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Living with three other people in a four-way marriage, their smallish, two-bedroom apartment seldom gives them much time or space to be alone for very long. With the girls at work and Allie and Dani getting banged at the Club, Jill savors the few hours she has to spend by herself.

Sitting naked on the living room floor in a deep meditation, she's able to verbalize the mantra she can only think about when someone is home. 'Accept the estrogen. Grow my tits' has been her mantra since starting her estrogen treatments almost a month ago. Saying it out loud sends vibrations throughout her body that make her nipples tingle with pleasure.

She has the best time envisioning a perfect body featuring full, B-cup breasts capped with luscious, succulent nipples prominently protruding from her areolas. Her imaginary hourglass figure perfectly compliments her sexy-cute face and long, raven-black hair.

She's surprised when she opens her eyes and looks at the clock. She's been meditating over two hours, yet it only seemed like a few minutes. Spending the next hour with her diary, she writes down all the wonderful twists and turns she's been experiencing lately. Writing in her diary always makes her happy after she records where she's been and gets focused on where she's going.

It's almost nine o'clock, and her thoughts turn to Dani, wondering how she's handling being gang banged the first time. Dani's promiscuous personality is perfect for this kind of work, so she's pretty sure she's doing just fine.

The girls have been wanting to spend a night by themselves, so she'll be going up to the hotel later to spend the night with Allie and Dani. The girls will have the apartment to themselves for some intimate girl time, and she and Allie will be able to talk with Dani about her new lifestyle, which she's probably hopelessly addicted to by now.


She feels somewhat jealous of Allie and Dani on the way to the hotel. They've spent the night getting screwed dozens of times by who knows how many men, while she sat at home alone. Not that she didn't enjoy her time alone, but she's gotten used to being screwed two or three times a week and she realizes how horny she is after a month away from her men.

Wearing a conservative, long-sleeved dress so no one will be able to see her unfinished tattoo, she walks into the hotel lobby just as everyone's starting to leave. She's flattered when she runs into a few of her boyfriends and they all ask her for a date, but unfortunately she has to turn them all down. Although she's not nearly as sick as she was, she's still not feeling well enough to start dating again.

A pair of arms grab her from behind and she hears that familiar voice, "Hey, baby doll, I've missed you."

"Norm...!" she turns around to give him a kiss. "Good to see you!"

"Good to see my beautiful girlfriend again. Are you starting to feel better?"

"Much better than before, but dammit,  I'm still not well enough to accept dates. I'm getting so fuckin' horny for a man's dick."

"Well, I'm pretty sure your stable of studs is getting just as horny for you, too. If I can't ask you for a date, can I buy you a drink in the bar?"

"I'd love to have a drink with you," Jill accepts.

They find a secluded table and the first thing Jill asks about is how Dani did with her first gang bang.

"Holy shit!" Norm says, "You should have seen her go. She's a natural for this way of life."

"Yeah, that's what me and Allie have been telling her. We had to let her make up her own mind, because it's a big step for a girl to take. But yeah, the first time we got her in bed, we knew what she was."

"So many girls think it's a dirty way of life," Norm says, "and of course, it is for a common street whore. But for the right kind of girl, it's a skilled profession. The way you and Allie do it, there's nothing dirty about you at all. I think Dani's really got what it takes if you can show her the professional way to do it."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she's addicted to it by now, so she'll be spending a lot of time with us."

"Do you think she's ready to start dating?"

"Um... No, I don't think she's ready for that just yet. She'll need to be trained before she'll be able to keep enough guys around her to support herself.

"She's developing a nice girl's body, but she doesn't know much at all about acting like a lady. You see, she lived with an older gay man for a year, so she's been trained to be a gay man's femme. Sometimes she acts more like a gayboy than a classy lady.

"I'm afraid her manners would turn most guys off and they won't call her for that second date. The most important thing for an escort is getting enough regular guys calling so she won't have to look for her dates."

"I thought she was gorgeous tonight, but yeah, now that you mention it, there were times where she was acting more like a twink than a girl. As far as dating goes, I was thinking about laying over in Chicago once in a while and dating her over there.

"If I get her alone in a hotel room, I can probably train the gayness out of her. It'll take a couple dates to get it all rinsed of her head but after that, it shouldn't take much to turn her into a fine escort. I'll introduce her to a couple high-end friends of mine in Chicago to get her started."

