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Going Green

"Sam has a green powered scheme for Earth Day that yields unexpected results."

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Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way.

The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button.

As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with the LED. The motion of shaking it to power it up was similar to something that he was all too familiar with, while the shape spoke of something else entirely.

Only someone as socially awkward and sexually frustrated as Sam could have possibly considered the idea that popped into his head.

Sam’s geeky, creative streak kicked in immediately. Though he knew the principle of how the flashlight worked, his brand new purchase was in pieces only minutes after he pulled it out of the box. A couple of weeks later, the weirdest thing he’d ever purchased arrived, and also ended up in pieces – a vibrator.

The process took a couple of months, but he finally managed to come up with a design that actually worked. He had to put in a larger capacitor and magnet to get enough power, but his clear plastic prototype vibrating powerfully in his hand was worth all the work.

With phase one complete, Sam moved on to the more important part of his fantasy. A lot of internet research and several brown paper wrapped boxes later, he finished the molds and went to work on the real thing.

Now, sitting in front of the computer, Sam spun the vibe in his fingers, and knew that he had to do it. The vibrators were molded from his cock, and the fantasy of a dozen women getting off with his dick was too much to resist. Advertising them as green-powered and guaranteed to ship by Earth Day should attract a lot of interest, and might even make him enough money to break even on all that he’d spent to make the twelve vibrators.

He had to laugh at the irony, because he lumped in Earth Day with Arbor Day, Flag Day, and numerous other holidays that he considered pointless wastes of time designed to line somebody’s pockets.

Sam took the pictures, set up the auctions, and went to bed to fantasize about what would happen when he shipped them out in a few days.


Sam cautiously looked around, though it was unlikely that anyone would be anywhere near his lair of servers and wires. He blinked through his auction pages and couldn’t help a quiet yes of excitement.

A few blogs and forums had picked up his listings for weird and funny auction posts, pushing his hits through the roof. If the current bids held up, he would actually make a profit off of this whole adventure – besides the abundant masturbatory fantasy fuel.

“Dammit,” he cursed when the phone rang. “I.S., Sam Green speaking.”

“Just leave it alone and I’ll be there in a minute,” he said once the woman had described the problem she was having with her computer. He grabbed his bag, left the lair, and went to work.

Teri let out an exasperated, derisive sigh when he appeared at her cubicle a minute or so later. “God, I thought you said that you fixed this thing last time.”

Sam’s desire to slap her silly for crashing her computer again warred with the arousal that her bared cleavage caused. “I did.”

“Well, obviously not,” she replied, her voice as much a sneer as the expression on her face. “Just fix the thing,” she demanded, and then swept out of her cubicle.

“Bitch,” he muttered as he sat down.

As expected, the crash was her fault. Sam got the system back online in a couple of minutes, just in time for Teri to return with a cup of coffee.

“About time,” she spat, and made an impatient gesture for him to get out of her chair.

“You’re welcome,” he said as he walked past her.


Sam rolled his eyes and decided that he was going to go through and block all her favorite non work-related websites again as soon as he got back to his desk.

“Hey, Sam.”

Sam’s heart jumped in his chest and his stomach tightened upon hearing the voice.

“Hey, Denise,” he answered, and inwardly winced when he could hear every ounce of his nervousness in his voice.

“Uhm – I’ve got a little problem,” she said while pointing to her computer and shrugging apologetically. She nervously twisted a lock of her shoulder-length auburn hair between her fingers.

Sam found it hard to avoid staring at her. She wasn’t a slutty blonde like Teri, but she was still hot – and she didn’t treat him like an insect. He glanced in and didn’t see anything obviously wrong with the computer. “What is it?”

“I sort of accidentally closed something before I saved it.”

“I can bring up the last automatic backup for you, but that won’t help with anything between then and now.”

“I’ve been working on it for an hour.”

“I should be able to get a lot of it back, then.”

Denise folded her hands as if in prayer as she stood up. “Oh, please, please,” she said as she moved out of the way.

Sam sat down and reached for the mouse. Denise walked in right next to him, and he felt his cock hardening from the sight of her skirt-clad bottom in his peripheral vision.

