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Author's Notes

"If only things like this really happened ..."

2- Unexpected Twists

What happened next was a total surprise. If it had been sexy, little Kelly showing up at my door, it wouldn’t have surprised me much, but when it was Sara, also dressed rather provocatively, I was caught off guard, but the real surprise came when she told me why she was here. Eventually.

“So, is Kelly behaving herself,” I asked after normal greetings, hoping she’d say no, and I’d have that perfect bottom in my lap again.

“Yeah, for the most part. That’s kind of what I came here to talk to you about.”

“Kelly’s okay, isn’t she? I mean I wouldn’t …”

“She’s fine!” Sara interrupted, “Though I wonder whether the little minx actually likes it!?”

“Well, I don’t think she really …” I started and before she interrupted me again, I was already remembering all the suggestive little things Kelly had done.

“It’s okay, Mark! She’s an adult! Better you than some guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing and really hurts her!” I stammered for what I thought should be some kind of defense but failed. “It kinda fits in with what I wanted to talk to you about. You know when I said I couldn’t come with Kelly the last time?”

“Yeah, you had a problem at work you had to deal with.”

“I … made up that excuse for not coming,” she said with an embarrassed look. “Truth is I couldn’t watch you do it again.”

“Sara!! If you didn’t want me to do it or wanted me to stop because … I don’t know, hurting her was hurting you?” I stammered in my feeble defense.

“No! It wasn’t because you were hurting her!” she cried. My look said, ‘Then what?’ “You weren’t hurting her! I think you were turning her on! And that, I think … was turning me on!”

“I don’t understand,” I said simply.

“Do you remember when you told me about being into spanking? I’d said something that made you decide to confide in me, and you told me all about it being a lifelong interest, turning into a powerful desire in your younger years. I listened while you told me the long story about Rosa.”

“It was a long story, wasn’t it? I’m sorry if I bored you with it,” I admitted.

“It didn’t bore me! Far from it! What I didn’t tell you was that it was extremely interesting, arousing if I’m honest. At the time I wondered whether I’d like it, but quickly decided it wasn’t for me. ‘Probably too painful’ I told myself.”

“That’s not unusual. Lots of people go many years denying it only to have something suddenly spark their interest in it.”

“Exactly!” she cried, “Seeing you spank Kelly was that ‘spark’ for me! Having her across your knee and spanking that cute, little butt of hers. It must have been hard for you! Bet you really wanted to pull her little panties down, didn’t you!?”

“It was very nice, actually,” I admitted.

“Wait … what?” Uh-oh, I thought. Sounds like she doesn’t know Kelly got her last spanking on her bare bottom.

“Um … you know the really hard ones I finish off with?” Sara nodded. “I made it thirty this time. Kelly said that you wanted me to pull her panties down for them,” I finished nervously.

“See!! I told you! I never told her that. She made that up. She likes it!” I was not sure what to think now. Kelly wanted the spanking? I sort of wondered about that with the little clues she’d inadvertently dropped. Did I miss an opportunity with this gorgeous girl? No! I wouldn’t have done anything because of what Sara would think, but now she doesn’t seem to care about that. So, what did all this have to do with what Sara was talking about today? So, I asked her.

“I’m sorry. I guess I should get to the point. Seeing you spank Kelly was a major turn-on for me the first time. I had you do it the second time here thinking it might be different, which it was but not how I expected. I left that day with my panties soaked!”

“So, you feel there’s this underlying desire in you for spanking that you’re only now coming to terms with; perhaps wanting to try it?” I suggested tentatively.

“Um, yes. Would you be willing?” she asked hopefully.

“You understand that at times it can be quite painful; while enjoying it at the same time?”

“Yes, I do, and I’m okay with that if you are.”

“I am. Is this something you want to try today? … like right now?”

“Mmm, could we? You wouldn’t believe how wet my panties are from just talking about it!”

“Yes, talking about it can be quite stimulating. I find any use of the word ‘spanking’ almost instantly arousing. Would you like to go to my office?”

“Yes!” she said emphatically and stood up to go. Once in the room, I moved one of the two chairs to have more room and sitting in it, I patted my thigh. Looking at her in her black business suit and stern white blouse, having come here straight from work, I thought she looked more like the one who should be doing the spanking, not getting spanked.

“Um … I think you’ve misunderstood!” she said with a questioning look.