"I think that's what she needs. If you can train her the way you trained me, we'll teach her to be a sophisticated, high-class lady in public.  I'll ask her if it's okay to give you her number."

"I loved training you, darling, but most of what you've learned you already knew. You're such a fast learner, all I had to do was give you little nudges to steer you in the right direction.

"I'm seeing the same things in Dani that I saw in you. She's a diamond in the rough right now, but we can turn her into a rare jewel. I'd love to help develop her into a world-class whore. You know that's what I'm planning for you and Allie, don't you?"

"I've never thought of it like that, but you know I'll always do whatever you want me to do. I've never gone wrong following your advise."

"All I want you to do right now, sweetheart, is just keep taking those hormone pills and preening that sexy little body of yours. I wanna see you and Allie with hot little slut bodies, cuz I've got big plans for you two girls... three girls now. But anyways, that's all down the road. I've gotta get home and give the wife some attention. Thanks for this time, sweetheart. Give me Dani's number when she says it's okay."

"God, I love you, Norm."

"I love you, too, classy girl."

They kiss good bye.


Allie and Dani, their battered butt holes still throbbing from the pounding they've just endured, are just getting out of the shower when Jill knocks on the door. "Hey, babe!" Allie lets her in.

"Hi, Dani, tell me true now..." Jill giggles as she hugs her, "did they turn you into a gang bang whore?"

"Dang... that was the most fun I've ever had. You bet they turned me into a whore."

"I knew you'd love it. The first time we had you in bed," Jill chuckles, "we knew what kind of girl you are."

"Yup, I can't hide it now. I'm a slut, and proud of it."

"You can make a lot of money being a slut. You made $3000 tonight, and that's just the start."

"She made a lot more than that," Allie says.

" got tips, too?"

"She got donations."


"Yeah," Dani gleefully says, "after they were done fucking us, Allie told them I wanted to get my breast implants. I was already planning to use my $3000 to have it done. But then, Allie asked them to make a donation towards my surgery, and I got an extra $2200!. I couldn't believe it!"

"We told you they're generous tippers. They must have really liked you."

"You shoulda seen this little whore in action, Jill. It was like she's been doing it for years."

"I've been thinking about it for years," Dani giggles. "Does that count?"

"It all counts," Jill says, "where your head is at is what counts the most in this business. Is your head ready to think about doing this kind of work all the time?"

"You mean like a full-time whore?"

"Yeah, doing it for a living, like me and Allie do it."

"If all I gotta do is fuck guys, it sounds pretty good right now."

"There's a lot more to it than just fucking guys," Jill informs her. "If you're interested in doing it, we can teach you."

"Of course I'm interested. Fucking is my favorite thing to do."

"That's why we love it," Allie says, "making big money and having fun. It's a beautiful life if you do it right."

"I think we should talk about it," Jill says. "You two are probably burned-out from getting fucked all night. I bet you're ready for the Jacuzzi."

"No shit," Allie agrees, "I'm fuckin' worn-out. But this little whore right here is probably still horny."

"Are you still horny, Dani?" Jill chuckles.

"I'm pretty satisfied, actually."

"You should be, sweetheart," Jill kisses her, "I'm so glad we're going to be seeing a lot of you from now on."

When she kisses again, Dani parts her lips to invite Jill's tongue inside. "Mmmm, baby, your mouth still tastes like cum."

"I love the taste of cum," Dani giggles, "I must have drank a gallon of it."

"Feels great, doesn't it?" Jill says as she takes off her clothes. "Let's get in the Jacuzzi before the water gets cold."

She puts her arm around Dani as they stroll over to the Jacuzzi where Allie's waiting for them.  Jill's getting horny and kisses her a few more times before they step into the Jacuzzi.

"Aaaahh... the water feels so good," Dani stretches out and floats in the bubbly currents.

"Relax, little whore," Allie says, "you earned it."

"Isn't she a sweetheart?" Jill whispers to Allie soft enough Dani can't hear over the noise coming from the Jacuzzi jets.

"You should have seen her, Jill. I was getting tired and she was still fucking all comers."

"That's what I heard. We have to remember, she's just a baby whore right now. We'll have to train her so she'll be able to go on dates and get some steady money coming in."

"That's for sure. She's a good fuck whore for the Club, but dating is a different game."

"What are you two talking about?" Dani hears them.

"We're talking about you, baby doll," says Jill.

