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Author's Notes

"The Lusty Adventures of Julie and Ron return to the room where it all started. They're written as chapters, so no bringing you up to speed each time. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Up to you if you go back to the beginning or not."

Chapter 10:  Lydia Invites Tamara and Me Over

Monday morning at work wasn’t awkward at all.  Just Tamara stopping by my office, seemingly to confirm that all that had happened had, actually, happened.  I confirmed it in the clearest way I could.

“On your knees,” I commanded quietly but forcefully.  And, as she moved to obey, I said to her, “For the present time, that is the only command I plan to give you in the office.  The roles are for home, not for here.”

Seeing an almost disappointed look in her eye as she stood upright again, I followed up with, “For now.  Who knows what the week will hold?  And who knows what Friday will be like with Lydia and Tony?  Who knows, we both may end up in dominatrix roles over both of them — and that would be quite interesting if it bled over into work hours — he’s the boss, but we’re in control.”

I could tell I’d at least mollified her for the moment, which was lucky for me as she walked out less than thirty seconds before Tony walked in.

He closed the door behind him quietly and walked up to my desk.  With the most earnest look in his eye, he asked me in a whisper, “What did you do to my wife?!”

Not genuinely knowing exactly how to answer that, I tried a tentative, “Several things, to be honest, but it was mostly her doing things to and for us.  Why?”

“You of course remember my request for you and Ron to have your way with her?” he hissed, to my nod.  “Well, I kind of thought that her running off to your place Saturday evening would have satiated her, at least a bit.”

“Oh, it did,” I responded, “but only a bit — we made her bring each of us to orgasm while only allowing her one.  At least that was the plan until I was possessed by my strap-on, and I fucked her until she came again.”

“You have a stra—“ He interrupted himself. “That explains a lot,” he said, a little wistfully.  “She came back far hornier and needier than when she left.  After all that happened, I thought I was exhausted Saturday night, but then she woke me early Sunday, riding my morning wood, and barely let me rest all day.”

“You’re welcome?” I tried.

“No!” he sharply responded. “I have been trying to keep up with her needs, and thought you might help me.  But it turns out you just lit her fire, added a bunch of tinder, and sent her home.  I need help quenching the flames, not fanning them!”

I tried not to laugh or smile at the image of a man complaining about how much sexual activity his wife requires of him.  Seemed to me like an enviable ‘problem’ from most men’s perspectives.  And it also gave me perspective into how and why he hadn’t tried to press a sexual relationship with me at work — the thing I’d worried about — due to him already being overwhelmed at home with Lydia’s needs.

As he left my office, I started to think differently about the dominant role we’d established over Lydia.  I tried to keep my mind focused on work, but throughout the week I kept having flashes of the previous Saturday and imaginings of the coming Friday.


Friday afternoon finally arrived, and I’d come to work prepared.  In my bag, I had my strap on, the butt plug, which I now could control on my phone, and both of my recently purchased dildos.  I was wearing a brand-new, lacy black teddy that did almost nothing to contain my nipples.  (To contain them while at work, I’d borrowed some padded inserts from a bra I rarely wear anymore.  I removed the inserts and dropped them into a desk drawer, thinking I might have a too-much-nipple-at-work problem again someday in the future.)  Like the one that was Tamara’s now, this teddy also ended in garter straps, which I had connected to my favorite stockings.  I slipped my panties off and dropped them into my bag right before I turned off my office lights and headed down the hall to Tamara’s office.

As we left work, walking side by side to our cars, Tamara and I aligned our plans.  We hoped to leave her, at the end of the night, whimpering in a puddle, satiated beyond any human’s capacity for orgasm.

I followed Tamara over to Tony and Lydia’s place, parking beside her in their wide driveway.  We walked arm in arm towards their door, which opened well before we reached it.  Lydia’s lithe form was silhouetted momentarily before she ran out to us.

As the three of us hugged, Lydia’s whispered Thank you brought my mind more clearly to our mission.

I leaned my head between Lydia’s and Tamara’s as I pulled their ears to my mouth, allowing me to whisper, “Tonight, my pets, we have a rule:  for every orgasm experienced by anyone else, Lydia must receive two.  She gave of herself so fully last weekend that she deserves a reward.”