“New background, I see,” he nervously bantered, trying to cover up the blush that he knew was rising in his cheeks.

“I changed it for Earth Day. If you can’t get that file back for me, I’m going to get recycled.”

Sam brought up the screen and Denise leaned in to point at one of the files, bringing her full breasts within a few tantalizing inches of his face. “That’s it.”

“The last backup was ten minutes ago,” he said, and brought the document up.

“Scroll down,” Denise asked, and took up her prayer pose again. As soon as Sam reached the bottom of the document, she let out a sigh of relief and said, “Thank god. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Hey, no problem,” he said, and then got up out of the chair. “Just remember to save a little more often.”

“I will. I don’t think my heart could take another shock like that any time soon. Thank you.”

“Just doing my job,” Sam responded, holding his bag of tools and discs in front of him to hide his erection as he left the cubicle.

Thankfully, nobody else bothered him as he returned to his lair. He brought up the auction pages again to find that several had new bids. “Two days to go,” he said, and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile.


The last of the auctions closed, and Sam let out a whoop. The bidding had more than exceeded any of his expectations, and he would actually be well in the black after shipping all twelve toys out.

Two of the top bidders had already paid and mailed their information before the rest of the auctions even closed. A third came in as Sam took a victory drink from his bottle of beer. He clicked on the email, and his jaw dropped open.

Denise Rogers.

Sam could barely believe it at first, but everything matched up. His hot coworker had won one of the auctions. He was as stiff as a board in a few seconds, the fantasies in his head even more vivid now.

Naturally, he went to bed immediately – and not to sleep.


Sam packed up all of the toys and shipped them out. He decided to take a slight risk, and put a little note in with each one that had what he was positive was a female name. It offered to refund the cost of shipping for a picture of the buyer with the toy. He didn’t specify the details of the picture, but hoped that what he’d implied might just entice a couple of wild women to take him up on it.

The days passed as the mail went on its way, and then the first picture arrived. Unfortunately, it was what he expected, rather than what he hoped for. The woman was fully clothed, a little on the large side, and simply holding the vibrator. Sam kept his promise, and sent the refund.

The second picture was much the same, except that the woman was pretty hot.

He saw a third and fourth email with attachments when he checked his mail at work.

One of them was from Denise.

Though he struggled with the decision all day long, Sam avoided the temptation to open either of the messages. He couldn’t help walking by her cubicle and looking in a couple of times, though.

The minutes felt like hours as Sam waited for quitting time. When it finally arrived, he hurried home and went straight to his computer.

No more emails had come in during the day, so Sam’s pointer hovered over Denise’s. At the last second, he decided to open the other one first. It proved to be a bra and panty picture of a woman who looked to be in her forties. She wasn’t bad looking, and the pic brought a smile to his face – as well as a rise in his pants.

Sam sent the refund, and then returned to his mailbox. He offered a little prayer to anyone who would listen, and clicked on the message.

An excited groan escaped him when he saw the pic. He’d dreamed about what Denise would look like in her underwear more times than he could imagine. The material was thin enough to give him teasing glimpses of her nipples beneath the bra. The toy, molded from his cock, lay on her flat stomach. Her face was hidden, just like the other pictures he’d received, but knowing her allowed him to fill in the blank. That one picture was worth every ounce of effort he’d put forth.

The one below it nearly gave him a heart attack.

Sam scrolled down, his heart pounding as the picture rose into view. His toy was half buried in her moist canal, her nether lips clinging to it. The photo was taken up close, from a point of view angle. His eyes drank in every crease and crinkle of her folds while his cock throbbed. He could almost feel the real thing replacing the replica on the screen. Below it, she’d typed, Going green has never felt so good.

His pants dropped to the floor in short order.

Once he recovered, Sam sent the refund, along with a message thanking her for the picture, and telling her how much he enjoyed it. He then loaded up photo paper into the printer, and printed off copies to put in the dresser next to the bed.

Sam was more than a little chafed and drained when he drifted off to sleep.


The next day at work, the building was a little gloomy, because the boss had decided to turn out half of the lights as a PR stunt for Earth Day. It might have been irritating, except that he’d also decided that everyone would only work half a day. His favorite toady had wandered throughout the building, passing out witty little memos reminding everyone to turn out their lights for Earth Hour that evening, apparently oblivious to the ream of paper he’d wasted in doing it.

