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Fall of The House of Lush

"Heather and Dylan's adventures in the House of Lush come to a conclusion."

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The fewer sets of eyes around, the less chance of being spotted by someone we knew. From the footbridge above the tracks I saw Heather step down from the train. Her overnight bag was slung casually over her shoulder and her eyes flitted about the tiny rural station scanning for a sight of me in the fading evening light. As she saw me a smile spread across her face, and she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with a force that momentarily knocked me off balance.

"Where are you this time?" I asked when our lips finally parted.
"Kate's. We are going to check out wedding dresses," she grinned, and I chuckled before taking her face in my hands and kissing her again.

Heather's cover stories had become part of the ritual on House of Lush weekends, and each time they somehow became riskier. All it would take this weekend would be one phone call from Heather's husband to her sister Kate and there would be questions to answer. Maybe her sister was in on it? I didn't know, and at that moment I didn't care to ask.

No sooner had we got in the car than Heather began unbuttoning my jeans. She reached inside and grasped my cock, which by now had been raised from its dormant state and was rapidly swelling. Wary of security cameras I looked around.

"Not here..."

She looked up at me, a devilish twinkle in her eyes. There was no time to lose. Before the car had even pulled out of the car park her face was in my lap. Her lips forming a perfect seal around the head of my cock. I fought to retain my focus on the road.

As we sped along the empty country roads, the only light falling on my lap was from the full moon each time it appeared though a break in the clouds. Heather was taking my cock inside her mouth, sucking up and down. Her tongue teased the tip before pressing flat against the shaft.

I looked straight ahead, focusing on the illuminated patch of road in front of me. Even so, with my mind partly drawn to occurrences in my lap I spotted a tight bend in the road at the last moment and had to turn the wheel sharply to make it round the bend. The jolt closed Heather's mouth around my cock. Her teeth dragging up the shaft and over the head as she pulled her head upwards in surprise. I saw a lay-by up ahead and pulled the car over, sending gravel flying as the car halted abruptly.

"Perhaps not worth taking any more risks with my cock, eh?"

Heather grinned. Her fist tightened around the base of my cock. Her lips and tongue working the head, circling, licking and sucking. My hands pressed her head down until I felt her start to gag as my cock reached the back of her throat. I released the pressure a little. I was deep but not too deep inside her mouth. My fingers coiled her hair about them, tightening as I closed my grasp. I could feel my orgasm building.

Light flooded the car from behind as a lorry shot by, causing the car to rock, I flexed my buttocks moving my cock upwards just a little. Wanting more and more. Heather slurped as the suction of her lips was broken, then she reapplied that soft fleshy seal and lashed her tongue against my cock.

I threw my head back, desperate to distract myself, to prolong this moment. Heather's fist twisted as it rose and fell. She brought her lips upwards, her teeth lightly brushing the glans. I was no longer in control. I felt my cock pulse and fire cum into her mouth. When she lifted her head she licked up the last pearlescent drop to emerge from my cock.

Raising her face to mine, those lips that had only just been around my cock were now pressed against my lips. As our tongues caressed each other I could taste my un-swallowed cum in her mouth. I gathered some with my tongue and swallowed it. Heather swallowed the rest with a grin and sat back in her seat. A finger traced along her lips which she then sucked on seductively.

"We're going to be late," she said, with a wicked lilt to her voice as if this was my fault.

"Right now, I'm not entirely sure I give a damn." I adjusted my clothing, stowing my cock safely back inside my jeans.

We drove until my sat nav told me to take a left turn. From the smooth tarmac road we turned onto a rough gravel track.

"Are you sure this is right?"

"As sure as I can be of anything after what you just did."

I winked, not wanting to take my eyes off the track to give her the kiss I so desperately wanted to bestow on her.

Ahead of us some lights came into view in the distance. The gravel track brought us to a courtyard surrounded by farm buildings. I parked the car close to the main building and we both got out. The front door of the farm house was an old solid wooden door. I knocked firmly and the door opened slightly. From inside I could hear raised voices. Angry voices. This was not normal for the House of Lush.

I pushed the door open and we entered the house. I saw Alex remonstrating with a man and a woman.

"But I have an invite..."

"And she doesn't. I'm afraid she will have to leave. House rules are very clear."

"Is everything ok?" I interjected, not quite sure if I should.

My question prompted the three of them to turn and look in my direction.

"Oh hi, Dylan. Yeah, we have a 'plus 1' situation."

Alex glanced at the couple who showed no signs of calming down.

I walked over and stepped between Alex and the couple. Alex slipped gratefully away into the next room.

"I'm really sorry if this wasn't properly explained to you, but the event is invite only and only one of you has an invite. We don't allow plus ones."

The man started to protest again. The woman with him clutched her bag close. I couldn't tell if she was angry or embarrassed. Her eyes were flitting about rapidly.

