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Author's Notes

"This brings me to the end of the story with Rosa, but there are many more chapters and sore, red bottoms to come!"

Part 10- If They Only Knew

Rosa had said several times that one of the unique things about our relationship was that, in a brief period, we were sharing our most intimate fantasies ... those related to spanking anyway.  It was certainly the most I'd ever shared about my wants and desires, but it seemed obvious that a common interest such as we had would naturally generate such openness.  Rosa wished that were true, and having no other experience to go on, I had to acknowledge her view of the world as truth ... at least until I’d seen otherwise.

Extended periods of time apart made our phone calls that much more precious ... and stimulating!  Our conversation still centered almost entirely on our favorite pastime and rarely went into anything but the most superficial of small talk.  After a couple of months, I started wondering how long it could last because our discussion made it plainly obvious that we still had almost nothing in common, and were it not for a mutual love of a sore, red bottom, we'd have nothing.  Further, we both openly acknowledged it by openly discussing how to find and connect with other fans of spanking.

Still, we spoke of getting together again and a couple of months after her trip south, I made another trip to New York.  Rosa didn't get as much vacation as I did so she couldn't take the time off as I had for her, but staying at her home still allowed us many opportunities to put each other across our respective knees for a good bottom smacking. 

As an early riser, I would get up with her, often before, to share breakfast and take her to work so I'd have her car to use during the day.  I don't cook much of anything, but I can make a rather good breakfast and did so for her several of the days I was there.  One breakfast was made more memorable than the rest when Rosa found fault with my preparation of her eggs and bent me over the table for a fast and furious spanking to make sure I didn't do it again.

One of the private topics we often shared on the phone was the way a really sore bottom might affect activities immediately following a long, hard spanking, whether one was just going to bed ... sleeping face down, of course ... or having to be with other people unaware of your condition.  Rosa mentioned more than once how she had never had to go to work and face her colleagues with the pain of a really sore bottom to distract her ... clarifying the difference between a night-before spanking versus one just received.  When she was a little bitchy one morning, I decided to make sure she no longer considered this an experience she had not had yet.  I offered to pick her up for lunch and she agreed with a grumble.  As we drove her to work in her ‘big, stupid car’, I formulated a plan.

After dropping her off at work, I started looking for a park. Why not make it a public spanking as well and hit two of her favorite fantasies.  I knew of two parks within a reasonable distance of her office, and I came upon a third as I surveyed the other two.  The last turned out the best with a nice bench under a tree, in full view of most of the park, yet far enough away from the masses and a clear view of who might be able to see us.

Next, I had to find a good deli nearby so I could get a good picnic lunch that wasn't just fast food.  Rosa had mentioned a place called Dominic's as a place she frequented for lunch, so I went to check it out and found your typical great New York deli with great hot sandwiches ... pastrami, corned beef, club sandwiches, etc. 

Finally, I went back to the house to have breakfast, shower, and dress, after which it was almost time to leave.  I grabbed the leather paddle I'd brought from Florida, hid it in the back of the van and set off for Dominic's.  I got there early intentionally to avoid being held up by the lunch rush.  After getting our lunch I headed back to her office and arriving about ten minutes early, settled in to wait for her to come out.  I didn't have to wait long as she had seen me pull up and her boss let her go early.

"Mmm, something smells good!" she said as she got in smelling the hot pastrami.  While I was planning earlier, I realized I wasn't really sure what she'd worn today except that I was pretty sure it was a dress and made a mental note to pay attention to it when I picked her up.  She wore a light summer dress in a burgundy calico pattern that had a peasant top with a wide round neck and short, puffy sleeves.  The skirt portion was quite full and therefore would present no problem pulling it up once I had her across my knee.

Clearly, in a better mood than when I'd dropped her off, I told her what my plan was ... at least up to the point of her spanking ... and we made our way to the park.  I parked as close as I could to the site I'd picked, but we still had a good walk to the shady bench I'd picked out.  We'd brought a blanket Rosa kept in her car and spread it on the grass right in front of the bench.  I handled the serving as I knew who got what and we began eating, all the while not talking at all about the morning, but having pleasant conversation, nonetheless.  We were nearly done eating so I decided to get the real party started.

"So, you seem to be in a much better mood now."

"I was pretty bitchy this morning, wasn't I?  I don't know why ... Just got up on the wrong side of bed, I guess."

"There was no reason to direct your mood at me, was there," I replied more as a statement, than a question.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You should realize by now that sometimes 'sorry' isn't enough!"

