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Feeling calm and relaxed, Rosy smiles as she lies alone in bed, fingering herself to the thought of Jill's gentle touches. She barely remembers her coming back to bed last night, but the way Jill caressed her back to sleep is still fresh in her mind. She wasn't worried when she woke up just now and Jill wasn't in bed. They're married now, and Jill will never be far away.

They had a glorious time in Tahoe last week, but didn't sleep much as they gambled, got married, and had intense, newly-wed sex every night. By the time they got home from the airport at three a.m. the night before, their bodies were a burnt-out mess. Happy just to be back home, they all jumped in the same bed and slept till noon.

They never really woke up yesterday as they tried to recover from jet lag and the realization of being back in boring Iowa. They didn't have enough energy to do much of anything, but as the reality of what they had done began to set in, they did manage to talk a little about their future.

They made some basic decisions about such things like having children. Carla's never wanted kids, and Rosy was neutral about it. She'd be happy raising a child if Jill got her pregnant, but there's no burning desire to have a baby. They all agreed the polygamous, bisexual nature of their unique marriage would put unfair social pressures on any offspring they might have.

The girls definitely want to keep working. Despite the low pay, they love their jobs at the diner. Carla loves to cook, and Rosy likes interacting with the customers she waits on. Half the girls working there are lesbians, and although they've never been in bed with any of them, they like being around other lesbians who think like they do.

Rosy feels so refreshed after finally getting a good night's sleep. She's never been into masturbation all that much, but she's enjoying it right now with two fingers in her puss and thumb stroking her swollen clit. After a nice morning orgasm, she's exhilarated and wide awake.

She gets up to use the bathroom and sees Jill, sitting alone at the kitchen table in her nightgown, quietly writing in her diary. Totally immersed in her writing, Jill doesn't notice Rosy sneaking up from behind until she feels her loving arms around her neck.

"Good morning, my husband, I missed you when I woke up," Rosy gives her a kiss.

"Mmmm... morning, my sweet Rosy," Jill returns her kiss. "I had to pee in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep."

"I know, it felt soooooo good when you came back to bed and held me."

"You were awake?"

"Just barely. It didn't take you long to caress me back to sleep.

"So whatcha doing...? Writing in your diary?"

"Yeah, so much has happened since Christmas, I wanted to write it all down while it's still fresh in my mind."

"Oh boy, we really changed our lives, didn't we? Coming back on the plane, I was thinking about what's next. What comes after marriage?"

"The rest of our lives is what comes next. Our single lives are over, and our married life has just begun. We can literally do anything we want."

Just then, Carla and Allie come stumbling into the living room. "Good morning, my other two lovers," Rosy greets them.

"Oooo... Good morning my sweet little Rose," Carla kisses her.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Rosy asks.

"Oh my God, yes!" says Carla. "Ya know...? I love it when we all sleep in the same bed. But all cramped up like that, I really don't get a good night's rest."

"I know, it was so relaxing snuggled up with my Jill last night. Maybe if we only slept together like that once in a while, it would be more special when we do it. On other nights, we could take turns sleeping with each other."

"Mmmm... yeah, I love that idea," Allie approves. "Sleeping with a different lover every night?"

"Sounds like we just made a decision," Jill says, "one of many we still have to make, like changing our names."

"Yeah," Rosy breaks in, "like me and Carla changing our last names to yours? Should I stay Rosy Chapman...? or change to Rosy Jansen? What do you think, Carla?"

"I think I'd like to stay Carla Robertson. Do you mind Allie, if I don't take your last name?"

"I don't mind a bit," Allie says, "I'm not even sure I want to keep my last name."

"I think I'm gonna change my last name," says Jill.

"What to?" Allie wonders.

"This might sound funny, but I'm thinking about Cox... Jillian Marie Cox."

"Why Cox?" Allie asks.

"Cuz... it rhymes with cocks," she giggles a little bit. "We make our living servicing cocks. Without rich men's cocks, where would we be? It's how we make our money. From selling our sex lube to selling our bodies, it all revolves around cocks.

"Since we're changing our whole identity anyways, I think a new last name is in order. If we have the same last name, Allie, we can tell everyone we're sisters."

"Hmmm... Allie Cox."

"No, Allie," Carla interrupts, "Allison Cox... Allie is your nickname. Your full name is Allison... Jillian and Allison Cox... The Cox Sisters. I like it. You two do kinda look like sisters, you know?"

"I like it too," says Rosy, "and now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'd like to keep my last name like Carla, if that's alright with you, Jill."

"It's fine with me. It'll be easier for you if you don't have to change your names on things like driver's licenses and bank accounts."

"That's what I was thinking," Carla says. "So... Allie-love, are you gonna change your last name?"

"I like the idea of me and Jill having the same last name. I want my middle name to be Leslie, after my grandma... How does Allison Leslie Cox sound?"

