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High-school teacher Sylvia Steele is still reeling from her near-seduction by ex-student Jared Morgan. She's vowed not to return to his apartment so he can indulge his wicked teacher fantasy. But some temptations are just too damn hard to resist...

Sylvia applied the finishing touches around six thirty on Monday evening. Gold stud earrings, a touch of mascara and pale-red lipstick. Her locks were twirled into a chignon and secured with a wooden pin; the ponytail-look reminded her too much of the young woman straight out of training college, the one who had masked her nerves with a show of brittle classroom command. Her suit was reminiscent of that in the drawing—neat light-grey jacket with a narrow pinstripe and matching pleated skirt. She was sure the silk turquoise tie-neck blouse would also please. Just the degree of primness for which Jared remembered her and sadly in keeping with how she still dressed to work.

Then there were those other touches, the ones which catered to the fantasy expressed in his art. Never had she worn hold-ups to school, but the sheer seamed pair she had purchased that afternoon from the La Rouge lingerie store fitted both her shapely calves and Jared’s eroticized image of her. They, along with her most imperious four-inch black heels, would display her, she hoped, to breath-stealing effect. If her host would let it show. Knowing him he might not even let his eyes widen at the lacy black bra and panty set she had purchased for the dubious occasion. Unlike most drooling male adolescents, he had always managed to internalize his lust, letting it glint from his eyes at the most inconveniently arresting moments.

Damn the— But no, she was past damning him, she thought, as she picked up her matching purse and left her apartment for the car. She had cursed through the entire weekend, far beyond her hangover—under her breath in Christmas shopping queues and silently during Sunday lunch with her mother. Fobbing off Gretchen’s gossipy text messages, while wrestling with her guilty desire. Sunday night had been an agony of arousal, no TV distraction equal to the cocky sound of his voice in her head: Exactly what you need … Sounding like he knew what was better than she did. She shouldn’t flatter his ego. She should just leave him there to stew …

And then when she’d woken up that morning, she’d known there was no decision. She would go back if it meant canceling Christmas. Making the cross-town journey in her modest Chevy, she craved Friday night’s adrenalin rush once more. She needed the fulfillment of its dirty promise.

A whole quarter-hour she sat curbside down the block from his apartment, letting the minutes tick through to eight o’clock. On the hour she locked the car, then clicked her way self-consciously through severe chill to the apartment complex where she knew he’d be waiting. Already as she summoned the courage to rap briskly on his door, moisture was seeping through the crotch of her panties.

He let her wait until her fingers were curling resentfully for a second knock. It wasn’t more than twenty seconds, just long enough for her to imagine his complaisant stroll to the entrance. Lazy indeed was the look on his face when he opened to her, though his eyes made a cursory up-and-down flick to check out her teacher-look. “I won’t say I knew you’d be here, ’cos that’d just be smug,” he said. “But … well, here you are, teacher.”

She squirmed with competing urges to grab him and slap him. There was a pause while she tried to marshal her mental faculties. Finally, she managed, “So are you going to let a lady stand freezing in the doorway? When she’s put in so much effort?”

“I apologize. You’ll have to excuse my bad manners. It kind of feels like time-travel.” He gestured for her to come in. “You look as I remember you, only hotter. But you hardly need me to tell you you’re hot. You know, it feels like you’ve come around to try and deliver a catch-up tutorial for all that time lost in school.”

“I … I …”

Words proved embarrassingly elusive as he ambled towards her from the sealed front-door, looking calm and pleased with the entire situation. He’d dressed himself in nothing more than scruffy jeans and a worn Red Hot Chili Peppers t-shirt; he was even barefoot, as though he’d felt no need for a Plan B that evening.

“You feel terribly unprofessional for being alone with a student, is that it?”

“Something like that,” she gulped, visibly she was sure. Her body was threatening to tremble in a similarly obvious fashion as he reached out and stroked a loose strand of hair at her neck. Her nipples peaked at this lightest of touches to her skin. He held the moment, gaze wandering over her in appraising fashion, and she braced herself for the moment when he would seize her.

“I think someone needs a drink.” His look softened, breaking that terrifying spell. She let herself be taken by the hand and led into the kitchen. Then she watched, still struggling for words, as he opened the same bottle as three nights before and poured two shots into the tumblers he’d set out.

“Thought you wanted me sober,” she said stiffly as he fitted the glass to her hand. “So the whole ‘Jared experience’ wouldn’t be compromised.”

“You will be,” he replied, sipping his bourbon. “And it won’t be. I just think you need a little warming up, what with it being so cold outside. Drink, or I’ll get to thinking you don’t appreciate my hospitality.”

She stared at him, marveling all over again at his brazenness. “God, you’re a bastard.” He laughed as she went to drink. “And that’s funny because …?”

“Because you haven’t begun to find out what a bastard I am. Now drink your fucking drink, lady.”

She nearly choked on the Jim Beam, so unexpected was his harsh tone. When she’d recovered, his mocking stare threw her such a challenge that she gulped the dark-amber liquid in one, gasping at the hot rush down her throat. Then she slammed the glass onto the kitchen table in a show of bravado. Her heartbeat’s accelerated thump testified that she had no such confidence within. But then wasn’t that the rush which had drawn her back here?

“What’s the matter, Miss Steele? You seem a little on edge.”

“I’m fine.” She wished she’d not discarded the glass. It would have been something to hold on to. Instead she gripped the back of a chair with one hand, trying to ground her anxiety. “So what happened to our new informality? I’d have thought you’d get off on calling me Sylvia.”

“Oh, you can be Sylvia later.” He flipped his tumbler about in his hand and planted it firmly on the draining board. “But it’s your teacher-self I’ve got dealings with to begin with. That’s why I wanted her back here.” He pushed off from the side of the sink and swaggered towards her.

She raised her chin in the face of his tortuously casual advance. “And because there was a little … flicker between you and your teacher ten years ago, you think that entitles you in some way?”

“No.” He drew close to her and she almost smelt the danger. “I’m entitled because the teacher came back here tonight playing dress-up. Came here to accept the punishment she’d already been told was waiting for her.”