From the room behind me burst a girl I knew as Kelly. 

"Clive, you shouldn't have... she can't be here."

Kelly knew that the penalty for bringing trouble to the House was severe. You could see it etched across her face. Clearly the man she'd called Clive could as well. His body language changed. The aggressive stance giving way to a more conciliatory posture.

"I get the message. We'll go. It looks shit anyway. C'mon."

He took the woman's hand and they pushed past Heather and me to the front door. I heard car doors slam, an engine roar and tyres sending gravel flying as the car sped away.

For a moment all eyes were fixed on the front door, but the sound of Kelly crying brought me back to the present. Heather had her arms around her, comforting her.

"They're gone, Kelly. No harm done. Why don't you get a drink in Rumplations?"

Heather's tone was warm and soothing. Kelly nodded, and still crying she left the room.

The farm had not been in use for a few months, but the main buildings were in a good condition. It hadn't taken much to convert it into The House of Lush. The family living areas had lacked furniture but in all other ways were nicely decorated. The out buildings were empty, ready for demolition or conversion into residences. For seclusion, space and privacy it was perfect. It wasn't the largest venue The House had ever had, but it was perfect for our very discreet requirements.

"To the cloakroom?" Heather asked, a cheeky tone to her voice.

"No, not just yet. Let's have a look around outside first. Plenty of time for that later."

I put an arm around Heather's waist as we walked around to the back of the main house and into the garden. Scattered lights cast a soft glow in the darkness. The partially illuminated silhouettes of 20 to 30 people were standing around drinking and talking. Most were wearing the soft white robes that were de rigueur for The House. The delicious aromas of cooking food wafted over from a barbecue.

"We're home!" I said, finally relaxing and looking forward to the evening ahead with Heather and our friends.

Heather turned me to face her, and kissed me lovingly.

"Home indeed."

She took my hand and lead me between two trees. The blue light of a swimming pool came into view. We stopped, still holding hands, and we watched. The pool had maybe a dozen people in it. All of them naked. A tangle of arms and limbs. An orgy of kissing and fucking. The splash of writhing bodies. The moans and giggles of carefree abandon percolated through the air.

Aroused, I reached my hand down between Heather's legs. I stroked her through the thin fabric. As I did so her hand clasped my cock through my jeans. Her gaze turned to the far side of the pool. Kneeling on all fours on the grass was a woman. Her curves were highlighted in the shimmering reflected light from the pool. Her head bobbed up and down as her lips slid up and down the cock of a man standing before her. Behind her, a man was thrusting himself hard into her. Their bodies slapping together. Above her, the two men had raised their arms and placed their palms against the other's. My cock strained against my jeans, fighting to feel the touch of Heather's fingers.

"It's called the Eiffel Tower."


What Heather had said didn't fully register with me.

"What they are doing. The way the men have their arms up forming a point above her, it's called the Eiffel Tower."

I nodded, transfixed by the sight of the woman being used by the men, as she in turn used them for her pleasure.

"Mmm Eiffel," Heather muttered under her breath. She turned and whispered in my ear. "I want you!"

Heather took my hand and we ran, giggling like teenagers, away from the pool and away from the house. We came to an old barn. The door was half broken. As we pushed it aside it was clear that this barn wasn't being used for The House of Lush. Not until now anyway. It was empty, with a concrete floor and half of the roof missing. A shaft of moonlight illuminated part of the far wall.

"We won't be disturbed here," said Heather as she pulled my shirt off.

I unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor. My fingers fumbling to unclasp her bra. I felt my jeans slip down my legs and Heather's hand slipped inside my boxers. Her lips pressed against mine as she began wanking my cock. I responded to her kisses. My passion matched hers. Her soft lips against mine, her tongue pushing into my mouth. A hunger for each other than could only be quenched one way.

Her other hand trailed up and down my thigh as my hands slid inside the waistband of her panties and lowered them. My hands moved to her bum, clasping her cheeks and pulling her against me. She released my cock and wrapped her arms around my neck. Our groins grinding against each other, her nipples brushing through my chest hair as we kissed each other deeply.

"You feel like a dream come true," she said in a barely audible whisper. "I want you. I want all of you at once. I want to rub myself all over you."

She ran her fingers through my hair.

I took Heather's hand and sank to the the floor taking her with me. I lay back on the coarse concrete. Heather straddled me. Her palms stroked my chest. My hands traced her curves, moving slowly along her thighs, up her sides and coming to rest cupping her breasts. They were so soft in my hands. My thumbs rubbed over her nipples.

I reached a hand between her legs, dragging my fingers along her pussy and over her clit. Heather slid a hand down her front to her pussy. She coated her middle finger in her wetness and then drew the glistening finger along the underside of my hard cock. A shudder of pleasure ripped through, She moved her pussy against my figures as her fingernail lightly scraped along my shaft.

