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Author's Notes

"More stories with Stella and Himari - and friends - will be added soon."

Today was much the same as yesterday. Happily, the crèpe suzette vendor had moved to a different location. Either that, or the other nearby stands had got together and physically removed it to the other side of the hall. Or to the far end of the Long Stay car park. The day went slowly enough, what with having to tolerate Jake's Japes with each batch of data sheets. But at least the visitor data kept rolling in.

It was our last night here. Tomorrow we would 'do' the exhibition for the last time then get the coach straight home when it closed. We sat at the same table for our evening meal.

“She's back again,” said Lindsey suddenly.

“What?” I asked. “Oh, her.”

The three of us watched as the woman in the little black dress sashayed into the bar, trying to keep her legs together and her hem lower than her buttocks. The barman had her drink poured already and had put it in the same place as last night, although he didn't stay near her. She smiled at us as she approached quite close to our table. Nearer forty five was almost right although perhaps forty would be kinder. She wore slightly too much make-up and not enough little black dress. What wasn't hanging out over the top was startlingly visible below.

“Evening, ladies,” she said as she went by.

“Evening,” we all replied, keeping our gaze fixed on her.

She continued past us and hoiked her scantily clad butt onto the bar stool. Our conversation was less jokey than last night's, so we were giggling less. In fact, hardly at all. We declined a dessert (too many freebies from the Thornton's stand) and were just drinking the last of our wine when she stood up off her stool and came over to us and sat down on a chair at the next table.

“It's no business of mine,” she began, in a surprisingly posh voice. “But are you here for a exhibition?”

We looked at each other. The glances which passed between the three of us spelled out that I should be the one to reply.

“Yes, we are. We've got a stand at the National Cake And Biscuit Fayre.”

“That's great,” she said. “I'm on a stand in Hall 4. They drafted me in to try to get more visits to their stand. It's for the British Wheat Millers Association, not the most exciting stand there is, but work is work. Which one are you on?”

“We're on the Courtney Cakes And Biscuits stand in Hall 5.”

I was still wondering whether Lindsey had been right about her, or whether she was simply doing her best for the wheat milling industry. Or both.

“Courtney Cakes And Biscuits?”

She thought for a minute.

“Are you the ones doing those wonderful little fluffy biscuits with different coloured toppings? And those little round chocolate cakes with the Devon cream fillings? Opposite Mr Kipling?”

“Yes, that's right.”

The other two murmured their assent, trying to be friendly towards a fellow sufferer, and my tone was warmer, although I always took a while to classify a stranger as a friend. Like about three years.

“And you're the group on the third floor here?”

She turned and nodded towards the doorway to the lifts.

“Yes, that's right,” I said, the others still approving me as the spokesman.

“However did you swing that one? They usually put the wedding groups on that floor at the weekends and leave it empty during the week. I'm Lexxxi. I remember you from last night.”

We said our names back to her.

“Do you live around here, Lexxxi, or have you travelled in from - wherever the Wheat Millers Association comes from?”

“Peterborough. No, I live nearby. I often get extra work with exhibitions of one sort or another, to supplement my other freelance work.”

There was a pause.

“Which is ...?” I prompted, smiling pleasantly.

Lexxxi paused too.

“I think you had it right last night when you were talking about me.”

There was another pause.

“Very few people have met me in both capacities,” Lexxxi continued, smiling pleasantly at us in turn. “The one doesn't match very well with the other, and I look forward to your discretion.”

“Assuredly,” Lindsey replied, speaking up at last.

Himari and I nodded.

“Thank you.”

Lexxxi gathered herself up to go back to her bar stool. When she'd sat on it, Lindsey held up her hand to the two of us.

“Anybody mind living dangerously?” she asked.

We looked at each other.

“It's the No Entry Club, and if we're careful, we might have some fun with her.”

Himari smiled.

“Shall I ask her?” said Lindsey.

“Yes, but I'm not paying any money to anybody,” I remarked.

Lindsey nodded at me, stood up and went over to Lexxxi. They negotiated with each other for a tick, then Lexxxi downed her drink in one gulp and followed Lindsey back to our table. She sat down where she had sat before.