“I came here to avoid some dull party across the street,” she said hoarsely as he reached out with one hand and caressed the strands of her tied-up hair. Why she was still making a show of defiance in the circumstances she had no idea. Not when she’d so clearly obeyed the fashion dictates implicit in his drawing. “So don’t flatter yourself because you seemed a better option. And …” With all the coiled strength of his proximity she could hardly catch her breath. “And what makes you think I need punishing anyway?”

“Oh, I think you know.” His fingers increased their kneading pressure against her neck. “Or do I have to make it clear, Miss Steele?”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to. I can’t be responsible for every horny schoolboy who fantasizes about me.”

“I’m not talking about them.” His fingers curled into the pinned-up spiral of her hair. “I’m talking about this.” With his free hand he took hold of her wrist and clapped her palm to his crotch. She jumped and squeaked to feel him bulging hard under his jeans. “This is how big and how hard I was that day in the store room. It’s how big and how hard you made me when you just stood there, ready to let me unbutton your blouse. So feel it now and know what you did to me.” Then his smirk broadened. “But I wouldn’t even mention it if I hadn’t known in that moment how wet you were. How sopping wet and in need of this cock.”

Damn his arrogance. Even while she let him slide her hand over his crotch, even while she creamed her panties there before him, this was too much. “I … I wasn’t … I didn’t …”

“You were dripping all down your thighs, just like you are now. I could smell how turned on you were, and I can do it again tonight. Forget about all those other kids with their classroom hard-ons, jacking off to you when they got home. You wanted me. You wanted this. Go on, teacher, deny it.”

“I … I …”

“Keep your hand on my fucking cock.” She flinched at the iron in his tone and the hardening of his face. Her palm spread and embraced him once more, massaging, exploring his rigid contours on its own. “That’s better. You’re not here to be calm or prim, are you?” His hand shot under her jacket to grab and squeeze one of her breasts. “Are you, Miss Steele?” he pursued, clutching hard.

“No. No, I’m not,” she moaned. She loved this scary fucked-up game.

“Then tell me. Tell me why after that day you kept putting me in detention.” He fondled her, his other hand still gripping the back of her neck, while she rubbed him. “Why you kept giving me shit. I want you to ‘fess up to it.”

“I … I …” She couldn’t just hand him the satisfaction, could she? So well she remembered him staring at her after that day, wearing the same infuriating amused look he had on his face this evening, his every glance a searing reminder of what she’d almost done. “You deserved it. You were always being insolent.”

“How? Did I say anything? Do anything? Try and wreck your class?” He squeezed harder at her tit, teasing her accentuated nipple through silk and lace with his thumb.

“You still wouldn’t hand in your assignments.” Her voice was high-pitched, breathy and desperate under the influence of his rough touch. “You were such a lazy fucking student.”

“There were lots of lazy fucking students. You didn’t get on their case the way you did mine. Why was that? What was different?” He caught her areola between his thumb and fingers, pinched and twisted hard. She yelped and clutched his cock harder in response.

“Oh, god, you shit.” He was driving her crazy with her own horniness, maintaining the pressure on her shocked, sore nipple. She returned his burning gaze with a defiant stare of her own. “You were smart, you were wasting yourself and I had to damn well wat—Ouch! Fuck!”

He’d given her nipple an additional hard twist before letting go. Now he slapped his free hand to her rear, pulling her tight and trapping her arm between them as she groped. “And you were wasting your slippery wet hole on a man who didn’t know how to take advantage.”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“Because you wouldn’t have been so fucking uptight if he had. You wouldn’t have needed it so badly.” He clutched her hard, his face jeering. “It wouldn’t have been so fucking obvious what you wanted.”

“God, you cocky son-of-a—”

“Tell me what that was.”

Carnal need and irritation vied within her. She didn’t want to give him this satisfaction.


“Tell me or I’ll send you home in another taxi and make you wait till after Christmas.”

She felt a stab of desperation, so great was her need for the cock beneath her hand. “You wouldn’t dare. You wouldn’t fucking dare.”

His expression was that of a man who knew he’d struck it big. “Try me.”

“Oh, shit.” She could not help but be impressed by a man with a cock this hard, who would risk the moment for a bigger prize than the one he was already offered. “You bastard.”

His hands grappled her ass and her neck. “Now tell me what you wanted back in school if you want it now.”

She knew she had to say the words.

“Tell me. Let me hear it.”

“I wanted … I wanted you to fuck me.”

“Say it again!”

“I wanted you to fuck me!” Her pussy spasmed as she spoke it.

He cradled her fiercely, voice firm and demanding to match his grip. “How? Tell me how you wanted it.”

She was shuddering within his hold now, the last of her control slipping from her grasp.

“Hard. I wanted you to fuck me hard.”

“That’s it. That’s it, teacher. Look at me and tell it all. Tell me what you wanted that eighteen-year-old boy to do to you.”

She stared into his gloating eyes and the shameful confession poured out of her. “Oh, god I wanted him to fuck me there in the stock room. I wanted him to shove me up against the wall, rip my panties off and just … just put it in me. Stick it in me. Stick that arrogant teenage cock deep inside. Show me what he knew, the cocky son-of-a-bitch.”

Jared’s face was suffused with smug pleasure. “Oh yes, that’s good, now you’re talking. What else? What else did you think about?”

“On my desk …” Every long-sublimated thought spilled out in uncontrolled rage. “I wanted you to fuck me on my desk. Right there on top of it. Throwing me down on it and

knocking all my papers everywhere, laying into me. Bending me over … Bending me over my own desk and fucking me any way you wanted, is that enough for you? Is that what you wanted to hear, you fucker?”

“That’ll do just fine.” He kissed her hard on the mouth. She counter-attacked feverishly, tongue lashing into his mouth as his lips bruised hers. It was a long, fierce battle of a kiss and she groped his pulsating cock all the way through it. Eventually he broke away. “And now?”

She glared back at him and gave him what she knew he desired. “It’s still what I want. For you to fuck me. Any way you like.”

“Say please.” His fingers on her neck were a soft caress. The only part of her that didn’t hate him in that moment was her weeping pussy.