Virtually nothing went haywire with the computers all day, leaving Sam plenty of time to sit with the image of Denise’s big tits covered by a thin bra, and her perfect, pink pussy fixed in his head.

When someone finally had an issue at almost the early quitting time, Sam couldn’t help walking by her cubicle. She glanced over at him and smiled, but snapped her eyes back to her computer a second later. Sam took a deep breath and continued on, planning to have everything ready so that he could jet out right at one o’clock.

“Hey, Sam.”

Sam’s eyes widened when he heard her call. He turned around to see her peeking out of her cubicle and beckoning him back. With no bag to hide it this time, he prayed that she wouldn’t notice his cock rapidly going from half mast to full sail as he walked back to her.

Denise bit her lip when he walked into her cubicle, and then whispered, “Can I ask you a favor?”

“Yeah, sure,” he responded, wondering why she was whispering.

“I’ve got a problem, but it’s not here, it’s at home.”

Sam’s mind whirled. She’s asking me to come to her place.

“Pretty please?”

Sam realized that he was standing there lost in his own chaotic thoughts, and his lips were moving before his brain caught up. “Yeah, sure.”

“It’s almost quitting time. You can follow me when we leave. See you in the parking lot?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” Sam answered, wondering how in the world he was going to keep it together alone with her, in the same house where he knew that she was using the vibrator he’d made in his own image.

“Great. Thanks.” She hesitated for a second before turning back to her computer, and Sam only found the presence of mind to walk away once her big, brown eyes left his.

Sam was in a fog for the final few minutes of the day. He moved on auto-pilot back to his lair, gathered up his things, and then left as soon as the second hand crossed over to quitting time. When he walked out into the parking lot, Denise was standing by her car, and broke out into a smile when she saw him. She gave a little wave, and then climbed into her vehicle.

Denise glanced into her rearview mirror often during the drive, making sure that he was still behind her. It was only when he pulled up and parked next to her that it dawned on him that he hadn’t brought any of his tools or anything with him. He silently cursed himself, and prayed that whatever was wrong with her computer was something that he could take care of without his bag of tricks.

Denise walked over to her door, unlocked it, and turned to say, “Come on in.”

Never in his life would he have dreamed that he might ever follow Denise into her apartment, even to work on her computer. She gestured to the machine, and Sam let his brain switch into geek mode, which helped calm some of the turbulence in his head. He walked over, sat down, and reached for the mouse.

Sam’s eyes shot wide open when the screen saver shut down and he saw one of his auction pictures on the screen.

“If you’re trying to hide who you are, it helps if you don’t leave your Star Trek keychain sitting in the picture,” Denise said from behind him.

Dumbfounded, Sam turned back to her and muttered, “I...”

“Why didn’t you ever ask me out?”

“Uhm... Uh... Me?”

“Yes, you,” she responded, and then laughed. When she saw that he was still at a loss for words, she leaned down and opened a drawer in the computer desk. She pulled out the vibrator that she’d won in the auction and shook it, the magnet clacking back in forth in its track as it charged the toy.

“I love this. All I’ve done is go through batteries lately. I got so sick and tired of dating jerks that I just gave up.” Denise gave the toy a few more, much quicker shakes. “So, you never answered my question. Aren’t I your type?”

“No – I mean yes – I mean...”

Denise put a finger to his lips and smiled at him. “You’re cute. You just need to stop letting people walk all over you.” She brought the vibe up next to her face and stroked her cheek with it. “This is you, isn’t it?” Her eyes darted down to his crotch for a second.

“Yeah,” he answered, the sensual tone of her voice and the sight of his clone cock against her cheek giving him enough encouragement to find his voice.

“Want to skip the whole having coffee and going to dinner thing and get to the good part?” She didn’t wait for an answer, but instead leaned over the chair and kissed him.

Sam could almost imagine cartoon fireworks going off around them as her soft lips pressed against his. She tasted of mint and strawberries, and her tongue slipping out to caress his lips nearly made him swoon.

