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Author's Notes

"This is the first chapter of what will be a lengthy series. There will be at least 25 chapters released about once a week. <p> [ADVERT] </p>ChrisM and I think you will enjoy it."

Chapter 1


Late Friday afternoon, Ted and his assistant, Pam, were working on putting together a proposal that needed to be ready to present on Tuesday morning. This hadn't been the plan. It was just proving to be much more complicated than they'd imagined, and upper management had made continuous requests for changes. They were a little stressed over the project as they attempted to keep management's silly demands out of the presentation. However, they still wanted it to seem as if everything had been included. This presentation should have been finished a week ago, and now they had their backs to the wall.

"I'm sorry, Pam," Ted said, "this damned thing is a total pain in the butt. So I'll just take this home and work on it over the weekend. Then we'll get it wrapped up and ready to review on Monday."

Pam looked at him with a puzzled look on her face. Ted noticing her expression, smacked his forehead. "Of course. What was I thinking? I'm flying out Monday morning, and it has to be ready when I get on the damned plane."

Pam leaned over the desk to help Ted sort through the papers, which allowed him to get a great view down the front of her blouse. Pam had a sensational body, and he took every opportunity to admire it when he thought she would not notice. He had often thought, "If I was twenty years younger, I would chase her from one end of town to the other." But seeing that he was 54 and she was 28, all he could do was admire her from a distance. He suspected she was aware of his longing looks and often thought she took an extra second at his doorway before leaving so that he could admire her magnificent ass.

Pam stopped gathering the papers and said, "Ted, why don't you let me help you finish this tomorrow? I don't have any plans for the weekend, and the two of us could probably knock this thing out in a couple of hours."

"Thanks, Pam," he replied, "But I don't want to return to the office. I can work at home in shorts and tee shirt and drink a beer if I want to."

"Well then, why can't I help you at your house?" she asked.

Ted stopped and looked at her, seeing that she was totally serious. "It's not that I don't appreciate the offer, and I would certainly treasure your help, but I don't think it's appropriate for me to have you in my home. It would be improper if the two of us were alone."

"Does the word 'fuddy-duddy' mean anything to you, Ted?" she said with a laugh. "I didn't realize that you were 85. I am an adult woman, in case you haven't noticed, and I am also a fully responsible adult. So nothing is stopping me from working with you at your house. I can also wear shorts, and I can drink a beer. So as far as I'm concerned, it's all set. What time do you want me there?"

Ted thought about it for a minute. He certainly could use her help. There was no doubt that she was an exceptional assistant. She had worked for him for over two years, and there was no aspect of his business with which she wasn't totally knowledgeable. But, before he opened his mouth, his cursed and wicked mind thought about how nice it would be to see her in casual clothes. "Okay," he said, "I could use the help, but you have to promise that you won't tell any of the other assistants; tongues would wag."

"You got it, bossman," she said with a mock salute. "But you have to buy the beer."

"That's a deal I will gladly make," he told her. "I'd like to sleep in a little in the morning. Why don't you come over around 1:00? If we pull together, we should have this thing done in time for dinner, and maybe I'll also spring for a steak cooked on the grill."

Pam gave him a big smile and said, "Ooooh, but you are a sweet talker. Buy me a beer and a steak, and I'll follow you anywhere." She laughed and turned to leave. She did what she always did as she stepped to the door and stopped for an extra second. His eyes, as usual, zoomed in on her butt.

A thought ran through his dirty old mind. "I would pay money to see her in nothing but thong panties and a bra." He stepped to the door and said, "Let's pack up and get out of here. I'm certain you have better things to do on a Friday than hang out with me in an empty office." They both walked out of the office ten minutes later and headed home.

As Pam drove home to her apartment, she smiled. "I've been trying to land that big fish for over a year," Pam said to herself. "Tomorrow, I'll have Ted alone in his house and finally get my chance to get him to bed me. I'll find the right things to wear to get his attention and pull out the knockout punch when he's least expecting it." She had been scheming and hoping for this opportunity since she had started working for him. She chuckled. "You're mine, big boy."


On Saturday morning, Ted woke up around 8:30, looked at the clock, and decided he could sleep a little longer. At 9:00, he looked at the clock again. However, before he rolled over again, he remembered that Pam would be arriving at 1:00. He needed to do a little house cleaning before she came. Pam might be his assistant, but he didn't want her to think he wasn't as tidy at home as at the office. So he slipped on some shorts and a polo shirt and spent the next two hours tidying and taking care of some of his regular Saturday chores. More than once, the image of his assistant flashed through his mind, and as he thought of her beautiful body, he wondered what she might be wearing when she came over. Finally, he determined that his thoughts were those of a dirty old man and wondered if he had lost his mind by inviting her to his home.