"What are you saying about me?"

Allie turns off the jets as Jill floats to the middle of the Jacuzzi to where Dani is. With a loving embrace as they kneel in the warm, shoulder-deep water, she gets Dani in a receptive frame of mind with little erotic kisses.

"We were talking about how damn sexy you are, Dani. And how you're just now realizing how hot you can really be."

Allie joins them in a three-way embrace and gives Dani erotic kisses of her own. "What Jill's saying," she softly says, "is that you've just had your brains fucked loose. You're high as a kite on sex right now, and we know how you feel. But there's a lot more to this way of life than just showing up to get fucked."

"After me and Allie do a gang bang like this," Jill says, "we always like to talk about it afterwards."

Taking Dani's hand under the water, she presses it against it her cock, "What did you think about all that cock you got tonight...? It really turned you on, didn't it?"

"Oh God, Jill. I've never imagined getting so much cock like that."

"What did you like most about it?"

"I loved everything about it, actually. I liked how each one was different. It didn't matter that I was sucking off a bunch of old men, all I could think about was getting more cock."

"That's all you were supposed to think about, satisfying their cocks. They come here to get what their wives won't give them at home. That's the only reason we're here."

"I came to have a good time, too. Why do it if we can't have just as much fun as they do?"

"Little whore," Allie sweetly kisses her, "you've only had a tiny glimpse into our world so far. We don't come here to satisfy ourselves. We come here to satisfy our men. Our men give us the money we need to live the kind of life we want. It's expensive being a whore, so we need our men to cover our expenses for us."

"If we do this every month, what else do we need?"

"You need to establish your own stable of guys, Dani," Jill tells her. "You'll need to learn how to get rich men to call you up for dates, regular-like. If you want to be around rich men, you're going to have to start looking and acting like a sophisticated rich bitch."

"Do you and Allie have your own stable of guys?"

Dani likes playing with Jill's cock as they're talking, and with Allie behind her fondling her tits, it's easy for her to accept what her big sisters are telling her.

"Yes," Jill says, "me and Allie each have our own collection guys who date us all the time, over and over again. It's steady money. That's what a working girl needs, steady money."

"But I just made over five thousand dollars tonight."

"You made good money tonight, and you earned it. But we can only make money like this while we're still young. Most whores have short careers, so we have to make as much as we can while we can. What if we get burned out in a couple years? What then?"

"Burned out on sex? I don't think so."

"As much as we love sex," Allie says, "some nights we really don't want it. But we have to, because we're professional whores. We call it going on dates, but after you've done it as long as we have, it's more like going to work. We don't even get to cum on most of our dates."

"We have to fuck even when we don't feel like fucking," Jill adds, "I know it's hard for you to understand right now, but after you've been fucked hundreds of times like we have, it's just not as thrilling as it was at first. Sometimes you'll have to get yourself all psyched-up just to do it. Am I making any sense?"

"I don't understand everything you're saying, but I know you're telling me stuff I need to know. I know I'm getting turned on again playing with your cock."

"I want you to play with my cock... that's why I put your hand around it before we started this conversation. We're going to have a little fun pretty soon, but first let's talk about where you want to go from here. Have you thought about where you want to be a few years from now?"

"I've always thought I wanted to be a man's wife. Some of the girls in the program have a man to take care of them. They can't ever get married, of course, so they call them daddies and let them make all their decisions on their behalf. All they have to do is let daddy fuck them any time he wants."

"What happens if daddy gets tired of them? That gay man you lived with, he was your daddy. What happened when he got tired of you?"

"He kicked me out. Then I got really fuckin' depressed and had to start my life all over."

"Is that what you really want? Always having to worry about upsetting daddy and getting your ass kicked out? Do you really want to be a sex-slave to some fuckin' daddy?"

"No, I guess I don't want to go back to a life like that."

"That's why we're telling you these things, so you can learn to think for yourself and get yourself set up. That's why you need to get a stable of rich guys falling in love with you and supporting you. That way, if one guy gets tired of you, you'll still have plenty of other guys giving you money."

"How do I do that?"

"By learning how to take care of a man when you have him alone and getting him addicted to your ass. I had a drink with one of the guys I date before I came up here," Jill tells her, "and he wanted to know if you're available for dating. Are you interested in dating?"

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"I'd love to go on dates."

