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Author's Notes

"This is a generally true story, I have changed some names, but this is all based upon real events and conversations, but developed into a fantasy in later chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This story is set back in the early 1980's a more innocent time."

Way back when I was twenty-one or twenty-two and was single, I met a girl at a party, at a friend’s house, she was the younger sister of a friend of theirs, who came along because she had a free evening. She only seemed to know the couple hosting and no one else. Everyone else there was a group of close friends, all the same age as me.

The party was all about loud music and getting drunk, no dancing. At the time I had been single for a while, and although I spoke a couple of times to Amanda, we didn’t “click” as they say. I thought she was sexy as hell, short and petite, tight jeans, a ‘Marillion’ tee shirt, short dark hair, and clearly a drinker and fun. I along with a few others, Amanda included, got way too drunk to drive – the usual party outcome in those days – and ended up crashing on sofas and chairs, Amanda got a bedroom.

In the morning, she was sitting at the bottom of the stairs chatting to a friend of mine, who looking back she had sat with the evening before a fair bit. Figuring ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ when he went through to the kitchen to top up his coffee, I asked her out, and to my surprise, she agreed and told me our host knew her phone number and address. My friend came back and carried on chatting to her, I wandered off and caffeined myself back to normality, got her details from the couple whose house we were in, and drove home.

A day or two later I called her number, her Mum called her to the phone and we agreed I’d pick her up that evening. I drove over, we went to a country pub, had a few drinks, and seemed to get on pretty well and I drove her home.

“Do you want to come in for coffee?” It didn’t seem to have the same connotations back then, it was about 11:30 PM so I followed her in. “Shh, my parents are upstairs.” I took off my shoes and followed her through into the kitchen, where she made two mugs of coffee. She led me through into the lounge, we sat side by side on the sofa, drinking and talking low, until she took my cup off of me, put it to one side, and swivelled around to kneel facing me, straddling my legs on the sofa.

We went from chatting to kissing and tongues in two seconds. She slid forward, her crotch above mine. I had my hands on her back, slid them down to her very pert tight bum, and pulled her a little closer still. We kept on kissing, I moved my hands back up and found bare skin, her tee shirt had ridden up as she was bending forward and down to me. I moved my hands up inside her shirt, waiting for the rebuff to come, but she just carried on, so I drew my hands around her sides and across just under where I guessed her boobs would be—still no reaction.

I was sporting a pretty good erection by now, and figured to keep going, I slid my hands up and then slowly up over her bra, feeling and gently squeezing, her very firm, maybe just a ‘B’ cup boobs, still no word to stop, I moved my hands back around and unclasped her bra. Nothing seemed to faze her, my hands followed the loose straps back around until I had each little boob nestled in a hand, at this point, she stopped kissing and sat upright and arched her back, I lent in pulled up her tee shirt and started kissing her perfect rounded nipples, my head spinning with the sudden excitement.

They were the best boobs I had ever seen or touched, and pretty much still are to this day.

I don’t know really why I stopped, it felt like a dream and that it would shatter, or her parents would come down, or something. I let her tee shirt drop down and hugged her, and kissed her. A short while later she climbed off of me, pulled her bra out from under her tee shirt, and led me to the front door. We kissed again.

“When can I see you again?”

“Oh, do you want to go out again? I thought you were just being nice for this evening?”

“No, no, I really like you, I want to take you out again.” I was surprised she had questioned me being serious. Only much later did I wonder how far she would have let things go, not even expecting a second date.

She could not see me the next day, a regular work social club do on Friday evenings, so we agreed I would pick her up on Saturday evening. Saturday came, I collected her, a country pub again, a few drinks and in mid-evening, she asked me if I like to feed the ducks.

I had no idea what she meant, other than throwing bread into ponds. “I guess so.”

“Great, let’s drive to the park in town.” She downed the remains of her drink, and stood, I did the same and followed her out to the car.

I drove to the park, in through the main gates, and she directed me through and around to a car park on the far side of the lake, used in the daytime by people using boats and small yachts. The park I should say is huge, on the edge of the town, with a massive lake, a number of wooded areas, and small roads running through, but not for normal traffic.

Also on one side was a big sports complex with swimming pools and halls. There are no lights in the park, back then also the gates were left open twenty-four hours a day. We pulled into the car park, my headlights picked out maybe a dozen cars all spaced apart. I parked and killed the lights. Amanda rolled her seat back and climbed into the rear seats, and I followed.

