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Author's Notes

"I hope my readers enjoy this last in the Sally series."

Sally’s Monday was a disaster, she’d been given six strokes earlier by Miss Simms for inattention in Mathematics class and now, Miss Mathews whacked her cane on Sally’s desk and made her jump to her feet in fright. “I was talking to you, Girl! Where were you in your daydream? “

Sally’s stuttering apology had no influence on the English teacher who simply went to the front of the class and looking very sternly at Sally, swished her cane and indicated the stool with its tip.

She had made a very bad start with Miss Mathews on her very first day at the school. It was common knowledge that the fortyish-year-old had been caned by the Headmistress for her leniency towards Sally on her first day. That meant that she had been targeted by Miss Mathews ever since. Every shortcoming, every little error was punished and punished severely. How could she have been so careless!

She put her hands under her gymslip, tugged down her knickers and left them on her seat. Then she went up to the indicated stool, bent over and grabbed the rungs on the other side.

Miss Mathews put her cane under her armpit and lifted the gymslip out of the way. She noted the existing tramlines across the wide and fleshy target, but it no longer made her feel and remorse, quite the opposite, it reminded her of what the Headmistress had had done that time she had been silly enough to be lenient towards the Governess’s niece.  She slipped the cane in between the girl’s thighs and tapped side to side.

Sally widened her stance obediently and held on tight. She knew all her class companions could clearly see her bare pubes which her darling Sarah had inspected last evening after her shower. She was beyond worrying about that however as they had witnessed the scene many times now. It was not her place nor her nature to even dream of protest.

The first stroke whooshed through the air accompanied by a low-toned grunt of effort from her teacher and then whack! 

Sally yelped in surprised pain. The stroke had been very hard and very low.

Whoosh whack, whoosh whack, whoosh whack.

She was crying now. Lifting her left leg to try and shake away the pain.

“Be still, Girl or I’ll add strokes.”

This was the Bitch Mathews her companions all had warned her about on her first day.

Strokes five, six, seven and eight followed.

She was bawling now.

“That will do for now, Girl, but rest assured I’ll be talking to the Headmistress about your daydreaming in class. Get up, return to your seat, put your knickers back on, sit and pay attention to the lesson!”

When the Mistress had turned back to the board she had left to deal with ‘the daydreamer,’ Helen took Sally’s hand and squeezed it gently. She mouthed an “I’m so sorry.” 

‘Poor Helen,’ thought Sally, she blamed herself for not keeping an eye on her before. Sally squeezed the offered hand back and shaking her head vigorously, smiled a wet smile at her friend. Then they both followed the lesson carefully. 

Sarah picked her up after PE. She had managed to avoid punishment at Miss Jones’s History and Geography class, but her sore bum had let her down at PE so even more strokes of the cane. The required minimum six for Sally. She hugged Sarah as soon as they were out of the gate. As usual, she blurted out all the day’s news to her ‘maid’ and lover. She told about how she had been thinking of all that had happened to her the day before at Miss Ellen’s house and then the delightful ‘welcome home’ orgasms that she had shared with her darling Sarah that evening before sleeping. When she had been spotted by both Mathematics and English Mistresses. The canings, particularly the second and the promise to report her lack of attention to the Headmistress.

As always, Sarah helped her ‘little mistress’ carry her school homework to the downstairs study and then ran off to her duties in the kitchen, promising she’d be back by 7 pm latest. She too was worried by the English teacher’s ‘promise’, but had not said anything to Sally so as not to worry her even more.

Later, up in Sally’s bedroom, as Sarah rubbed the ‘magic cream’ into her charge’s very sore-looking bottom. Sally demonstrated she had not stopped thinking about the same ‘promise.’ By her English teacher.

“Sarah, love, do you think the Headmistress will have me into her office for one of her special canings again?”

Sarah, being Sarah, smacked her lover’s thigh gently and used the very false Texas drawl she sometimes used with Sally.

“Stop worrying, Gal and get that delicious butt into the shower so that we get downstairs on time, or you’ll get us both caned for being late to dinner.”

Sally laughed and allowed herself to be shoved into the shower.

Relieved to see she had, as her aunt and Mistress of the house required, got to the dining room first, she sat as Sarah pushed her heavy chair under her. Back straight, smiling and waiting patiently. Mrs Lee arrived shortly after on her own explaining that Sally’s aunt had been delayed by a phone call.