“Do I understand that you ladies get on very well with each other,” she said. “And that one more person might make it merrier? I can't stay for very long and I am regularly health-checked.”

“Probably more than we all are,” said Himari.

We thought about the others - Jennifer, Charity, Mandy and Nicole - and about how little we knew them, and nodded. We stood up as one and made our way back to our rooms. The other two led the way with Lexxxi following them and me following her. From behind, she looked a fit forty-year-old. Her upper chest was reasonable, her stomach and waist nicely slim (that's slimmer than mine, dammit), her legs were trim and her bottom 'not big in this', which was just as well because there wasn't much 'this' to be too big in. The hem of her little black dress was about two millimetres below her buttocks. It was certainly a DUCK skirt - any shorter and you'd be able to see her quack. I'd followed her up a couple of steps to the lift area but I was too close, and the steps weren't high enough, to be able to see if she had knickers on or not. Well, we'd soon find out.

While waiting for the lift, Lindsey chatted to Lexxxi and got her to talk about working on various stands for various NEC Shows and Exhibitions. She seemed quite experienced, having said she'd done launches of new car models at a couple of Motor Shows, she'd done a garden furniture stand at the BBC Gardeners' World Live, various food and drink expos including ours for the last four years for different companies, as well as less interesting ones including the National Convenience Show, the UK Concrete Show and last but not least ChemUK for several years (she couldn't remember how many times she done that one as they had all merged into one seemingly endless horror memory).

We all giggled like schoolgirls at that, we knew exactly what she meant. She seemed a perfectly reasonable sane, sensible, switched-on woman who knew what was what. I was curious to ask her about her other freelance work, if I got the chance. In the lift, from the front, her make-up was twice what I would have used (of course, I am not a hooker. No, really not) but at least it was professionally applied and restrained rather than gross. Her face was open and wrinkle-free and her arms and hands, always a good guide to age, were consistent with being forty. Her boobs were large but not ridiculously large. I could have dived into her bust which floated around in front of my face alarmingly as we grouped closer in the lift. She saw me looking and smiled. She was also scoping us as she talked.

The lift got to our floor and we headed for our room, Himari being first to arrive and open the door. We trooped in and settled ourselves around the room on various chairs and the bed.

The chatter ceased as we tried to figure out how to proceed. However, Lexxxi seemed to know.

“What would you ladies like me to do? I can give you an hour or so, and I am up for almost anything. Lindsey, here, has told me that you are all quite recent newcomers to woman-on-woman stuff, and that you've tried some of the normal things that women can do together. I might be able to show you some new things, if you like. You'll like some of the things, I expect, and you'll decide against some other things. Or, I can join in with your normal activities. Either way, it should be a lot of fun!”

“Thing is,” I began. “Every thing we've tried has been new and pretty exciting. None of it has been normal, not for us, anyway.”

“Having said that,” Himari added. “We've tried quite a few things, between the three of us. At home we have a club that's been meeting every night for a couple of weeks, where five or six of us come. We make out with one, two or even three other women at once, then next night do the same again with the others.”

“These last two evenings here, the three of us have had a lot of fun just doing what comes naturally. Maybe you'd like to just join in with us, and show us something new if it occurs to you?” I finished.

Lexxxi smiled.

“Yep, sounds great. How do you start?” she asked.

We stood up and began taking our clothes off. Lexxxi cottoned on quickly and soon we were all naked, including Lexxxi.

Naked, she was still quite attractive, though plainly older than all of us. I indicated the bed and she lay down on it, on her back. As if we'd rehearsed this moved we knelt down next to the bed and simply looked at her. She lay back and let us. Her boobs were the main focus of our attention. They must have been at least an F on her 38 band size. On her back, they flopped each side of her chest. I reached across and stroked the breast nearest me. It was slightly floppier than any of ours, a combination of age and size contributing to this. Lexxxi looked at me and indicated I could do what I liked with it. With both hands I wriggled my fingers underneath it and raised it up an inch or two. It filled both my hands and weighed a substantial amount. Himari and Lindsey watched me, and it.