Lydia’s eyes were as big as saucers as I pulled back from their ears.  Looking over her shoulder, I just saw Tony as he peeked out the front door and then scurried away.

“Shall we?” asked Tamara, holding her hand out towards the front door.  As we entered, my eyes flashed across the room, beyond the couch, to the window through which Tony and I had watched Ron and Lydia fucking by the pool.  

My pussy pulsed, and I felt a slight trickle at the top of my thigh.  Whether looking back on what had happened the last time I was here or looking forward to what was about to happen, it was almost as if the physical space made me aroused.

Lydia led us to the kitchen and poured wine.  We took our glasses and moved to the living room, to the exact couch where four of us had done so much with and for each other.  Now we were a slightly different four, and there was almost electric anticipation in the air.

I decided to be bold, so I moved to the far end of the couch and sat with one foot on the floor and the other on the cushions against the backrest.  Setting down my bag in easy reach, I used my other hand to pull my skirt over my knee, fully exposing myself to them both.  I glanced down at myself just in time to see my labia parting, as I had watched Tamara’s do so many times recently.

Lydia said, “It’s like a flower blooming,” as she moved towards me, wasting no time in dropping her mouth to my spread lips.  As I started moaning gently, I reached into my bag, grabbed the strap-on, and tossed it to Tamara.  She caught it in one hand as she unzipped her skirt with the other.  She stepped out of the skirt and into the strap-on in one motion, securing it to herself deftly.  (I was impressed, to be honest, though my head did tilt back in pleasure just as it seemed she finished.)

With my head back and my eyes closed, it was through my pussy that I felt the moment Tamara entered Lydia.  There was a brief pause accompanied by a groan of appreciation, which reverberated off my clit and almost sent me over the edge before Lydia returned her oral attention to me with greater vigor.

I watched Tamara, holding Lydia firmly by the hips, as she plunged the strap-on into Lydia’s cunt over and over.  It wasn’t long before Lydia started screaming into my cunt as her first orgasm of the evening overtook her.  I wondered, briefly, what Tamara had done to make Lydia cum so quickly.

As she came down, she gradually started to attend to my leaking labia again.  She finally slid two fingers into me and shifted her lips and tongue to my clit.  Just as I felt the glimmer of an impending orgasm, she again stopped, this time completely.  It was the tone of her whimper that made me open my eyes.

Tamara had on hand on Lydia’s ass, pulling one check to the side.  Her other hand was guiding the cock between her legs, as far as I could tell, into Lydia’s ass.

Sure enough, I heard Lydia’s high-pitched cry as Tamara entered her, then a much lower, almost breathy whisper, “Yes, slide that cock into my ass.”

As long as I had a moment of focus, I reached back into my back and grabbed the vibrator.  As Tamara put both of her hands on Lydia’s hips again and started slowly thrusting in and out of her ass, I held up the vibrator.  She simply nodded and held out her hand.  It was just as Tamara took it from me that Lydia’s tongue resumed lavishing attention on me and her fingers resumed their thrusting.

I don’t know if Tamara did it on purpose, but, just as Lydia sent me into a body-shaking orgasm, she used the vibrator in Lydia’s pussy while fucking her ass with the strap-on to send Lydia over the edge with me.

As our spasming subsided, Lydia crawled up to kiss me as she eased herself off of Tamara’s cock.  I saw the vibrator starting to slip out of her and reached to push it back in as she cuddled in beside me.  I thrust in her a few times before pulling out and resting it on Lydia’s clit.

It didn’t take long before Lydia was launching into her third orgasm of the evening.  As she did, I looked over at Tamara who had already washed the dildo and was in the process of unstrapping herself.

Looking down at Lydia, quivering as her orgasm ebbed, Tamara held the strap-on in my direction, saying, “Will you do the honors, Mistress?  I’d like to feast on our prize for a bit before we find out if the cock-of-the-house wants to double team her.”

I slipped out from beside Lydia, turning her more on her back, as I climbed off the couch and took the strap on from Tamara.  She climbed onto the couch and, with her ass in the air, lowered her head to Lydia’s drenched pussy.

By the time I got the straps finally adjusted — how did Tamara make that look so easy? — I could hear Lydia’s moans rising in pitch.  I saw that Tamara had three fingers inside her and was flicking her tongue across Lydia’s clit.