Hilda, who had been wavering in the background, neared the table and asked whether she should bring the wine that Mrs Lee and the Mistress normally drank. Mrs Lee rather sharply responded, “You know very well, Girl that the Mistress of the house require all to be seated before anything is served.” Hilda blushed and apologised as she backed off. Sally hid a snigger by pretending to rub her nose. She disliked this maid who had purposely got her in deep trouble on her very first week at the house.

Mrs Lee deflated the atmosphere by questioning Sally on her day at school but just then, her aunt appeared, and she rose to her feet. Sally sensed something was wrong when she noticed the black mood of her aunt but sat when her aunt did.

Harriet looked over at the slinking maid and made a sign that she should come back later.

While they were alone momentarily, she glared at her husband’s niece. “You did not waste any time in getting into trouble this week, it’s only Monday and you already earned twenty strokes of the cane in school today! I have just come off the phone from the Headmistress who received complaints about inattention in class from two of her staff. “

Sally blushed. “I’m sorry Ma’am.”

“Oh, you will be, I assure you, Girl. Miss Matthews, who is particularly annoyed with you, volunteered to take you for extra tuition. She suggested it be initially for three weeks, two sessions per week of one hour each. She would have preferred after classes on Tuesdays and Fridays, but I have said that on Fridays I need you home quickly right after classes. So, you will report to Miss Matthews tomorrow afternoon and on Friday at 7 am sharp. I have asked the Headmistress Mrs McDonald to pass on my sincere gratitude to your English Mistress and give my full support to this idea. Let’s see how she feels about your progress after three weeks. If needed, she will extend the program. “

Sally was dumbstruck, which was as well as her aunt was plain that her aunt was not inclined towards any discussion on the matter.

The lady of the house took her guest Mrs Lee’s hand and apologised, “for this distasteful start to our evening.” Mrs Lee reassured her, “There was no bother at all and evidently necessary.”

Harriett then signaled to the maid who had moved away earlier that she could start to serve.

That was it, decided. A done deal. Sally could not comment, could not appeal, she was to undergo ‘extra-tuition,’ for six hours in total. She had gone pale and was very shaken. As the first course and drinks were being served, Mrs Lee noticed her state, put her hand on Sally’s to draw her attention and reassured her with a smile that she would get through this fine.

Sally began to eat in silence as the two older ladies chatted about some work-related meeting they had arranged.

After dinner, she went and sat in the garden feeling very glum indeed for over an hour on her own until Sarah came looking for her as she had finished her duties. Sally burst out crying with emotion upon seeing her one and only true friend.

Sarah wisely got her ‘little mistress’ to get up and walk with her down the avenue away from the house so that she could hear what was causing such a reaction. 

When later, Sarah tucked Sally into bed, she felt much better and ready to cope. She had no choice; it was her duty to abide by Aunt Harriett’s decision as any silly rebellion would just make matters so much worse. She could not just run away, where could she go? She had nobody to turn to. No money. Here, she had everything a young woman could desire in terms of comforts even if there were a lot of terribly sore bottoms mixed in with those comforts. She drifted off to sleep.

By the end of normal classes on Tuesday, Sally counted herself very lucky to have received only twelve strokes that day. Six from Miss Carter in Chemistry first thing in the morning for not recalling a precise formula when queried and six in Miss Jacobs’s Economics class for having forgotten the name of a ‘famous’ economist.  That second six were still fresh across her bottom as she headed for Miss Matthew’s class for her first ‘extra-tuition.’ 

She jerked to a halt as she turned the corner in the corridor as there was a small group of other adults standing with Miss Matthews at her class door. The massive Mrs McDonald, another very tall but slim and younger woman and, rare as hen’s teeth, a man. He was standing behind the tall young woman and partly hidden from Sally’s vision.

It didn’t take much astuteness for Sally to gather she was the subject of discussion when the ever-vigilant headmistress called out. “Here she is, just on time.”

All turned and scrutinised her as she approached. Making a nervous moment into one of sheer terror.

The headmistress carried on, “Say good afternoon to Mr & Mrs Hennessy Girl, the family that brings a delightful post-dinner digestive to educated palettes.” Sally had no idea what the headmistress was talking about but thought it wise to hide her ignorance and greeted the tall lady and the much shorter and older man with suitable respect.

The headmistress, now addressing Miss Matthews, continued, “Mrs Hennessey honoured us with her visit this afternoon as she has almost decided to send her sister-in-law to our college, and I thought it would be particularly apt for her to see first-hand how we deal with our problematic girls so that she may rest assured of our abilities. “

Sally knew she was far from “problematic” but was far more concerned about a man being present and could not take her eyes off the slightly balding squat man who looked so totally out of place in the company of these impressive ladies. She felt both relief and pity as Mrs Hennessey spotted her concerned look and laughed, “Oh Paul will wait outside and not peep through the door pane. Won’t you Dear? After all, he’s only here to put his signature on the contract on behalf of his little sister.

