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Author's Notes

"This is a long read but worth hanging in until the end. If you're just getting to this series, I invite you to read the previous chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment."

Kelly made an early light dinner while Simon cleaned and tidied the house. It was Friday night and they were going out to a pub for drinks with Carol. This meant that Kelly would probably be a little horny when they got home so he made sure that their toys were all clean and sanitized. It was his original idea that they add toys to their sex life so when she agreed to try them, she told him that since it was his idea, he had to take care of them. Just after she started using toys, she had gotten a nasty UTI from a toy that he’d not been quite assiduous enough in cleaning and he’d promised her he’d never let that happen again.

He cleared the dishes and gave the kitchen and dining room one last wipe down just in case they might have company later. Since the night when Kelly had agreed that they’d try adding someone to their bedroom, they had also agreed that if an opportunity came up they’d take the chance, even if it was with someone they knew. He found himself getting hard when he thought about bedding the young and beautiful Carol.

While he was cleaning up, Kelly went upstairs and took a shower, making sure to tidy up the downtown. She had been thinking all week about a possible liaison with Carol but she kept her thoughts about it to herself. As she thought about it now she felt her pussy get damp and accidentally brushing her finger along her clit as she shaved her lower lips didn’t do anything to ease the situation. She found herself wishing she had brought her vibrator into the shower with her but in its absence, her fingers would have to do.

After she got out of the shower and dried off, she carefully applied her makeup and then padded to her closet to pick out something to wear. She selected a clingy dark green dress that showed off her body to her benefit and decided on just the right underwear to go beneath it. A lacy black and green bra and panty set with a black garter and thigh-high stockings would do it. Once she was dressed, she realized that the shade of lipstick she had chosen wouldn’t work so she removed it and reapplied a darker shade of red.

Once Simon was done with his chores, he came upstairs to get ready and when he saw his wife he stopped, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you are dressing up for a new boyfriend!” he said with a wide smile.

“You never know who you might meet,” she countered, “and you only get one chance to make a good first impression!”

“That’s true,” he replied. “You look beautiful!”

“Thank you, baby, I’m glad you like it!” She moved to him and hugged him, careful not to mess anything up.

He showered and dressed and was ready to go in about ten minutes. He helped his wife with her coat and held her hand as they walked to her car, a brand-new deep blue BMW 530 that she had treated herself to only two weeks before. When he objected to her buying it, she told him that if she was going to be a new woman and a have new attitude to go with it, she needed the proper set of wheels. “It will be easier to pick up hot young studs if I have the right car!” she had teased him and that put an end to the argument. It made her happy and that was all that mattered.

They arrived at the pub right at seven and found a booth while they waited for Carol. She had texted that she was running a few minutes late. When she arrived, she too was beautifully dressed and perfectly made up; it appeared as though Kelly wasn’t the only one wanting to make a good first impression. Simon went over to her as she looked around the room, “Hi Carol, it’s nice to see you again. You look lovely tonight.”

“Thank you, Simon, it’s nice to see you too!” She reached out for a quick hug and allowed him to lead her to the table where Kelly was sitting. “I don’t think you’ve met my wife, Kelly,” he said introducing them. “Kelly, this is Carol, a friend of Jessie’s. She was at Jessie’s wedding.”

The two women hugged briefly, “Nice to meet you, Kelly, you look awesome!”

“Right back at you, Carol!” Kelly gushed as she looked her up and down. She remembered Carol from the wedding but she was a different woman now. It looked like she had lost a few pounds and she didn’t wear that look of sadness on her face. Instead, she was bright and cheerful and her mere presence improved the look of the room. Carol took off her coat and handed it to Simon, “I love your outfit!” she said. “Is it new?”

“Pretty new,” Carol replied and as Simon went to the bar to get their drinks, the two women started chatting about clothes and the like. As she returned to the table, he saw Carol discreetly pull her top to one side and show Kelly her underwear.

That happened fast!” he thought as she set the drinks down. Before sitting down, he took a quarter from his pocket and said to Kelly, “Call it!”

She called heads and won, "YES!" followed by a fist pump; he would be driving tonight.

“What’s that about?” Carol asked.

“It’s something we do when we go out, we flip a coin and the loser has to go easy so they can drive,” Kelly said.

“Very sensible,” said Carol. “I thought for a moment that you guys were trying to decide who pays!”

“Simon always pays,” Kelly said. “We’re pretty old-fashioned that way. He even holds doors for me and walks between me and the traffic! It’s like he was born in the fifties or something!” She looked lovingly at her husband, “And you know what? I love it!” She reached out and held his hand.

“My Aaron used to be like that, so thoughtful and kind,” she said.

“Do you miss him?” asked Kelly. “Sorry, what a stupid question, of course you miss him. Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed!”

“No, it’s fine,” Carol said, taking her hand. “It’s been a long road but I’m to the point now where I can talk about him without crying. It’s good for me, I have to move on.” She took a sip of her drink, “Yes, I miss him, every day. I visit him and my daughter every Sunday and I pour my heart out to them.”

“I can’t even imagine,” said Kelly. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, Kelly,” she said. “I still love him, I always will.” She took another drink and a deep breath.

“It must be lonely though,” Kelly said.

“It was,” said Carol with a smile, “but I met someone.” She took out her phone and showed them a picture of David. “I met him at Jessie’s wedding, we’ve been pretty inseparable ever since.”

“He handsome,” Kelly said. “A bit younger than you, isn’t he?”