She licked her lips when she broke away from the kiss, and popped open the top button of her blouse. She tilted her head toward the bedroom door, twitched her eyebrows, and walked that way.

Sam followed; swearing that he would kill anyone who woke him up if this was a dream, his eyes roving from her bottom swaying beneath her skirt up to her blouse coming open as she continued to undo buttons. By the time he stepped into her bedroom, the blouse was billowing freely as she walked.

Denise turned around at the side of her bed, tossed her vibe onto the mattress, and shrugged her blouse to the floor. She reached behind her to pop open the clasp of her bra, and slipped the straps off of her shoulders as he reached her. Her fingers curled around his wrists, and she brought his hands up to her breasts.

Denise let out a moan as he cupped her breasts in his hands, and her head lolled backward, her auburn hair billowing in the breeze of a ceiling fan above. He caressed the heavy globes with his fingers, and let his thumbs brush over the stiff, pink points.

Denise sucked in a gasp as he teased her nipples, and reached for his cock. Sam let out a sharp groan as her fingers traced the erection beneath his jeans. He reluctantly removed his hands when she finished taking off her bra, though he was more than happy with the unobstructed view, and even more pleased when she reached for the button of his jeans.

His breaths coming in long, deep pants, Sam’s eyes roved over her body as she unzipped his fly, pulled down his jeans, and slipped her hand beneath his boxers to wrap her fingers around his cock.

“Oh my. You’re so hard,” she said while looking into his eyes. Her tongue wetted her lips once more, and then she sank to her knees.

Denise pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees with a quick tug, and then wrapped her right hand around the base of his shaft. She leaned in, her lips parting, and lapped the swollen head of his cock.

Sam lurched from her touch and groaned. She sensually chuckled and looked up at him, her tongue still gliding over his glans. Then, she took him in her mouth.

He could have died on the spot – and thought for a moment that he just might – with absolutely no regrets. She didn’t play around or tease, she took him deep, and fast. Sam rested his hands on her bare shoulders as he watched her hair bounce from her efforts.

Denise released him with a slurp, and then looked up at him again. “Feel good?” She asked, and then bit down on her tongue with a smile.

“Fucking incredible,” Sam breathed.

“Mmm – good.” Then she wrapped her lips around him again.

After only a few sucks, Sam knew that he was in trouble. He could already feel the itch in the tip of his cock and the tightness beneath his balls that let him know he was going to come soon. He bent his will to holding it off, but his will was nothing compared to the feeling of her sucking his cock.

He pushed her away just before he reached the point of no return, gasping for breath. “About to... Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she responded. “I like that I can get you that hot so fast. Will it take you long to get hard again if you come?”

If the marathon of masturbating to her pictures was any indication, Sam doubted that it would take long. “I don’t think so.”

“Then come for me.”

Sam grunted as she took him in again, regaining all the ground that she’d lost when he pushed her away in only a couple of sucks. He panted, still trying to hold it off, but he knew it was too late. The grip of his fingers on her shoulders tightened, he groaned, and erupted in her mouth.

Denise moaned around him, pumping her hand over his shaft while she softly sucked for the copious amounts of cream spurting from his tip. Sam trembled and twitched, only able to keep his balance because of his hands on her shoulders. She seemed to know exactly when he was growing too sensitive to handle any more, and let him slip free of her lips with a final moan.

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She kissed the tip, making it jump, and then guided him to sit on the bed.

Sam sat down – or rather collapsed because his weak knees refused to support him any longer – and fought to keep his eyes open while she untied his shoes, removed them, and then dispensed with his pants as well. He felt as if he was burning up, and removed his shirt with trembling hands.

Denise stood back up, and let her skirt fall to the floor. Her panties followed immediately after, and she climbed into the bed next to him. She kissed his neck, and then whispered into his ear. “I want to play with my toy for you. Would you like that?”

Sam nodded and managed to breathe, “Uh huh.”

She moved to the foot of the bed, picking up the vibrator along the way, and lay back to spread her legs wide. She shook the toy vigorously, making sure it had a nice strong charge, while Sam lay down on his side facing her. He drank in the sight of her, still somewhat in disbelief that it was really happening.

