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Author's Notes

"This story begins Part 2 of the Best Laid Plans series."

Around 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon, Ted's desk was covered with papers as he attempted to work out a problem solution for one of his clients. He was deep in thought when his phone rang. He was just a little annoyed that he needed to stop what he was doing to answer the phone. He pressed the intercom button and barked, "Yes."

The receptionist said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I have someone on the line who says that he is 'Wild Bill' and insists on speaking with you."

Ted laughed and said, "That's fine. I know who it is; he's a client. Not a problem. Put him through."

Ted punched up the line and said, "Wild Bill. Where the hell are you today, and what do you want? I'm busy and don't have time to fuck around with pests."

Ted heard a familiar big laugh followed by, "You son-of-a-bitch. Only you could talk to me that way and get away with it. I'm in Colorado right now and workin' my way back home. But I have something to discuss with you and hope you've got a few minutes."

Ted didn't have clients that he enjoyed as much as Bill and none that were as much fun. "I'm all ears, Bill. Tell me what's on your mind. I'm about to wrap up my work day and go home for a tall glass of scotch, so if you have some business to discuss, you'd better get it out now."

Bill laughed out loud and just hearing it brightened Ted's spirits. "I've got a proposition for you, ol' son," he said. "Any chance that good-lookin' assistant of yours is around?" In Ted's world, only one person was wise to his relationship with Pam. That person was his client, who was commonly known as Wild Bill,

No sooner had he said those words than Pam appeared at his door. She walked in, gave Ted a big smile, and said, "Anyone I know?"

"As it happens, Bill," Ted responded, "She just walked into my office. I'll put you on the speaker phone if you'd like."

Ted opened the speakerphone connection so that they could both hear Bill.

"Close the door, so I can talk with both of you," he said.

Before Pam sat down, she closed the door and said to the speaker, "I'm here, Bill, and the door is closed."

"Cool," he said, "I've got a proposition for the two of you. I've got two company lawyers coming into your town on Friday. I don't know what the hell they're doing, but they have reserved the company jet to get them there. As I understand it, they will be landing at about 3:30 on Friday. That means that at around 4:00 that afternoon, that jet is available for someone to use. So I'm suggesting that you two jump on that jet and let it take you to our corporate 'getaway' for the weekend. I'm planning on driving down there myself on Saturday afternoon. That means you two could have a lovely weekend at our corporate place at my expense. Of course, Friday would be totally yours, and you only would have to share dinner with me on Saturday night. Other than that, it is a place for you two to enjoy yourselves."

"That sounds wonderful, Bill," Ted said.

Bill seemed to lean into the phone and asked, "What about you, Pam?"

"Are you kidding?" she asked. Pam leaned over to be heard on the speakerphone and said, "Bill, that sounds just wonderful. We would love to go. Really love to go. Do we need to bring anything special? Will there be other people there?"

"Hell no," he said. "Friday will be all yours. I'll show up sometime on Saturday afternoon with a little piece of fluff that will be my companion. We'll have dinner together on Saturday night; that will be the last time you'll see me. So you two just come prepared to relax and enjoy yourselves. Someone will be there to pick you up on Sunday afternoon and take you to the airport. You'll be home by 7:00 Sunday evening and ready to go to work on Monday. Just consider this a gift from a grateful client."

"So, Bill," Ted said, "Where are we going?"

"You don't need to know," he said. "Just get on the jet and go where it takes you. There'll be a car to pick you up when you land and a car to take you back to the jet on Sunday. You don't need to know anything else. You two just have a great time and enjoy some time together without anyone looking over your shoulder."

Ted looked at Pam, and she nodded. "OK, Bill," he said, "Where do we need to be on Friday?"

Bill gave them the information. When they knew what to do and when to do it, Ted hung up the phone and looked across his desk at Pam. "Are you OK with this?" he asked.

"Are you kidding?" she asked. "It sounds wonderful, and I'm ready to go. But I don't know what to pack. And we're going on a private jet. That's exciting."

"We don't have long to think about it if we're leaving at 4:00 on Friday," Ted said. "One of us should probably take Friday off and the other work a half day so that people here don't get suspicious, which they would if we walked out the door at the same time."

"That would be me," Pam offered quickly. "I'll need the time to put a few things in my travel bag. Then you can leave the office by 1:00, come by my place to pick me up then we'll be off. This sounds wonderful, don't you think?"