"I'm gonna get a spankin' when I get home tonight, aren't I?" she said trying unsuccessfully to hide a smile behind a pouty face.

"Perhaps ... but I see no reason why we have to wait till then."

"What, here? Now!?" she asked as she looked around in a panic.

"There's no one anywhere near us and we can see any potential onlookers coming from quite a ways away."

"But ..."

"The only butt I need right now is yours across my knee," I said as I moved to the bench and patted my lap. She smiled at my play on words and guardedly placed herself across my waiting lap still scanning the horizon for threats.  I left her dress in place and began spanking her right away to give her time to get comfortable with her surroundings, and eventually so turned on she wouldn't care if someone walked right up and watched. I could tell she'd worn full panties and suspected they were quite tight as well, so I was betting she'd worn my favorite pair of tight, white panties in anticipation of getting spanked today ... even if she hadn't been expecting it so soon.

"Was it fair to inflict your bad mood on me this morning?" I scolded as the barrage of swats to her gorgeous bottom continued relentlessly.

"No, sir!" she cried in pain both real and desired,

"In the future, you'll let me help you get out of a bad mood?"

"By spanking me like this!?" she replied, intentionally provoking me.

"Excuse me? Are you getting smart with me?" I challenged, although she was right.  Grabbing the hem of her dress I yanked it up unceremoniously to see I was right about her panties.  The white contrasted nicely with the pink hue of the flesh that hadn't been protected by her panties.  Stroking those firm, warm globes in appreciation of such a sexy sight, I was awakened from my reverie by her reply.

"No sir!! ... and yes, sir!" I spanked hard and fast on the very top of each cheek, letting her know I didn't like her answer.  "Oww! No, sir, I'm not getting smart with you and ... Ow-ow-ow!! ... yes, sir, I'll let you help me with a bad mood!  Owwww!!!"

"That's better", I replied simply, letting my hands do the talking as they peppered her hot bottom with fast, firm spanks.  I was going to make sure she remembered this spanking all afternoon while she tried to work.  Looking at my watch I saw time was running out and it was time to move it along.  My hands went to the waist of her panties, and she instinctively raised her hips to allow me to pull them down well below her reddening mounds, but that didn't stop her from protesting.

"Please not on my bare bottom, sir?!  I have to go back to work, and I'll be sitting down most of the afternoon!"

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"Then consider yourself lucky that I didn't spank you this morning leaving you a nice, sore bottom to sit on all day, rather than half a day!"

As I began smacking her warm bottom, I realized two things ... one, that she was aware of my intent to fill the gap in her spanking experience and two, that I'd better pick up the pace as we had to leave in about five minutes and her bottom was not yet hot. 

She cried out as loud as she dared while the force being exerted on her naked cheeks was much harder and increasing still. She started squirming more than I like so I put my arm around her waist to keep my target from moving.  Rosa enjoyed being restrained in this way and often twisted around on my lap just to get me to do it, but I suspect this time it was genuine.  I was giving it to her pretty good, and her body was bucking in direct response to each spank.

Finishing off with a fast flurry of spanks on both sides, I let her up off my lap.  She looked at me with a sorrowful look and two hands rubbing her sore bottom ... more in appreciation than actual pain, I'd bet.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to be in such a bad mood in the morning.  I'm going to have an itchy, sore bottom all afternoon to remind me"!

"You have no idea," I replied, which drew a confused look from her.  "Let's get this cleaned up and you back to work."  We were back in the car within five minutes on our way back to her office.  I looked at my watch and realized we'd be back with ten minutes to spare. Right on schedule.

"Hey, we're ten minutes early," she said as we pulled into the parking lot and added as we drove past the building towards the back of the lot, "Mark, where are you going?"  As we got to the last row of cars and I threw it into park, she added suspiciously, "What're you doing?"

"Get in the back, Rosa. We're going to make sure that your bottom provides a burning reminder of your bad behavior all afternoon."

"No! Please?" she pled with some sincerity.

"You know what to do, young lady!"

She did, and I'll never tire of the sight of a pretty young lady bending over and baring her bottom. She knelt on the far back seat and pulled her skirt up, her panties down and looked back at me in anticipation.  Her eyes went wide when she saw me pull the leather paddle out from behind the driver’s seat and approach her proffered bare butt.

"Where'd that come from?" she asked with genuine concern.