“I’m sorry,” I started cursing myself for misreading a woman’s desire yet again. “I thought you wanted to …”

“I don’t want to get spanked, Mark. I want to spank you!” She laughed at the confusion and then the understanding visible on my face. It was totally unexpected, although very much desired! I got up from the chair, backed away and offered her the chair. She quickly took the chair and patted her thigh. “Come here, you naughty boy!” she said, getting into the spirit of it. “I’m gonna pull your pants down, put you over my knee and give you a good, hard spanking!” she finished clearly enjoying her role.

“Yes, Ma’am!” I said, coming to stand in front of her. I wasn’t even standing still yet when she reached for the button on my jeans to pull them down. When they were around my ankles, she had me step out of them.

“Come on! Over my knee! Any more delays and it’ll be harder on you!” she warned as I lay over her black stockings, the suspenders of which only now partially in view as she pulled her skirt up a few inches. “I trust you to punish my daughter with a good spanking and what’s the result? She’s so horny she can’t wait to get spanked again!” Unfortunately, she would tell me later, she’d made that up. “Well, you’re the one who’s getting spanked now, not her, and it’s going to be very hard and very long! Also, I’ve got this to be sure it’s also very painful!” she added pulling a hairbrush out of her purse.

Her only lessons in how to give a spanking came from watching me spank her daughter, so I got very much like what Kelly got. Steady pace with increasing intensity going from cheek to cheek alternately. It had been quite a while since my last spanking, so I was very much enjoying this, though I made a mental note to give her a lesson or two. I offered modest complaint and protest at first, but as she seemed to like it, I stepped it up a bit.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am! I didn’t know what it was doing to her! Please don’t spank me so hard!?” I plead. This led to a lot of back-and-forth banter, threats and decidedly harder spanks for emphasis where needed. She was a bit tentative at first as every first-time spanker is; or should be as limits and desires are tested. After more than five minutes, she’d pretty much gotten the hang of it and she was spanking me like a pro, especially when she finally pulled my underpants down. We were about fifteen minutes into it when she stopped. I was surprised she’d managed to go that long, even though she’d used both hands to give her right a rest from time to time.

“Okay! Now the hard ones! Fifty!” she cried as though it would scare me and then added, “With this!” picking up the hairbrush. Again, copying my pattern from Kelly’s second spanking, the first ten were back and forth on both cheeks, while the second and third rounds were five at a time on one side. She’d built up quite a bit of steam by now and these spanks were truly painful, and she made it more so by giving the last two series of ten with ten per side at a time, and very hard.

I had been groaning and moaning while she was spanking me with her hand, but the hairbrush got a loud ‘ow!’ from me on almost every swat, which seemed to inspire her to spank harder and harder! Finally, she was done and rubbed my sore bottom in a soothing, but not arousing sort of way.

“Wow, Sara! That was …” I started, getting an appreciative smile. “I mean, thank you for spanking me, Ma’am!” I said copying what Kelly had done after her spankings.

“Mmm, it was truly my pleasure, Mark! That was so much better than I was expecting!” she said exuberantly. We talked for a bit about her experience, but I didn’t offer any criticism partly because it wasn’t the time, but also because I had gotten a really good spanking! When I got up, I was standing in front of her, still facing left and as I bent to pull my underwear back up, she started spanking again saying, “I just love spanking your ass!”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it!” I said now kneeling in front of her and looking suggestively up her skirt. “You know, when I’ve gotten a really good spanking like you just gave me, I like to thank my spanker in a very special way,” I said putting my hands on her knees hoping she’d spread them and allow me to give her a good licking as a proper ‘thank you’.

“I don’t know, Mark. We’re such good friends and now … this! Maybe we should wait on going any further? … maybe next time?” she asked with a friendly smile.

“Will there be a next time?” I asked hopefully, making it clear I wanted it.

“Oh yes! There will definitely be a next time! ... and it may come sooner than you think! Hopefully your naughty, little bottom will be ready for another good spanking!” she said and stood up.

Waiting for me to get my jeans back on we then made our way outside to her car. Turning and leaning against the door, she reached back to seductively rub my still sore bottom, gave me a tender kiss, and then got in her car and left.

‘Well, that was an interesting turn of events,’ I thought to myself. Now I’ve got myself a new spanker who’s a good friend as well. I knew her last statement about the next spanking coming sooner than I thought was partially true. Being her first time, she’d want to do it again very soon so that was true, but it wouldn’t be sooner than I thought as I was expecting it. What I wasn’t expecting was for her to say she thinks her daughter liked her spankings, but I would never get a chance to find out as she’d already gotten her last spanking from me.

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Imagine my surprise when just two days later in the evening, Kelly turned up at my door again dressed in a very provocative, almost slutty way. A short skirt that ended several inches above her black thigh-highs exposing only a little of her firm thighs. Her crop-top shirt was very tight and tied in a knot just below her small to medium sized tits, which being bra-less revealed her hard nipples poking the thin fabric. Her ‘fuck me’ heels completed the slutty look.

