealed. “Carol is selling that big house, maybe I’ll ask her if she wants to have one last bash before she moves into her new condo with David!”

“That might work,” he said.

~             ~            ~

In the months since Carol and David had started dating, she had gone from a grieving widow to a wanton sex-machine. She had a new boyfriend less than half her age, she’d expanded her sexual repertoire with Jessie and James and with Kelly and Simon, not to mention a couple of other casual encounters she'd had with people she’d met along the way.  She’d had more cum spurted into and splashed on her body in those months than she’d had in the previous ten years.

She continued to visit her husband and daughter every weekend, telling them about her new life and the people in it. One night, Aaron came to her in a dream and told her it was time to move on and make a new life, so she decided that the house she had shared with him was too big and she needed to downsize. With the payouts from the various insurance companies, and because of the accidental death clauses in their mortgage and car loans, she was well set if not wealthy and her job, which she loved, was more than enough for her to live comfortably.

On the day she told David she was going to sell the house, she asked him to move in with him and he agreed. Together they looked at houses and condos, behaving very much like the committed and loving couple that they were. Their age difference raised a few questions, which, as it turned out, was a great conversation starter leading to several encounters with pretty real estate agents and handsome property managers. On the day that she’d signed a purchase agreement for her, excuse me their new condo, she and David visited an adult shop and bought a new toy for them to try. It was a smashing success!

When she told Jessie the good news, her friend was thrilled for her and her new love. They celebrated by each donning a harness with a long dildo attached and fucking each other late into the night. Poor James was relegated to watching, but he didn’t mind that much.

About two weeks before she was due to move, Jessie called her. “Hi, lover!” she said excitedly. “James and I just had an interesting idea!” Carol and Jessie had somewhat differing ideas as to what was interesting so she took a deep breath and prepared herself. “How about we throw a kickass party to celebrate you moving out of your house!”

Carol had to process that for a moment, “What exactly do you mean by a ‘kickass party’?”

“Well, you know a party with some friends, some booze and food, like that!” Jessie said.

“So a fuck party,” Carol said.

“Well duh!” Jessie said sarcastically. “I thought that went without saying!”

“Oh,” said Carol. The idea wasn’t altogether a bad one. “Who would be there?”

“Well, there’d be the four of us and Serena and Scott, and I thought maybe Kelly and Simon?” the pitch-up in her voice at the end made it sound like a question. Carol had met Serena and Scott, he was okay and reportedly a great fuck, but she got a vibe from Serena that she just didn’t like. That was offset by the mention of Kelly and Simon who had rapidly become two of her favourite people both in the bedroom and outside of it. She loved just hanging out with them and they really liked David. Well, Kelly liked David more than Simon, but he was cool with David fucking his wife so it was all good.

“Let me talk to David,” she said. “I like the idea but it will take a little planning.”

“Awesome!” said Jessie, “I gotta run, call you tomorrow! Love you, Babe!”

“Love you too…” Jessie had hung up. “Fuck me, that chick can eat pussy like there’s nobody’s business but she is bat-shit crazy!” Carol said into a dead phone.

~             ~             ~

That evening, Carol called Kelly, “Hi babe! Listen, there’s something I need to talk to you and Simon about, can you come over to my place tomorrow after dinner, say around seven?”

“I think so,” replied Kelly, “I don’t think we have anything going on tonight. Let me check with Simon, I’ll get back to you.”

“Perfect,” said Carol. “FYI, this isn’t a booty call, if that’s what you’re thinking. Unless of course, you want it to be!”

“Awww, now I’m sad,” complained Kelly. “I’ll ask Simon, but I think he’d be up for a booty call!”

“I think he would,” Carol laughed. They ended the call with their usual I love you and Carol wondered if it should be a booty call. She and Kelly hadn’t made each other come in nearly two weeks and she was always up for a little rub and tickle with Simon.

That evening, Kelly and Simon got ready and went over to Carol’s ready for anything that might come up. Carol welcomed them both with kisses and a little rub on their private parts. After serving them drinks, she joined them in the living room along with David. She thought about having her and Kelly sit with each other’s partners but decided against it for now.

