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Author's Notes

"More stories with Stella and Himari - and friends - will be added soon."

Lindsey, Himari and I work in the accounts office at an old-established but slightly falling-apart food factory in deepest Devon. We make pastry products, cakes, cake mixes and powdered drink mixes.

The printer was just whirring into life for the fourteenth (and last) time before lunch. On a Friday, lunchtime was a bigger landmark than for the other days of the week. For one thing, most of the ovens were shutting down for a good clean-up, and the mixing and water lines were emptied out, steam-cleaned and dried with hot air, and the ingredients stores were closed up till Monday. So the noises coming from the factory floor weren't the same as usual. They heralded The Weekend, and the weekend began on Friday afternoon at lunchtime, and lunch-time was due to start in seven minutes.

After one o'clock on Fridays, it was like 'Dress-down Friday' meets 'The Last Day Of School Before The Summer Holidays'. Or, at least, that's how it felt to me, Himari and Lindsey, and especially this week. There had been a few more machinery stoppages than in a normal week and Mr MD (our name for the Managing Director) had been in a foul mood since Wednesday, and we were all hunkered down, ready for the afternoon's weekly printout followed by the mad dash for our cars, then it would be 'Good-bye Courtney Cakes And Biscuits Limited' till Monday morning.

The last of the fourteen sheets fell into the printer's out tray, and Himari whisked them out and popped them into Mr MD's folder ready for Lindsey to come in and collect. I was just reaching for my sandwich box and Himari was heading towards the kettle for our teas when the office door opened.

“Good afternoon, ladies,” said a voice. A male voice, definitely not Lindsey's.

It was Mr MD.

'Crap! What does he want now?' was the thought running through my head, and I could tell that Himari felt the same way. Friday lunch was the last time you'd choose for an unexpected visit from a grumpy MD. The sandwich box and the kettle remained untouched.

“I wonder if you can help me,” the voice continued without waiting for a greeting from us.

“Next week is this year's 'National Cake And Biscuit Fayre', which starts on Tuesday at the National Exhibition Centre.”

This much we knew already. The Sales & Marketing Department (if you could call it that, which we didn't, we used a much more apposite name when they weren't within earshot) had been banging on about it for weeks, and each year Himari and I just let them get on with it until it was all over and time for us to clear up the mess it left in our customer records and accounting software.

And how typical of Mr MD to give it its full name, not just calling it the NEC which is what everybody else does. As a visitor, it was quite a fun place to go to. The smell of home-baking was glorious and the goody-bags handed out like confetti from all the exhibitors guaranteed to add the pounds and expand our waistlines after we had eaten our way through them all. And the trip to the NEC near Birmingham was counted as a pleasant day out, if not a holiday.

However, as an exhibitor, the picture was not so rosy. Nine o'clock till five o'clock, you were supposed to stand on the display and smile your way to a world record in being nice to people you had never met, didn't know and never wanted to see again. There was no stopping for lunch and the smell of wonderful food which you couldn't even lick let alone eat began to pall very quickly. Then you went back to a cheap and crummy motel somewhere only a couple of feet away from the all-night lorries pounding up the M42, and where the evening pizza was rock hard and the beds even harder.

By Thursday at closing time, all you wanted to do was to get the hell out of there, go home, have a nice long shower and eat.

I'd been to a few of them in the early days until they realised my potential for drawing in this year's new best customer was zero. Himari had never been, but poor old Lindsey had to go every darn year. Mr MD loved it. He met up with his pals from other food manufacturers and spent his time in the bar schmoozing with them until it was time to play a round of golf, then go to his suite in the Hilton. Or was it the Crowne Plaza? Anyway, his contribution was negligible. Lindsey spent the time chasing around, looking for him and trying to get him to attend interviews with the catering press, meet prospective customers who thought they were more important than they turned out to be, and occasionally even visit the company's stand.

“I'd like it very much if you both would come this year. We need some help collecting the visitor data. Last year, as you know, Sales & Marketing were too busy to do it and you had to do it all in a rush when they got back.”