Ted smiled at her and said, "I love to see you so excited. There is no telling what Bill has lined up for us, but I'm guessing that the 'getaway' is nice. I also like the idea of being totally alone with you. We don't get enough of that."

Pam laughed and said, "After the night we had last weekend, I'm guessing that your neighbors will be glad for us to be gone. I probably made enough noise while we were having sex to wake their children. Maybe this means I can make all the noise I want."

"You can always make all the noise you want with me, precious," Ted said softly. "The louder you are, the more I like it. If we have the place, whatever the place is, all to ourselves, I'm guessing we can make noise or run around naked if we want."

"This is really exciting," Pam said with a big smile. "We're going on a private jet to an unknown place and get to spend most of that time alone. I'm so excited that my panties are already wet."

"Hey!" Ted said. "You know the rule. If you tell me that your panties are wet, you have to prove it."

Pam stood up and slowly walked around behind his desk. Pam pulled her skirt up almost high enough for Ted to see her panties as she stood there and said, "Check for yourself."

He placed his hand on the inside of her thigh and moved it until his finger touched her pussy. He pushed harder and looked at her with a smile, "Yes, you are. But you aren't wearing panties."

Ted didn't move his hand, but Pam let her skirt fall down over it. She said, "And if you leave your hand there, I'll get wetter. Would you care to find out?"

"I would very much like to find out, but not if you didn't lock my door when you closed it. I would hate for the company President to walk in and find me doing a panty check," Ted said as he slowly let his hand move away from between her legs.

Pam turned and walked to his door with a big and not-so-real sigh. Ted watched as she reached for the knob and turned the button to unlock it. "You shouldn't have been so careful," she said with a sly smile. "I generally lock your door when I close it because I'm always hoping for a panty check. But maybe you'll want to check again later."

"You can count on that," he said as she opened the door and walked out of his office.

Thursday was a hectic day for both of them. They didn't really see each other in the office and didn't have lunch together. Around 2:30, Ted received an email from Wild Bill. He read it and immediately forwarded it to Pam. It read:

Pam - 

I just received this message from Wild Bill. You may find it helpful in your packing decisions.

Hey Ol Son,

It just occurred to me that you two might need to know something about where you're going this weekend. I'd be willin' to bet that your sweet filly would pack everything in her closet if I didn't give you some idea of what to expect. So, as that guy on TV says, "Here's what you need to know."

Expect the daytime temps to be in the low to mid-80s. You'll have a pool, so be sure to pack some swimwear… not that you'll need it 'cause you'll be alone. But we might want to be in the pool at the same time on Saturday night, and your lady might feel more comfortable with something covering her butt.

The evenings will be in the low 70s, so you might want to have something a little warmer to wear outdoors. Apart from the pool and hot tub, this place has a bar outside that is a comfortable place to sit for a drink and a cigar after dinner.

Now don't over-pack. You two will be by yourselves until late Saturday afternoon, and you can run around the place naked if you want. The place will be completely yours. When you get there, look the place over and decide which bedroom you want.

When the plane lands, you'll be met by Amos. He's the caretaker of our getaway. He drives for us, does some cleaning, and has even been known to do some cooking. He is a little Pilipino fellow who can take care of anything you need. He's worked for us for years and is entirely trustworthy. On Saturday, you'll get to meet Matilda. She's a jolly (and large) black lady that keeps the house and cooks when we need it. She'll show up sometime before noon, fix you two some lunch, and do what housekeeping needs to be done for you.

One more thing, there is nothing to do there. There are no places to go eat, and you won't have a car. So the idea is to relax completely and enjoy yourself. Enjoy that beautiful woman. You won't need anything but the clothes on your back (and maybe not that). Everything else will be provided.

I look forward to seeing you both soon.


Fifteen minutes later, Pam burst into Ted's office, shut the door, and said, "Oh sugar, this is going to be so much fun! Where do you think it is?"

"I just don't have any idea," he answered. "By the way, do you know how beautiful you are?"

Pam actually blushed and said, "Stop it. But thanks. I like to hear you say it."

"So, to your question," Ted said, changing the topic. "After that message from Bill, I had a follow-up message that I didn't send you. He said that when the plane arrives at the charter jet terminal, we would be met by the co-pilot, a fellow by the name of Howard. He said that Howard would get us and our luggage on board, and they would want to take off very quickly. I gather that they will drop us off and then fly on to another location. He said our flight would last about an hour and a half."