“Kelly!” Simon admonished. “Don’t be nosy!”

“It’s okay!” laughed Carol. “I love talking about David! He’s amazing in every way!”

“It’s nice to see you happy,” Simon said. “Did you know that Jessie is his aunt?”

“She’s not actually,” Carol replied. “Jessie and David’s mom were best friends when he was little, then she passed away and Jessie kind of took over like an aunt to look after him. He was only ten at the time. He’s called her Aunt Jessie ever since.” She purposely left out the naughty bits about Jessie educating him on the finer points of making a woman orgasm.

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” said Kelly. “What’s he do?”

“He a student,” she replied. “He’ll graduate next year, he’s studying engineering.”

“Oh, so he’s a smarticle!” she said.

“Yes, “Carol laughed, “he’s very smart. He’s also kind and considerate and thoughtful. In many ways, he reminds me of Aaron.” She sipped her drink again, “I know it sounds weird, having a boyfriend who is a lot like my late husband but that’s part of what attracted me to him, they share so many qualities that I admire.”

“It’s obviously working for you,” Kelly said. “You seem very happy.”

“I am now,” she gushed, her cheeks blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush. “For the first time since the accident, I am very happy.” She drained her drink and stood up, “I have to go to the ladies, excuse me.”

Kelly watched as she walked away and then turned to her husband and poked his shoulder, “You fucking lied to me!” she scolded quietly.

“What?” he said, stunned at her accusation.

“You said she is pretty,” she said, poking him in the chest. “She’s not pretty, she’s fucking gorgeous!”

“I had noticed,” he replied. “I’m married, not dead! But I’m not sure it’s a good idea when a man is describing another woman to his wife to use the word ‘gorgeous’”.

“I guess,” she conceded. “I wonder how old she is?”

“I don’t know, mid-thirties maybe?” he suggested.

“She looks younger than that,” said Kelly.

“Remember, she had a sixteen-year-old daughter and that was a year ago. Unless she had her in middle school, she’d have to be at least thirty-five,” he said. Kelly shrugged and nodded, conceding his point.

Just then she reappeared and sat down. Simon asked her if she wanted a refill and she said she did. “Why not? I’m taking an Uber home,” she said. He left to get fresh drinks and she sat down.

“I can’t get over how pretty you are,” Kelly said. Maybe it was the wine she’d had before she went out or the Whiskey Sour she’d just finished but Carol blushed a little. Kelly continued, “I mean, Simon had said you are pretty but he understated it.”

“You’re too kind,” Carol replied. “I suppose I’m cute but you, you are very beautiful.”

“Look at us, a mutual admiration society!” They laughed and as if they had one mind they reached across the table and took the other’s hand. Then they sat silently looking at each other until their fresh drinks arrived.

Simon returned with the drinks and Carol restarted the conversation. “So, enough about me, what about you?” Kelly started, telling her how long they’d known each other and been married and about their two sons and how excited she was that she would be a grandmother in the new year.

“A grandmother?” Carol said. “You are far too young to be a grandmother!”

“How old do you think I am?” Kelly asked. She loved it when people tried to guess her age, they were always at least five years too low.

“Well, you look like you’re about forty-five but that would mean you had your first child at about thirteen so I’m gonna guess fifty-three.” Carol sat back and awaited the verdict while Simon just smiled. It was the rare occasion indeed when anyone guessed Kelly’s age exactly right.

“Did you tell her?” Kelly asked her husband. He just shook his head. “Right in one,” she said, raising her glass. “Well done!” They toasted and drank and then Carol looked squarely at her.

“You look amazing for your age,” she said. “I’m sorry, I’m not implying that you’re old, just focus on the amazing thing!” The two women laughed and clinked glasses again. “How old do you think I am,” she asked Kelly. Simon noticed that she had asked his wife and not him, he couldn’t help but feel that this was part of some seduction that was happening. The question was, who was doing the seducing?

“Well, you look like you’re in your late twenties but I know that’s not right,” Kelly said, making Carol blush again. It was one thing having men make intentionally low guesses, they always had an ulterior motive, but for a woman to say it, especially one so attractive as the one sitting across from her, was a real compliment.

“Simon said your daughter was sixteen so she’d be seventeen now, right?” Carol said nothing as she wiped away a tear. “Oh, I’m sorry Carol, really, I didn’t mean…”

Carol cut her off, “It’s fine Kelly, really. I just get sad sometimes when I get reminded of her.” She took a deep breath and sighed. “If you think I’m pretty you should have seen her, she was stunning!” She took out her phone again and showed them a picture of her family.

“She was so beautiful,” breathed Kelly. "And your husband was a very handsome man." Simon had to agree and he told Carol so.

Carol took another deep breath before placing a kiss on her fingertips and placing them on the screen. When Kelly saw her do that, her heart ached, she couldn’t imagine how hard the past year had been for her new friend. Carol snapped her out of it, “So, your guess?”

“I’m going to say thirty-six,” said Kelly. Carol smiled and shook her head.

Turning to Simon, she asked him for his best guess. “I’m not good with ages,” he said, “I always think people are older than they are so, to avoid offending you, I’d rather not say.”

“You won’t offend me!” Carol laughed but he steadfastly refused. She sat back and sipped her drink as she looked at them over the rim of her glass.

My God, she is so fucking hot!” Kelly thought to herself. “Come on, Simon, guess!”