The use of his first name seemed strange, but even stranger was the response.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Miss Matthews ushered Sally into the classroom and the other two ladies followed. Two chairs had been placed near the Mistress’s desk and the headmistress and Mrs Hennessey seated themselves.

As the Mistress took her place behind her desk, she addressed her lone student. “Right Girl, for this detention and the subsequent sessions with me, remove your gymslip and knickers. You may retain your blouse. Then sit at that desk.”

Mrs Hennessey was most impressed by the way the erring young woman not only immediately followed instructions but thanked the Mistress.

Miss Matthews pointed at the clock over the door and gave her next instruction, “You have ten minutes to answer the ten questions listed on the page before you. Each incorrect or unanswered question will be punished with six strokes of the cane.”

As the teenager picked up the pen and studied the first question, the class Mistress smiled at her guests and passed each a copy of the list of questions she had set for this session. Having scanned the sheet, it was plain to that getting even one question answered correctly in the time allotted would be extremely difficult.

Mrs Hennessey licked her dry lips and watched transfixed as the class Mistress twirled and caressed the long brownish-yellow crook-handled rod, which lay before her on her desk. The minutes on the clock ticked inevitably by.

Sally, being the very intelligent girl she was, skipped the questions which she knew would take too much time and went to those she thought she could handle quickly. The Mistress’s voice though boomed far too soon. “Pen down and bring your answers here Girl.”

As soon as she had passed the paper to the Mistress she took up the required ‘attention’ position. Hands folded on the top of her head and feet spread wide.

Mrs Hennessey was fascinated by the total absence of pubic hair and would ask Mrs McDonald about that later but right now; she did not want to miss a moment of this absolutely extraordinary scene.

Miss Mathews seemed almost disappointed when she confirmed to her victim that two questions had been answered correctly and so the penalty would be forty-eight strokes.

“Take position over the stool Girl, not only must you not rise without permission as usual, but you are not permitted to let go of the rung. If you do, a stroke will be added.  We will pause after each twelve.”

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Turning to her audience, “Ladies, please be so kind as to keep a close eye on her grip of the rung.” Her boss smiled back at her and nodded encouragement. Certain now that her recent correction of this member of staff’s misplaced leniency, had borne fruit. She knew the Governess would be pleased.


Poor Sally bit her lip and lent her bare abdomen over the sturdy oak stool. She had never faced such a severe punishment, but she knew, thanks to her friend Helen, that the headmistress may well have chosen to switch on the video cameras placed high in all four angles of the classroom and that her aunt, the governess, could review her submission later. She did as she was told.

Mrs Hennessey’s jaw dropped. The twin semi-globes just a few yards before her, formed the most enormous bottom she had ever seen. Or, at least, given the slim waist, that is how it seemed to her. The Mistress flicked the cane between the almost eighteen-year-old’s thighs and now she could see that that absence of pubic hair was both front and back.

Miss Matthews took position a yard to the left and just two feet behind and tapped the cane across her target. She moved just slightly so the tip of the cane would bite into the far-right cheek and not into empty air. She licked her lips. This time she ignored the still evident twelve stripes already across her target. She had no intention of either suffering another visit to the headmistress or worse still, risking losing her job.

Sally’s last thought as she gritted her teeth for the first stroke was that at least Mr Hennessey could not watch even though he would hear the cane whistling through the air in the otherwise silent classroom, the dreadful WHACK as it whipped into her fleshiness and then her shrieks of protest. Shriek she did as her little daydream was shattered by the first stroke right across the centre of her bottom.

Miss Matthews was a delight to observe as her torso wound back and then uncoiled like a taught spring that drove the rattan towards its twin targets. The English teacher was one of the school’s most dedicated staff in Mrs McDonald’s opinion. A naturally high achiever like all those lucky enough to be selected to work here. But this forty-eight-year-old, who demonstrated five years less thanks to all her jogging early each morning, was also extremely demanding of her students. She suffered no errors and demanded perfection. That made her breach of character on the first day when she had Sally in her class, all the more unintelligible.

Stroke followed stroke, whoosh whack, whoosh whack. The seventh causing the young woman to yell particularly loudly as the cane whipped into the crease between bottom and thighs. Miss Mathews waited for her student to settle and then whipped the eight just below that. Sally was crying already and gasping for breath, her feet lifted and banged the floor to shake out some of the stinging pain. “Lean further over the stool again Girl, I want to cane those lower, most fleshy bits where you’ll feel it most.”