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"Did he tell you where we're going?" Pam asked.

"Nope. He didn't even give me a hint. But if we know how long the flight will take, we could make a guess," Ted suggested.

Pam stood there, looked at Ted for a while, and then said, "Don't tell me what you're guessing. I've decided I don't want to know. I want to be surprised."

As it turned out, there were quite a few surprises in their weekend adventure.

On Friday, Ted went to work, as usual, stayed at his desk through lunch, and then at 1:30, told the receptionist that he would be out for the rest of the day. He drove straight to Pam's apartment to pick her up so they would be at the airport in time to meet their private flight. When Ted walked into the apartment, he called for Pam and spotted her bag on the floor by the door. He was surprised to find that her bag was no larger than his. He was sure she would overpack for this two-and-a-half-day adventure but saw that all she needed was a small bag she could carry over her shoulder. Ted had packed a swimsuit, a few polo shirts, underwear, two pairs of shorts, socks, a light jacket, and shoes. Other than that, he was only taking what he was wearing.

He entered the bedroom, looking for Pam just as she stepped out of the bathroom.

Pam was wearing a red dress that was just amazing. It was not quite to her knees, fitted under her breasts, and hung down from there. She had obviously just put on lipstick and, as she came out, twirled around saying, "How do I look?"

"You look fantastic," Ted said truthfully. "But wouldn't you be more comfortable wearing pants?"

"Listen," she said in a serious tone, "I'm about to go on a ride in a private jet. I plan to get on and get off looking like I own it." She looked at Ted for a second and then smiled. "Do you really like it?"

"I truly do," he said. "You are always beautiful, baby. But you are simply stunning in that dress. You know that I always like you in red."

"You like me naked," Pam said and turned to pick up her purse and the small carry-on bag. "I feel certain you'll get plenty of me naked in the next couple of days, but I have a serious question." She unzipped the small bag and showed him the contents. It contained several things that could best be used in sexual play. There was a vibrator, lube, dildo, another vibrator, and an assortment of "toys" they had used repeatedly. "Since we will be on a private plane, will I have to run this through an x-ray machine? I would be very embarrassed if some TSA person looked inside it."

Ted's level of excitement jumped about three levels seeing what she had packed and knowing that she planned ahead for a sex-packed weekend. "I don't know for certain, darlin', but I don't think so. To be safe, why don't you take the batteries out of the vibrators and put these things into your larger bag. Then if they get x-rayed they won't look like anything dangerous."

Pam thought about that for a second and said, "But I would like to have them with me inside the plane. You did say we would be alone on this flight, right?"

Ted's excitement level jumped two more notches. "That's what Wild Bill told me," he said. "But since it is a private plane and we are the only passengers, there is a good chance that the bags will go inside with us and not into a cargo area."

She gave him a look of doubt but decided to go with the suggestion. Pam had adjusted everything to Ted's satisfaction in ten minutes, stood up, and announced, "Let's Go!"

At ten to 4:00, Ted and Pam were standing in the charter terminal and were directed where to wait for their plane. Within just a few minutes, they saw a small jet taxi up outside the door. The passenger door opened, and a crew member came down the steps to assist two men in business suites disembark. "That's got to be our plane," Ted whispered, although no one was around to overhear them.

The two men in suits came inside the building and walked past them. A minute later, the crew member that opened the plane door stepped inside and said, "You two must be Wild Bill's friends." He introduced himself as Howard and asked if they were ready to go. He took the two small bags and led them into the plane. Before they could look around the inside of the plane, Howard said, "We are ready to go if you are. My instructions are to deliver you to your destination without telling you what or where it is."

Smiling broadly, he continued, "Wild Bill gave us instructions to get this bird up fast and get you where you are going. Once we take off, we'll be about an hour and a half away from our destination. We'll be pretty busy up here, so you two will have the cabin to yourselves. You'll have to be your own flight crew. There is a head in the back on one side and a small kitchen on the other. Bill made certain that we had a small bottle of Champagne chilled for you. You'll find some snacks as well. Are you ready to go?"

Ted assured him they were ready before making their way back into the cabin. Before they were seated, Howard said, "Since you didn't have a lot of baggage, I've just put your things in the closet right here. So if you need anything, you can get to it. We'll start to taxi as soon as we get clearance. You two take any seats you want and buckle up. This isn't like a commercial flight. We won't give you any details. You need to know that if you need oxygen, it will drop from the overhead just like Delta tells you it will. When we reach 10,000 feet, I'll blink the lights, and you can unbuckle and get comfortable. Any questions?"