“Please, Jared.” She tried to snarl it through gritted teeth, but desire was getting the better of her sarcasm. “Fuck me. Here. Now. Any way you damn well like.”

“You sure you mean that?”

She could hear the warning in his tone and she balked, even in her heated state. “Yes, I mean it.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely. But I’m still going to make you work for it. And you’re going to do every single thing I say. You’re going to be a good girl, Miss Steele, and take all your punishment. Not for any detentions. For making us wait. You do deserve to be punished for that, don’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I deserve to be punished,” she told him with a forced meekness.

“And you’re going to do everything you can to make good your mistake, right?”

“Yes, I am.”

Jared grabbed her hair where she had pinned it and she cried aloud as he tightened his hand into a fist. “Well, then, Miss Sexy-Ass, you can start by dropping those knees onto my dirty kitchen floor and sucking my cock.”

He tugged on her locks at the roots, drawing her down. There was laughter in his face as her legs buckled. Kneeling on the grimy linoleum, she ran both sets of fingers over his crotch, loving how the denim was stretched out by his fly-busting erection.

“Don’t hang around, get to work,” he urged, and even as she cursed him she set about his pants from the top, nimbly popping each straining button. His erection had already sprung free of his dark-navy briefs and the bulbous head was leering at her, slippery with thin clear ejaculate. The sight made her mouth water quite literally as though for a forbidden treat.

Chester’s cock would have been sufficient had he bothered to provide her more often with its benefits, but Jared’s, she realised, on peeling away the briefs to release it fully, was quite magnificent. A proud veiny tower, the height and thickness of which was accentuated by the close-cropping of pubic hair around heavy balls. Either this was the absolute source of his arrogance or a significant contributing factor. She wondered momentarily how many inexperienced young women had gasped on initial exposure to this beast. She had never taken on an erection of this magnitude, but she was damned if she was going to appear like one of his novices. She observed, breath bated a moment, as the translucent spillage from the eye trickled a delicious slow path down the standing rod, then she gobbled up as much as she could into her determined mouth.

Too much, too quickly. She came off him before she could choke, his pre-cum burning on her taste buds and the infuriating sound of his laughter in her ears. “Been a while, has it? Come on, Miss, I’m sure that mouth has something to teach me.”

Fucker! She gripped his sturdy column by the base and got her lips wide around him, tongue already slathering over his salty underside as she swallowed up the first thick inches. He was huge in her mouth—hot and delicious—her heart thumped at having so much pulsing-hard forbidden dick-flesh crammed between her tongue and her palate. She cradled his balls, clutching the ass of his jeans with her other hand, as her lips sealed tight around his massive girth and she sucked hard and rhythmically on her student. He was rigid as bone against the vigorous slurping of her soft mouth and she could hear his enjoyment in the hoarse rasp of his breathing.

“Look at me.” His gaze was victorious. He knew he had her exactly where he wanted. “God, that’s one fucking beautiful sight,” he said, rumpling her hair with one hand. “You look just perfect down there.”

The words inflamed her anger and her lust. She took more of his shaft into her so that the head squelched against the soft back of her mouth. She knew what she must look like to him, the prim, power-dressed career-girl subservient on her knees, red lips stretched in worship around his fully-extended pole. “That’s it, teacher, suck your student’s cock, get it nice and fucking deep in your throat.”

Every taunt he made only served to fuel her arousal. She went down on him further, taking him into her throat, as she had not done to any man, she was sure, since her late teens. This move she repeated several gag-inducing times, perversely seeking to be whatever he demanded. She glazed him with spit in the process and then lapped it up, curling her tongue about his length, chasing the trickles of drool all the way down to the root of his cock. Then she sucked on his balls in turn, jacking his hard, wet shaft as she enveloped his cum-swollen sac with her lips. She even spat on sudden dirty inspiration into her palm, so she could pump back and forth on him with a smoother more determined action.

It was with a savage pride that she stared back up at him, fingers still wrapped around his dick, saliva frothing between her knuckles. If she had expected some base form of validation, however, it came only in the most mocking form. “So you’re a naughty girl, are you?” There was evil in his eyes as he slid the pin from her hair, tossing it onto the table and unwrapping her tresses. “Well, let me show you what I do to naughty girls. Open up.” He coiled her hair like a rope around his palm and thrust four fingers into her shocked mouth. “That’s right. Nice and wide.”

Sylvia burned with an indignation which did nothing to stem the flow of her oozing pussy. To have this boy—a part of her still thought of him like that, a smirking schoolboy—with his digits shoved crudely past her lips … But she didn’t protest it, nor when he withdrew his fingers and inserted the fat head of his cock in their place, nor even when he gripped her head and drew her slowly, inexorably towards the base of his column. Her mouth and throat filled up, the great choking monster sliding beyond her gag-reflex till her lips were expanded around the base, the head plugging her airway. Her hands flapped and she sucked in air desperately through her nose.

“That’s it,” Jared drawled, his voice gloating as he clutched her hair, locking her tightly in place. “Keep it there.” He sustained it for a few seconds longer, then pulled her off him in a fleet, sucking motion, which left her empty-throated and spluttering wetly.

“Oh my god,” she panted, saliva dangling from her lips. He refitted himself, stuffed her mouth full, then gripped her head and plunged her all the way back down onto him. Pinned there, she wondered how much he was getting off on the helpless moans she was making around his gorging cock. He dragged her free, so she could urgently catch her breath, then repeated the operation several more times, each one with messier saliva-thick results. Lust seemed to get the better of his patience and he invaded her proactively, gripping her tightly and thrusting his pelvis, delivering full, hard strokes to the back of her gurgling throat.

The full-throttle oral fucking overwhelmed her. All she knew for those long seconds was his hands clasped to the back of her head and his huge phallic weapon spearing down her vocal tract. She was gurgling on him obscenely, as he pumped in and out, cramming himself each down-stroke to the balls.