The Head and her wealthy guest, exchanged smiles of appreciation briefly before turning back their attention to the scene unfolding a few yards away.

After the twelfth biting stroke which Daphne Matthews drove down with particular gusto, she put the cane under her left arm and caressed her victim’s lower back. This demonstration of apparent gentleness, conflicting totally with what had just gone, was a trait shared by most of the Mistresses. It was an important binding moment for many of the girls. Sally was no exception. Her sobs lessened quickly as she concentrated on the soft care being transmitted by the hand which had just been holding the rod which transmitted such pain.

She understood well the significance of the four fingers held up by her boss and as she moved her hand down over the left buttock and back up the right one.

“That’s a shame, Dear. The Headmistress noticed that you let go of the rung on that stool four times.” Then she moved her hand down the crease and traced her fingers over the swollen labia buried below. “That will mean an extra four strokes from my cane I’m afraid, but I’ll be kind and we’ll think about those later. Won’t that be better, Dear?”

The now totally submissive girl moaned a loud, “Yes, Ma’am, thank you.” As those fingers penetrated her hugely aroused vulva. 

Daphne Matthews held up her fingers to her nose and grinned at the watching ladies as she said, “I think a short break is needed. You may rise, put on your gymslip, and go to the toilet. Back here in five minutes sharp however or I’ll add more penalties.”

Sally did as instructed and left the classroom. She sensed rather than saw, Mr Hennessey standing just to the right of the door near the wall as she headed left down towards the toilets. He watched her go, noting how she walked at a slow pace.  As she came back, she could not avoid looking his way. His face was flushed as he addressed her. “Does it hurt very much?”

In that very instant, Mrs Hennessey pounced out the door and came between Sally and her husband, hands high on her hips.

“I’m going to ask the Headmistress to give you a personal demonstration when we are finished here. Then you will find out Paul. Now back to the wall there and don’t move again.” She made way for Sally to renter the classroom while she stared icily in the direction of her husband.

As she entered, a very shocked Sally was quite unsure whether she should be feeling more embarrassed for the man outside or for herself. The door closed behind her, and Mrs Hennessey raised the tension further with her question, “Headmistress, may I suggest the erring student removes all her clothes for the rest of detention as the added humiliation will ensure she remembers the lesson all the better?”

“An excellent refinement Mrs Hennessy. Miss Matthews, see to it that the girl is punished in the nude for the rest of this and her planned future detentions.”

Sally’s jaw dropped and she froze on the spot until she heard Miss Matthews tell her, “Don’t just stand there Girl, get your things off and get back over the stool for the next twelve.”

The phone in Mrs McDonald’s lap vibrated and she looked at the one-liner from her boss. ‘This has my approval.’ It was evident that the Governess was online and watching the stream from her office.

Miss Matthews studied the upper half of her wide target, tapped the rattan where she intended to lay the first, raised it back over her shoulder and then whipped it down mercilessly. A new line of pink was added just above the centre of the massive twin semi-spheres. Before that line darkened in colour, she whipped in number two, a fraction above.

Sally’s tears started to flow again but she hung onto the rung doggedly.

Whoosh whack, whoosh whack, three, four, five and six were lashed rapidly with parallel lines above the first two. Cane flexed between her hands, tongue licking her dry lips and then she proceeded as six more whipped down with precision and every intent of making her pupil suffer.

Daphne turned to the watching Headmistress who then held up three fingers. So again, she played the gentle and concerned role and caressed the tramlined fleshy buttocks. “I’m afraid you let go of the rung of the stool again Dear, three times during this session so the total has grown to seven penalties. You may stand for a few moments.”

Mrs Hennessey rose and interrupted. “ Not just yet if you please, Miss Matthews, I would like to take a good look before she is allowed to stand.”  So saying and assuming correctly that nobody would dare question her intent, she walked up to the prone girl. She also caressed the tramlined orbs. Softly at first but then with her long nails she traced the most central lines, causing Sally to groan.  Then, with no concern whatsoever for the young woman’s intimate feelings, she announced loudly, “Why she is positively dripping here.”

Then she pushed her fingers into Sally’s squelching vagina and pumped. Sally squealed in protest at first but then moved back and forth to facilitate the attention as her protests changed to moaning pleasure.

The girl orgasmed in under thirty seconds and collapsed over the stool.