“Okay fine,” he said. “Don’t slap me but I’m going to say forty.” He made a show of protecting his face with his arms which made Carol laugh.

“Why would I slap you?” she asked. She stood up and went around the table and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re close!”

Kelly bristled a little at this gorgeous woman she barely knew getting so intimate with her husband. Then she thought about all the things that they had talked and fantasized about over the past weeks and months and she felt a warmth in the gusset of her thong. Then she thought about how few women at her age would, or could wear a thong. Then she wondered if Carol might also be wearing one.

Carol returned to her seat, “Forty-three,” she stated. Her words snapped Kelly from her reverie.

“Excuse me?” she said. “Did you say forty-three?” Carol smiled and nodded. “Fuck me!” Kelly whispered.

“That’s exactly what David said when I told him!” her eyes twinkled as she said it. “And I did!” The women were on their third drink by this time and the liquor was starting to loosen their tongues. Not for the first time, Simon secretly hoped it might loosen their inhibitions as well.

Kelly gasped when she said that and the girls laughed. Then she asked the question she’d been dying to ask all night, “Do you mind me asking, how old is David?”

Carol smiled sweetly as she sipped her drink. She set the glass down on the table and leaned forward, beckoning Kelly to do the same. “He just turned twenty-one,” she whispered.

Kelly felt a warmth course through her, this beautiful woman was living out her fondest fantasy every night. Between her racing libido and the drinks, she blurted out, “I wish I had a younger lover!”

Simon’s head snapped around, shocked that she would say such a thing in public. Thankfully she had not said it loudly enough for anyone but him and Carol to hear.

Carol smiled at Kelly’s admission and reached out to take Kelly’s hand. She pulled her new friend closer and leaned in to whisper, “You should try it! I highly recommend it for any woman!” She kissed Kelly’s cheek firmly enough to leave a lip print. “Oh goodness, look what I’ve done! We’d better go clean that off!” She stood up and looked at Kelly, “You coming?”

She will be soon if you keep that up!” Simon thought.

“Sure,” Kelly said and she followed Carol’s perfect bottom to the ladies’ room. Simon thought about getting another round in but decided against it, the girls were plenty tipsy and he wanted to get them out of the pub before things got out of hand.

Unbeknownst to him, in the ladies’ room, that’s exactly what was happening at that very moment. As soon as the door closed, Carol turned to Kelly and took her face in her hands. “Holy fuck, Kelly, you are so fucking hot!” she growled before jamming their lips together and forcing her tongue into Kelly’s mouth. After a brief, and I do mean a brief, moment of surprise, Kelly responded in kind. Her hands went to Carol’s ass and she pulled them closer together as they prodded and sucked on each other. Then just as suddenly, Carol broke their kiss.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all night!” she exclaimed as she looked at Kelly with undisguised lust.

“Oh fuck, Carol, me too!” panted Kelly. Their mouths mashed together again for a few moments, completely ruining their makeup, but they didn’t care.

“We have to stop!” said Kelly breathlessly.

“Is something wrong?” asked Carol. Kelly smiled and shook her head.

“No, Carol, nothing is wrong,” she said smoothly. “But I’m not going to fuck you in a pub washroom when we have a perfectly good king-sized bed at home! She reached her lips forward and they kissed again, this time softly.

“Great idea,” Carol purred. “Simon won’t mind?”

“Not so long as we let him watch!” Kelly said. She kissed Carol again and then hesitated. “Are you a good teacher?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because I’ve never been with a woman before,” Kelly breathed. “Will you teach me?”

“I think you’ll find, my darling, that you will know instinctively what to do!” said Carol. “We better fix our faces!” They repaired their makeup as best they could and then Kelly took out her phone. She texted Simon, “Pay the tab and bring up the car! We need to leave now!

Simon heard his phone ping so he retrieved it from his pocket. He read Kelly’s text and thought, “This is either very, very good or very, very bad!” He did as he was instructed and just as he pulled the BMW up to the door of the pub, the two women emerged holding hands and staring at each other. He got out and opened the passenger’s side door, but Kelly gently pushed it closed and opened the rear door. He smiled and held it for her as Kelly moved to get in first. As she passed him, she whispered, “This is finally going to happen!” She kissed him and allowed him to help her inside. Then he offered his hand to Carol to help her in. She shunned it, instead wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

“Jessie is going to be sooo jealous!!!” she sang.

They heard a wolf whistle from across the parking lot and a man’s voice, “Get a room!” Carol winked at him and got in beside Kelly.

Simon got behind the wheel and started driving. As she drove, he fought the urge to peek in the rear-view mirror every time he heard the unmistakable sounds of two people making out. “You know, there’s room back here for one more,” he heard Carol say but he just smiled and kept driving.

“I’m way too old to be making out in back seats,” he said.

“No, you are not!” he heard his wife say. “We’re the same age and I’m certainly not too old for it!” He continued driving, ignoring the oohs and ahhs coming from behind him although he did take a peek in the rear-view when he heard his wife say, “Oh my God, Carol, YES!”

Simon pulled the car into the driveway and got out to let the ladies out. He opened the door to peer inside to see the back of Carol’s head between his wife’s stocking-clad thighs. “It’s more comfortable in the house,” he said loudly, making sure they heard him. Carol looked back over her shoulder, her chin and cheeks were shiny with Kelly’s pussy juice and her makeup was once again a wreck.