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I brought my fingers to my mouth knowing how good Heather's wetness would taste. I savoured the taste on my tongue. She was as delicious as I recalled. My fingers returned to her pussy, parting those sweet lips as they moved back and forth. I felt her fingers close around my cock.

"You feel so good in my hand."

Her hand felt wonderful. I slid two fingers inside her, causing her to look down. Her gaze was fixed on my thumb as it rubbed her clit. She began bouncing slightly on my fingers while at the same time moving her hand up and down my cock.

"Mmmm you are so hard, Dylan. I like it."

My fingers explored her. Played with her. My desire was simmering as I felt her hand tighten around my cock and her other hand begin to fondle my balls. I forced a third finger insider her as my other hand cupped the back of her head, bringing her lips to mine to kiss.

Heather arched her back, pushing her tits up against my face. She was delicious beyond words. My tongue swept over her tits. Between them. Around them. My lips kissing and sucking while my fingers fucked her. I felt her circle her hips to take the maximum pleasure from me.

By now her pussy was so wet the sound of my fingers fucking her was audible. I started moving my hips, feeling my cock move between her fingers. My cock so engorged in her hand. I clasped her between her legs my fingers deep inside her and my thumb pressing on her clit, massaging her wetness into it.

I could feel that it was almost too much for her. I clasped her again.Rubbing her clit and stretching her pussy as my knuckles passed inside her. My mouth latched onto a nipple. Sucking, biting and licking.

She gasped, "I'm gonna cum on your fingers."

She ground her clit against my thumb. My bearded face brushed between her tits. My fingers fucked her faster and faster. My thumb roughly circled her clit. Her fist gripped my cock tighter as she wanked me. Her thumb rubbing my pre-cum over the tip of my cock.

"I love you. I want you Dylan!"

She squeezed me with her legs and her cunt. Bucking and moaning against my fingers. Her wetness turned to a lather.

I dragged my teeth over a nipple. Lightly biting before sucking it into my mouth.

"Straddle my face. Let my tongue bring you to orgasm."

She let out a gasp and re-positioned herself. My tongue sought her clit. Lashed at it.

"I want your lips on my pussy."

I complied without a heartbeat's hesitation. My lips kissed her pussy along its length with light feathered kisses, and then my lips tugged lightly at her pussy's lips. My tongue darted in and out of her as my fingers slid either side of her clit. She began sliding her pussy over my face. God I loved this woman. My beard lightly scratched her soft sensitive flesh.

I could hear her moans alter in pitch and intensity. She was close to cumming. My fingers and my tongue worked harder and harder to bring her to that point of release. She clamped my head between her thighs and with a scream she threw her head back and her orgasm pulsed through her body. My hands moved to her arse. Squeezing her cheeks as the orgasm persisted. My tongue going wild, trying to take her higher and higher. A flurry of fingers, lips and tongue. The screams became more intense until she rolled off to one side, panting with a glazed expression on her face.

"You amazing beautiful woman."

She chuckled.

"My orgasm looks really good on you."

I loved the feel of her wetness on my face and in my beard, and how her body had shuddered against my face as she came. My hands reached for her, needing to maintain contact somehow. She spread her legs. Her fingers offering me a very wet hole to fuck.

I moved across, lowering my body onto hers. In the process of kissing her the wetness in my beard was smeared over her face. I dragged my cock along her pussy. Her feet slid up and down the back of my legs as she wiggled and pressed her cunt to me.

"I need to be inside you," I whispered.

Her hands moved down my backside, encouraging me. I pushed myself to her slick entrance.

"I want your cock inside me. Fuck me Dylan. Fuck me."

She held herself open for me. The head of my cock moved towards her and slowly entered her.

"Look what you've done, you've made me all wet."

I felt her brace herself for my shaft and as I moved deeper inside her I felt her squeeze me. Every contour on my cock was being felt throughout her sensitive pussy. I kissed her neck and sucked on her ear lobe as I buried myself inside her. Holding myself there. Two lovers locked together.

"Your cock feels delicious."

She felt so good around me, Warm, slick and soft.

Her pussy lips kissed my body.

I drew my cock back slowly, leaving her empty as it left her body. I rubbed my wet hard cock over her clit.

"Oh, god yeah, Dylan."

Then I plunged my cock back inside her with a hard sharp deep thrust.

"Fuck me, Dylan!"

My thrusts were strong powerful thrusts, hard and deep inside my beloved Heather. Her nails dragged down my back. Stinging me. My hands gripped her shoulders as I kissed and fucked her.

"I deserve... to be fucked hard by you."

I raised my hips and thrust hard into her. Our bodies slapping together creating wet sounds with every thrust. Her fingernails digging into my arse.