When finally released, she sucked in air before a great rearing cock drenched in her own slobber. Loops of thick saliva hung between his glans and her mouth and a viscous river was spilling from her chin down her neck, soaking into her blouse. She watched blearily as Jared drew his hand from the base to the tip of his length, gathering all the mess in his hand. It stunned her, perhaps more than the face-fucking, when he planted his palm gently in her face and slithered it all over her from forehead to mouth, smearing her with her own drool. She spat and spluttered, staring up at him in renewed astonishment at his effrontery. Jesus, he was fucking laughing again.

“That make you mad? Did it, Miss Steele? Tell me.”

“Yes,” she muttered through clenched teeth.

“Thought it would. This’ll make you madder.”

He seized to the roots of her hair with one hand and heaved her from the floor. “God. Shit!” she cried out, scrabbling to gain hold of the table as she was hauled to her feet. Her heels were still skidding beneath her when he gathered her to him with an arm tight around her waist. Crooking his leg he flipped her off the floor and face-down across the braced limb, so she was suspended flailing and kicking. “Goddamnit, Jared, what are you fucking doing?”

“Your language for a schoolteacher is appalling, Miss. Whatever happened to setting an example?” He ensconced himself on the end of the table and laid her sprawling across his lap, so that her legs dangled over the edge. She could feel his naked erection pressing against her stomach through her blouse. “Hey, you recognize this bit, don’t you?” Hell, she did. She’d been staring at his sketched fantasy for three days. “And you knew it was coming when you arrived here. Get as mad as you like, but no complaining.”

She’d known completely, knocking on his door, and he was right—complaints were pointless. The drawing had been his warning and his promise to her. But spread across him like this, the situation’s reality clarified alarmingly. This was Jared’s dream-come-true moment. He wrenched her skirt up to beyond her waist in a crumpled mass. Then his fingers curled around the band of her panties and he ripped them with equal determination to halfway down her thighs. There was a pause and she knew before he spoke that he was allowing himself a brief reverie. “Hot damn, Miss Steele, I have waited to look on this and it does not disappoint.”

There was a rush of heat to Sylvia’s face as she realised he could see everything she had back there. The wax job she had given her pussy the previous night, the puffed lips which were leaking down her thighs. Jesus, her asshole was on view to this bastard! Now he was running a hand over the orbs of her buttocks like he was testing the firmness of ripe fruit, even parting them with his fingers so he could peer curiously between. Never in her life had she felt exposure like this—embarrassed hot helplessness under the gaze of someone who wouldn’t even think of sparing her. Her body tensed in fraught expectation. She didn’t know what spanking felt like.

“Don’t get so uptight, Miss,” he said genially, still caressing her ass. “Who knows? I might go easy on you.” Then he laughed.

The first whack landed on her ass before she realised he’d raised his hand. She gasped sharply, aware of the jolting impact and the smacking sound before the hot pain registered. The stinging sensation bloomed across her flesh and was just at its height when the second slap fell, harder, right on the base of her cheeks like the first. This time she cried aloud at the burn and wriggled in panic, but he clutched her hard by the waist and spanked again, as though each of her reactions encouraged him to more strident efforts. A succession of blows whacked the same tender spot around her cunt lips and she yelled on each one.

Then he altered target. His full palm descended on the meat of her right cheek with a more resonant smack than before and an accompanying explosion of heat. He repeated with equal vehemence, twice, and the handprint burned its way into her flesh. She felt herself being twisted about his lap and found it was so he could access her other buttock with equivalent force. A trio of fierce blows landed there on top of each other—one, two, three—making her scream and squirm against his cock—his raging hard cock.

“God, lady, you’ve got one fucking fine ass!” He patted her pussy, renewing the livid sensation there, before alternating full-swinging whacks between left and right cheeks, pausing occasionally to squeeze and caress the globes lovingly. “Shit!” He was laughing in amazement above her cries as he swatted her. “You’ve been hitting the gym, girl, these are some worked-out buns. My hand’s just bouncing off them like a fucking drum!”

Sylvia wailed as her ass was rendered a fleshy mass of sizzling pain. The heat was white now, her rear super-sensitized to each fresh smack of Jared’s hand. It was excruciating, yet beyond the hot sensation she was aware of something else—wild bullet-nippled excitement. Thus when her punisher shoved two fingers into her cunt, she could hear and feel the loud squelch of her own arousal.

“Miss Steele, you naughty bitch, look how much you’re getting off on this. Think I’m gonna have to thrash that ass some more.”

Oh my god …

It heralded another bout of spanking, and ‘thrash’ proved a well-chosen word. His hand fell indiscriminately, splatting cruelly against her, making her ass-flesh sing with exquisite agony. Teary howls of rage escaped randomly from her lips: “Ow … Fuck … Goddamn you, you … ow … you fucking bastard …!”

“That’s it, baby, let me hear you. That ass sore enough yet? Shout it out and screw the neighbours. Fuck, yeah!”

His palm cracked against her one final time, then he bundled her off the table, so that the skirt slipped back over her intensely throbbing rear. Hair was falling all over her face and her lower lips still dribbled spit. She wobbled in her heels and her legs nearly buckled, but he stood with her, cock thrusting lewdly from his flies, and propped her painfully against the table’s edge. He pulled her face to his and kissed her hard, crushing her lips and tonguing deep, then he wrenched her away just as suddenly, his breath fierce.

“Okay, teacher, now strip.”

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“What?” She tried to catch her breath and absorb the ache in her stinging rump before anything more transpired.

“Get your clothes off. Now. I want to see you fucking naked. Here, I’ll help.” He ripped the jacket off her back and ripped the undone bow at the neck of her blouse, popping the buttons with expert fingers. “Take the fucking shirt off. Come on, woman, do I have to do everything?”

She stirred into motion, unbuttoning her cuffs and brushing the shirt off her shoulders, anger and desire fusing within her.

“That’s it, and the bra. Let me see those fucking tits. I’ve waited long enough.”

Her face burned along with her ass. On command she reached behind and unsnapped her bra. The instant the lacy garment loosened around her chest, Jared grabbed between the cups and ripped it away from her breasts.