“38F?” I guessed.

“Right first time,” Lexxxi replied. “And all my own work!”

She sat upright and shifted herself nearer to us. I was still holding one breast, the other hung more vertically downwards, the nipple pointing straight out in front of her.

“I think these two beauties are most of the reason I get the exhibition work,” she said, looking down at them with satisfaction. “The duties I have at exhibitions don't require any knowledge about wheat, concrete or chemicals, although I've learned quite a bit and can say useful things while waiting with a prospect for a real exhibitor to arrive and take over. I always try to stay with the prospect at least for a few minutes so they don't feel fooled.”

I spotted my chance to get her talking about her work.

“What do you wear when you're on the stands?” I asked.

“Not those things,” Lexxxi laughed, pointing to the little black dress and the bra. “Normally I wear a white shirt, white bra, black or dark blue business jacket, a black or dark blue pencil skirt, matching tights and matching four-inch heels.”

“May I look at your clothes?” I asked.

Lexxxi's face said yes, so I gave her breast to Lindsey to hold and picked up the pile and laid it on the bed. Just two items, excluding a pair of black four-inch heels which looked relatively new, the dress itself and her bra.

“No knickers, you'll notice!” she admitted. “It sometimes takes too long to get them off. Some men just can't wait long enough for any undressing, and just want to stick it in.”

“Doesn't that hurt?” I asked. The three of us mentally crossed our legs at the thought of it.

“Not if I lube up before I go out. Like I'm well lubed up now.”

She widened her legs on the bed and we all looked at her pussy. It was fleshy and more wrinkled than I would expect from a non-prostitute or from a one-ex-boyfriend person like me. I stroked my finger up and down it, found the entrance then pushed it in a little way. There was no resistance or dryness. I took it out again. Himari and Lindsey did the same, leaning forward to look at her well-used and well-lubed pussy then applying their fingers just like I had done.

“Keep doing that, please?!” joked Lexxxi, lying back on her elbows and widening her legs still further. They did, while Lexxxi lay back and enjoyed it.

I was looking at her dress. It, too, looked quite new. It still had its label which read 'Shein'. At least I'd heard of that even if it wasn't exactly Alexander McQueen. It was velvety, stretchy and therefore forgiving size-wise and had a square low-cut front with short black sleeves starting from the outer shoulders, with a gathered seam running vertically down from the centre of the bust all the way to the lower hem.

I say 'all the way', but it wasn't very far really. There was a similar seam running down the back.

“I like this dress!” I blurted out.

“Try it on if you like.”

I stood up and slipped it over my head. It came to rest half way between my boobs and my waist. I pulled my arms into the arm holes, and settled the top of it over my shoulders each side, then pulled the lower section down as far as it would go, which wasn't very far. It fitted me rather well, except the bust area was a little large for my titties. The excess material flopped downwards on me more than it had done on Lexxxi. I went over to the mirror on the cupboard door and posed in front of it, first one side then the other.

The others oohed and aahed,

“You look good, Stella,” Lindsey called.

I looked down at myself. I don't think I'd ever worn a dress or skirt so short. So short, in fact that my bum and pubes felt exposed to the air.

I said this.

Laughter, from all of them, echoed around the room while I went on admiring myself in the mirror.

“You're right, Lindsey, I do look good in this!”

“Try my bra as well,” Lexxxi suggested.

I half bent down to pick it up from the bed. The hem rose up at the back and my pussy lips and buttocks poked out and had a look around.

“Whoa, remind me not to bend over!” I called, while more laughter echoed around.

I took my arms out of the dress and pulled it down below my chest, then put Lexxxi's bra on. 38F to my 34D. Her bra flopped around my stomach. I tried hitching the straps over my shoulders but they simply slid down my arms again, while my titties occupied about half of the cups covering them. I put the dress back on properly and tucked the shoulder straps under the shoulders of the dress, so at least the bra stayed where it was put.