“You’re probably right,” she conceded. She climbed her way backward awkwardly, almost falling as she found her feet on the paved driveway. Simon caught her to keep her from falling, for which she showed her gratitude by kissing him deeply and thrusting her tongue into his mouth. “You know, your wife tastes delicious!” she slurred.

“I know she does and I have a feeling that you do as well!” he replied.

“You will find out soon enough!” she giggled and kissed him again, “either from her or first-hand!”

“Either one works for me!” he said as he reached in to help his wife out. She shimmied along the back seat until her feet could touch the ground and he helped her up.

“It’s been a long time since I got hot and heavy in the back seat!” she giggled.

“It must be,” he replied, “we never did anything in the back seat!”

“I know,” she kissed him, “we always preferred the hay loft!!”

“I remember,” he said.

“Well, after tonight, you’re going to have some whole new things to remember!” his wife growled. She took Carol’s outstretched hand and they about ran to the front door.

“I don’t know what you’re running for!” he called, “I have the keys!” As they waited, the girls took the opportunity to make up the time they had lost getting out of the car and by the time he got the door open Kelly’s hand was up Carol’s skirt and their tongues were in each other’s mouths. Simon instinctively looked around before he closed the door and saw the curtains in the house across the street pull shut. “That’ll be an uncomfortable conversation when I see him next!” he said quietly to himself.

He made a quick tour of the house to make sure everything was as it should be and, showing incredible patience, he prepared a pitcher of ice water that he knew would do the ladies well in a little while. He followed the trail of clothing from the foyer to the master bedroom, picking everything up as he went observing that the only articles he didn’t see on the floor were their underwear.

As he approached the door their voices got louder. There weren’t many words that he could understand, mostly moans and sighs interspersed by giggles and sucking noises. He stopped when he saw them together on the bed, blonde at one end and brunette at the other with a tangled mass of shoulders, knees, hips and elbows in between. He moved around to take in the view from various angles and as he moved into Kelly’s field of view, she noticed him.

She wiggled her fingers for him to come closer and when his face got to within an inch or so of hers, she reached forward and kissed him. “We should have done this years ago!” she whispered.

“You weren’t ready years ago,” he said softly.

“I’m ready now!” she said and she kissed him again. Then she heard a voice from between her thighs.

“Hey! Focus!” Carol demanded, annoyed at having her pussy left unattended for what she considered a very long time. Kelly returned to her task and he retreated to the armchair. As he sat down he took out his phone, he thought about asking for permission but he figured that interrupting them right at this moment was probably not the smartest idea.

He flicked his gaze back and forth between looking directly at the action and his screen to keep it centred on the two women. As he and his wife discovered when they watched the resulting video the following week, they could tell that his cock was hardening by the way the image shook every time he shifted to get more comfortable.

The noises were becoming louder as the two ladies did their level best to bring their partner to the peak of arousal. Simon moved as silently as he could to see everything from the best possible angle. He decided his favourite view was watching Carol’s delicate fingers move in and out of the pussy that he loved to lick and kiss. He watched intently as she moved her fingers and noticed his wife’s reaction each time. He didn’t realize it but his fingers were unconsciously moving along with hers the same way a guitar player’s fingers move on the steering wheel during a rock solo.

The next thing he noticed was the sweat. Between the drinks and their heightened state of arousal, their bodies were glistening with a sheen of perspiration. It looked almost like they had covered themselves in massage oil before they started making out. He resisted the temptation to run his fingers along Carol’s thigh or to move Kelly’s hair so he could get a better view. His wife had longed for this, probably for longer than even she realized, and he was not going to interfere. He knew his turn would come and when it did it would be glorious.

The expletives were pouring from Kelly’s very soul as Carol worked her magic, “OH FUCK! MMM! YES! THERE! RIGHT! OH GOD DAMMIT! FUCK!” Carol’s voice came out more as moans and sighs as Kelly showed that instinct did indeed have a lot to do with knowing how to pleasure a woman. He wondered which of them would get there first.

As it happened, it was a short wait. He watched Kelly’s chest expand, he had seen it before when she had fucked herself with that large dildo and he knew what was coming. She was getting ready to let out a primal scream as she announced her orgasm to the world. He moved in close and zoomed the camera in on her pussy in the hope that he’d catch her fluid squirting all over Carol’s face.

And then it happened, louder and more intensely than he had ever made her scream. Her whole body shook as her orgasm overtook her body and soul. He watched Carol’s grasp on her hips tighten as she fought to maintain contact with Kelly’s pussy and give her the most soul-wrenching orgasm she could. He heard as well as saw as Kelly’s cunt squirted a long stream of clear fluid that, had it not splashed on Carol’s face and neck, would have shot clear across the room.

For her part, Carol hung in there, licking and suckling on that rigid little nub while Kelly’s hips writhed and twisted. It was almost like Kelly was trying to buck her off, so violent were the movements of her hips. Finally, after at least a dozen piercing screams, Kelly’s body fell slack and her breathing turned to a whimper. Simon moved up beside her head to soothe her as she came down from an altitude she have never before reached. After a minute or so, Carol’s face appeared beside Simon’s and together they kissed Kelly’s lips and cheeks as her breathing returned to almost normal.

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“So, how was that?” Carol whispered. Kelly just smiled and licked her lips.

“There are no words,” Kelly breathed, “none at all.” She reached and pulled Carol’s face to hers and kissed her lovingly. “I thought I could imagine what it might be like to have a woman make love to me. I had no idea it would be like that! And I have a pretty vivid imagination!”