“Oh-ho, hell yeah!” His strong calloused hands seized her tits like a twin-prize. “Fuck. Sorry to go all high school. It’s just crazy to have my hands around these babies at last.” He wet his thumbs and grabbed again, moistening her big, pronounced nipples and pinching them hard, so that she squeaked in pain. He stared into her eyes and the horny adolescent drained away as the man returned. “Every straight male student in that school must have fantasized about playing with Miss Steele’s amazing rack,” he said gravely, “and yet here I am. Drop the skirt.”

She reached shuddering to the side and unclipped. Her panties were a tangle about her lower thighs and she had no idea what to do with them. Jared, however, saved her from thinking about it. Releasing hold on her, he seized the band of saturated fabric and ripped it apart. He held the scrap of material before her. “You won’t be needing these any more, Miss Steele,” he said matter-of-factly, letting her panties slip from his finger. “You’re not my teacher now. You’re my slut.”

He grabbed her breasts, slapped them and twisted her nipples hard. She groaned and ached and drizzled moisture down the hollows of her upper thighs. He lifted her breasts and squeezed them together, flicking his tongue back and forth between her peaked nipples, sucking each and closing his teeth to draw out shocks of pain.

“Oh god,” she moaned when he finally released her, “you fucker.” But it was more in awe than rage. He took her head in his hands and kissed her, rough at first, then mellowing into something softer and more luxurious.

Jared’s lips left hers and he looked into her eyes with evil calm. “I’m a fucker of no little experience. And now you’re going to get the benefit of it all.”

Excitement surged on the heels of rampant fear. Here was a guy who, she knew, could deliver on every brag he made. He stripped off his tee to reveal his hard chest, then slid off pants and shorts. There he stood, naked and erect before her. She braced herself for his next move when a vibration came from his jeans pocket. He made to answer it.

Bloody goddamn bastard…

“Fucking hell, Sylvia, this I gotta take ... Red! I don’t fucking believe it! How the hell are you?” He shot a wicked smile at Sylvia and strode naked from the room, carrying on his conversation. Moments later he returned with a blue plastic bottle, his erection preceding him into the kitchen.

She stared at him, whereupon he flipped the bottle’s cap and squirted a deluge of clear silky fluid about her bosom. He clapped a hand over the phone. “Oil up that rack, Sylvia, and get on your knees. Time to fuck those tits.”

She wanted to protest, but her knees caved when he shoved and she found herself kneeling before his cock once more. Semi-defiantly she stared up at him, but he just looked back expectantly; she gathered up the fluid as it spilled to her stomach and commenced to massage it into her breasts.

“Where were we, baby?” he said into the phone, setting it on the table. Anger flashed within Sylvia as he raised a shushing finger to her. The bastard had put the cell on speaker.

“ … You’re not all of anybody’s, you idiot,” laughed a young woman’s voice. “And don’t call me baby, or I’ll send you a slap.”

Jealousy surged unaccountably within Sylvia and she kneaded her mounds harder.

“God, Vanessa, you haven’t changed, girl,” Jared said, pulling Sylvia to him and indicating further expectation. With the most begrudging expression she could muster, the teacher-turned-slut squeezed her tits around his resolute pole and oiled it. “That’s some great fucking art on your website.”

“I’m still in shock you checked it out, let alone got in touch. You’re just full of surprises.”

Vanessa’s voice, polished but with an unmistakable New York City tinge, sounded remarkably canny, a distance from the sort of slut Sylvia had imagined he went with. She begrudged anyone, however, intruding on her time with the bastard, and slid her breasts up and down his shaft in slithering protest.

“Oh, I can spring a few surprises all right,” Jared laughed, gripping Sylvia’s back and thrusting himself slowly back and forth within the slick channel she had created. “What you up to this Christmas?”

“Well, let’s see. I’m working on a new art project, I’m whoring myself in a cutesy Santa-girl costume to pay the bills and I’m dating a very nice guy from Canada.”

“Really? That’s great, Red. Hope the project flies and I hope he fucks you good.” He stepped up his own fuck-motion as he said it. Sylvia squished her boobs tighter around him.

“He fucks me good, and he treats me like a lady in-between times. You could learn a lot from him, rock star.”

“Oh, could I?” Jared’s cock was working steady and smooth against Sylvia’s oily sternum, the glans butting her chin on each upward motion. “I was a total gentleman with you. And young Mallory. I did you both in a very gentlemanly way. How is the little honey?”

“She’s good, living it up in college, making up for lost time.”

“See? I did her a favor there.”

“Yeah, you’re Mr. Fucking Generous. What about you? Are you boning anyone special this Christmas season or just putting it around like the man whore you are?”

“Why the hard time?” Jared protested, pumping merrily between Sylvia’s breasts. “You might have called in the middle of some beautiful interlude.”

“The hell I have.”

“Red, for all you know I might be romantically tit-fucking someone special right now as we speak.”

There was an infinitesimal pause on the part of the caller. “You bastard, you’ve got someone with you right now.”

“You think?”

“Well, not right there. Fuck, maybe you have, I wouldn’t put it past you. But you’ve got some little hot thing waiting for you, right?”

“And if I have?” Jared laughed, but his slimy thrusts had slowed.

“You leave the poor girl hanging on so you can go talk to me? If you’re fucking her, then go fuck her. Pay her at least that much respect. Call me back another night, you son-of-a-bitch.”

Sylvia stared up savagely at Jared, gratified that his pussy-from-the-past was whipping him.

He looked back down at her and at his cock, wedged like a huge bratwurst between two buns. “I hear you, Red. You have a good Christmas. Call you New Year.”

“Yeah, maybe. Now go give the girl her Christmas gift, whoever she is. Bye, Jared.” Communication ended with a click.

Sylvia met Jared’s cool gaze with a defiance which surprised her. “You heard the girl,” she said, smoothing her tits up and down him slowly. “If you’re going to fuck me, just damn well do it. And give me everything you’ve fucking got.”

“Everything?” His smile was demonic. “Just remember you said that, Sylvia.” Cock still pressed within her cleavage, he gathered her hair together into a ponytail and yanked sideways. “Okay, get on all fours and get your fucking ass into my bedroom.” She dropped down, his erection slapping her inadvertently in the face as she went. Then she scurried on hands and knees across the kitchen linoleum, trying to prevent her hair pulling taut as Jared hauled her towards the door. “Come on, little doggie, keep up.” He whacked her already scorched rump. “Come on, doggie, that’s it.”