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The dress's bust filled out a bit, thanks to Lexxxi's moulded cups. I strutted around the room, posing and wiggling my hips. The others spontaneously applauded, so I rushed back to the mirror and had another good look.

“Stella, is that your clitoris I can see?” Lexxxi asked.

She'd caught site of my jumbo jewel hanging out from under the hem of her dress. I'd forgotten to be shy about it, even with a complete stranger looking at my bare bottom. I flounced towards her as she lay on the bed and stood with it almost hanging over her outstretched hand.

“May I?” Lexxxi echoed to me the question I'd asked her about wearing her dress and bra.

“Yes, of course.”

I stood there while Lexxxi rolled towards me and took my clitoris in her hand. She rolled it, squeezed it, pushed it and pulled it, while it grew visibly. She went on playing with it and it went on growing until it really did look like a penis, albeit a small one. She feasted her eyes on on from various directions while Lindsey and Himari just watched.

“I bet you have fun with that,” she observed.

“I do now. Before we started all this I was a bit shy about showing it to my boyfriends, and so on.”

“You don't look shy about it now!” She let it go and rolled back onto the bed, while I went over to the cupboard mirror again and studied myself in a sexy velveteen dress and oversize black bra and my still-enlarged clitoris hanging out from under it.

Another record for me had just been broken. Not just the shortest dress or skirt that I'd ever worn but I now had the biggest bust I'd ever had. Reluctantly I undressed again and left Lexxxi's clothes in a neat pile. Whilst watching me dress as a hooker, Himari, Lindsey and Lexxxi had been playing with each other's pussies, so I joined in. They'd only been touching her around their lips area, not going in very far at all. I extended my finger and gently eased it into her vagina, making sure there was plenty of lube to go round. Lexxxi lay back, wondering exactly what I'd do. First I slid my finger right in and wiggled it around. Then when I'd sensed her vagina was relaxing I slid a second one to join the first. I watched Lexxxi's face for clues. More relaxing, then I added one more finger and pushed a bit harder. Her pussy expanded quickly. One more finger, a harder push, no clue, except a smile of satisfaction as her pussy expanded. Now I brought in my thumb and made a fist which went in surprisingly far.

Wordlessly I asked if this was OK. Wordlessly she said, 'yes, fine, do it'. I pushed it in while the other two put their hand to their mouths in horror. Lexxxi wriggled around a little and spread her legs even more. My fist slipped in and out, I felt the lube squishing between my fingers and thumb. Lexxxi was leaning back now with an intense expression on pleasurable pain on her face. Lindsey and Himari started playing with her nipples and large breasts. I was now getting my fist in nearly as far as my wrist. She came suddenly, jerking herself up and down in her position on the bed. I stopped pushing and pulling, and left my hand inside her while she enjoyed her orgasm. I pulled it out gently when she opened her eyes.

We all relaxed and flopped back on the bed either side of Lexxxi, all of us naked. We lay there for a few minutes just revelling in our feelings. I thought, 'it's now or never'.

“Lexxxi, can I ask you some questions?” I said. “About your other occupation.”

She opened her eyes.

“Yes, of course. I'm happy to talk about it!” she replied.

“OK, thank you. Which do you prefer - the day work or the evening work?”

Her eyes swivelled towards me.

“I've always like sex,” she said, after gathering her thoughts.

The others sat back and waited.

“I started quite young with various menfolk. And girls, too. I can't get pregnant because I've been infertile since birth, and I decided quite early on to like sex for its own sake. When I discovered that people would pay me to do various things, and that I could earn more in one night, off the books, than I could in a whole week of check-outs at Tesco or office work in an estate agents, it kind of settled things for me. My day work supplements my night work, not the other way around.”

She waited for the next question, which wasn't long in coming.

“You could set yourself up with a website and a more secure and safer method of getting business,” I hazarded. “What makes you choose riskier pick-ups instead of pre-screened sessions in your own home?”