“I’m glad,” Carol whispered. She kissed Kelly once again and then turned to Simon. “What about you, was that what you thought it might be?”

He shook his head, “Not even close. I only wish I could make her come like that.”

“I’m sure you give her the most delicious orgasms,” she purred and she kissed him again. “But women are different. I think men have to think about what they’re doing down there, women don’t think, they just do what comes naturally.”

“I believe it,” he said. They felt Kelly move beside them.

“Carol, sweetie, I wish I could return the favour but I have nothing left,” she whispered.

Carol hugged her and kissed her softly, “That’s okay, baby, there’s time for that.”

Kelly smiled, “Maybe Simon could help you out.” She looked at her husband, “What about it, baby, do you think you could help her out?”

Simon smiled at his wife and decided to tease her a little, “Are you asking me, your husband, to sexually gratify the woman who just gave you the most soul-destroying orgasm you’ve ever had?”

“Believe me,” she replied, “I want to do it myself, but I’m spent. So yes, my darling husband, I am asking you to give this gorgeous young woman the best orgasm you can muster!”

“Oh, well, since you asked nicely, I guess I could take one for the team.” They smiled at each other and kissed and then he turned his attention to Carol. “You heard the lady,” he said.

She laughed a little, “You guys are adorable!” she said. “Do you play those little word games often?”

“All the time,” he said.

“Too fucking cute!” she said.

“Speaking of too fucking cute,” he said as he took her face in her hands and kissed her. “I believe I owe you an orgasm to pay off my wife’s debt!”

“That’s a hard offer to refuse,” she said.

“Oh, the hard offer comes later,” giggled Kelly. “Come on, baby, give this delicious-looking woman the orgasm she so richly deserves!”

"I only get one?" Carol mused as she smiled at Kelly. "I gave you more than one!"

“Your wish, my lady,” he said. He guided Carol onto her back and started kissing his way down her body, paying close attention to the writhing and twisting, the sighs and moans as he went, cataloguing them all for later reference. On reaching her sex, he ran his fingers over her trimmed blonde triangle and kissed her just above her clit. He heard the sharp intake of breath as she anticipated his touch but he denied her. His lips intentionally missed the spot she wanted him to kiss as he sampled her sweetness. Finally, he delivered.

His tongue flicked out and its tip caressed her clit, marvelling at its firmness compared to the delicacy of the surrounding flesh. He sucked one inner lip into his mouth then the other as he traced the perimeter of her opening with his fingertip. Her hips rose up unbidden as she tried without words to urge him to slip a finger or two inside her. Her hands found his hair and she tried to guide his lips to where she so desperately wanted them to be.

He teased her mercilessly, making her body writhe and twist under his touch. “Please!” she begged him with a whisper to enter her so she could feel his fingertips massage her G-Spot. He slipped a fingertip inside her but stopped short of the promised land before removing it. “Oh Simon, so close!” she breathed. “Please, you know what I need! Please!”

He looked up along her body and marvelled at the beauty of her, her flat tummy with her jewelled belly button, the swell of her breasts and her delicate fingers as they teased and pinched her tight little nipples, her head tilted back in ecstasy and the curve of her top lip with the tip of her pink tongue flicking out to caress it. It was as beautiful a sight as he had ever seen.

He acquiesced to her request, slipping two fingers inside her and latching onto her clit. He curled the fingertips up to press on her magic spot and noticed the reaction that told him that he’d found it. “Oh yes! That’s the spot!” she sighed. He continued licking and suckling and rubbing and she climbed that perilous peak, wanting so badly to reach the edge and fall over into nirvana.

Slowly she rose higher, inch by delicious inch until she could see over the edge. Panic gripped her briefly as she feared he might cruelly tease her and pull her back but he did not relent. And then she was there.

Her body seemed to explode, every fibre of her being, every synapse seemed to fire all at once as she came, loudly and wetly, spraying her cum on him as she screamed out his name. Just as she had done with his wife, Simon gripped her hips and held on tight as she tried to buck him off. Her hands pulled his hair, alternating between pulling him into her to bring on the next rush and pushing him away as the wave crashed over her. Over and over the waves crashed until he finally released her and let her fall gently back to earth.

Kelly watched transfixed as the man she loved more than life itself brought such intense pleasure to a gorgeous younger woman she had only really met a few short hours before. Her insides were a cauldron of emotions, part jealousy at the sight of them together, part ecstasy because of the orgasm Carol had so recently given her, part lust at the wanton eroticism on display before her but mostly pure contentment that she was able to share with her husband one of his most desired fantasies, just as he had done with her a few short minutes before.

She wanted to rush over and join them but she didn’t dare interrupt them. She had asked him to do this for both herself and her attractive lover and it seemed unfair to upset that. Her right hand moved of its own accord to cup her pussy, she didn’t do it consciously and was a bit surprised when she felt the warmth of her pussy on her fingertip as it slipped inside her. She teased her left nipple with the fingers of her other hand but her eyes never left Carol’s pussy as her husband brought her closer to paradise.

She jumped a little when Carol screamed out her husband’s name, it surprised her that another woman would say it with such abandon. She had seen women have screaming, shivering orgasms on video before but at that moment she realized that a recording would never do it justice, the real thing was so much more intense in person. She likened it to the difference between coming by her own hand and at the hand of her husband and now her lover.

As Carol came back down from her temporary high, Kelly watched her husband caress her and rock her gently. Again, the green-eyed monster reared its head, it was one thing to fantasize about seeing her husband’s cock sliding into a nubile young princess, it was quite another to see the love and care of a post-coital embrace. She felt herself longing for him to hold her in that way even though he had done the same to her countless times before.