The bedroom barely made an impression in her befuddled mind. He hauled her upright on arrival and she perched on her knees, newly aware of her full-frontal nakedness before his angry-looking cock. “Onto the bed,” he demanded, dragging her upwards by the improvised ponytail.

He threw her back onto the mess of sheets and she bounced there as he and his cock loomed over her. “Spread those legs.” And she did so. “God, look at you … Look at that juicy fucking clit.” There was a rawness now to his lewd taunting. His hand shot between her legs, then there was fabulous wet friction, his fingertips rubbing crazily back and forth over the swollen apex of her arousal.

“Oh fuck. Oh my god.” She’d craved this all evening—through all the face-fucking and spanking—the chance of release under his touch.

“You like that? You fucking need that?” His fingers flicked harder, whipping up desire till she grabbed and abused her own nipples. Then he drew his hand back and slapped her clitoris. Her head shot up in alarm. He did it again, harder, so that the shock threw her backwards flat onto the bed.

“Ah! Fuck!” Her heart pounded and her sex throbbed under the sudden discipline. He did it several times more; the pain heightened the thrill. Then he was pushing her legs wider, spitting onto her clit, the filthy bastard, rubbing her again, causing her pussy—she had no doubt—to froth.

“You gonna come? You gonna come for me, Miss Steele?”

“Oh god, oh god yes. Oh god, please …”

“You gonna come all over my cock?”

“Yes. I … What?” She raised her head to see him between her legs, working her clit with one hand while fitting the head of his dick inside her with the other. “Oh god, oh fuck, Jared—”

“Okay, teacher, here we go.” He grabbed her thighs and drove, hard, filling her with cock in a single thrust, expelling the air from his lungs in a fierce grunt as he packed her.

Sylvia screamed at the sheer sensation of being penetrated; then as he pulled out and surged in again, churning up the juices of her cunt with that great thick staff, her screams melted into those of orgasm. The tension in her loins exploded under the first of Jared’s strokes, sending momentous shuddering waves throughout her as she lay, helpless and speared on the bed. Her wicked lover gripped the junctions of her hips and fucked her all through it, stretching her out as she spasmed furiously against him.

The climax was as protracted as it was wild and when it was done he was still there, ramming into her. “Feel good?” He leered shamelessly and she knew her eyes returned all the response he needed. “That was only the first one. And you’re going to pay for them all.”

He upped his thrust rate and leaned into her, seizing her left breast. His hand squeezed into a tight fistful of tit-flesh, then released her to slap where he had just groped. She moaned her way through that and through similar maltreatment of her other breast, then cried aloud as he grabbed and fondled with both palms. His strokes searched vigorously into the depths of her cunt as he abused her chest, as though to distract from the rough application of his hands.

“That’s it, Miss Steele, take your fucking. I’m teaching the lesson today.” One hand remained clamped to her breast, while the other gripped her jaw. “You look at me, lady, you’re not taking class now. The student’s in charge and you can damn well pay attention while he fucks you.”

Pay attention, like she could do anything else. His fingers retracted from her tongue, smeared their way over her face and clutched her hair, but she didn’t break eye contact. He could do what he liked, call her names, pull at her hair and get rough with her tits, but it no longer mattered. Not in the light of the furious fuck he was driving inside her. He might have slacked his way through American history, but this horny bastard could rut for the USA. Thus when he hauled her up by the back of her neck and pressed his mouth to her ear, she drank in everything he had to say.

“You are a slut, aren’t you, Miss Steele?”

“Yes, I’m a slut.”

“Use my name when you say it.”

“I’m a slut, Jared, I’m a total fucking slut.”

“And you love having your student’s cock fuck your cunt, don’t you?”

“I do. I do.”

“What do you love? Tell me.”

“I love having your cock fuck my cunt!”

The acknowledgement, combined with the persistent smack of his balls between her forked thighs, pushed her over again and she exploded a second time. Her wet vagina clutched at his pole as her hands clutched his back. The screams that issued from her mouth, she was sure, would wake the whole neighbourhood.

When Jared pulled his great sucking rod from inside her, she felt momentarily bereft. And when he dragged her from the bed and put her on her knees before him, she grabbed his ass and swallowed him up, even before his insistence that she “suck on her own juice.” She liked the taste of herself on his resolute hardness and lapped every inch of him, slavering around his balls just to make sure nothing was missed. He hoisted her back up and she climbed his iron body as she rose, kicking off her heels at last to go more easily wherever he propelled.

He swung her around and she was confronted with a startling image in the tarnished bedroom mirror—a tousle-haired slut in torn hold-up stockings and not a stitch else. Mascara was blotched down her face and she had finger marks on her reddened tits. Her labia were puffed and protruding, her thighs slippery with the essence of her cunt. And when he turned her, she could clearly see the handprints on her flank. In short, she saw a messy, bedraggled, spanked-and-fucked whore.

“Look at that,” said the still hard Jared with a smug tone Sylvia might have found vile at the start of the evening. “Do you like her?”

She turned to look at him, rather than his reflection, and she trembled as she spoke: “Yes, Jared, yes, I do. She’s me.”

“Is that so? We’ve found the real Miss Steele at last?” His hands tightened on her and her nipples puckered. “Then take a closer look.”

With a firm grip on her arm and neck, he impelled her to the mirror’s surface, bending her over and shoving her against it. She came face-to-face with her own smeared and sweaty image, even as the man who had brought her to this, pressed into the small of her back to accentuate her ass’s thrust and reconnected the head of his cock to her cunt’s gaping entrance.

“You ready for more?”

“Bring it fucking on.” She braced herself, arms spread wide, and marveled at the woman in the glass who had snarled the words.