Himari and I remembered. Letting idiots from Sales & Marketing loose on a computer was very similar to letting a six-year-old loose on a motorbike - all hell and no motion, followed by screams and blood, some of it yours.

“I've bought you tickets for the coach up and back, and some nice rooms at a nearby hotel. You leave on Monday at three o'clock from the Bus Station. Lindsey has your tickets.”

The office door swung shut again after Mr MD had left.

Himari and I just sat there as one o'clock came and went. We toyed listlessly with our sandwiches and the kettle took twice as long to boil as it normally did. The door banged once more.

“Sorry, ladies, I did my best to get you out of it but he just wasn't listening.”

Lindsey's voice broke into our reverie. She was Mr MD's PA and a great friend of ours. She apologetically placed a brown folder on my desk.

“For what it's worth, I at least got him to book you into my hotel, which isn't where you and Sales & Marketing normally stay. And it's not where He stays.”

The upper-case H for He signified exactly who she was talking about.

“So we'll be in the same hotel?” asked Himari, a glimmer of hope twinkling in her eyes. “Just the three of us?”

“Yes, indeed,” Lindsey smiled. “The Hilton. It's not bad, they know me there. Won't that be fun!”

That evening we broke the sad news to the other No Entry club members, who immediately sorted out the meetings for the week ahead, meeting in each other's houses till Friday when they'd all come to me again.

Monday afternoon found the three of us standing at the Bus Station in the rain with our wheelie luggage packed with three sets of better work clothes, and twice that many sets of underwear. The coach turned up on time and we clambered aboard. The three of us bad girls made for the long seat right at the back and spread ourselves out. No one came near us, and everybody else got off at Bristol, leaving us the only three on board from there to the NEC. The driver looked at us in his mirror occasionally, perhaps trying to guess what we were doing.

Better that he didn't know.

Himari and I were dressed in very casual travelling wear - jeans for Himari and an old top, leggings and a denim skirt under a wet anorak for me. Lindsey was still dressed up a bit, not in her office clothes although her boobs were well and truly up thanks to her pale blue silky push-up. The seat backs of the seats in front of us obscured most of what we were doing from the driver, even though he tried his best to watch us. We weren't being naughty. Well, not very much. Only a little. OK, just a bit. Alright, rather a lot, then.

How do you think we knew what colour bra Lindsey was wearing? We'd played Truth Or Dare while the coach was getting out of Bristol and back onto the M5. Well, just Dare, as it turned out. We dared Lindsey to strip naked and lie on the back seat while Himari and I played with her breasts and pussy.

That's how we knew.

It took longer than usual to divest Lindsey of her clothing. For two people to undress a third person while all three were hiding at the back of a coach wasn't an easy task, especially whilst simultaneously trying not to be seen by the coach driver who had mirrors and possibly CCTV to help him.

There were more Dares, this time from Lindsey, involving Himari and me both undressing each other on the back seat so we were all starkers for at least fifty miles of the journey. There wasn't a lot of room for three people to hide behind the seat-backs in front of us, let alone to wriggle another person out of their coats, tops, skirts, jeans, knickers and bras. However, we persevered and gave ourselves multiple orgasms. When the coach overtook each lorry we knew that the lorry drivers, if they were paying attention, might be able to see enough of us and our clothing status to cause skid marks on the tarmac. However, no skid marks were caused, except perhaps in their underpants.

Later we got dressed again, moved up the front and sat near enough to chat with the driver as he drove along, to help pass the time. We didn't show him anything but just let him know what he was missing. One look at the three of us, as we tried to look like we hadn't dressed in a hurry at the back of the coach, gave him a very clear idea. We arrived at the drop-off point and the driver drove away, waving at us.