Carol reached for her, beckoning her to join them. She moved to them and kissed her husband, wanting to reclaim him for her own. They snuggled for a while and then one by one excused themselves to the washroom. When they all returned, Kelly ended up in between her husband and her lover. Simon just held her tightly while Carol stroked a painted fingernail along her cheek.

“So, what do you think of your first time with a woman?” Carol asked quietly.

“It was more than I ever dreamed it would be,” Kelly answered. “I wish I had done it years ago.”

“And what about watching your husband pleasure me? How was that for you?” Kelly hesitated, not wanting to reveal her jealousy. “It’s okay Kelly, you're going to have to talk about this, you might as well do it now.”

It was amazing,” she said, “and it was terrible. I have never felt such a range of raw emotions before. On one hand, watching you receive such obvious pleasure was such a turn-on but I have to admit when I saw my husband giving it to you, I did get a little jealous. It’s a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.”

 “That’s exactly how I felt my first time,” Carol said. She looked wistfully as she remembered her first time seeing Aaron with another woman.

"I think, once I’ve had time to sort it out, I’ll be fine with it,” Kelly said.

“Do you think you might do this again or will this be a one-off?” she asked.

“I didn’t think we were finished tonight,” she said. “I know there are several fantasies that my darling husband would love to live out!” She reached out and grasped his cock.

“And what would those fantasies be,” asked Carol, her hand joining Kelly’s.

“I'll show you one,” Kelly said. She retrieved their iPad and tapped it. “Ever since we started talking about expanding our circle of intimate friends, we have role-played some of them, but this one I can't do by myself, I need a willing partner. We share this iPad and we’re usually pretty good about clearing the browser history but one night Simon got sloppy.”

She turned the tablet to show Carol. On the screen, there was an image of a middle-aged man standing before two kneeling young women. Both of them had their tongues out licking his cock and both their faces were splattered with his cum.

“Oh, my!” Carol said. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Never?” asked Kelly.

“Well,” she said, “I’ve given a man a blow job before and I’ve gotten a facial or three but I’ve never done that with another woman.”

“Do you like getting facials?” asked Kelly, “I love it! Especially when Simon cleans my face off after he spurts his warm cum all over it!”

“Same here!” said Carol. “Except it used to be Aaron and now it’s David who cleans me afterward.”

“I’m game if you are,” said Kelly. “Even if you’re not, I’m game. My poor husband here must have the worst case of blue balls in history after what he’s watched tonight. I plan on giving him the relief he so richly deserves. You can join in or you can watch!”

“Oh, I’m in!” Carol giggled. She leaned over and kissed Kelly, then her husband. “This should be fun!”

“It will be for me!” Simon said. He got off the bed and finished undressing before taking two pillows and placing them on the floor. He then took one woman’s hand in each of his and guided them to their feet. He led them to where the pillows lay and took both of them into his arms, alternating kissing them and watching as they kissed each other. Then he took Carol’s hand and guided it to his cock and took Kelly’s and guided it on top of Carol’s. The two women slowly stroked him as they kissed, then they broke their kiss and Kelly said to her lover, “Be my guest!”

Carol sank to her knees and after arranging herself comfortably, took Simon’s cock in her fingertips and admired it. She looked up at Kelly and Simon who were still kissing, “Kelly, allow me to compliment you on choosing a man with a very nice cock!”

“It is a very nice cock,” Kelly replied playfully. “It fits my pussy so nicely!”

“I’ll bet it does,” purred Carol. It pleased both Kelly and Simon to learn that their lovely guest was not above playing word games in the bedroom. She turned her attention back to it and observed the bead of pre-cum on its tip. “Is that for me?” she asked.

“If you want it, it’s yours,” offered Kelly. She let out a little giggle, “I like playing these word games, they’re so fun!” She watched as Carol opened her mouth and slowly let Simon’s bulbous head slip past her lips. “Ooh my, that’s fucking hot!” she sighed.

“It would be hotter if she was wearing bright red lipstick,” offered Simon. Might as well swing for the fences.

“Excuse me,” Kelly said and she moved away from him, leaving Carol to continue sucking his cock. She went to her dressing table and, selecting her hottest shade of red, applied a thick layer to her lips. Then she went back and kissed her husband, “Like this?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” he moaned. He placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder and urged her down to her knees.

“Hi,” Kelly whispered as her face moved beside Carol’s. Carol took Simon’s cock out of her mouth and looked at Kelly, immediately noticing the bright red-painted lips.

“Oh, Hi!” she breathed. “I love your lipstick!”

“My husband likes it too,” Kelly said. “He would love to see your lips painted this colour wrapped around his cock!”

“Excuse me then,” she made to get up but Kelly stopped her.

“No need,” she said and she held up the lipstick tube. Simon watched as his wife applied the waxy substance to Carol’s lips, using her finger to wipe off a tiny bit from the edge of her top lip. It was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen.

Kelly kissed Carol and their lips clung together looking very much like they didn’t want to let the others go. The two women smiled at each other and then winked before opening wide and flicking their tongues forward, one on either side of his cock. They slid their lips along his shaft together, flicking their tongue out and teasing him as well as each other. Kelly let her lips slide off the end of it and winked at Carol who opened her mouth and took him back inside.