“I tried it, to be honest. What you're talking about means that clients can book me then not turn up. Or, if they do, they want too much for too little. The thing about the way I do it now is that clients see me and want me instantly, which puts me at the advantage and has them saying 'yes yes get on with it' to all my conditions. And, they never find out where I live. And, to be honest, I get off on the spontaneity and the hurry. And it takes a lot less time. I always leave the building by the staff entrance, so if they plan revenge, they wait in the customer car park in vain. Sometimes I watch them waiting for me there before I walk home another way.”

Himari and Lindsey chipped in with a few questions while I figured out what she was saying. She talked about how old (that's to say, young) she was when she started and how and when she would finish, and what she might do after that, when her age and appearance began to work against her.

“If you met the right person, who might it be?”

“Someone who knows what I've been up to, someone who would take me as I am.” She paused, thinking about the question and the answers.

“Male or female?”

“Ah, a hard question! Can I have half of each?”

We considered this reply, in the light of her future, and also ours. I could see that Lindsey and Himari would think this was a hard question, too. The silence settled down around us again like a favourite blanket.

Lexxxi sat up eventually and slid off the end of the bed, headed for her pile of clothes and slipped into them nearly as fast as she had slipped out of them. Practice makes perfect, I suppose.

She headed for the door, then turned around to face us.

“Nice meeting you ladies,” she said as she waved, left the room and closed the door behind her.

I washed my hands in the bathroom, and came out again to find Himari and Lindsey sitting on the bed, legs wide apart, pushing their fingers into each other's vaginas and wearing expressions of pleasurable discomfort on their faces. I sat down on a chair and watched. Their pussies opened up more and more, and I found I was fingering myself quite enthusiastically in response to what I was watching. They lay down nearer each other and went on playing. I got out of the chair and knelt on the floor leaning against the bed so I could see closer up. My face was only a few inches from Himari's crotch and I had a glorious view and scent of the action. I trailed my fingers lightly up Lindsey's left leg, the leg nearest me, and was rewarded by an 'mmmm' of pleasure. I didn't want to get in Himari's way so I kept my hand well away from the scene of action, down the inside of her leg all the way to her toes and back upwards again. I circled round the bed and found Himari's thigh and dallied my way up and down it.

Both women were fisting each other quite exuberantly by now. I watched and waited to see what would happen. Himari caved in first, and flopped back on the bed in the throes of another orgasm. Lindsey looked a little abandoned so I picked up where Himari had left off and soon Lindsey flopped back in an orgasm worth watching.

There was a collection sigh as all of us lay back and relaxed.

“Right, now it's your turn!!”

Himari's voice cut into my reverie.

“What?” I called.

But it was too late. Both Himari and Lindsey advanced on me. They made sure I was comfortable, made me spread my legs while Lindsey applied some lube she'd found from somewhere, or brought with her. I relaxed back onto the pillow, closed my eyes and waited for whatever was going to happen, to happen. They started gently, I'll give them that, although the suppressed giggling was a little worrying. However, my eyes stayed closed, my head on the pillow and my legs apart.

Their featherweight fingertips on the insides of my thighs immediately went to my hypothalamus (if that's the right word). I had - no, we all had - spent the entire three days in a state of actual or anticipated sexual tension, beginning with the coach journey on the way up and proceeding every evening, night, morning and day-time leading to this moment. Even whilst typing and scanning in visitor data, I was very conscious of Himari next to me to whom I was tossing out sexy little comments, questions and teases - and she with me - with one hand while hammering away at my keyboard with the other, so to speak. And when Lindsey came to join us for a few minutes or half an hour if she could get away with it, she joined in enthusiastically, stoking the fires up inside each of us.

So, despite several orgasms, or perhaps because of them, my body was like a blue touch-paper just waiting to be lit. I soon began to slide into a semi-conscious state where my brain and limbs closed down as my pussy and vagina opened up. The girls knew how to do it just right, and soon my fires were burning bright. Once I tried to finger them in return, but Himari just whispered to me.

“This one's on us, by way of thanks for starting us all off.”