"I thought you would. He wants your phone number, but I wouldn't give it to him until I asked you first. He wants to date you in Chicago, and you'd meet him at a hotel near O'Hare airport.

"He's my favourite date, Dani, and he can teach you a lot. If I let you borrow him, you'll have to do everything he tells you and learn as much as you can, cuz you can't have him forever. I'm gonna want him back.  Can I give him your number?"

"Yes, of course. I just have to fuck him?"

"You'll fuck him, sure, but at first your dates with him will be about learning this profession, because it really is a profession if you want to earn the big dollars. He can set you up with some dates in Chicago to get you started, but you've got a lot to learn before you get those kind of dates. You'll have to learn how to be an escort, instead of a whore."

"How do I learn?"

Jill stands up and puts her half-hard cock in Dani's face. "You can start by learning how to suck a rich man's cock. You already know how to suck like a whore, but an escort sucks twice as good as any common whore. That's why they make the big money. Go ahead and suck my cock, Dani. Pretend I'm a rich guy. Suck it nice and slow."

Dani's gotten really horny as they've talked and fondled each other, so she's more than eager to give Jill a blow job. Putting her lips around her half-hard cock, she's going down on her shaft when Jill grabs her by her hair and pulls her head back.

"Not like that, Dani. I don't want a whore. I want an escort, a professional call girl to make love to my cock. I can get a cheap whore anywhere to do what you're doing. When you're with a rich man, you have to give him something he can't get anywhere else. Rich men expect to get the best of everything.

"Now, start over and use only your tongue. No hands, no lips, only your tongue. The tip of your tongue can be the most intimate and erotic part of your body when you learn how to use it right. Get me hard using only your tongue."

Not sure what to do, Dani licks the tip of Jill, rolling her tongue around her head and exploring her little slit.

"That's it, Dani. Men like a tongue in their slit. If you get a little taste of pee, let it turn you on. You lick him like this because you want to get his pre-cum going. Take your time, baby."

Dani discovers creative ways to use her tongue as Jill coaches her along. She never realized how interesting a cock head could be until Jill said she couldn't use her lips or hands. She wants to take it into her mouth, but every time she tries, Jill stops her.

"Not yet, honey," she says, "make me want to beg for it. Play hard-to-get at the same time you're giving him intense pleasure. This is how you get a man to fall in love with you. It'll take a couple dates, but you'll be able to control him when you learn his pleasure points. Make him wait for what he already knows he's going to get."

"She's giving you a nice hard-on," Allie compliments as she watches from the side.

"Yeah, she's such a good little whore," Jill agrees. "We're gonna turn her into a little man-killer."

"Is that what you want, Dani?" Allie says, "To be a man-killer?"

"Uh...huh," Dani mutters as she licks Jill's hardening meat.

"Good job using your tongue, Dani-girl," Jill praises. "Now start licking my shaft. Still no lips, just your tongue. When you start working on my balls, you can use your lips."

"Can I do your balls now?"

"Any time you want, sister. Make sure you go slow and kiss them a lot. Men love having their balls kissed. Keep making him wanting more. Your main purpose isn't getting him off fast. Your main purpose is to tantalize him. Make him fall in love with your unique skills so he'll call you up for more dates."

"God, I want to swallow your cock. I'm having a hard time resisting."

"Self-control, baby, self-control. Any whore can suck him off. Only a skilled girl like you can make a powerful man like him want to beg for it. You're giving him a total experience, that's what separates you from a common street whore. That's why you're worth more money. Make him think that only you can do it for him like this."

"When can I take it in my mouth?"

"Pretty soon, sweetheart. When you do, I want to swallow it down to my balls."

"I can't do that," Dani says, "I'll choke."

"We're gonna teach you how to do that. Every good whore needs to know how to deep throat."

"How will you teach me?"

"You'll see," Jill and Allie grin at each other.

Jill coaches Dani another fifteen minutes, giving her plenty of time to learn her new trade. It's getting late and Jill knows they need to get some sleep. She signals for Allie to come join her for Dani's deep throat initiation.

"Are you ready to learn how to deep throat, baby whore?"

"Yeah," Dani's eager to learn. "What do I have to do?"

"Just go down on me. Think about touching your nose on my skin. Relax your throat."

"Relax my throat?"

"Just go down on me. We'll do the rest."

Not sure of what that meant, Dani puts her lips around Jill's hard shaft. "Take a deep breath, Dani," Jill instructs as she takes it in.