I wanted to help Tamara reach orgasm with Lydia, so I grabbed the vibrator, and slid it into Tamara’s wet slit moving it around to her appreciative moans.  Then I pulled it out and eased it into her ass.  I only pressed in a few inches, but Tamara’s ass wiggled at me in appreciation.

I stepped up behind her and slowly entered her with the strap-on, again stopping after just a few inches.  Using my hips to start thrusting in and out of her pussy, I used my hand to thrust the vibrator in and out of her ass.

“Oh god,” Lydia moaned, “Don’t stop, I’m so close.”

I did my best to distract Tamara so she couldn’t fully focus on Lydia, but, even as she started to cum, Tamara never stopped pumping her fingers in and out of Lydia, nor did she stop tonguing Lydia’s clit.

I was filled with a sense of achievement — I’d made Tamara cum before Lydia — but also awe — Tamara had never stopped trying to please Lydia throughout the early peak of her orgasm.  It wasn’t until Lydia started cumming, too, that Tamara finally stopped moving her hand, just allowing Lydia to pulse around her fingers and squirm against her mouth.

I turned off the vibrator and slowly pulled it out before easing myself out of Tamara’s much wetter hole.  I was amazed to see the volume of fluid leaking down her legs — and that was all her as I certainly hadn’t cum inside her.

Tamara fell sideways on the couch and I watched her breasts, heaving with each fast, deep breath.  My eyes flicked to Lydia, legs splayed, a large, dark patch of moisture under her on the couch, breasts also rising and falling with her breath.

My mind flicked to Tony for a second, and an idea popped, fully formed, into my head.  I stepped to Lydia and reached down, sliding two fingers into her sopping pussy.  More liquid leaked out as I manipulated my fingers.  I used that to help ease the vibrator past her pucker.

Her voice said something like, “Oh no, not more, I can’t,” but her body tilted her hips for me, giving me easy access to slide the vibrator deeply into her ass as she gave up her resistance and just moaned in pleasure.  That moan jumped an octave when I turned it on.  That’s when I reached into my bag and grabbed the thicker dildo.  I rubbed it up and down her wet lips before pressing for entry.  I was just a little surprised with how little effort it took to press it in to the hilt, but the groaning cry that followed made me start leaking again.

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I called out to the house, “Hey Tony, wanna see something special?” then turned back to Lydia, standing and offering my strap-on to her.  She didn’t hesitate to take it into her mouth, grab me by the ass, and shove it fully down her throat.

And that was the scene Tony walked in on.  Three women wearing gartered teddies and stockings and nothing else.  Two of the women had their breasts fully exposed while the third had hers ‘covered’ by lace.  His wife, sitting back on the couch with her legs spread.  One woman gently moving the dildo and vibrator filling her lower holes.  Another woman, breasts jiggling, thrusting her hips as his wife tries to suck her strap-on cock.

I looked at him with my cock down his wife’s throat and said, “If you can lick her to orgasm, you can choose your hole and we can pound the shit out of her together.”

Tamara shifted a little to the side, giving Tony access to approach his wife.  He looked at her in wonder, as if he couldn’t believe that this was really happening.  He had, however, no hesitation.  He dropped his mouth to her dildo-filled cunt and started licking all around the dildo, spending more and more time at the top of her opening.

Tamara got her fingers on the dildo and started slowly fucking Lydia with it while Tony focused on her clit.  

“Mistress,” Tamara addressed me, “should I suck on the real cock to get it ready for fucking?”  After I nodded to her, she stopped working on the dildo and started working on Tony’s pants, which were soon on the ground with his boxers.  She shifted herself under him and wrapped her lips around his glans, moving only slightly forward and back at first.  Soon, however, she was sliding up and down his length, even tonguing his balls a few times.

Tony had one hand helping Tamara fuck his cock with her face and the other moving the dildo in Lydia with much more energy than Tamara had been using.

Just before Lydia started cumming, she pulled her mouth off my cock and started stroking it and pointing at her face.  It was almost as if she wanted to be coated in cum as she started her fifth orgasm of the night.  Alas, that was not a gift I could offer.

But she did start cumming — wailing and moaning about being so full of cock and loving it — while still jacking off my strap-on.  As she finally came down, and Ron started to pull the dildo from her cunt, she started blabbering.