The rain had stopped so we had a dry walk to the hotel which, as Lindsey had promised, was better than what we were expecting. We had nothing much to do until nine o'clock tomorrow morning and it was only just gone six. We went up to our rooms and found that Lindsey had a single room right next to Himari's and my double. However, our room had a double bed, not two singles. Lindsey offered to go and sort it out, seeing as there weren't many other guests at the hotel this week, but Himari and I looked at each enquiringly, then she and I both shook our heads.

“No, thanks, Lindsey. No need to bother. We'll manage.”

“I bet you will,” smiled Lindsey, glancing at the large double bed.

“I don't know what you mean!” Himari muttered, just loud enough for Lindsey and I to hear it and laugh with her.

“Is there room for one more?” asked Lindsey.

We unpacked our exhibition clothes and hung them in the cupboard while Lindsey chatted, then we all went to Lindsey's room and watched her unpack her stuff. She'd brought twice as many bras and knickers as I had, and I'd brought one set for each day plus two spare sets. She hung up her outfits, then tipped her underwear out onto the bed in front of us and sorted through the pile, sorting them out. Himari and I watched, fascinated.

“May I have a look?” I asked.

“Help yourselves,” she smiled.

I picked up each bra and studied it. Each cup was semi-moulded, so it held its shape even when not being worn. The cups were DD and therefore showed their size even when empty. Also in the pile were the inserts that she would wear inside each cup to enhance her DDs into EEs. Lindsey quickly took her top off and put on one of these bras while we watched. Once back in her top, you could see the difference. Her breasts stuck up and out in front like a snowplough on a steam engine. She jiggled them into place and put the rest of the pile in the drawer.

“I'm going to have a shower,” I decided.

“After you,” said Himari as Lindsey went to her room to do the same.

Himari and I both started undressing. The shower was plenty big enough for two at once, including a spray head that covered two people at once. We washed ourselves, then I felt Himari's hands on my body, sweeping the soap suds out from under my breasts. I let her finish then I did the same for her, under her breasts, between her legs and round the back as well. Then we dried each other off with the hotel towels and dressed in clean clothes.

We were all hungry so we went down to see what the restaurant was like. The company had paid for all our meals so we had a decent meal, and a couple of drinks, then went back up to our rooms. We were all slightly tired after the journey and well-lubricated after our meal. We all made it back to our rooms on the third floor. Lindsey was right, some of the staff did know her, especially the bar staff, and we had been put on a floor not otherwise occupied this week.

“Are we going to have a No Entry Club meeting tonight?” Lindsey asked.

“Please let's,” echoed Himari.

I smiled and began undressing. The other two rapidly caught up with me and soon we were all naked. We stood in a small circle, each of us just looking at the other two women. Our nipples were perking up already and the scent on our bodies from the hotel's free shower gel and shampoos wafted into our nostrils. I put my arms around the other two and we squeezed ourselves into a tight three-person clinch. For a while, we just enjoyed the physical contact between the three of us. We had all night and no one was going to disturb us, so we didn't rush. Our boobs met almost at the same level. None of us were exactly the same height as the others so our nipples slipped into different places on the other's bodies.

After our coach ride and the good meal we'd just enjoyed, the thought of doing something energetic didn't appeal, and we all seemed happy just to relax into each other, although I could feel my excitement slowly growing, and every few seconds I did a little wiggle, a movement echoed by Lindsey and Himari.

Something seemed to draw us to the double bed, and after a few minutes (yes, minutes. We women never need to rush as we can do love-making all night if we wish, whereas Dave could push it to seven minutes if he tried) we flopped onto the bed. We rolled down the duvet and spread ourselves out on the sheet. It turned out that the double bed was more like a triple bed, so there was heaps of room for all three of us to lie there in any position we chose. I lay on my back and the other two lay half on their fronts and half on me, one each side. Their breasts nestled up to mine and their faces almost touched my cheeks, and occasionally I felt someone's hand simply resting on my pussy, just feeling it every so often. The heating suddenly switched itself on and the room quickly warmed up a little. We lay there for, I don't know, half an hour or so, simply enjoying each other's close proximity without feeling the need to jump around enthusiastically. Once or twice, one or other of us nodded off briefly, but it didn't matter because nobody else wanted to move.