Kelly and Simon had wondered if perhaps she and David had made a decision about what they had talked about the last time they were all together. Turns out, she wanted to talk about something completely different.

“So, I went to see Jessie the other day and she had an idea you might like.” She sipped her drink and let them wait for it for a moment. “Jessie wants to have, in her words, 'a kickass party', and she’s asked me to host it here the weekend before we move to our new place.” Kelly and Simon had talked a lot about Carol’s suggestion that they join her and David for a personal housewarming party and had teased each other to many orgasms because of it. The mere mention of their new condo aroused both of them.

“I can guess what sort of party Jessie has in mind,” said Kelly. “Who would be there?”

“Jessie, James, me, David,” Carol rattled off the names, “Serena and Scott and you guys.”

Kelly looked at her husband and took a deep breath, “I don’t know, Serena scares me a little. From what I’ve heard she can be a little vindictive if things don’t go her way. I’m not sure we can trust her.”

“Yeah, she’s different for sure,” Carol said.

“I like her,” David interjected.

“I know you do,” Carol scoffed, “she lets you fuck her in the ass every time we’re with them!”

“That’s not it!” he objected. “I just like her, she’s funny.”

“Whatever,” she said. “So, what’s the deal? If Serena is there you’d rather not go?”

“That’s about it,” Kelly said. “I know that Simon wants to get with Jessie, they've had the hots for each other for a long time, and I want that for him too. Simon gives me everything I ever ask for without hesitation, I want to do the same for him. To be honest, I’m kind of curious if she’s as wild in bed as people say she is. But if Serena is going to be there, I’ll pass. We can make up some excuse, but that’s the bottom line.”

“Fair enough,” said Carol with a touch of anger in her voice, “but I have to tell you, I will not lie to Jessie for you. You know how this all works, nothing but complete honesty between everyone. We don’t lie and we don’t make excuses. If that’s the way you feel, I’ll tell Jessie, but I’ll tell her the truth.”

“I never asked you to lie for me, I never would. I love you too much to ask you to do that.” Kelly’s bottom lip quivered at the idea that she had disappointed her lover.

“I love you too, Kelly.” Carol went over to Kelly and gave her a hug and a soft kiss. “And I love you too, Simon.” Then she returned to David and kissed him deeply, “But I am in love with you,” she said.

David blinked hard at that. It was the first time either of them had said that. They’d said that they loved one another but never that either was in love with the other. He took a deep breath and collected himself before responding. “I was hoping you would say it first,” he said quietly. “I’ve been thinking it, but I was afraid to say it.” Carol kissed him again as Kelly and Simon sat back, held hands and their silence.

“Why would you be afraid?” she asked.

“I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way about me,” he said. “It’s not easy you know, loving an attractive older woman. The looks we get when we’re out, the snide comments that people say when they think we can’t hear them. The names people call you, it’s hard.” Carol looked like she was going to speak but he stopped her, “It’s hard competing with Aaron too. I feel like everything I do and say is measured against him and I know that, in your eyes, he’s a tough act to follow.”

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“What names do they call me?” Carol asked, her temper rising.

“Cougar, cradle-robber, there are others,” he said. “But I don’t care about any of that. I’m crazy about you Carol, head over heels in love crazy!”

“Oh my sweet, sweet man!” she said, almost crying herself. “I didn’t know you felt that way, why didn’t you say something?”

“Are you kidding me?” he asked. “Here’s me, a nerdy, quiet student with the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. I’m not just saying that Carol, that’s how I feel. I am lucky to have you and I don’t want to say anything to fuck that up!”

She hugged him hard, “I’m so glad you said it David, you have no idea. My heart is so full right now, it feels like it will explode!” She started crying which made David start crying and that made Kelly start crying. Even Simon, who always had his emotions under a tight lid was misting up.

“Say it, David, please say it,” she said. “I need to hear the words if I’m to believe it’s true.”

He drew a deep breath, looked at her and chose his words carefully. He got down onto one knee in front of her and Kelly gasped out loud. He looked back over his shoulder and smiled before looking back at Carol.