“Ugh!” It was the combining of her groan with his, as he delivered and she accepted. To feel her neglected pussy expand once more, swallowing all his massive length and girth—it was a sensation of which she couldn’t get enough. His balls smacked into her raw cheeks as he skewered her, even the fire-cracker explosion of his hand against her butt as he fucked her did not matter; if anything it fed into the pleasure of being rammed with cock, swelling her sex with excitement all over again. Her eyes were screwed shut for the first of it, hands pressed against the mirror, then she forced to look, to watch herself as she took the renewed pounding.

The pristine face she made up so tastefully each morning had been transformed into a streaked mess, drenched in perspiration and plastered with clinging damp hair. Her body was similarly sweating and her naked tits jogged in rhythm to Jared’s smacking groin, freed as they were from her professional garb. The greatest transformation of all, though, was in her eyes. They were feral—wild, shining indicators of everything she was feeling within. She wasn’t simply submitting to this shafting, she was energized by it. She felt more fucking alive than she could remember. This, here and now, was the antithesis of all she’d ever felt as the committed history teacher and the good wife. Her words to Jared had been true. This was her.

“Fuck me,” she seethed.

“That’s what I’m doing.” The animal quality in his voice was akin to what boiled within her at each impalement of his cock.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard.” Her shoulder was squeezed tight enough to bruise as he slammed more forcefully. “That’s it, hard, fucking give it to me.”

“Shit, whatever you want, woman.” He was snarling now each time he surged inside her.

“That it? That what you want?”

“Fuck yes.” This bastard knew how to give her exactly what she wanted.

“Why do you want it? Tell me why.”

“Because I’m a whore.”

“That’s it, tell me.”

“Because I’m slutty cock-loving whore, because I’m a dirty bitch who loves being fucked by her own student …” The words poured easily now, spurring on her lover to vigorous new efforts inside her. “Oh god … Fuck … So good, so fucking good. Do it, fuck the shit out of me.” A drug coursed through her and her own words accelerated the flow. She wanted to be depraved, to commit herself to depravity. “Oh god, stick your thumb in my ass.”


“You heard me, you motherfucker.” She grabbed the wrist at her shoulder, pulled it to her mouth and sucked his thumb inside before releasing it. “Stick your fucking thumb in my ass.”

“Whatever you ask, Miss.”

Sylvia squealed at the sensation of Jared delving into her anus, surging past the reflexive tightening of her ring and thrusting inside her asshole. So wrong, oh god, so fucking nasty … Her hand shot to her crotch so she could finger herself again, face pressing tight to the glass as he penetrated both her holes, recommencing the driving action of his cock hard into the lower. She felt wild and dirty and gloriously used, her cunt throbbing with imminent orgasm.

“God, you’re a dirty ass-slut into the bargain.”

“I am, I fucking am. I’m anything you fucking want me to be. Oh god—” She came, crazily, thrusting onto his cock and his burrowing thumb. He rammed her in return, clutching the junction of her hip and bracing himself against her. The energy of her climax was dissipating when he finally peaked.

The thumb popped from her ass first and then his cock slid out of her cunt. He grabbed her once more by the shoulder, twisting her around and putting her down on the floor. His hard-working length was dripping as he pumped it. Dirty and beautiful was the image of him jacking himself like a madman, just before his jism fountained and splattered all over her face, hair and tits. She shut her eyes against the deluge, and enjoyed the feeling of his hot thick juice dripping from her chin. Anything else was beyond her.

A hand rested on her shoulder and she sensed Jared kneeling opposite her. Fingers scooped thick fluid from her eyes and she blinked them fully open as he wiped more from her cheeks and chin. It seemed a curiously tender gesture. Then he checked out the contents of his hand and spread it over her belly.

“God, you really are a fucker to the last.”

“I guess I am.” He shrugged, and then suddenly she was laughing with him through her weariness. A trio of orgasms had exorcised all her shame. “God, Sylvia, I always figured there was a dirty girl under there, but shit.”

“Surprised you?”

He paused and considered her. “Yeah, a little. Although you should be grateful I was ready to blow when you pulled that stunt. You don’t know how close you came to having your ass ravished.”

Sylvia’s ass clenched and her heart fluttered as she realised the truth of it. Her gaze traveled down over the lean brawn of her seducer to his semi-deflated cock, then all the way back to his face.

“Can we come to an agreement?” she asked, fixing him with a steady stare.

“What had you in mind?”

“You can do my ass now, as long as you take it easy, and then another time you can take it however you like.”

“Another time?”

“I hope I don’t come under ‘fuck ‘em and dump ‘em’, Jared.”

“Far from it. I’m just delighted you were the one to suggest it. So happens I was about to make an offer of my own. The Devil’s Rejects have been offered three more gigs around here between now and New Year. You have free entry to all of them on the proviso that you come back with me afterwards.”

“What, and be one of your little groupies?”

“Not one. The only. Don’t need anyone else when I’ve got the hottest, dirtiest gal in town. All those little girls just couldn’t compete.”

Filthy excitement pulsed within her. “You do flatter me, Mr. Morgan. I’d have to do some rearranging on my social calendar.”

He laid his hand on her thigh. “But it’d be so worth it. Think—you, me, a bottle of hard liquor and the nastiest fucking you’ve ever known. I’ll do better. I know a guy round here— don’t worry, he didn’t go to Glen Lake—does, shall we say, reproduction t-shirts. He could do one especially for you ‘REJECT’S BITCH’ and the band logo plus all the tour dates. A little memento. Come on, Sylvia, do it. Be my tour-slut. You know you want to.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely, how could a girl refuse?” She was amazed at the ease with which she accepted the role. He made it sound like a kind of twisted honour.

A quick cunning glance passed between them. “Come on, Sylvia,” he said, reaching out his hand. “I’m going to take you to the shower and see to that ass of yours.”

Later she thought it near miraculous that he ass-fucked as carefully as he did. Water rained down on them in the shower and he soaped her top-to-toe, rinsing her clean of sweat and cum, smoothing his hands gently over those tender areas he had punished so hard. He bent her over and laved her pussy and anus with his fingers, working in the soap as she yowled at his intimate probing; then he washed her out assiduously with the help of the shower head. He turned off the water and towelled down her ass and thighs along with his cock. Then he worked some lube past her anus and into her rectum, using one finger then two, his other hand moving in slow circles on her wet clitoris all the while.