They alternated sucking him and caressing his balls. Then Carol moved between his legs and urged them open wider so she could slip in and take one of his balls in her mouth. Simon was torn between watching these two gorgeous women fellate him and craning his neck back and just enjoying the amazing feeling of four lips and two tongues on his organs. He placed one hand on each of their heads and guided them so that they would switch every so often. Kelly watched as her lover sucked him deep but her nose didn’t quite touch his belly. On her next turn, she took him in all the way, making a show of flicking her tongue along the base of his shaft and licking his balls as her nose touched him. She held herself there for a moment until she had to come up for air and then kissed Carol.

“Can you do that?” she asked.

“We’ll find out right now!” said Carol and down she went. She too took him into her throat and Kelly watched in fascination s Carol’s throat worked him, swallowing him repeatedly. She looked up to see the look of pure pleasure on Simon’s face and swore that she would add that move to her repertoire. When Carol came back up for air she plunged herself back onto him.

She worked him into her throat and tried to swallow over and over. It took her a few tries but she figured it out just before she had to come back up for another breath.

“Oh, fuck girls here comes!” Simon groaned. Carol took him back in for a couple more quick strokes and then pulled herself off him. She and Kelly both reached up to jerk him to the finish line and they didn’t have to wait long. His groan accompanied his first spurt and the girls opened wide to take as much in their mouths as they could. Carol slid her mouth back onto him and Kelly looked up – he wasn’t even watching!

“You need to watch this!” she said to her husband as Carol came back off him and Kelly replaced her. Two quick sucks and she came off him as well, the both of them jerked him until no more semen came out, then Kelly sucked him back into her throat before coming back off and kissing her lover.

Simon knelt down beside them, “May I?” he asked and he started licking his cum from their faces. The bright red lipstick was by this time smeared all over their cheeks and chins and Simon ended up with a goodly amount smeared onto his face as well.  Kelly traced the rings of red around his shaft with her finger. Between the three of them, they got each other all cleaned up pretty quickly. They remained kneeling on the floor trading kisses for a few moments. Then Carol started laughing.

“We are a fucking mess!” she said.

“A happy, well-satisfied mess!” echoed Kelly. She stood up and padded off to the washroom. After a moment she peeked back out to see her husband and her incredibly attractive lover on the bed kissing and whispering to each other. “The shower is big enough for three! Just sayin’” she called. She went back in and started the water flowing and wondered if the other two would come to join her or if they would end up fucking without her. A moment later, Carol opened the glass door and entered, followed closely by Simon.

“I’m surprised you decided to join me,” she said. “I thought you two might start without me.”

“Start what?” asked Simon innocently.

“Start fucking.” Kelly said.

“Not without you, we wouldn’t,” said Carol.

Kelly hesitated for a moment, “Oh, good.” She said.

“Was that a test?” asked Simon.

“No,” said Kelly. “You two looked so cozy on the bed and I know it’s one of Simon’s fantasies to have sex with a much younger woman so I thought he might try to live that one out.” She thought for another minute, “What were you two whispering about?”

Carol kissed her, “We were whispering about whether I was going to go down on you while Simon fucked me from behind or if you would ride him cowboy while I sat on his face.”

“Any reason we can’t do both?” asked Kelly.

“None!” said Carol. She kissed Kelly then Simon. “None whatsoever!”

They finished their shower and as they dried themselves and each other, both Kelly and Simon marvelled at Carol’s figure. She was perfectly proportioned no part of her was too big or too small and her skin was clear and healthy. She had straight blonde hair cut to just above her shoulders, a small round face and pale blue eyes. They would later agree that she was one of the most beautiful people either of them had ever met, inside and out.

Carol noticed them staring and blushed; it was not that she was unaccustomed to people staring at her, both men and women had been doing that since she was a teenager. It was the way they looked at her, not with envy or lust but with an appreciation for the person that she was.

Kelly asked Simon to show Carol the house while she changed the bed and tidied things up. Carol offered to help while Simon went for more drinks and some fruit. He was startled when he looked at the clock in the kitchen, they had gotten home just before midnight and it was approaching four am. They’d been at it for nearly four hours! He carried the refreshments back to the bedroom and made that observation to the two women who were just turning back the covers and placing a couple of emergency towels on the sheet.

“Time really does fly when you’re having fun!” Carol said as she reached for a glass of ice water. She drank about half of it, set the glass on the tray and waited for her hosts to do the same.

Sidling up to Simon, she kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she looked at Kelly and asked, “Do you mind if I fuck your husband?”

Kelly shouldn’t have been shocked after the things she’d seen and experienced that night but to hear such vulgarity come from such a beautiful, wholesome-looking face seemed a bit out of place. “I don’t mind at all,” she replied. “I do have one request though.” She moved over to them and kissed her lovely lips. “Wherever my darling husband ends up depositing his cum, I want to clean it off of you!”

“I would be thrilled for you to do that!” Carol said excitedly. Then she turned her attention to Simon, “I have been looking forward to this ever since I saw you tonight!”

“Not nearly so much as he has!” Kelly teased them. As they moved to the bed, she sat down beside them. She had no intention of merely watching her husband as he fucked the first woman other than herself for nearly a quarter century. She intended to participate and share to the fullest.

She watched as Simon did the same things to Carol as he did to her, the soft kisses, the exploring of her body with his fingers, lips and tongue, the hesitation when he found a spot that made her react, pausing to linger to increase her pleasure.