She goes down as far as she can, leaving almost three inches of shaft left to swallow. As she struggles to take more in, Allie pushes her head down hard and she immediately starts to choke and pull her head away. Jill and Allie both hold her head down, forcing her to keep Jill's cock lodged in her throat.

"Aaargh... aaaargh..." Dani chokes, struggling to get the intrusion out of her throat.

"Swallow it, bitch!" Allie giggles as she and Jill hold her head down.

"Gawkhgawkhhhhhhhhhh." Dani wants to vomit, "Aaargh..aack." She can't breathe.

"Let her up for air," Jill says.

"Ack...! God-damn you mother fuckers!" Dani yells.

"You wanted to deep throat, didn't you?" Allie giggles.

"Not like that, god-dammit...! You fuckin' tried to kill me."

"No, we weren't gonna kill you," Allie says. "But what would you do all by yourself in a hotel room and your man shoved his cock down your throat like that?"

"And they'll do that, Dani," Jill says. "You have to be ready for it. So it's better if you deep throat him the first time you go down on him, so he'll know he's gonna get it again and won't force it on you. Remember, his wife won't deep throat. That's what he's paying you for, to do what his wife won't do."

"So are you gonna choke my ass again?"

"No, sweetheart. We just wanted you to know how it feels if a guy does it to you. When you're alone with him in a hotel room, you won't be able to defend yourself it he starts getting rough with you. It's better to learn how to give him what he wants right off the bat."

"So how do I learn to deep throat?"

"We'll teach you, darling, but it's getting late. Time for us to get in bed and teach you how to ride a rich man's cock."

"We love you, Dani," Allie tells her as they dry themselves off. "We're teaching you these things so you can get yourself set up faster than we did."

"Thanks, Allie, I wasn't so sure when you jammed Jill's cock down my throat."

"Everything we're doing is for your own good," Jill says. "Now that you got my cock hard, you want to keep it hard. When we were drying off, you shoulda been giving me little sucks to keep me hard."

"Should I suck you now?"

"If I was a real date you should, but I'm you're girlfriend and sister, I'm just giving you advice. Let's get in bed, sweetheart. I want you to turn me on by using my cock to fuck yourself."

"I can do that, sister Jill. I'd love to be fucked one more time tonight."

"You're not going to be fucked again, Dani. Remember, this is all about him, not you. You're gonna fuck him, he's not going to fuck you, unless he wants to, of course." Jill says as she lies on her back. "Now... we're gonna do it slow again. Use my cock to fuck yourself, and make it a show to entertain your man. You wanna make him fall in love with you. You can do it cuz you're a hot escort, the best fuck he's ever had."

Dani's brain is overloaded after being saturated with sex for over six hours. It's been firmly implanted in her mind that she's now a whore and the part of her that resisted it has been completely wiped from her memory. She's succumbed to the lifestyle, and from now on she'll make her living having sex with men.

With Jill and Allie acting as her mentors, Dani eagerly crawls into bed to give Jill the erotic show she wants. She sucks Jill's cock to get it nice and hard again before she cuddles it with her ass. Placing the head at her entrance, Jill stops her to give another lesson in pleasuring a man's mind.

"Stop, Dani," she says, "not yet. Rub your little cock against mine. All the men you'll be with will have cocks much larger than yours. Put your cock next to his so he can see how tiny you are. Let him feel superiority over you. Let him know your tiny cock can't compare to his, it'll make him feel like he's bigger than he actually is."

"But he'll already know how small I am."

"Yes, but you'll want to remind him how much better he is than you are. That's how you'll fuck with his mind. That's how you'll make him want to call you up for more dates and give you more of his money. He feels better about himself when he's in bed with you."

"So it's all about the money?"

"Yes, darling. You're catching on. That's the only reason you're fucking an old fart like him."

Dani rubs her little cock along Jill's eight inches, realizing what Jill said is true. Her cock is inferior to almost every other man, but she's learning how to use it to her own advantage as a woman. She rubs her cock head in little circles around Jill's superior head, and it's turning her on like never before. What Rosy told her is right. It's not how much you have, it's how you use what you've got.

She feels Jill pulsing as she spits on her shaft and runs her little ball sack along her lower vein. "Oh yeah, little whore," Jill pants, "that's it. That's how to make a man love you. You're little nut sack feels really good rubbing it on my shaft like that. Go ahead and put me in your ass now."