"Never mind! You just get ready for a good paddling!" I replied just before the first swat landed on her already red bottom. Interspersed with the sounds of leather on flesh were Rosa's cries of pain ... and some pleasure.  With the intent to store as much heat in her deserving backside as I could, I really let the swats fly with little or no breaks.  We only had a few minutes, and I made the most of it!  My target was getting harder to hit as Rosa was waving her delicious bottom all over the place in a sincere effort to avoid my paddle.  By the time I was done, you could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks an inch or two away.

"Ooo, my poor bottom! I'm not going to able to sit down!" she said with a penitent look.

"Good! You won't forget this easily!" I said as I gently pulled her panties up and lowered her skirt.

"I'm sorry!"

"I know you are.  I hope you come home in a better mood than you left in."

"I will!" she replied with a small smile as she made her way to the large sliding side door.

"Good, now get back to work," I said as I slid open the door for her.  I resisted the temptation to give her another swat on her bottom.  She gave me a short, but passionate kiss before turning to walk away with a 'see you later'.

I closed the door and made my way back to the driver's seat. I watched as she walked through the parking lot and discreetly rubbed her sore bottom a couple of times before disappearing back inside the building. I started the car and headed home, stopping at a drug store to pick up some suitable skin lotion on the way.

Later that afternoon and nearly time for me to get going to pick her up, a car pulled up in front of the house from which Rosa exited.  Apparently, her boss had suggested she leave early as a reward for being so caught up on her work, so she'd caught a ride with a co-worker rather than call me to come early.  I went to the door and opened it just in time for her to charge into my arms, nearly knocking me over with arms and legs wrapped around me while her lips were all over my face expressing the unbridled passion she was feeling.  We quickly made our way to the bedroom, where most of what happened should be obvious except for the fact that I did not spank her. I did put her across my knee, surprised to find her without panties, but using the lotion I soothed the burning reminder of our noon-time activities.

“So, you managed to get all your work done early even with a stinging, hot bottom?”

“Mark, you have no idea how hot that was … and I don’t mean my spanked bottom. I did sit … had to sit for short periods but got up often to walk around with various excuses. Some of my colleagues seemed to notice the change in habit but said nothing. The hot part was walking around knowing I had this flaming, hot butt under my skirt that no one else knew about! I thought it would be even more arousing if I weren’t wearing panties, so I took them off! … while at my desk!” I felt so sexy! … maybe a little slutty! When they’d look at me wondering why I was away from my desk so often I’d think ‘If you only knew that under my skirt my bare bottom is bright, stinging red from the spanking and paddling I just got in the parking lot!’ … and it made me so wet!!”

Needless to say, this led to a late afternoon sex romp in her bed, with multiple orgasms before we’d even had dinner!


Part 11- Just Friends

While Rosa and I remained close friends for many years. The frenzied activity of these first few trips eventually calmed down. Getting together when one or the other of us was ‘in town,’ was something we still very much enjoyed having learned so much about each other and our mutual love of spanking. We always had a great time and managed to remain imaginative in our scenes where one of us always ended up with a sore, red bottom and both more than satisfied sexually. Since our friendship was based on something so specific, we knew pretty well how the other would react to a threat or scene.

Between visits, we still spoke on the phone often, but not as much as those first few months. We tried phone spanking with inconsistent results. If we were both in just the right mood, it was fun and somewhat satisfying. We didn’t plan it, but we knew when the spark occurred, how to fan the flames! When the inevitable threat was levied, the dialog would often effectively build on the mood to the point where one of us spanked ourselves … quite loudly to be sure the other could hear … and the other scolded and provided the direction and dialog, if not the punishing hand. If it was a really successful session, we each brought ourselves to climax, continuing the dialog that ramped the excitement up for us both. A few times, it was so good, we’d try again just a few days later, but the same level of arousal was hard to reach a second time so soon.

We’d also talk of our individual exploits with others, though truthfully it was more Rosa having experiences and my attempting … mostly unsuccessful. Rosa would try to coach me and eventually I learned, but it didn’t happen much while we were still having these kinds of calls.

The distance and lack of more than one common interest eventually caused us to part almost completely, though I’m sure Rosa’s memories are as vivid as my own as our connection was so strong in this one area. We both recognized that spanking alone couldn’t be the basis for a long-term relationship, so we each got out of it what we could, with no regrets. I will always remember my first couple of spankings from Rosa and knew we’d both remember many of the more memorable times we spent spanking each other!

Written by 2bespanked
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