Either satisfied with her efforts, or unwilling to wait any longer, Denise stopped shaking the toy and turned it on. She brought the tip to her moist nether lips, and sucked in a sharp gasp. Sam watched the copy of his cock slide up and down the parting of her lips, getting the tip wet, and then she slid it inside her.

Denise rotated the humming cock, making sure it was good and wet, from tip to base, and then started stroking it. She built up speed quickly, the clackity-clack of the magnet sliding mingled with her moans, the hum of the toy, and the wet crackle that sounded with every thrust.

The vibe pumped faster, and Denise writhed on the bed from the pleasure it was giving her. “Oh, it feels so good. I can’t wait to have the real thing.”

Sam felt the first twitches of life between his legs upon hearing those sexy words. It would still be a little while before he could get hard again, but he was perfectly content to watch her fuck herself with his creation.

Denise added a finger rubbing her clit as her passion mounted. “Mmm – Oh. I’m going to come so hard. Do you want to see me come?”

“Oh yeah.”

“I’m getting so close. It feels so good. Tell me to.”

“Come for me,” Sam blurted out.

“Oh yes,” Denise squealed, and then the fingers on her bud moved faster. Soon enough, they were almost a blur, and her head began to lash on the pillow, whipping her auburn tresses.

Her breasts jiggled from her efforts, and milky white cream dribbled out around the vibrator as she moved toward a crescendo. “Oh! Oh! I’m gonna come!”

Denise stiffened as she reached the cusp of ecstasy. Her writhing ceased. Her face tightened and grew flushed. Her mouth dropped open, her jaw trembling, and then she rammed the vibrator home with all of her strength.

Sam started from the volume of her scream as she gave voice to her pleasure. Her head popped up off the pillow, and then immediately thumped back down. Her body convulsed as if from an inner quake, and she held the vibrator buried inside her with both hands. Finally, she screamed again, and collapsed limp to the bed.

Though he’d watched thousands of hours of porn in his time, nothing could compare to the sight of a real woman having a real orgasm only inches away from him. To see his beautiful co-worker in the throes of ecstasy was like pure heaven. He’d certainly never experienced anything like it in his few, awkward sexual encounters, already many years past.

Denise pulled the vibrator from her depths with trembling hands, and let it fall to the bed. It continued to hum up against her butt as she slowly came down from her peak, panting for breath.

Without taking his eyes from her, Sam picked up the toy and turned it off. Denise’s eyelids fluttered open, and she smiled at him before a full body shiver shook her and drew out a moan. “Did you... Did you like that?”

“I loved it.”

Denise giggled. “Me too.” Her hand crept between her legs and she gasped from the touch at first. After a couple of deep breaths, she caressed her nether lips, parting them, and said, “You know what I want? I want your mouth on me. I want you to eat my pussy.”

Sam’s stomach knotted up with nervousness, but the sound of her voice and the sight of her caused him to rise. He moved between her parted legs, his heart pounding in his ears, and then the scent of her arousal tickled his nose. Drawn in by her womanly perfume, he tasted her.

Denise let out a moan with his touch and rocked her hips up to his lips. Intoxicated by the scent and taste of her, Sam lapped up her bittersweet juices. He wanted nothing more than to see her come again, but had no idea if he could accomplish it.

Desperate to make her come, Sam latched on to flashes of memory. Though porn might not be the greatest teacher for pleasuring a woman, it did at least give him some ideas of things to try. His first experiment was to suck her folds between his lips. Tingles shot up and down his spine when she gasped, and then breathed, “Oh yes.”

Sam was on the top of the world when her reaction told him that she liked what he was doing. Encouraged by that, he latched on to the next thing that crossed his mind. It took him a moment to figure out that he needed to tilt his head to the side, but he managed to find the angle to stab his tongue deep inside her.

“Oh!” Denise cried out, and then shivered as she chuckled, the sound both sensual and surprised at the same time.

Sam swirled his tongue over her walls, fascinated by the texture and the even tangier flow of juices from her depths. Her hands moved to the side of his head and her fingers twined into his hair.

“That feels so good. Don’t stop.”