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Outside, the evening light dimmed and settled to a low level. The hotel exterior lights had already come on and the room darkened, and we dozed and nuzzled into each other. At length somebody, I think it was Lindsey, sat up slowly, pulled the duvet over all of us, and lay down again without disturbing Himari or me.

Lindsey dropped off as well, and we slept together until dawn.

When I woke up, Himari was already up and making tea at the little tea bar the room had. Lindsey came to, eventually, drank her tea and went back to her room naked and carrying last night's clothes, and presumably hoping not to meet anybody in the corridor.

We all went down for breakfast in our exhibitor's clothes, admiring Lindsey's décolletage (enhanced even more than usual) on the way, and then the day started in earnest at the NEC in Hall 5. It wasn't so bad. Himari and I weren't on S&M duties (that's Sales & Marketing, not what you were thinking), we sat in front of our company laptops in the back corner of our stand, out of sight of the main part of the stand. We were able to relax a bit and we had space underneath our little desks for our water bottles, backpacks and laptop cases. If we were to pop out for a break or get more freebies from the Mr Kipling stand, no one would object or even notice.

There was even a small space to my right in the very corner where Lindsey could come and sit down if she wanted, and not be seen by anybody, which she did quite frequently. And when she did, Himari and I would help her through the narrow space between our little desks, our hands sometimes unwittingly brushing on parts of her body which were pushing her blouse out, or perhaps lower down around the bottom of her short skirt. Lindsey would snigger and whisper 'stop it, stop it!' but, of course, we never did.

When she stood up again to leave our little cubbyhole to do some more work, her hands would accidentally brush against my boobs or Himari's - quite unintentionally, I'm sure - in an effort to not disturb the pile of visitor data sheets balanced on the corner of our little desk.

And when Lindsey wasn't in her little chair, we would use it to put some visitor data sheets on since there wasn't a lot of room for them anywhere else. Unaccountably, sometimes a sheet of vital information would slip up inside my or Himari's skirt, requiring whoever's skirt it wasn't to retrieve it and replace it on the correct pile. Of course, finding and recovering such paperwork was a skilled affair and required much diligent concentration. And a lot of badly suppressed giggling and leg-crossing.

And so the wheels of industry turned another circle and helped take our minds off the stench of hot vanilla from the crèpe suzette stand placed too near to us for comfort.

During the day, one of the new salesmen got fixated on me, always being the one to bring us the next pile of data sheets and to find some chirpy salesman comment to make to Himari and me. Mostly me. He was alright - less annoying than the other salespeople who'd been with the company for longer and were, therefore, more irritating than someone new. He was called Jake.

And so five o'clock came eventually and we thankfully abandoned our little cubbyhole and walked back to our hotel. We met up again with Lindsey and undressed for a shower to lose the smell of crèpe suzette. Lindsey complained that her shower wasn't as big as ours, but we countered that if you book a single room you only get a single shower. She put on a sad face and stood there with clown tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Oh, alright then,” Himari and I said together, trying not to laugh. “There's room for three.”

And three it was. We all stripped off down to bra and knickers, left our smelly clothes in a heap and piled into the shower. Being in a shower whilst wearing clothes, even if only underwear, has a different feel to it. It felt slightly naughty, like what your mother always told you to never do. It's the warm equivalent of going out in the rain without an anorak. And in the presence of two other women, it felt more taboo still. The hot water turned our dry underwear into wet underwear, the water clinging to the material around our breasts and between our legs making them feel heavy, just as if we'd peed in our panties. The temperature in that shower rose rapidly, and I don't just mean the hot water. We each squeezed our own knickers, wringing the water out of them which was instantly replaced by more water. We then squeezed another person's knickers to squash the water out of them, and one thing led to another. I ran my hands around Lindsey's breasts encased in her very wet push-up bra while Himari did the same to mine. Squeeze, squeeze went my hands. Splosh, splosh went the water from the push-up bra, through my fingers. And splosh, splosh went the water from my bra, then Himari's knickers which began to sink downwards towards her knees, then Lindsey's knickers, Himari's bra and finally my knickers as each of us squeezed the others. The heavy water-logged bras and knickers came off and were tossed unceremoniously onto the floor of the bathroom, thudding onto the vinyl flooring like wet cod onto the fishmonger's slab.

