As the newly appointed Official Manager, Forum Games (OMFG), I am pleased to announce that 5 Gold Memberships are up for grabs this month. Nicola, the site Matriarch, is gifting the memberships (need more info on our membership model?).
The rules for this competition are simple. You get one guess, as to what our total membership count will be, at midday UK time (currently GMT+1) on Saturday 4th July.
The total number of members is highlighted on the site home page (281,699 at the time of writing).
To counter the benefit of guessing nearer the end of the competition, it will close at midday (UK time again) on Tuesday 30th June, and the thread will be locked.
The 5 members closest to the actual count recorded as above, will be gifted Gold Membership for 1 Year shortly after 4th July.
If you already have a Gold Membership, you are free to gift it to a friend. Winners with either a Bronze or Silver Membership level, will be upgraded to a Gold Membership accordingly, with 1 Year added to your existing membership level.
Good luck everyone!