Dani's ass is hungry after an hour of Jill and Allie's coaching her on fellatio. She gives Jill a sexy smile as she rubs her ass crack up and down her cock. As she expected, Jill stops her before she can push her cock into her ass.

"Just put my head inside first, baby, only the cock head. Then squeeze your ass around it. Pucker your little asshole around it, make him squirm with desire."

She never thought about doing that before as she squeezes her little hole and moves her hips around in circles. "Good darling," Jill approves, "now go down another inch and squeeze it again."

"That's it," Jill continues to coach, "go down on me an inch at a time like that until you're sitting with all of me inside you."

"Oh, God," Dani cries as this turns her on more than she ever imagined.

"Yeah, baby," Allie encourages her, "moan for your man. It's just another fuck for you, but make him think his cock is the best you've ever had."

"Oh, damn..." Dani moans, "your big cock is filling me up. I can't stretch any more." she whimpers.

"Good baby," says Jill. "men love it when you talk like that. Now squeeze real tight and go up on him until just his head is still inside. This always drives them crazy."

"Good. Now relax your hole and go down on him again. Remember, squeeze on the way up, relax on the way down. When you feel him pulsing, stop squeezing on the way up."

Dani's little cock is hard as hell as she fucks herself on Jill's cock. She's getting really tired after almost seven hours of non-stop sex, and Jill can see it in her eyes. She's got Dani's brain right where she wants it, ready to receive erotic suggestions, ready to accept instructions.

"You're learning your lessons well, my little whore," Jill praises her. "You've been a good little bitch, and it's time to give you a reward."

She rolls Dani on her back and forces her tongue into her mouth. Without warning, she jams her cock back up Dani's ass, pummeling her with all she's got. Dani writhes and squirms beneath her, clutching her ankles together to lock herself around her Jill... her lover, her mentor, her sister.

"I love you, Jill," she cries.

"You love being a whore more than anything else," Jill plants her seeds. "You love us and we love you, but more then anything else in the whole wide world, we love being whores. Do you love being a whore, Dani?"

"Yes, I'm a whore and I love it."

"What are you, Dani?"

"I'm a whore."

"Say it again. What are you Dani?"

"I'm a whore. I'll always be a whore."

Jill's pounding her ass as she's imprinting these thoughts into Dani's submissive mind. But her body soon reminds her that she's still not over her estrogen sickness. After only a few minutes, her stamina gives out and she starts running out of gas. It's long enough though, Dani's completely trapped into their lifestyle now.

Some would call it brainwashing, but Jill and Allie see it as helping another sister find her way. Dani won't see it as brainwashing either. In time, she'll thank them for helping her get to a place she would have never gone on her own.

An exhausted Jill leaves her cock firmly implanted in Dani's ass as she and Allie cover her face with sweet kisses. "Welcome to your new life," Allie whispers to glassy-eyed Dani.

"I feel like I'll never be the same girl I was three weeks ago," Dani mumbles in her dazed state of mind.

"You can never be the same girl," Allie tells her. "Just like me and Jill, you've crossed the line. We sealed our fates when we walked into that room and became their whores. We can never go back now, and we'd never want to. We love who we are and what we are, and you will too."

"I love what's happened to me, but it's all happened so fast."

"It happened fast for both of us, too," Jill says. "I think it's because the girl we truly are inside has been struggling to come out for so long. When she saw her chance, she took it, and here we are. The person you were a few weeks ago has died."

Jill then starts planting positive thoughts in her mind. "A new Dani was born tonight. Rich men will be falling in love with you. They'll know you as Danielle, the beautiful escort who's always in demand.

"Danielle knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. Danielle is a smart girl who thinks for herself. Danielle doesn't need some fucking daddy to steal her soul and rob her of her self-worth. Danielle is a beautiful girl who supports herself."

"I'd like men to call me Danielle. But I like Dani, too."

"You'll be Dani when you're not working, and you'll be Dani here at the Club, but Danielle will be your professional name. It'll be part of your sophisticated rich-girl image. The girls will teach you how to be a lady, and with Norm's help, we'll teach you how to be an escort."

"Fuuuuck... now that I've worked two nights as a whore, with all the money I've made and all the fun I've had, I don't ever want to go back to the way I was before. I'm here now and there's no way back for me."

"That's right, my dear sister. There's no back for us."

Written by Jilluvscox
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