My hands flopped down by my side again, and everything zoned out except for somebody's fingers pushing into my hole. The feeling (and presumably the hole) got bigger and bigger as the minutes passed. It felt like a cross between me falling into a Jupiter-sized black hole somewhere the other side of the Alpha Quadrant, and having my legs split apart like the wishbone on a Christmas turkey. Not unpleasant but certainly noticeable. And as the girls got into the swing of things it became more noticeable still. I found it heightened the sensations more if I tried to close my legs. Not that I could actually close them, what with Lindsey and Himari ramming bits of themselves into me between my legs. All I had to do was to try. They didn't notice, but I did.

Soon enough my body called time and I lost control of myself for a few ticks. Lindsey and Himari withdrew themselves and watched me jerk and writhe my way to the most extraordinary feelings I've even had. It took us all more than a few minutes to wind down again and recover, by which time we were all lying on the bed in the rapidly darkening room. Half an hour passed and no one moved.

At length, Himari sat up slowly, arranged the duvet over all three of us, and we all snuggled down together for the night.

Again, I woke up at dawn, and again Himari was up making the tea.

“Thanks, Himari,” Lindsey and I mumbled, bleary-eyed and with our dry tongues hanging out like sandpaper.

Time was pressing us a little today so we showered, dressed and scooted down to a quick breakfast, arriving on the stand in Hall 5 just as nine o'clock chimed.

The last day of an exhibition, even just a three day one like this one, always had a different feel. I don't quite know why it is. The visitor mix was different, with more women and children accompanying their husbands. They behaved differently, more as if they were on holiday as opposed to being at work. The Sales & Marketing people on our stand were beginning to tire of smiling and shaking hands with complete strangers, and even Jake forgot to make silly jokes when he delivered the decreasing number of data sheets. And by lunchtime, it was more or less over. The aisles were emptying rapidly, the Sales & Marketing people were standing around wondering who to be nice to, and other stall-holders nearby were even beginning to pack up their stuff.

One last visitor to our stand was Lexxxi, dressed smartly in her black business suit. She ignored the attempted welcome and sales pitch from Sales & Marketing, brushing off an older man like some unwanted fly, and came straight to our cubbyhole. Like she already knew it was there.

“Hi, Lexxxi,” we all said, more or less in unison, glad to see someone we knew. “Welcome to our stand!”

Lexxxi looked different to how she'd looked last night. Her white shirt, black jacket, pencil skirt and black tights allowed her to look respectable and still be stunning (that's more stunning than me, dammit). I noticed her Wheat Millers Association name badge which read 'Laura, Sales Associate'. This was presumably Lexxxi's real name. (Laura, I mean, not Sales Associate).

“Hello, ladies,” she said. “Just came to say goodbye properly, and maybe see you next year!”

Himari fetched one of the last hand-out packs and gave it to her. We all did a double dry kiss with Laura, and she marched off again, doubtless to return all her unused British Wheat Millers Association handouts and brochures before scoffing 'those wonderful little fluffy biscuits with different coloured toppings and those little round chocolate cakes with the Devon cream fillings' that she'd remembered our stand for and which she now held in a paper bag thanks to Himari.

When Himari, Lindsey and I came back from lunch, our lot were also packing up their stuff, knowing not to touch anything of ours. Lindsey and I had quite a reputation amongst the older Sales & Marketing staff (though in what context we didn't know, yet), so we packed up our own kit and sat on our chairs, watching everyone else watching us.

Lindsey knew that Mr MD had already left for Devon right after his breakfast, so we just sat around chatting for an hour or so. When the stand around us began to be taken apart by young men in overalls, we knew it was time to go. Our coach was due to leave at four o'clock, so we checked out of our rooms, noting that Lindsey's bed hadn't been slept in, sat on or even creased, and trundled our wheelie luggage to the bus stop. We had a different driver this time, and the coach was almost full so we had to behave ourselves in three ordinary seats. I think we all snoozed most of the way, anyway.

Back in Tiverton, we said goodbye to each other till tomorrow and trudged home by ourselves.

And we all had a good, if somewhat solitary, night's sleep in our own beds at last, including Rover, the cat, who opened one eye when I let myself in, just to check it was me.

Then she closed it again.

Written by KalTurnerThomas
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