I realised this was effectively a ‘lovers lane’ and we set to kissing and me with my hands up under her top very quickly. She surprised me by pulling my tee shirt up over my head and then unzipping my jeans. I needed no more encouragement, pulling them down and off as quickly as I could. I unzipped her jeans, and she laid back on the seat to allow me to pull them down and off, just a pair of knickers and her tee shirt rumpled up to her boobs left.

I started kissing up her legs, slowly up each one then restarting the journey with the other leg, until I had kissed to the very edge of her knickers on both sides.

Amanda had her hands on my head pulling me in. I sat back and began to pull her knickers down at the sides, and Amanda arched her bum up and brought her knees up and together to let me pull them straight off. I love to lick pussy, and went straight for it, kissing and licking, taking it as slowly as I could, Amanda was definitely enjoying it, and soon she began to buck and moan and shudder with her first orgasm from me.

“Do you want to put it straight in, or would you like me to suck it?”

I was taken aback by the question, girls didn’t normally offer a blowjob quite this easily in my experience, my first girlfriend never did it once. “Suck it would be great.” She moved around, got me into her place on the seat, pulled of my pants and set to giving me a memorable blow job, right to the edge of Cumming more than once, I have always been quiet during sex, and wondered in my inexperience, how she knew just when to slow down.

Amanda stopped after getting me really close again, slid back under me and spread her legs wide. I could not resist going down for another taste, it seemed only fair, and with a much quicker action soon felt her quivering and then Cumming again. I pulled myself up onto the rear seat and guided my rock-hard cock easily straight inside.

My cock is not the longest but is quite thick, but Amanda’s pussy just swallowed it up and began squeezing me as I began to fuck fast, I knew I would not last long, and just wanted to enjoy my first fuck for quite a few months. I came quickly, and I knew, a lot inside her, and slowed to a stop, and looked at her.

“Wow, that was, wow, you are gorgeous, thanks.” I did not know what else to say. We had not planned it, no condoms, and as I pulled out I wondered in the darkness how much mess we had made.

“Are you on the pill?” It seemed I should ask. In the darkness, I could see her give me a look and she said yes. Relief flooded over me. We got dressed and I drove her home.

The following few weeks we met up usually around three evenings a week, and most times ended up in the park, a mix of wanking, sucking and fucking, I was so happy. We never met on Mondays, ‘family time at home,’ she told me. We rarely met on Fridays, some events at a work social club she went to, but never with me. A few times a friend of hers from work would let us use her flat for a couple of hours in the evening, a bed or even a settee was a nice treat.

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About a month into the relationship we were sitting in the back of my car, in the park, I think a Wednesday or Thursday late evening, both largely naked, after fucking, and I started in that conversation about previous boyfriends and girlfriends, how many, what did you do, and so on.

Amanda was a little coy at first. “I’ve had a few, just the normal stuff, yes, I’ve done that, yes, yes a few times, yes I have done it outside.”

She answered me with lots of yeses—too many yeses. I had to admit to a much smaller number, an older age for the first time, and nothing out of the ordinary, I felt a little disappointed or perhaps intimidated.

“What is the most unusual thing you ever did?” I asked, but wanted a blank answer, not wanting to know how much more experienced she seemed to be than me.

“Are you sure you want to know? You seemed a bit upset before.” She moved her hand onto my soft cock, our combined juices drying up as it shrunk.

“Yeah, no I’m alright, just curious, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“So, a while ago I had sex with two married guys from work one evening.” Her hand was resting on my cock, feeling for my reaction I realised afterwards.

“Really?” I was shocked, now she had even had sex with two people on the same day – more than I had managed ever.

“Well, I should say, they had sex with me, or fucked me, I was pretty drunk really.” Her hand was still on my soft cock.

“What do you mean, you were drunk, was it, like a…”

“No, nothing so bad. I’ll tell you if you don’t mind.”

I nodded and listened as she told me the story. Amanda works in an engineering company a little way out of town, she had worked there for nearly two years, started straight from school in the offices, general filing and telephone answering. Ninety per cent of employees were men.

Her boss, Tony, was an overweight middle-aged married man, but she said he seemed a nice bloke. She told me that a kind of game had been running for quite a while, and she had been included a few months ago.

The company policy said all office women should wear skirts and blouses, a little more feminine. A few of the men, would grab a girl and lift her up and sit her on top of the lockers, the lockers were about six feet tall Amanda said. They picked the same girls that didn’t really make a fuss, her boss was in on it, and he was always there. She told me the men would try and look under their skirts as the women tried to climb down.