By noon he had finished his cleaning, taken a shower, and dressed in something better than he might wear if he was at home alone or hanging out with some of his men friends. He even added a bit of cologne but was careful not to overdo it. By 12:30, he was seated at his kitchen table and was elbow-deep into the project. So he was actually surprised when his doorbell rang. He looked at his clock; it was a couple of minutes past 1:00.

Ted answered the door and found a smiling Pam on his doorstep carrying her laptop computer and a handbag. He welcomed her inside and let her walk past him. When he turned, his mouth almost fell open. Pam's beautiful butt was beyond perfect. She had worn pants from time to time in the office, but today she was wearing khaki crop pants that were extremely tight across her behind. It would have shown through those pants if she'd had a pimple on her ass. There was no sign of anything under them, just her beautifully shaped ass that had always caught his eye.

When she walked past him, Ted saw that she was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with the top two buttons undone, exposing the cleavage of her very ample breasts. As she walked ahead, he thought, "Just keep your eyes on the work!"

Before he could think to issue a welcome and thank her for coming, Pam said, "Oh, Ted. I love your place. It certainly looks like you. It is very masculine. It even smells like a man."

"I hope that's not a bad smell," he said, smiling.

"Oh, not at all," she said, turning to face him. She looked into his eyes, saying, "I think your house is exactly what I would have expected it to look, and it smells the way I thought it might. You might not know it, but I've always been aware of the cologne you wear, and I thought your house might have some of that same aroma."

Pam spotted the table, already covered with paper, and walked straight to it. She began to talk with Ted about what they were working on and what she thought they might work on next. She leaned over to remove her laptop from its case, and as she did, her blouse gaped open, and he glimpsed her breasts encased in a beautiful and delicate white bra. He wanted to turn away but could not move his eyes from this vision of perfection.

As she bent over to plug in the electrical cord when she put her computer on the table, he saw her fantastic ass again. While he felt mildly bad about doing so, he took in the view and determined that if she wore any panties under those pants, they must be damned small. "Work!" he shouted in his mind. "Keep your mind on the work!"

Ted suddenly realized he might be getting an erection and turned quickly toward the kitchen, saying, "What can I get you to eat or drink?"

"I don't want to start on your beer yet," Pam answered, "But I wouldn't mind a soft drink if you have one."

Ted held up a can from the open fridge and asked, "Is this acceptable?"

"Perfect," she said, sat at the table, and started her computer. Ted breathed a sigh of relief not to be caught sporting wood after she had only been here five minutes and prepared a glass with ice for her. He put it beside her computer and sat across the table to begin the task.

Two and a half hours later, neither had moved from their chairs. Nevertheless, they had the task well in hand and were close to finishing. "It's amazing how much you can get done when there are no phone calls to interrupt you or people walking in the door to disturb you," Ted stated. "We've accomplished more in the past two hours than we did in the previous two days."

Without looking up, Pam said, "I think I can have all of these things loaded into the presentation in an hour or less. We'll be almost finished if you double-check these three pages and the numbers. Then we can look at the presentation itself and determine the finer points of how it looks. I know how particular you are about it looking professional and eye appealing."

"Are you saying I'm a pain in the butt," Ted asked.

Pam looked up from her computer and gave him an unusual look. "Not at all, Ted. I'm saying that you are something of a perfectionist and that I appreciate that. You take great pride in the work that we do. I am very proud to work with you and have learned a great deal by being your assistant."

Ted was a little surprised by her comment but even more astonished by her look and tone of voice. If he hadn't known better, he would think she was speaking about someone close to her. Maybe even someone she loved. Without saying anything else, he picked up the papers she'd referenced and rechecked them to ensure they were 100% correct.

After another 30 minutes, Ted looked at the clock. Thirty minutes had gone past, and neither of them had spoken. "How are you doing?" he asked Pam.

"Another fifteen minutes, and we can wrap this baby up."

"Excellent," Ted responded with a smile. "I think it's time we broke out the beer."

"An excellent idea. I'm getting a little dry over here, and I wouldn't turn down some munchies if you have some."

Ted was already in the kitchen and told her, "You bet I do, darlin'. Old Ted is never without munchies and beer."

When he turned from the fridge with two beers in his hands, he noticed Pam staring at him. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"You've never said that before," she answered.

"Never said what?" Ted replied, having no clue was she meant.

"You've never called me darlin'. In fact, you've never called me anything but Pam or Pamela."