He continued to try every little trick he could remember, and quickly discovered that the things he’d seen in lesbian porn were having a much stronger effect on her. Denise began to writhe, rubbing her pussy into his face. Sam felt almost drunk – lightheaded and silly. She was getting off on his tongue, her moans and squeals a siren’s song that hypnotized him, making him want more.

Subtle guidance from her hands and her words helped him find her every sensitive spot. His neck and jaw both began to ache, but he had little trouble ignoring the pain as the sounds she made grew louder by the moment.

Denise tugged him toward the apex of her lips and gasped out, “My clit.”

Sam probed with his tongue, having a general idea of where the sensitive little bud was. The moment his tongue touched it, Denise yelped and pulled him tighter against her.

“Right there. Faster. Don’t stop.”

Sam flicked his tongue as fast as he could manage, and she began to tremble. He homed in on her clit, able to feel the difference between it and the rest of her fragrant folds. In a flash of inspiration, he sucked it between his lips, and continued to caress it with his tongue.

“Yes! I’m... I’m...” Denise screamed in orgasm, her legs clamping down on the side of his head as her fingers tugged at the roots of his hair.

Sam rode her bucking hips, having little choice in the matter. She held him in a vice-like grip, the sound of her cries muffled by her smooth thighs pressed against his ears. Though he found it difficult to even draw breath, he just kept licking – and she kept coming.

Finally, her legs collapsed to the bed, and her hands followed. Sam pulled back to suck air into his starved lungs, and marveled at the sight of her. She twitched from the jolts of pleasure still shooting through her. Her pussy was smeared with his saliva and her juices, glistening in the light.

When she opened her eyes and smiled at him, Sam asked, “Was it good?”

“Wonderful,” Denise moaned, and then shivered as an aftershock claimed her.

Sam sat up, the discomfort of lying in the same position for so long finally catching up to him. When he did, he revealed something that made Denise’s grin grow even wider.

“Mmm – you’re hard again.” Her back arched a final time and she gasped before she sat up. “Lie down.”

Denise scooted over to the side of the bed, her eyes locked on his cock. Sam throbbed in anticipation as he turned around and lay back. She straddled his legs before he’d even fully settled, and stroked her hands over his chest. The tip of his cock just bumped against her gorgeous ass.

“You should be able to last longer this way, and I love being on top.” She leaned forward to support her weight on her hands, her nipples brushing against his chest, and kissed him. “Just tell me if you’re getting too close.”

Sam nodded, and couldn’t help smiling when she grinned at him.

“Oh god, I need you,” Denise breathed, and then reached between their bodies with one hand.

Sam groaned in an explosive breath as she pressed the tip of his cock against her wet folds. She shifted her hips a little, guided him into her canal, and sat down on his cock with a loud gasp.

Denise’s hot pussy wrapped around him, squeezing him like nothing he’d ever felt before. She straightened over his erection, wiggled her hips from side to side for a second, and looked down at him to say, “Your cock feels so good.”

“Your... You too,” Sam responded, finding it difficult to think with his cock buried inside her.

Denise’s hips lifted, revealing just a little over an inch of his cock, which was already coated in her wetness. She bounced on his hard shaft, causing her breasts to jiggle in the most eye-catching way, and sucked on two fingers in a sexy display. A second later, the wet digits slipped down to her clit.

Once again, Sam knew he was in trouble. The tight grip of her slippery walls was bringing him toward the edge at warp speed. As before, his efforts to fight it were proving useless. With his cum bubbling up for release, he put his hands on her legs and said, “W-wait.”

Denise froze in place, though she continued to trace small circles over her clit. “Already close?”

“Sorry.” Sam’s cheeks burned, and he closed his eyes with a defeated sigh.

“It’s okay. I told you that I like being able to get you there so fast.” She let out a long moan and added, “Besides, I’ve already had two wonderful orgasms, and you feel so good inside me like this.”

“Yeah, but...”

“Shh. Just relax. Look at me. It makes me tingle all over to see how much you want me.”

Sam opened his eyes, and it was hard for him to continue feeling ashamed, in light of the aroused look on Denise’s face. She was still masturbating, and used her other hand to lift her breast so that she could lick the nipple, as soon as he opened his eyes.