“Carol, I love you. I am in love with you. I have been since the night at Jessie’s wedding when we first met. Usually, at a wedding, the bride is the prettiest girl there, but on that night, the prettiest girl was dancing with me." He stopped to gather himself, "Maybe someday, I’ll get back down on my knee and ask you a different question, but for tonight, I just want to tell you how I feel and how happy I am that you chose me. You could be with any man in the world and you chose near-sighted, nerdy me.” He kissed her hand and her knees buckled.

“Oh, David, I love you so much!” she said. They embraced tightly and Carol could see over his shoulder that Kelly was wiping her tears. Their eyes met and Kelly started laughing.

“I really thought he was going to propose,” she sniffled, “but that was way better!” They both laughed as David got up off his knees and sat back beside Carol. “I think that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!”

Simon leaned over and whispered in Kelly’s ear and she nodded. “I have a feeling you two want to be alone now,” he said. “We should go.”

“Why?” asked David. With his confession of his love, he had found a new confidence. “It’s not like you haven’t watched us before. Stay and share this with us, please.”

“Yes, please,” echoed Carol. “I want you to.”

Kelly looked at her husband and shrugged, “I guess we’re staying!” she said.

“Oh fuck, I need a drink!” said David. He held his hand out parallel to the floor and showed them how badly it was shaking. “You have no idea the many ways I imagined that this night could have gone wrong!”

Carol held him and kissed him, “But it went so perfectly, baby!”

“Yes, it did,” he whispered. He got up and got himself a drink and when he came back to the living room he realized he hadn’t offered to get one for Carol or their guests. “Oh, shit! Sorry guys, I didn’t ask you if you wanted anything! Where is my head?”

“Up in the clouds!” Carol said. “Right beside mine!”

“Relax, David,” said Simon, “I know where everything is. The usual?” the ladies nodded and David got up to help. Kelly took the opportunity to move over and sit with Carol. They traded soft kisses and wiped each other’s faces.

“Look at us, we are a wreck!” said Kelly.

“I’ve never seen you look so beautiful,” said Carol. They kissed again, “Kelly, I’m so glad you guys were here tonight. You two are so special to me, it would have been wrong for us not to share this with you.”

“I’m glad too,” said Kelly. “Are you sure you want us to stay?”

“If I had my way, you would never leave,” breathed Carol.

“Oh my God, Carol, does that mean?” asked Kelly, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, it does,” said Carol. Kelly leaned forward and kissed her.

“Let’s not tell the boys just yet,” she said. Carol nodded. They kissed once more and Kelly returned to sit back on the other couch. The two women were like schoolgirls, smiling and giggling at each other when the men returned with their drinks.

“What are you two up to?” asked David.

“Nothing honey!” said Carol, “Just girl talk.”

Yeah, right!” he said. “Pull my other leg why don’t you!”

Kelly leaned over to kiss her husband on the cheek and whispered, “I have a secret!”

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, but she shook her head. Carol looked at her watch and said, “It’s not too late to call Jessie, I think I’ll tell her the latest on her party.” She excused herself to the kitchen.

Kelly looked at David, “You do realize you are the luckiest motherfucker on the planet, right?”

“I do,” he said. I just can’t believe it! She is so gorgeous! And so kind and honest. I don’t know what I did to deserve her!”

“Don’t knock it, man,” Simon said. “I think the same thing every day about Kelly. Just roll with it and give thanks every day.”

“That’s good advice,” Kelly added. “But I’m going to tell you something you will not believe.” She leaned forward, “She thinks she’s the lucky one.”

“I don’t believe that!” he said. “She is so far out of my league! How on earth could she think that?”

“It’s simple,” said Kelly. “After her husband died, she was lost. Absolutely lost. Then she found you. You saved her David, it’s like she was a damsel in distress and you saved her with your care and your kindness and compassion.” She took another sip of her drink. “And with your abilities in bed. She needed that too. Do you think she was not a sexual dynamo before she met you? I’ll bet you guys fuck almost every day, am I right?” He nodded and held up two fingers. “She went for an entire year without sex! I’m surprised she didn’t kill you the first time she took you home!”