"I didn't mean to offend you," he said, uncertain if he had done something wrong.

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"Offended?" she asked, "Of course not. You've just never had a pet name for me or used something quite so personal. The truth is, I liked it. It gave me a little tingle."

"Women make my head spin," Ted thought. "You never know if you've done something good or bad." He poured her beer into a frosted mug that he kept in his freezer and handed it to her. He touched his glass to hers and said, "Here's to successfully completing another outstanding presentation for which we will get zero credit." They both laughed and took a long sip of the frosty cold liquid.

Pam put her glass down and turned back to the keyboard. "I'll have this finished in two minutes. Then you can review it while I drink."

"That's a fair deal," he said as he returned to the kitchen to get the munchies he had promised.

Fifteen minutes later, the papers were stacked up in the middle of the table, and they were chatting. Ted tried not to let his eyes drop to her cleavage again. Still, he had noticed another button on her blouse had become undone while working, and the view was now even more magnificent. When his cell phone rang, he was just getting ready to inquire about her weekend plans. He looked at the phone, read the incoming number, and said, "Excuse me for a minute. It's my ex, and I hope she isn't calling to complain about something new. She tends to just go on and on."

Ted stood up, turned away from Pam, and said, "Hello, Tammy. How are you?" He took a few steps away from the table and stood still for several minutes, saying nothing, making no sounds. He just listened. When he turned, he looked at Pam, made an annoyed face, and moved his fingers to show her "yack, yack, yack."

Pam stood and mouthed the word "bathroom" to him. He pointed at his bedroom door, maybe twenty feet behind her. She nodded and walked in that direction. As she passed the end table by the family room couch, she stopped to look at a photo on the table. Ted watched her as she stood there, admiring her ass and body's incredible, womanly shape.

He was thinking of how nicely her blonde hair flowed over her shoulders when he suddenly remembered that he needed to listen to the witch on the other end of the phone. Before he turned away, Pam changed her position and moved her feet, giving him a new look at her ass. Within three seconds, he was sporting an erection. He turned quickly, opened the sliding glass door, and stepped outside onto his patio so that he could concentrate on the witch and forget about the goddess standing outside his bedroom door.

He stood outside talking (or listening) for another ten minutes. When his ex finally took a breath, he interjected, "Sorry, but I've got to go now. I'm finishing a presentation and need to return to it." Reluctantly the ex agreed and hung up. Ted closed the phone, put it in his pocket, and walked to the patio's edge. He took a deep breath and spent thirty seconds wondering how he had ever managed to live with that woman. Then, with the dark clouds removed from his mind, he turned to go back into the house to talk with Pam a little before she left. He was sure someone as young and beautiful as she would have better things to do on Saturday night than hang around with an old fart like him.

Ted stepped back inside, expecting to see Pam at the table, but she wasn't. He looked in the kitchen and the family room only to find Pam wasn't there. Then he quickly looked out the front door to see if she had left, but her car was still sitting in his driveway. She wasn't in his home office either. Finally, he walked to his bedroom to see if she was still in the bathroom.

To his total surprise, Ted found her. She was in his bed with the covers pulled up under her chin. Her sexy white blouse was missing. As his eyes grew, he noticed no straps on her shoulders, which meant probably no bra. His eyes flicked to the butler's chair close to the bed and saw, again with some shock, the crop pants, white shirt, white bra, and exceptionally tiny panties stacked one on the other. As he walked beside the bed, his eyes met hers. His mouth opened, but all that came out was, "Wha…? "

Pam's head was resting on two pillows against the headboard of his king-sized bed. She was holding the sheets up over her breasts and was smiling at him. "Wha? That's all you can say?" she asked. "You have a woman in your bed with her clothes piled on a chair, leaving you to deduce that she is probably naked. And you ask, Wha?"

Ted stood there spellbound. His mind was going in ten different directions. There was a gorgeous woman naked in his bed, and he had no idea why. But it wasn't just any woman. It was his assistant. Not only was she an employee, but she was also twenty-five years younger than him. He didn't know if he should demand that she get dressed and go home or rip the sheets off and ravish her body. Finally, he said, "I don't understand. This is like a scene from a movie, and I'm afraid I don't know my part."

"Let me explain it to you," she said without moving or lowering the sheet. "I came here today to accomplish two things. First, to finish that stupid presentation to your satisfaction. And second, get naked in your bed and have sex with you until one of us dies or begs for mercy."

Standing completely still, Ted sputtered, "But Pam… Darlin,' that doesn't make any sense. Why would you want to have sex with me? I'm many years older than you. I'm old enough to be your father. Hell, I'm probably older than your father."