After a while she said, the men had worked out who they liked to lift up, and at least once a week, and sometimes every day she and three other girls would find themselves hoisted up again, sometimes alone sometimes all together. The men started to offer, "show us your knickers, and we’ll lift you down." Amanda, her friend Leslie who sometimes lent us her flat, and two other girls would just flash them, and get lifted down.

I could not help myself but imagine the scene, and my cock began to twitch and thicken just a tiny bit, Amanda gave it a gentle squeeze.

“So one evening in the social club, it was a leaving do, a group of us had had way too much to drink and Tony, my boss, offered three of us a lift home in his car. He had been flirting with me all evening, telling me what he wanted to do with me. I had been leading him on, saying he would not be able to handle me."

"We all piled into the back of his car, and one of his mates got in the front with him, they dropped the other two women home. I said to Tony, and his friend, 'This is your chance then, come and get me, both of you, don't go all shy now."

Tony pulled over for a moment and his mate got into the back seat with me, and we set off again. His mate put his hand on my leg, and I pushed it across and rubbed against his leg, opening my legs in the process. We were well out of town driving in the dark. Then we pulled over and I remember saying something like, ‘I don’t live here.’ Even being drunk I knew what we were going to do, I was looking forward to it.”

I felt myself getting angry, it was so wrong, Amanda seemed so calm telling me.

She told me that Tony said, “Let’s just have a little fun, and we’ll drive you home, you know you want to. Show us your knickers properly.” The inside light came on in the car, and I felt his mate, I didn’t know his name then, lift up my skirt and hold it up in the air. They had seen up my skirts before, so I didn’t stop them, I was pretty drunk too, I played on it, pretended to be worse. I then took my skirt out of his hands and pulled the skirt right up and laid it on me, leaving my knickers exposed, new lacy black ones.

I could feel my cock slowly growing in Amanda’s hand, she could feel it too.

“Tony was in the front seat still, watching me, his mate slid his hands up my legs and got hold of each side of my knickers and started to pull them down. I reached down and stopped him. "No, don’t they are new." I felt daft once I said it.

Tony offered to buy them, he offered me twenty pounds, I thought they didn’t cost that much so I let go of his hands. Down they went, past my knees and off. He handed them to Tony. His mate just sat there looking at me, staring.

Tony got out of the front of the car and pulled his mate out of the back seat. I could see he had his trousers round his knees as he knelt on the seat next to me. I could see his cock, it was small, I didn’t think it was hard it was so small compared to his belly. I just lay there and looked at it."

"Come on then." I said, "What are you waiting for?" As I drew my legs wide apart.

"Are you sure?" Tony's cock hovered in front of me.

"yes, yes, please, do it."

"Tony leaned forward and pushed his cock straight into me. It took a few hard pushes to get inside, it hurt a little for that first part, and it reminded me of my very first time, the short pain.

Anyway, he immediately starts thrusting and grunting, and I figured, fuck it, he has been flirting with me for weeks he might be my boss, but I have needs too. I’ve done it plenty of times before and no one will know. Tony lasted maybe a couple of minutes, his body jerked a few times and he pulled out and climbed out of the back of the car.

Then his mate got back in the back seat, with his cock out, quite a bit bigger, and looked at me. "Come on, get in me will you, I need a good fucking tonight." With that, he just lent forward, shoved it straight inside me and started banging as fast as he could. Another two minutes and he was shuddering and then pulled out too."

“They both climbed into the front, and Tony drove me home, he kept my knickers, he never did pay for them, and I remember the back of my skirt was all wet and when I walked to the front door cum was running down my legs.”

My cock had grown through the last part of the story and was now rock hard, I was so turned on, and I secretly wished I had been a part of that scene. Amanda gripped my cock and spoke to me.

“I guess that turned you on then, hearing about my past?”

“What happened, did you report them, what happened at work?” I was full of questions.

“I’ll tell you later, let's deal with this first.” Amanda knelt astride me and lowered herself onto my cock, I gripped her arse and really went for it, hard and fast, not really my style but I needed to cum and clear that image out of my head. I came surprisingly quickly for a second cum. Amanda quickly pulled her knickers on, we both dressed and drove home in silence.

Over the next few days, I kept thinking about Amanda’s ‘confession.’ I would start off getting angry, but as soon as I recalled the story, I’d get turned on thinking about it, and wanked more than once.

Written by john456berry
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