He waited till her body was suffused with arousal before he covered his cock with a condom and put it inside her. His hand was firm but restrained on her arm and he squeezed to reassure her when he fitted himself. She cried out to feel him so big within her, but while it hurt, there was not the savagery she had half-expected to continue. With seeming infinite care he worked his great pre-lubed pole inside her and she gasped as she gradually expanded. Sheer sexual exhilaration mitigated the pain, along with the easiness of his strong grip and his encouragements in her ear: “That’s it, that’s it, you can take it.”

The thought of Jared’s cock lodged in her ass almost made her laugh. His gradual movement back and forth inside her clutching channel, however, turned potential laughter into crazed moans. The sensation was a nipple-spiking kind of agony, gradually giving way, as he sawed within her. Her hand stayed at her cunt, fingers working frantically. He sustained the slow, measured thrusting throughout his time inside her, not even picking up speed as she peaked and came screaming once more.

His withdrawal from her was easy and deliberate. He had not even insisted on thrusting himself to his own fulfilment. As he ripped off the condom and disposed of it, she wondered whether there was a side to him she’d missed.

“God, Jared,” she said as she lay face down on his bed in his bathrobe some minutes later, “were you just gentle with me?”

“I guess I was,” he replied, lounging naked beside her. “But don’t worry. It was all so I get to wreck your ass next time.” She went to play slap him and he seized her wrist as he had done earlier. “And don’t think for a minute I’m joking.”

She knew he wasn’t. “You need someone to put you in your place, mister.”

“I thought we’d finished with all that. I thought you’d given up trying to be my teacher.”

“Oh, I don’t mean me. I just want the use of you over Christmas, that’s all. And to get used. Christ, do I need some more of that. No, I was thinking of your phone friend.”

“What, Vanessa? She’s just a girl I met on the road.”

“She’s more than that.”

“No, she’s—”

“I saw the way you reacted when she called, and you know for a moment I fucking envied her. I thought, ‘There’s a girl who could own his ass and he knows it. More than that, he likes it.’ She’s the one who got away, isn’t she?”

“I knew her one night,” he laughed. “You see? You are still trying to be my teacher.”

“It doesn’t matter a damn how long you knew her,” Sylvia pursued, rolling onto her side and poking a finger in his chest. “You’d better go find yourself a girl like her someday, because if you come to regret anything in your life, I guarantee she’ll be it.”

“Are you done?”

“Yeah, stud, I’m done.”

“Good.” He was still smiling, but there was a dangerous edge to his voice. The kind of danger she was fast coming to welcome. “’Cos we’re not here so we can talk about me, as well you know.” His hand grasped the top of the robe and ripped it from her body as she screamed in shock. “Now I’ve still got a fucking hard-on from that bathroom business and I’m going to deal with it right now. So get on your back, Sylvia, and open that hot cunt.”

His hand smacked against both her cheeks, stoking up the fire he had lit there earlier.

“Ah!” By the time she had rolled over, propping her naked self on the bedcovers to keep pressure from her ass, he was already steadying his cock for the next round. “God, Jared, I outta—”

“Yeah, yeah, you outta, but you won’t,” he said, advancing on the bed. “Because you’re getting to enjoy this cock way too much. Now spread those legs and—”

“Cut out the speeches and just put it in me!”

Jared laughed as he crawled on top of her and pushed himself into her slot, but the mockery of earlier was gone. “That’s my girl.” And in that moment of fierce penetration to her depths, she knew she was.


* * * *

“So how was your Christmas anyway?” Gretchen asked Sylvia. The final few members of the staff were filtering to their seats as Principal Jeffries hovered at the front due to start the meeting any moment. “I thought I might at least see you before school kicked in again.”

“Sorry about that. It was just a busy time. I had to do a lot of event rearranging as it was, just to fit everything in.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Snowed with work at Christmas?” her friend reproved. “That’s not the kind of snow you’re supposed to be trudging through this time of year.”

“Who said anything about work?” Sylvia played self-consciously with the neck of her blouse, although she had checked before going out that none of the bruises around her tits could be seen.

“What? You were having fun?”

Sylvia thought wistfully of the source of all her yuletide fun—flying on a plane back to England with his fellow band members. A woman could have too much of a good thing, she concluded. From some fun a body needed time to recover.

“Is that so hard to believe?” she said.

“Well, frankly yes. You’ll be telling me next you’re not fully prepared for the first six weeks of term.”

“Well, now that you mention it, I am a bit under prepared, but there’s nothing I can’t thrash out with your help later on today.” The phrase ‘thrash out’ resonated loudly in her mind and she adjusted her seating position once more.

“Are you kidding me? You mean you didn’t sit in every night planning lessons?”

“Hey, I’m not an old married lady. Single girls have gotta get out and enjoy themselves, you know?” Sylvia kept her face perfectly straight in the face of Gretchen’s outrage. It felt good to have a secret.

“Well, you’re still married, last I knew,” her friend said a touch primly. “And if you were out enjoying yourself so much, you could at least have taken me along for a night. Shared the festive spirit around a little.”

“We’ll go out Friday night. Have something to eat and go dancing.” When Gretchen looked unconvinced she added, “Really. First weeks back are always an eternity. I’ll be needing a night out.” She couldn’t resist adding a tease, “Didn’t you get enough festive spirit with singer Max?”

“Hush! I told you all about that! Nothing happened. No more than with you and the guitarist. Well, a little more probably, but, you know, nothing I can’t live—Nothing did happen with you and the guitarist, did it?”

Sylvia looked away and observed the principal very studiously as he shuffled papers in preparation for his opening comments.

“Did you, what, get his number? Did you see him again? You didn’t go home with him. Have you and he …?”

“Me and Jared Morgan?” Sylvia settled on her proudly smarting ass, just as the meeting commenced. She wondered if her lover’s clawed back was providing him a similar reminder of their freaky nights. “Been there,” she said with as deep a contentment as she had ever known. “Got the t-shirt.”




Written by Jaymal
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