“I never thought of it like that,” he said. “I was just trying to be a nice guy and help her out. She was so sad and hurt, I just wanted to help make it better.”

“Well, you did that, young man, and then some. I’m telling you, you saved her life and she’s thankful for that.” Kelly smiled at him.

“Problem solved!” said Carol as she came back into the room. “I told Jessie that she had to choose between you guys and Serena and Scott to go to her party.”

“What did she say?” asked Simon.

“It's not a problem, I guess Serena and Scott had a big fight and they broke up. Her last words to Jessie were, ‘Fuck him, I’m going to Vegas and get my ass screwed off for a whole fucking week!’”

“Well, that’s that then,” said David. “It’ll just be the six of us.”

“Hang on,” said Simon, “I have an idea.” He excused himself for a moment and when he returned, he had a broad smile on his face.

“What the fuck are you up to?” asked Kelly.

“Sarah,” he said. Kelly smiled as well.

“Who’s Sarah?” asked Carol.

“The flight attendant we I told you about,” he said. “I invited her and told her she could bring a friend.” He sat back and sipped his drink.

“Male or female?” asked Kelly, remembering the other flight attendant, Marcia.

“Does it matter?” asked Simon.

“Not to me, it doesn’t!” said Kelly.

“You two are incorrigible!” laughed Carol.

“We got this way with your help!” giggled Kelly. She stood up and went to Carol, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. She laid a hot sloppy kiss on her lover and said quietly, “If you don’t take that handsome young man upstairs and fuck him, I will!” They kissed again.

“I don’t think so!” said Carol. “Normally, I’d be happy to share him with you, but tonight, he’s all mine!” She let go of Kelly and grabbed David’s hand. Paraphrasing a line from a popular movie from the eighties, she growled, “David, you big stud! Take me to bed or lose me forever!”

David looked confused, but Kelly and Simon laughed hard, “You need a motorcycle to say that line!” giggled Kelly as Carol led her boyfriend up the stairs.

“You can come and watch if you want to!” she called.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” laughed Kelly.

Simon dropped his pants and sat on the loveseat in Carol’s bedroom. Kelly hiked up her dress and sat on his cock and together they massaged her clit to orgasm as they watched Carol and David make love on the bed in front of them. It was by turns soft and tender and passionate and animalistic as they devoured each other. After they finished, they lay together, whispering softly and tenderly touching each other.

“God, Simon, they are so beautiful together,” Kelly breathed.

“They are,” he agreed. They cuddled for a bit and he asked, “What’s that secret you said you had?”

“Oh that,” Kelly smiled at him. “After Jessie’s party, Carol and David are going to stop partying with other people. They want to be exclusive with us.”

“Really? Wow, I can’t believe it!” he said. “That’s awesome!” He urged Kelly up off of him and went over to the couple on the bed. He kissed Carol’s cheek and said, “I think we’ll go home now, I’d like to be alone with my wife.”

“I understand,” said Carol. “We have our whole lives to be together!”

~             ~             ~

For the following two weeks, none of the friends played with anyone other than their partners. Simon had put Sarah in touch with Jessie so they could communicate directly about the party and raise their comfort level with each other. Simon and Kelly also video-chatted with her a couple of times, during the last one, the two women masturbated for each other on camera.

Jessie and Carol were in contact almost daily as they planned the kickass party together. They fantasized out loud about who was going to do what to whom and what it would be like to have a new couple join their group. Jessie hoped that Sarah would bring a black man with a long thick cock while Carol hoped it was Marcia, the other flight attendant that Kelly had described to her. Either way, it was sure to be a blast!

The men were responsible for acquiring the liquid propulsion and the food for the event, in addition, James, with the agreement of all the participants, set up cameras around Carol’s house to record the events for later enjoyment. They had all agreed that the recordings would be for their private viewing only.

By five o’clock on Friday, everything was ready and just before seven, Simon and Kelly were the first to ring Carol’s doorbell.

Written by CaressofSteel
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