Simon showed his impatience as things advanced quickly. Perhaps it was the anticipation of a new lover or maybe it was because all three of them had been in a hyper-aroused state ever since Kelly and Carol had kissed in the washroom of the pub.

There was no oral foreplay this time. After caressing his cock with her hand, Carol moaned for Simon to ‘put it in me!’ and he, like the obedient partner he was, obliged immediately, moving over the top of her and sliding himself in missionary style. Kelly moved around them, using her mouth to caress the bits she could access and her fingers to get at the bits that would not permit oral access. Finally, she ran her hand along the crack between his ass cheeks and caressed his balls, using one finger to feel his cock sliding out and into her wet pussy. She rained soft kisses on the small of his back as his hips flexed and his ass cheeks tightened with every forward stroke.

“I think your lovely wife would like to get a little more involved here,” whispered Carol, much to Kelly’s delight. Recalling the video that he had shown her earlier in the week, she whispered something into Carol’s ear to which she responded with a huge smile, “Great idea!”

Kelly rolled onto her back, propped all the pillows on the bed behind her shoulders and spread her thighs so that Carol could get between them. Then Carol pulled her knees up underneath herself so her ass was sticking up high. “Kelly says you have a fantasy about punishing a young woman’s cunt from behind,” she said, looking back over her shoulder at Simon. “I’m not all that young but now is your chance!” He moved his face down to kiss her, “Just so you know,” she purred, “the hole that you think is the wrong hole, isn’t the wrong hole! If you happen to slip in there, keep going!”

Simon almost came right there but he managed to keep himself together as he moved behind Carol’s behind. He positioned his cock at the entrance to her sopping quim. He pushed forward and slipped right in, his balls bouncing off of her exposed clit. “Mmm, that feels nice!” Carol moaned. “You have a month to stop that!”

“I’m afraid I won’t last that long,” he grunted, “You girls look so fucking hot!”

“You’d better get to it then!” Carol growled and he grabbed her hips for leverage and started hammering into her. Her body shook every time his hips slammed against her ass cheeks making a loud slap. Kelly was both thrilled and disappointed; thrilled that she got to watch her husband live out one of his fantasies and disappointed that in his exuberance, Carol was having great difficulty keeping her lips on her clit. But this wasn’t about her, it was about Simon.

Simon was right, he didn’t last long, only a couple of minutes before he started howling that he was close to coming. “That’s it, baby! Urged Kelly, “Fuck her hard! Drive that cock into her!”

Carol joined the chant, “Yes Simon! Come on! Fuck me hard! Give it to me like you give it to your wife every night!”

That put him over the top, he drove forward and pulled back hard on her hips as his cock surged and spat its warm load inside her. Once he could move again, he pounded a few more strokes into her before pulling her hips back into him again.

Carol too had been so aroused that it didn’t take long to reach her peak. After feeling him hold himself into her for a moment, she hoped he’d be able to give her those final few strokes she needed. When he started pummelling her again, it was enough. His cum hit her cervix and she felt it oozing along her walls and dribble from her lips. She forgot all about the sweet pussy before her as she reached back and tried to grasp his hips to hold him into her. Just as she had felt his pulse in her cunt, so she knew he felt hers as it spasmed and leaked. Her issue joined his and leaked down her thighs. She felt him lean forward and kiss her back between her shoulder blades, then he slipped out of her and an unbidden sigh, “Ohhh,” escaped her lips. She had gone for so long without that glorious feeling of being filled up with hard cock that she relished every second of it and was a little disappointed when it ended.

She felt his weight lift off of her so she rolled out from between Kelly’s legs and onto her back, pulling Simon on top of her for a warm kiss. “Not my best effort,” he said softly.

“It was perfect,” she purred. “Just perfect.” They kissed softly until they felt Kelly pushing her way between them.

“Excuse me,” she said, “I have a promise to keep!” She dove between Carol’s thighs and started licking and sliding two fingers inside of her pussy to scoop out as much cum as she could. She felt her husband nudge his way in beside her so she offered her cum-covered fingers for him to lick clean. Then she scooped out a little more and offered them to Carol who sucked them into her mouth. She returned her attention to Carol’s clit and between her suckling and her husband’s fingers massaging her lover’s G-Spot, Carol came one last time.

This one wasn’t the soul-crushing, exhausting orgasm that she had experienced the first time she was with David, or when she had been with Jessie. This one was like an enveloping hug, caressing her soul and comforting her. There were no screams, no bucking hips, no gushing from her pussy, just that slow and easy bliss that she hoped would never go away.

The three of them rearranged themselves so their faces were next to each other. They cuddled and kissed for a few minutes and then Simon spoke “Did you get your answer?” he asked Kelly.

Kelly thought for a minute and then it came to her, “Yes, darling, I did!”

“And?” he asked again.

“Answer to what?” asked Carol.

“Whether women are better kissers than men,” he said.

“Oh, that’s easy!” Carol said and she kissed Kelly gently. “Women are way better!” Then she kissed Simon, “You are a great kisser,” she said, “one of the best male kissers I’ve ever kissed. But I’m sorry, your wife is a far better kisser than you are!” the two women kissed again.

“Sorry, baby, she’s right!” said Kelly.

“I’m not offended,” he said, “I have gotten to kiss two stunningly gorgeous women all evening. And that’s enough for me!”

“You are so very lucky, you know,” Carol said to Kelly.

“I know,” Kelly replied. “We all are.” They cuddled together and watched as the first light of day brightened the window.

Written by CaressofSteel
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