“Oh, no, too much.  I can’t take anymore.  I’m going to turn into a puddle if I cum again,” and more like that, but not all the words were intelligible.

Tamara sat up at that point, having released Tony’s cock from her mouth.  She leaned to Lydia’s ear and whispered, in what I found to be an incredibly sultry and enticing tone, “Mistress was very clear.  Two for you, one for us.  But your poor husband has yet to cum.  You’re not going to stop before you’ve pleased everyone, are you?”

And with that, she dropped her mouth to Lydia’s breast, taking her nipple between her lips.

I turned to Ron, Lydia’s hand still holding my shaft, but no longer moving, and asked, “Which hole?”

He looked at her hand on my strap-on.  Then his eyes traced laced patterns up my torso, holding for a bit at my lace-covered breasts, before finally reaching my face.

“If I choose her pussy, will you fuck her ass with that?” he asked, momentarily dropping his eyes back down to the cock between my legs.

I just smiled at him and nodded towards the other end of the couch — the one he’d taken my anal cherry while I was draped over it — and said, “Lie down, face up.”

As he moved to comply, I started helping Lydia to sit up and crawl forward.  To her credit, at least in my mind, she did stop and take his cock lovingly in her mouth before continuing up his body.

Tamara took hold of his cock and rubbed it against her swollen lips before we all helped her impale herself on her husband.  As I started working the vibrator out of her ass, Tamara moved to Tony’s end of the couch.

“Sit up for a second,” she told him, and he happily sat up and started licking and suckling his wife’s breasts.  Tamara snuggled her ass into the corner of the couch, legs spread.  She eased Ron back until his head was on the pillow of her thigh, near her knee.  Her other leg extended along the back of the couch.  With just a moment of making slight adjustments, Lydia was able to lie down, mostly on Tony’s torso, but with her face in Tamara’s crotch.  

Tony started moving his and Lydia’s hips around, thus it was to the sounds of three sets of groans, moans, and heavy breathing that I positioned myself at Lydia’s ass and started pressing for entry.  I didn’t slide in as easily as I had into Tamara’s pussy, but it was definitely the easiest entry into someone’s ass I’d ever encountered.  (Not that I had a long list, as avid readers will know.)

Tony moaned the loudest as I pressed deeper and deeper into Lydia’s ass, but it was Lydia who was the loudest when I bottomed out.  Then, for just a bit it was Tamara moaning loudest as Lydia lavished attention on Tamara’s cunt.

That was before Tony and I started moving.  I don’t think Tamara got much attention after Tony started slamming Lydia’s hips down onto his cock with what seemed to be greater and greater force.  I just worked not to slide out of her completely, but I do know there were two times that I was in just the right position so that, as he slammed her down on him, my strap-on also plunged deeply into her at the same time.

The sound she made the first time almost made me lose it and slip out of her.  Once I got lined up again and Tony’s strong arms impaled her on both of us simultaneously, Lydia lost it.  

“Never… Cum… So… Fucking… Hard!!” she wailed at us as I watched Tony’s testicles jumping up and down repeatedly as he unloaded into her with a deep, guttural moan.

Tamara took the opportunity, as his stomach was tensed and he lifted his head as he came deep within his wife, to slip her leg out from under him and come over to start kissing me.  She gently pulled me out of Lydia, who was still slumped over her husband’s torso, trying to catch her breath.

I could tell Tamara was eager to finish her second orgasm, but I also realized that might mean Lydia would have to have two, also, and I didn’t think her body could take much more.

I broke my kiss with Tamara and asked, “Lydia,” pausing only to get an Mmm to confirm she was listening, “Do you need more?”

“God no,” she mumbled back.

“Do you want more?”

“No, I don’t think I could,” she replied in a stronger, yet still small voice.

“Then you have been well and truly satiated?”

“Yes,” she responded warmly.  “Well and truly.”

“Well, Tony,” I said shifting my gaze ever so slightly from the back of her head to his face beside it, “I think Tamara could have really used another during all that, and I know I wouldn’t have minded one more, so we can firmly say that Lydia can be satisfied by three people who cum once or twice a piece, as long as she eclipses their combined total.

“No wonder you have a problem,” I continued, “but you’re lucky enough to have good friends willing to help out.”

He smiled up at me.