Three people in a shower designed for two is a little bit of a squeeze, so the only thing we could do was to apply shower gel and shampoo to another person since reaching for our own body parts required too much elbow room. We soaped and shampooed each other, enjoying the feeling of running soapy hands all over someone else's breasts and pussies. It was nice having someone to scratch our backs, too. We came out of the shower cleaner but randier.

We staggered downstairs for another free meal. While we were eating and joking about Jake, Lindsey kept looking into the bar area. I noticed what she was doing after a while and turned around to see what or who she was looking at. I could only see a few individual people scattered thinly around the bar and restaurant area.

“What are you looking at, Lindsey?” I wanted to know.

“I think,” she began. “That the woman in the little black dress is a hooker.”

I couldn't help myself. I turned around to look at her. I'd never knowingly seen a hooker, a prostitute, a sex worker, call them what you will, in a hotel before. Or anywhere, now I came to think of it. Tiverton was not an obvious place for prostitution (although I guess if you hung around the wrong area for long enough you could find someone who'd want to poke you), and certainly not hookers in little black dresses in posh hotels. Our town was light on hookers in little black dresses. It was light on posh hotels, too, but that's another story.

I was able to look sideways at her. She was sitting at the bar, half facing away from us and wearing a very short black dress which barely covered her bottom as it perched on a bar stool. She was alone and looking very bored indeed. I watched out of the corner of my eye for a minute or two while she hardly moved and pretended to drink her martini, the level of which didn't drop much the whole time I was watching. At first glance, she looked about twenty-five years old, but on a longer look, it was nearer forty-five.

Himari had to twist around a bit more than I had to while Lindsey could look straight at her. We gawped at her, the three of us, while she sat there and mimed drinking her drink. She must have felt our eyes on her because she suddenly turned her head and copped us staring at her. She returned our stare coolly for a few seconds, then smiled at us and raised her glass in salutation towards us, then turned away again.

We finished our meal, joking that Jake could come here and meet his new girl friend in the little black dress. Our badly-suppressed giggles must have reached her ears because several times she looked around at us, smiled and raised her glass towards us again.

Unlike the previous evening, we now had more energy than we knew what to do with. And the sights and sounds and smells of Hall 5 had enlivened us to the point where we needed to actually exert ourselves before trying to sleep once more. After the meal we went back up to our rooms, still giggling over silly things. We all went into our room, and before I knew it, the others had taken their clothes off and were down to bras and knickers. I looked at Himari's bra, a black number with diagonal semi-cups and lacework filling up the top half of each side. She saw me looking and came near to me and let me stare and touch. I traced my fingers over the lower solid section and up to the lace part which covered the inner parts of each breast and up at an angle towards the shoulder straps. She just watched me playing around on her chest just below her face, and Lindsey came across and watched as well. I tugged at the shoulder straps and watched Himari's E cups rise up and down a little.

I felt Lindsey's fingertips doing the same to me and my bra, a smaller cupped bra but with a lot more lacework in scallops along the bottom of the band and the top of each cup leading up the inside of each shoulder strap.

“John Lewis's best!” I quipped.

Himari and I turned our attention to Lindsey, still in her DD push-ups. We stared at them both, heaved up and out by the strong cups and stronger straps. We played 'pull Lindsey's bra straps and watch her boobs go up and down'.

“Etam's best!” Lindsey laughed.