Denise let her breast drop back down and reached out to trace the lines of his abdomen. “You’ve been hiding some muscles.”

“Not really.”

“Uh huh. You may not have a six-pack, but you look delicious.” She swiveled her hips a little and continued, “You were certainly doing a good job of hiding this big cock. I’m glad you did, because now I get you all to myself.”

“You are so hot.”

“Mmm – thank you. You okay now?”

“I don’t know for how long.”

“Just stop me if I lose control and start hurting you, okay?”

“Okay,” Sam responded, though he doubted that he would last long enough for her to lose control.

Denise changed tactics, rocking and circling her hips, stirring her depths with his cock. It felt wonderful to him, but didn’t seem to be causing the same urgency that had overtaken him earlier. Her fingers began to move faster on her clit, and she let out a long moan.

Sam’s spirit soared as her sounds of pleasure grew louder, and more frequent. Her hips began to move faster, and he still didn’t feel as if he was going to erupt inside her any time soon. He understood her warning when he felt a twinge of discomfort each time her hips moved away from him, pulling his cock into a slightly unnatural angle. As soon as he realized that it was what was keeping him from going off, he was able to ignore it with a smile on his face.

Denise’s moans mingled with sensual growls as her hips bucked harder. Sam could feel a trickle of her juices dripping down his balls toward the bed below. “Oh god. Oh yes,” she cried out between rapid, heavy breaths.

“Are you gonna come?”

Denise’s breath blasted from between her clenched teeth as she rose toward a crescendo. “Uh huh – uh huh.”

“Oh yeah – do it.”

Denise suddenly shifted position, and started to bounce on his cock again. This time, the heat of her passion caused her to raise high above him, and slam down on his cock. Her ass smacked against his legs. Her juices spattered out around him. She rode him hard, driving his ass deep into the mattress.

Sam knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer. The hot friction of her pussy stroking him so fast was taking its toll. He fought with all his strength, willing her to come before he did.

He got his wish.

Denise slammed her hips down a final time and threw her head back. She screamed to the ceiling above, her hands snapping up to her breasts to squeeze them.

Her walls clenched tight around him, and Sam felt the itch in the tip of his cock grow white hot. A sudden chill passed through him, and his muscles contracted, pumping cum into her hot canal. He was still fighting to hold on, and didn’t erupt as he had in her mouth. A second contraction dribbled more hot cream from his tip, but it felt more akin to the tail end of an orgasm than the beginning of one.

After several heavy, almost pained sounding breaths, Denise fell forward on her hands. A second later, she collapsed completely atop him, her body damp with sweat, and her chest heaving. She trembled, and a few whimpers fought their way free as she continued to come.

Sam wrapped his arms around her, and she let out a broken moan of satisfaction. The quake inside her settled as a lingering groan that had hints of a chuckle to it escaped her. He held her and stroked her hair, basking in the feeling of her climaxing with his cock still buried deep inside her.

When she finally caught her breath, Denise asked, “Did you come?”

“I think. A little,” he answered, not exactly sure what had happened.

Her walls clamped down again, driven by an aftershock of her orgasm. Her eyebrows twitched up, and she looked into his eyes. “You’re still hard.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Denise took three fast, deep breaths, and then lurched off of his cock as she sucked air into her lungs a fourth time. She yelped from the heat of him sliding free of her, and then rolled over onto her back.

After a swallow and another deep breath, she said, “Fuck me. Come for me.”

She parted her legs wide, pulling her knees up toward her chest as Sam sat up. He got up onto his knees and moved into position, amazed that he was not only hard, but throbbing. Denise guided him with her hand as he pressed his cock against her folds, and he sank inside her again.

“Do it. Fuck me.” Her voice somehow sounded as though she was demanding and pleading at the same time.

Sam thrust hard, his fingers digging into her thighs. He kept his eyes closed, and concentrated on the motion of his hips, trying to stave off the inevitable.

To his amazement, he found it took little effort. He opened his eyes, and gasped at the sight of her breasts bouncing. He could feel the tingling of a climax building in his loins, but it was dull – almost numb. It was as if the strange half-orgasm that he’d had earlier had satisfied his need to come without stealing his erection in the process.