“Hi, Mr. Mark,” she said demurely. “Mom sent me for another … spanking,” she said with a poor attempt at looking frustrated. “It’s because of the way I’m dressed,” she replied when I asked her what she had done to earn it.

“Yes, I can understand how she feels! Okay, will you wait for me in the kitchen while I finish a business call I’m on?”

“Yes, sir,” she said trying to sound disinterested. I went to my office and called Sara, telling her what had happened so far.

“I didn’t send her. I told you she likes it!”

“What should I do? You don’t want me to sp …”

“Spank her! She’s an adult. She can make her own decisions. She certainly didn’t wait to ask me when she lost her virginity!”

“So, you think I should go ahead and spank her?!” I asked somewhat incredulously.

“Yes! Give it to her good! … and this time I AM telling you to take her panties down … for at least half of it! She’ll probably cum, the little minx!”

We hung up, leaving me both confused at her nonchalance as well as very aroused; quite hard at the prospect of giving Kelly a proper spanking. I went to the kitchen, surprising Kelly who was bending over the kitchen table with her skirt pulled up in a spanking position … AND she had no panties on!

“Kelly!” I said loudly, startling her. “What are you doing? Why aren’t you wearing panties!?”

“Oh, um,” she said as she stood up trying to recover, “Mom didn’t like that either and told me not to put any on for my spanking. She said it would ‘serve me right’ getting the whole spanking on my bare bottom!”

“Well, she was right! Bend back over the table!”

“What!?” she said clearly surprised as she probably thought I'd tell her to put some panties on like the last time.

“Bend … back … over … the … table!!!” I said sternly. She put herself back in position lying flat on the table with her arms under her head. I lifted her skirt up again and started spanking. I was at first admittedly a bit distracted by the sight of the slit between her puffy pussy lips so enticingly on display. Getting back in a proper mind, I spanked her similar to before, building up the intensity a little faster this time. “Who are you trying to impress dressed like that?” I challenged with a couple of hard spanks.

“Ow! Oww! The boys like it!” she cried defensively.

“The only boys who would like you dressed like this have only one thing on their mind! … and that’s getting their hard cocks in your tight, little pussy!” I scolded. She turned to look at me at first, very shocked at my statement, but then mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ with a devilish smile before putting her head back down on her arms. I gave her another fifteen or so smacks on each cheek in turn before I stopped.

“Get up,” I ordered and taking her by the arm, “Come with me!” Taking her by the wrist, we went into the den, I sat in the chair and stood her in front of me. “You’re a very pretty girl, Kelly, and you don’t have to dress like this to attract boys!” She smiled a little at the compliment. “Now take off those ridiculous shoes!” She bent towards me to open each strap in turn and kicked the shoes off to the side. “Now the skirt!” This surprised her a little, but again she had a small smile when she stood up wearing only the thigh-highs from the waist down.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Mark! Are you really gonna spank me like this?” she asked, faking her embarrassment at near-nudity.

“Okay, let’s stop this charade right now. I called your mother, Kelly. She didn’t send you here today. So why did you come?” Again, this surprised her, and she stammered for an answer.

“Um, I know she didn’t, but I know she wanted to, so I …”

“You’re lying to me again, Kelly!”

“No! I’m … oh! I just wanted to … “She stopped suddenly and looked at me with embarrassment.

“You just wanted to … what, Kelly?” She didn’t move, made no sound, and just looked down at her feet. “Okay, I’ll tell you,” I started. “You just wanted to get spanked again, didn’t you?” Her eyes widened, but her gaze was still at her feet. “It’s okay to admit. Lots of people like getting spanked!” She looked up briefly but then down again. Holding her chin, I lifted her face to look at me. “Do you know why your mother asked me to spank you?” She shook her head slightly and tried to continue looking me in the eye. “Because I’ve done a lot of spanking of different women and they all wanted to be spanked even if sometimes they pretended not to.

“So, tell me. Do you want me to give you a good spanking?” I said with emphasis on ‘good’. She could look at me more steadily now. “Sometimes with a girl who just wants a spanking, I’d give her a different kind of ‘good’ spanking. Do you know what I mean?” I asked as I pointedly looked first at her tits, then her pussy. She shook her head ‘no’ again.