Pam smiled, saying, "I love it when you call me darlin', and I hope you keep doing it." Before he could say anything, she continued, "Now, let me set you straight. I have wanted you since the day you first interviewed me for the job as your assistant. You may not remember it, but when I walked out of your office, I stopped momentarily in the doorway to give you time to check out my ass. After that, I knew I would get the job. So from that moment, I have wanted you. And yes, you are as old as my father. But I'm not interested in fucking him. I am, however, very interested in fucking you."

The thought of her walking out of his office following that interview shot through Ted's mind. He remembered it like it was yesterday; truthfully, it had everything to do with why he hired her. Her credentials were excellent, but maybe not better than the other applicants. However, her ass was sensational, and the picture of it never left his mind when he decided to hire her.

She continued, "And you want me too. I know you do. I can see it in your eyes and how you check me out. I still linger in your doorway when I walk out of your office, and I know that you look up every time and examine my butt. You were checking me out today. When I was standing in your living room looking at that photo of your grandkids, I watched you in the reflection of the glass in the frame. You got an erection within seconds of looking at me. You want me, Ted, and I want you. I have already wasted a couple of years waiting for you to admit it, and I don't plan on wasting any more time."

Ted listened to everything she had to say before responding, "Of course, I was aroused. You are a gorgeous woman with a spectacular body. Any man would appreciate that, but I appreciate your mind and skills. I appreciate your sense of humor. But mostly, I appreciate your loyalty to me. You've always had my back. I'm certain that there are guys near your age that are panting for your attention and affection. You shouldn't be looking at me."

Her face got slightly more serious, and she said, "But I am looking at you, and you are who I want. Why do you suppose I've stayed in this job for this long? I could make a lot more money elsewhere. I've stayed because of my loyalty to you, not the company. I wouldn't work for anyone else there. I'm only interested in you. I know everything about you. I know your likes and dislikes. I know how you want your coffee and what kind of scotch you drink. I know you are an ass man and a great admirer of the womanly body. I know that you are the sexiest man that I've ever met. You are the most confident man I've ever met. You are confident in your work abilities, your knowledge of the world around you, music, arts, and sports, and very confident in your own sexuality. No man, or woman, would question your masculinity when you wear a pink shirt. When I sit across the desk from you and we just chat, you ooze sex appeal. And when I leave you, my panties are wet."

"But Pam," Ted started to say.

Before Ted could really look at her or figure out what she was doing, Pam pulled down the sheet and turned around, standing on the bed with her back to Ted, holding on to the headboard. She was completely naked. Ted completely lost his breath. He knew that she was beautiful. But, he didn't know that she was absolutely perfect.

She turned her head around, looking back at Ted. Pam slowly ran her hands down the cheeks of her bare ass, and said, "Really, Ted? You've been looking at my ass for two years. I know that you want it. I know you want to feel, touch, and lick it. It's there just for you, Ted, and no one else."

Before Ted could move or say anything, she turned around slowly, and he took in the beauty of her front side. Her breasts were round and perfect. Her nipples were on the small side but round and pink. They were flawless and, at the moment, extremely hard. As his eyes dropped, he admired her flat belly and hairless pussy with its small lips. He stared, amazed, as she spread her legs apart so that he could get a better look. As he took in the splendor of her body, she cupped her breasts, and he almost moaned.

Pam stood on the bed with her legs open for a long minute, letting Ted soak it all in. She knew that he would have trouble with the age thing. She knew that he would have difficulty with the working relationship. But she knew she wanted him more than any man she had ever met or seen, and she would have him today. Pam noticed the bulge in his pants and knew she had waited long enough.

She had no way of knowing how large his cock was, but if the swelling was any indication, she would not be disappointed. She turned around again, showing her backside to him, and said, "Touch me, Ted. Just put your hands on my ass and touch me."

Ted was mesmerized by the beauty of this naked woman standing before him. His head felt like it was about to explode from the shock of what was happening. His burning desire for this young woman that he had secretly wanted for a very long time and the realization that nothing good could come if he complied with her commands. She had always been one to speak her mind. She had never been shy, but now she was taking control and forcing the issue.

Ted was not married, and Pam was not married. There was nothing wrong with the two being together, but somehow he couldn't accept what was happening. There was one thing that was perfectly clear to him. He could not take his eyes off her naked body, especially her exceptionally perfect ass.

Without looking back, Pam put her hands behind her holding her palms out to him. "Give me your hands, Ted," she said. "Just put your hands in mine."

Written by JefferyB
Contributing Authors
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