I leaned forward, held one breast in each hand and buried my face in her bust. She put her hands on my head and cradled me there. It was gorgeous. Firm boobs held up and together by a bra made for the job was just what I wanted to lose myself in. After a minute or so I remembered my manners and made room for Himari to do the same. Again, Lindsey cradled her head there while Himari enjoyed herself. I put my hands down, one between each pair of legs. Both pairs rearranged themselves with their feet wider apart so I could get my hands further up the inside of their legs. My fingers gently teased their pussies from the front, the side, the other side and the front again through the material of their knickers.

Himari stayed with her head in Lindsey's bust and her legs apart, and Lindsey stayed lightly holding Himari's head in position, and her own legs apart. I knelt down so I could get my face up there too, along with my fingers. Along with top notes of shower gel, I was getting heart notes of musk, now beginning to permeate my nostrils and making small damp patches on the relevant knickers, including mine, I was beginning to suspect. I enjoyed the sensation of not being able to get any nearer to their naked vaginas. Being 'kept out' by the material covering them was suddenly a very sexy thing. I poked and prodded both women's pussies still covered by their knickers, naturally, a matching set with their bras (unlike mine. Do you think I can afford a bra and knickers from John Lewis?). My fingertips didn't slip under the fabric, I just trailed them over the material, probing and testing the tight fleshy lips still protected by their knickers.

Himari picked up on the 'kept out' feeling (where does she get her ideas from?) and was burying her nose in Lindsey's ample bra whilst cupping her hands under Lindsey's cups and mashing her breasts around without contacting her skin. Lindsey was standing there enjoying the attention Himari was giving her up above and the attention I was giving her down below. Himari was enjoying herself in two areas, and I was enjoying myself down where I was inhaling scents of musk and other vaginal juices now seeping through their knickers, and mine too.

We swapped and swapped about several times, each burying our faces in someone else's gorgeous bra-covered bust while having their knickers manipulated and manhandled. My nipples began to ooze into my cups. Doubtless, there were top notes of gunge being added into the mix.

“I'm sorry, ladies,” I whispered. “My nipples are oozing.”

Immediately, both of the others heightened the attention they were giving to me and my bra-covered breasts which only served to increase the ooze. They both took longer sniffs with their heads buried in my bust, inhaling with added satisfaction.

I noticed that Himari was beginning to ooze, so when it was my turn to stuff my face into her bra I breathed in deeply.

“Am I oozing too?” Himari asked.

“Yes, very nicely.”

The strong sweet-and-sour scent assailed me, which I found highly irresistible, and served only to make me try and do the same for Lindsey. When Himari and I succeeded, the look of joy on Lindsey's face added to the fun. We continued what we were doing while our bras and knickers got damper and damper, and muskier and muskier.

At some point, all three of us collapsed onto the bed and carried on without stopping. I found myself licking both sets of knickers with my tongue, almost immediately feeling Himari and Lindsey doing to same to me and presumably to each other. The taste of musky vagina juice sparked off our tongues deliciously. The more we licked the knickers the damper they grew, and the more our tastebuds tingled with the flavour of womanhood.

The heating clicked on again and the room settled into darkness with only a faint glow from the hotel's outside lighting coming in through the window.

All our underwear, still firmly in place over breast and bottom, was decidedly soggy and sticky with all our juice and saliva mixed in. They looked like we'd had a serious pee accident in our knickers whilst simultaneously having a lactation moment in our bras. We carried on licking and sucking until one of us had an unexpected orgasm. We paused while Lindsey groaned, writhed and twitched with a massive smile on her face. It must be that we are beginning to sync, or something, because Himari and I did the same. I'd felt mine coming nearer and nearer for several minutes and, when the dam burst, all my senses flared up at once and I guess I groaned, writhed and twitched with a massive smile on my face, just the same as Lindsey had done and Himari was now doing. The feeling passed and we each settled back into a state of dreamy fulfilment.

No one moved for a long time, so I rearranged the duvet cover over us and we all slept together still partly dressed in damp and sticky underwear till dawn the next morning, whereupon another communal shower set us up for a second day in Hall 5.

Written by KalTurnerThomas
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