Since he was caught in the magical little limbo, he decided to take advantage of it.

“Oh!” Denise yelped when he slammed his cock inside her with all the power he could muster. This she followed with a sexy moan as he kept up the pace, fucking her hard and fast. She let go of one of her legs so that she could frig her clit again.

Sam grunted with effort, his eyes roving over her. Her fingers flashed over her clit as his pussy-slick cock drove relentlessly into her depths. Her breasts now bounced and jiggled erratically, and her face was growing flushed.

“Oh yes! Fuck me! I’m getting there again.”

Sam smiled in surprise, and swelled with pride as he considered the possibility that he might make her come again before he reached the point of no return. He pulled his knees a little closer together, trying to relieve a twinge of pain coming from them, and found that the position let him thrust even faster.

Denise reacted with a loud squeal, and then exclaimed, in a rush, “Oh! Right there! Don’t stop! Faster!”

Nothing so perfect could last forever, and Sam felt the numbness begin to fade. Seconds away from an explosion, he let out a long growl that stuttered in time with his thrusts, and then suddenly spiked in volume as he buried his cock inside her.

Denise screamed loud and long, her back arching high up from the mattress as Sam blasted cum into her pussy. No other word could possibly describe the sensation, because he felt like a cannon going off inside her. He growled with every burst, and then his breath seeped from him in a tapering groan as he leaked the last of his seed into her.

Sam’s chin dropped to his chest, because he didn’t have enough strength left to hold his head up. If it weren’t for his weight leaning against her bent legs, he couldn’t even have remained upright. Denise whimpered and laughed, still caught in the throes of her unexpected orgasm, and loving every second of it.

After a minute or so, the effort he’d expended and the sharp jolts from her pussy squeezing his over-sensitive cock caught up with him. “Got... Got to move.”

Denise moaned in disapproval, but relented by saying, “Go on.”

Sam didn’t have much choice. An odd, bubbly moan passed his lips as he pulled his softening cock free, and then he collapsed onto the bed, utterly spent.

Denise rolled over onto her side and pulled a pillow beneath her head. She stroked his cheek with her fingertips until he forced his eyes open, and then she asked. “W-where did that come from? Not that I’m complaining. Oh god, I’m definitely not complaining.”

“Dunno. Wow.”

Very wow.”

The pair lounged on the bed and looked into each other’s eyes for several minutes. Both wore languid, satisfied grins, and reveled in the warm afterglow of their near simultaneous orgasms.

Denise’s eyes shot open and she let out an oh of surprise when the pool of Sam’s cream inside her started trying to dribble out.

“I need to go tinkle, and I need some water. Do you want some?”

“Please,” Sam answered, and then chuckled for no particular reason.

Denise kissed his forehead. “Be back soon.” She then cupped her hand over her pussy and wiggled to the edge of the bed.

Sam rolled over to watch her quickly waddle to the bathroom, trying to avoid dripping cum on the carpet. His eyes drifted closed.

“Been saving that for a while?” Denise flippantly asked when she emerged from the bathroom a short while later, startling Sam out of a doze. “Oh my, you really filled me up.” She gave her bottom a smack as she turned to leave for the kitchen, and looked back over her shoulder at him while swaying her naked ass with exaggerated sensuality.

She was still strutting for his enjoyment when she returned with two bottles of water a minute later. She hopped into the bed with all the exuberance of a schoolgirl, and held out one of the bottles to him.

Once the both of them soothed their parched throats, Denise kissed him with a tender passion that finally made him understand every kiss he’d ever seen. When their lips parted, she remained close to him.

“Sam Green, do you remember in that email where I said that going green had never felt so good?”


“Well, you just topped it, by a lot.”

The two shared a laugh and leaned in close to hold each other. After a few minutes of cuddling, Denise turned toward him with a mischievous smile.

“I was wondering what I was going to do when I turned out the lights tonight for Earth Hour.” She leaned in close, her lips parting and her voice dropping into almost a moan. “I know what I want to do now.”

Sam kissed her back, and knew that he would never see Earth Day the same way again. 

Written by RejectReality
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