“This kind does involve quite a bit of spanking,” I started and saw a small smile starting to get bigger as I continued, “but there is as much or more pleasuring? Both during and after the spanking!” She sucked her lips in to avoid smiling even more. “In addition to having a sore, red bottom you’ll also have a very wet, and hopefully satisfied pussy! Tits too!” I added as an afterthought thinking this is the only part of her body I hadn’t seen yet. “So, tell me … are you here because you want to get spanked? Do you want me to give you a spanking?”

“Yes, sir!” she said with a broad smile, “Please spank me! Give me a really good spanking!?” With that, she untied the knot in her shirt, opened the buttons and took her shirt off showing me her beautiful, little tits. Moving to my side, she asked, “Can I go over your knee now?” Essentially naked, I couldn’t resist touching her. I placed my hands on her breasts as she pushed them into my hands, and moving down her tummy, I slid my middle finger right into her very wet slit and through her legs, cupping her pussy as I pulled my hand back out, her body tensing at the intrusion the whole time.

“Yes, Kelly. Over my knee. You’re gonna get spanked!” Lowering her knockout naked body across my lap, she then looked back at me mouthing a quiet ‘spank me’. This time I spanked her like a lover. Plenty hard and fast when she wanted it, but interspersed with her tits being caressed, squeezed, and pinched, her bottom being lovingly caressed or squeezed hard when she wanted the pain and fingers both on and in her pussy, all while still across my knee getting the best spanking she’d had yet.

One time when I stopped with one hand on her tits and the other tracing a line up and down her crack, I told her to stand up. Looking at me a little disappointed, she gradually got up and stood facing me. Standing myself, I lifted her by the waist and sat her down on the desk behind her. She smiled as she laid back on the desk and spread her legs wide.

‘There isn’t a prettier pussy on this earth’ I thought to myself just before diving in, tongue first into her needy cunt, smearing her juice all over my face in the process. Her body shuddered as my tongue landed in her slit, licking and sucking voraciously! As my fingers and tongue touched, licked, and probed every bit of slippery, wet flesh between her legs, she was moaning, squirming, and gasping at the multitude of sensations I was creating. When she lifted her bottom off the desk, I grabbed her sore cheeks and gently squeezed them providing the added stimulation needed to get her body shaking and her legs twitching in a quivering orgasm.

“That was fucking amazing!” she said between labored breaths. Sitting up she said, “Yeah, I said ‘fucking’ so spank me again! Please?” Turning her over so she was bent over the desk I began spanking again, though still with fingers exploring everywhere. Kneeling at one point, I stuffed my face into her pussy again, while I continued spanking, slowly though very hard. “Oh my god!!” she cried fast approaching another climax and this time the tip of my finger pressed into her bottom was the spark that ignited her again.

Calming down, she looked back at me, spread her legs wider and asked, “Fuck me? Please? Fuck me hard! … and spank me even harder!” Dropping my pants quickly, my cock sprung free to the delighted eyes of Kelly. “Fuck my tight, little pussy, Mark!” Sliding my shaft through her flooded slit for lubrication, she pushed back hard increasing the pressure between her tender labia, then with one smooth motion I slid into her cunt to her gasping cries of ‘Oh-oh-oh-ohhh!’

Leaving my hard shaft deep in her pussy, I began spanking her again to cries of ‘Oh!’ and “Ow!’ and pushing me back for room, she slid back and forth on my dick, fucking me while I still spanked her. It wasn’t long before we were both heading towards that ecstatic edge with me pulling out at the last moment to cum all over her back at almost the same time she came with another quivering, spasmodic orgasm.

She remained laid across the desktop for several minutes, enjoying my gentle fingers soothing her body everywhere, shuddering again anytime I touched her tender pussy. Standing up, she turned and practically knocked me over jumping into my arms for a bearhug.

“I think I’ve had enough now,” she said when she pulled away, rubbing her bright red butt in a most tantalizing way.

“Are you gonna be a good girl now?” I chided with a big smile.

“Will I get another really good spanking if I am?” she asked with downcast eyes and a cute, little voice.

“Definitely! I guess you like the good-girl spanking better than the bad-girl version?”

“Fuck yeah!” she said, “When can we do it again?” she asked as she started dressing again.

“Anytime, Kelly. Just text me first to see if it’s okay, alright?” I said as we walked to the door.

“Thank you, Mr. Mark! I’ll see you very soon again. I hope!” she said just before giving me a sweet little kiss on the lips and walking out the door.

‘What an interesting turn of events’ I thought to myself. In the span of two days, I now had a pretty, young girl to spank and an attractive woman my age to spank me! Both of which received all the side benefits of ‘really good spankings!’ which happened two or three times a week for at least the next month but continued sporadically after that. I considered myself an incredibly lucky man at the moment!

Written by 2bespanked
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