Mrs Hennessey smiled triumphantly at the Headmistress. Holding up her fingers, “Maybe Sally can show me where the bathroom is. We both need to clean up but now she’ll really be able to appreciate the pain during the rest of her punishment rather than enjoying it so much as she evidently has been.”

An intensely blushing Sally was allowed to cover herself with her blouse and gymslip but no bra or knickers. She then showed the way as requested by Mrs Hennessy.

When Sally got back she was not surprised to see the Headmistress’s guest had preceded her, but she was astonished and worried when she saw that the lady was standing behind the punishment stool with the cane flexed between her hands and a broad smile on her face.

“Welcome back Sally, I have been watching your teacher’s technique very carefully and wish to experience personally what it’s like to use a punishment cane. Mrs McDonald has kindly suggested there is no time like the present. Please remove your things and get back over the stool.”

Sally’s “Yes Ma’am” and immediate compliance with her request brought an even broader smile from Mrs Hennessey who addressed the Headmistress as she caressed the rod.

“Please do let me know, Headmistress, whether I’m being sufficiently severe.”

Poor Sally felt the cane see-saw across the crest of both her swelled buttocks, a pause and then an audible grunt as she heard the swishhh as Mrs Hennessy drove the first down with what must have been all her force. She yelled in pain and tightened her grip on the rung.

The tall twenty-seven-year-old, delighted with the resulting line of new fire she had raised and the reaction it has caused, looked for approval towards the Headmistress. The smiling nod of encouragement pleased her immensely, so she tapped immediately below the fresh puffy line that was just developing and whipped the rod towards the twitching fleshy target with as much force as before. She smiled broadly but the cause of her sudden pleasure was not the protesting squeal, it was not the new mark across the wide twin orbs. Her mind switched to the near future when her stuck-up-bitchy little sister-in-law would be getting exactly this treatment. She would ensure that the lazy good-for-nothing would get frequent detentions. The girl’s hips were not remotely as wide or rounded as Sally’s but a high-carb diet, hormone supplements and specific exercise would do a lot to reduce the gap.

The caning went on and on, her mind was on her devilish plans, not on the here and now.

She felt a hand on her raised shoulder and looked sideways quite shocked out of her intense daydream. It was the Headmistress. “Perhaps you have lost count Mrs Hennessy? That was the twelfth stroke just now.”

She immediately regained her control and, typical of a lady in her position of unquestioned authority, responded, “Yes, but I believe a baker’s dozen is in orders Mrs McDonald, don’t you agree?”

The Headmistress, now feeling on the defensive, assured her guest that she was of course correct, stood back and watched as stroke thirteen was lashed low across the squealing girl’s buttocks.

Sally waited for permission to rise. Her bottom was a mass of throbbing pain, and she had difficulty catching her breath, but she knew she had survived three-quarters of her allotted punishment and concentrated on her thoughts on later with darling maid Sarah.

As if, reading Sally’s thoughts, Mrs Hennessy placed her left palm first on one bottom cheek and then the other.

“Headmistress, I do believe once she has had her remaining strokes, she will have learnt an important lesson in obedience. It has been a very useful and informative demonstration of your excellent methodology at the school for which I thank you and Miss Matthews, but may we adjourn to your office now as I have a few things to discuss with you still before I need to get back on the road.”

Her palm had not left Sally’s roasting nether cheeks. She now grabbed a handful of welted flesh, squeezed none too tightly and said, “Pay attention to the rest of Miss Matthew’s lesson, Dear.”

Poor Sally had no choice but to respond, “Yes, Ma’am, I will Ma’am. Goodbye, Ma’am.”



Daphne Matthews could not have known but nobody witnessed her exertions whilst ensuring Mrs Hennessy’s parting words bore fruit. The Governess’s attention had been drawn to the absurd and pointless fuss Mr Hennessy had created while suffering a sound eighteen-stroke caning delivered to his hairy backside by the Headmistress at his wife’s request. The lady requested and got two canes to take back to their home to ensure her husband “was kept in line.”

Then as he stood in the corner of the Headmistress’s office with trousers and underpants around his ankles, his wife and Mrs McDonald discussed in detail how his younger sister Amelia would be introduced to her new routine.

The Governess was ever-more impressed by Mrs Hennessy. Her clear vision of her priorities and how she wanted her sister-in-law moulded.

Once during the discussion, Mr Hennessy made the grave error of protesting from the corner and the Governess had to admire the way his dominant wife rushed over and whipped a cane three times in rapid succession across the backs of his bare thighs.

Sally did get her relief and release thanks to the care of her darling maid that evening. She quite forgot about the accumulated “penalty strokes.” Daphne did not.



Written by maegan
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