"Thanks, Howard," Ted said, "I think we're good."

"Great," he said, "I'll see you when we get there." Howard went into the front cabin and closed the door.

Ted and Pam both turned to look at the plane's inside. There were five leather "captain's chairs" and a couch that would seat three. They walked slowly to the back and inspected everything, including the head and the little kitchen. "Would you like Champagne now or after we take off?" Ted asked.

Pam's eyes were wide with excitement. She gave Ted a light kiss. "I think it would be better after we take off. I might spill it otherwise. Right now, I want to sit down and buckle up. Baby, this is so great!"

Pam picked the last captain's chair in the back, sat down, and put her seat belt on. Ted took the chair opposite but facing her. There was a little table between them. No sooner were seatbelts buckled when the little jet began to roll. Ted saw a card on the table, and as Pam looked out the window, he told her what it said, "This is a Hawker 800XP. I don't know what the XP stands for, but this little baby will cruise at about 36,000 feet for six hours without refueling. We could go a long way in this plane if we could afford the fuel. From what it says here, I gather this costs our hosts about $3,500 an hour. 

Let's see. That would be close to $11,000 for the round trip for the two of us. That's a lot more than the cost of a first-class ticket."

Pam was listening to him but watching outside intently. "I think we're ready to take off," she said excitedly. "He's turning onto a large runway."

There was a pause, and the Hawker began rolling down the runway. Ted kept his eyes on Pam as the small jet bumped down the tarmac. Her breasts bounced with every bump until… nothing. The plane lifted up, and they were airborne. It went from bumpy to smooth in one second and began to lift into the sky at a fantastic rate. It felt like the plane was streaking straight into the sky as they watched the ground disappear beneath them.

They both watched out the window as their city disappeared beneath them. The lights flashed on in about a minute to point out they had reached 10,000 feet and signaled they could release their seatbelts.

They turned to look at each other as the plane flew higher into the sky with a bit of awe and excitement at what was happening. "Wow," Pam said.

"Wow is right," Ted replied. "These little jets get up in a hurry, don't they?" He watched as Pam looked out the window and said, "Hey, babe. Would you like that Champagne now?"

"Oh YES," she said, "That would be just wonderful!" as she continued looking out the window.

Ted got up, found the glasses, opened the mini bottle of Champagne, and poured two glasses. As he set one down on the table in front of her, Pam pressed her hand against the front of Ted's pants and said, "Are you as excited as I am?"

Leaning down, Ted kissed her lips. After a few seconds, he said, "I am always excited when I'm with you, darlin'. It doesn't matter if we are at ground level or 50,000 feet in the sky. Just being with you excites me."

"So then," she said coyly, "If I keep my hand here will you get more excited?"

"You know the answer to that question," Ted said with a laugh, "But if you have any doubts, just leave your hand there for another 30 seconds."

She looked at Ted and watched his face as she unzipped his trousers. Finally, she must have received the desired reaction as her smile turned sexy and serious. "I think you'll be more excited if I put my hand inside your pants."

Ted handed her a glass of Champagne and said, "Why not have a sip of this first? I know how oral you are. After a glass of bubbly at 36,000 feet, you may want to put your mouth inside my pants."

They touched their glasses together, sipped, and watched each other without talking until their glasses were half empty. Pam said, "Champagne must excite you. You have a rather large lump in your pants."

"I don't think it's the Champagne, baby, but you seem interested in what's in my pants."  

Ted put his glass down, moved away from her, and leaned back on the large leather couch. Since she had already unzipped his pants he leaned back against the back of the couch, stretched out his legs, and unbuckled his belt. Pam held her glass to her lips as she watched him slide his pants down to his knees and then do the same with his boxers. Finally, he pulled his shirt away so that she could see his cock standing at attention. "Isn't this what you wanted to see?" he asked. 

Without taking her eyes off his erection, she silently nodded.

Ted took his cock in his hand and stroked it a few times before saying, "Does this excite you too?"

Again a silent nod.

"Is this making your panties wet?" he asked.

Pam put her glass down and leaned back in the big leather chair. "No," she said softly. "It isn't making my panties wet because I'm not wearing any."

Written by JefferyB
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