It took us a while to get Lydia up to bed — hell, it took a long time to get her off of Tony.  When we finally did, he picked her up and carefully carried her up the stairs.  Tamara and I followed and we showered her body with kisses — easier to do with three mouths — before Tamara and I each gave her a passionate kiss goodbye.

It was about halfway down the stairs that Tamara grabbed my hand and pulled me to her.  As our mouths met, she turned her back to the wall, lifted one foot two steps up, and spread her legs for me.

“Please, Mistress, shove your cock in me!  I need to cum again.”

So it was that Tony found us on his stairs, me thrusting into Tamara as she pressed her hips forward to meet mine, our nipples trying to find each other through my lace.  Her eyes were shut tight as she moaned with my movements.

I waved him down and pointed to my ass, pulling one cheek to the side as I thrust in again.  He wordlessly came down the steps and positioned himself behind me.  He didn’t enter me right away though.  Instead, he slid two fingers under the harness and, as I pulled back, slipped them into me.  They were stuck there momentarily as I thrust again, with more force this time.

“Yes!” cried Tamara, “Fuck me!”

He slipped his fingers free as I pulled back and slammed into her again.  Tony pressed his body against mine, holding my hips firmly against Tamara’s as she ground against me, moving the strap-on deeply within herself.

Tony, meanwhile, had apparently coated his cock in my pussy juices, because he slid halfway in almost effortlessly.  As he pulled back, so did I, which made our next thrust plunge into Tamara with more force, while it also buried him to the hilt in my ass.

Over the next minute or two, we fucked Tamara together, him adding to my energy with each thrust.  By the time his hand snaked over my hip and between my legs, they felt like they were going to give out.  And that was when it felt to me like Tony took over completely.

He had fingers in and around my pussy, palm over my mound.  The dildo looked like it extended from the back of his hand.  He would pull my hips back with him — giving Tamara a chance to grind her clit along the top of the dildo as it slid outwards — as he also pulled out of my ass.  Then I would feel him thrust back in to me, but it would keep going until I bottomed out in Tamara and he bottomed out in me.

He picked up his pace and everyone’s breathing got ragged.  Tamara’s repeated moans got higher in pitch, and, just as I heard and watched her body go stiff, I felt my own orgasm beginning.  And it certainly didn’t hurt that I felt Tony pulsing into my ass as I came.

The three of us slumped on the stairs and gradually started working cocks out of places they fit so well.  Tony escorted us down the stairs and helped us find our clothing.  We all kissed before Tamara and I walked back out to our cars.

Just as I got to my car, I turned back to Tony, still in the doorway.  “I didn’t think you were going to have more than one, due to the nature of the problem,” I said to him, “but the three of us equaled her.  I think we can handle this!”

“So you’ll be back tomorrow afternoon?” he asked… before his face broke into a smile at the look on my face.

“Don’t worry,” he laughed, “That was a joke.”


It was almost 10:00 when I got home, but the door opened magically for me and, when it closed behind me, Ron was standing there smiling at me.

“You,” I pointed at him, “face between my legs!  I need an orgasm from your mouth, then one from your cock.  If you can do that, I’ll tell you a story between my moans, screams, and groans.”

For the next forty-five minutes, Ron pleasured me with mouth, hands, and his beautiful cock while I told him all about our evening at Tony and Lydia’s.  He came deep inside me as I told him about Lydia grabbing the strap-on and trying to get a facial as she came the fifth time.

I was already close to my third orgasm since returning home at that point, so I barely got through wrapping up with Lydia and describing the action on the stairs before I started crying out, almost cumming with the group in my story, due to Ron’s talented tongue and fingers.

It was only after he sat back and watched my afterglow that he asked if I’d eaten.  I tried to joke that I’d done some eating but hadn’t swallowed anything, but it just came out as a mumble.  Ron did figure out that I hadn’t had any food, though, and soon enough he was awakening me from a short nap with a platter of options.  

I did manage to wake up enough to devour a good portion of it while he occasionally grabbed a piece of cheese and a cracker, joining me as I ate, though it was apparent he’d eaten already.  After I finished up, he ushered me off to bed while he cleaned up.  How did I get so lucky? I thought to myself as I made my way upstairs.

My head was just touching the pillow as I heard him start up the stairs, but I was fast asleep before he climbed into bed.

Written by Snowbody
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