I pulled out of her and roughly pulled her to her feet. I led her to the wall, bathed in moonlight from the hole in the roof. She faced the wall and braced herself against it. I eased her legs further apart and she wiggled her bum at me. My hands gripped tightly onto her waist and I thrust myself hard up and into her. Over and over again. My nails digging into her soft flesh. Fucking harder and harder. She arched her back, turning her head to steal a kiss.

"Yes, Dylan, yes yes!"

As I thrust harder and harder I felt drops of rain falling on us through the open roof. A light smattering soon became a cascade, the water flowing over our bodies.

"God, I love you, Dylan."

My thrusts raised her onto tip toes. I reached a hand around to rub her clit.

"I love you too, Heather. I love you".

She pushed back against my thrusts. I kissed her bare back, my teeth dragging down it, our bodies slapping together over and over. I was so close to cumming and I could sense that it wouldn't take much to set her off too. My fingers pinched her clit causing her to grip my cock hard.

First one flash of lightning and then another illuminated the dark barn.

She turned her head desperate for my mouth as I fucked her and rubbed her clit harder and harder. My other arm wrapped around her and across her tits. Our mouths met for a hurried frenzied kiss. She braced herself to fall apart as I fucked her harder and harder but holding myself back as much as I could.

Heather shuddered and gasped as her orgasm ripped through her. Squeezing her cunt around my very hard dick.

"I love you, Heather," I repeated over and over as I sent a final volley of hard thrusts into her.

"Oh, god, yes yes!"

I pulled her away from the wall and wrapped my arms around her as I came hard deep inside her. I couldn't tell if it was rain, or tears emerging from her eyes at the intensity of the moment.

Finally she pulled away and turned around. Flinging her arms around me to hug and kiss me. We wrapped ourselves up in each other's arms kissing deep loving kisses. Overwhelmed by the moment. She covered my face with kisses and I felt love, lust, joy and adoration all mingled together. I kissed her indiscriminately wherever my lips landed. One hand on her bum pulling her close, the other between her shoulder blades.

We lay back down, cuddling and caressing. Coming back to earth in a blissful haze. Exhausted in the best possible way. I stroked her hair and looked into her eyes. I wanted this all the time. Not just at the House of Lush. I wanted Heather today, tomorrow and for every day to come.

In the distance we heard shouts and screams. Heather looked at me, concerned. The House of Lush was a place where screams were not unusual, but they weren't screams that sounded like this.

We gathered our clothes and dressed hurriedly. Exchanging kisses as we did so. We made our way from the barn towards the house. The pool area was empty, and as we approached the house we could see that there was a large crowd gathered outside in the rain. People were hugging, some were crying.

"What's happened?"

One of the guests turned to me.

"Photos. Someone took photos."

My heart dropped to the floor like a ton of lead. Those flashes. Oh shit, those lightning flashes.

I found Alex. He looked distraught.

"It's over. It's all over."

"Calm down, Alex. What has happened?" I asked, concerned at what could cause such upset.

"Someone took photos through the windows. At first we thought it was lightning but then someone saw them at the window. They fled as soon as they were spotted."

Those people from earlier. I was sure it was them. Tears came to my eyes, not for my own sake but for Heather. She was a married woman. This could be bad. Very bad.

It didn't take long for the party to break up. The spell of the House of Lush was broken. Not everyone had something to hide, but many people did. Heather and I left and booked into a hotel. I ordered an array of newspapers to be delivered to our room in the morning. If those photos were to be published we needed to know if we had been compromised.

We didn't fuck again that night. We just held each other. We talked and we did eventually get some sleep.

When the papers arrived the next morning the House of Lush wasn't front page news but there was a double page spread in one of gutter rags. The photo by the byline was the man that we had turned away at the start of the night, though predictably his name wasn't Clive. I shuddered to think what damage would have been done if he had got inside The House. The paper had the good sense to pixelate faces in the pictures it printed, but in many case we knew who they were and they would probably be identifiable to friends. Our hearts sank. Heather cried.

One picture caught my eye immediately. It was of two naked people in a barn, facing the wall and fucking. The direction they were facing, the low light and the rain meant that they were unidentifiable. But we knew who it was.

We had got lucky, but it was clear what this expose meant for The House of Lush. In the months to come some people tried to keep The House going, but the publicity had destroyed the aura of trust that had existed. We never went to The House again. From time to time we would meet people we knew from The House, but there was never to be a repeat for us.

Nor did we need one.

The thing we had both realised in the barn and afterwards in the hotel on that night was that all we needed in this world was right there. We didn't need all of the things that The House of Lush had to offer, we just needed each other.

I love Heather, and I don't know what the future holds for us. Things aren't simple, but she is worth all of the hurdles that we have to overcome. I am the luckiest man alive, and I will always be grateful to The House of Lush for bringing us together.

Written by Anonymous
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