"That's a pretty name, Allie," Carla approves.

"I like it too. Me and Jill will be the Cox Sisters... yeah... I like it."

"Once everyone gets used to calling us the Cox Sisters," Jill says, "it'll be like our trademark when we entertain guys. Can you call Steve today and get it going?"

"Sure, I bet he's probably starting to get horny for me again," she chuckles.

"Oh...?" Carla's quick to pick up on what Allie just said, "Steve's one of your, um... 'customers'?"

"He dates me, if that's what you mean."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. I was just wondering, that's all. I'm going to have to get used to all the names."

"Well," Jill says, "most of the guys who call us are guys we date. We don't know any other guys besides the ones we date. And in case you're wondering, Steve's fucked both of us, but he only dates Allie. We each have our regular guys who ask us out all the time. Except for Steve, all the guys we date are married."

"How much do they pay you for a 'date'?" Rosy asks.

"$200 for a date, and most of the time they give us another $100 for a tip."

"Shit..." Carla's surprised, "that's more than two of my paychecks."

"We like the guys we date," Allie says, "but we don't love them or anything like that. They love our bodies, not us."

"What do you think, Rosy?" Jill asks. "Are you still OK with it?"

"I'm OK with it, I think. I will say, though... it feels different to me now that I'm your wife, but I'll just have to get used to it.

"Let me ask you this...? Now that we're on the subject. What if me and Carla wanted to have sex with another girl? Would you be OK with it?"

"I'd be OK with it, as long as it's with a girl and it's just sex."

"OK, baby... I was just wondering. We're not looking for another girl to have sex with, I was just wondering how you'd feel if we did."

"When we're on a date," Allie says, "we're fucking for money. It's a job, and it's not like making love at all. They love putting their cocks in our asses. We love putting their money in our purses."

"They're all family guys, too," Jill adds, "so we're not going to catch any diseases like if we were fucking guys at The Mixx. Anytime you have any questions or concerns about it, just ask us. We'll be honest with you."

Carla puts her arms around her husband, "Thanks for being honest with us, Allie-love. You can share your bodies, but you can't share your love."

Rosy gives Jill a hug, "What Carla just said is the way I feel too. As long as you just share your body and not your love, I'll be just fine."

"Thanks babe, but we're not sharing our bodies, we're selling our bodies. We fuck those guys because they pay us a lot of money. They're gonna make us rich.

"In five years, we'll have a free house with fifteen acres in the country, when other people are working thirty years to pay off their houses. The guys at the Club fucking gave us the money to buy it. All we have to do is keep fucking them for big money the next five years.

"When we get older, we'll be set for life. The four of us won't have the same money problems other people do. We're building our perfect world, and selling our sex while we're still young is how we're doing it."

"I trust you, sweetheart," Rosy hugs her, "and I'm glad we had this little talk. I feel better about it now than I did before."

"I feel a little better about it too," Carla says, "but we better start getting ready for work."

"Yes, back to the diner," Rosy sighs, "I'm kinda excited to get back to work."

"So am I," Carla says, "I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when we tell 'em we got married over Christmas."

"Oh yeah...! Especially our lesbian friends. C'mon Carla... let's take a shower."

It's the first time they've showered by themselves in over a week, and having their female bodies all to themselves, they can't keep their hands off each other.

"Oh God, Carla, I almost forgot what it's like being naked with you alone."

"Not me," Carla shoves a finger up Rosy's cunt. "I'll never forget how sweet my little Rose is in bed."

"Just think Carla, we're married women now. We've got two cocks and we've still got each other. Now that we're by ourselves, let me ask you... are you really OK with our husbands fucking all those guys?"

"Well, it does feel different, now that we're married, but I think I'm OK with it. With all the money they're making, I like knowing we don't have to be poor anymore. We love our jobs and the girls we work with, except now we won't have to live paycheck-to-paycheck like we did before."

"Good," says Rosy, "Cuz that's how I feel, too. I just wanted to make sure we're both thinking the same way."

"You know what I'm thinking?" Carla giggles, "I'm thinking you're as horny for me as I am for you."

"You know I am, big sister. I need your tongue in my puss."

"Oh yeah. We're sleeping together tonight, little sister. You can stay wet all night at work thinking about me."

All dressed for work, the girls come into the living room giggling like two little teenagers.

"Me and Rosie are sleeping together tonight," Carla says to Allie.

"Yeah, we need some girl sex," Rosy tells Jill. "Do you mind if we sleep together tonight?"

"Go ahead if you feel like it. In our marriage, you can sleep with any of us you want."

Allie grabs Rosy from behind, "Can I sleep with you tomorrow night?"

"Of course you can, Allie," she agrees, "of course I want to. We told you, you can have either one of us anytime you want. I slept with Jill last night, I'll sleep with Carla tonight, and I'll sleep with you tomorrow night. I think I'm gonna love this!"

"You little slut," Carla laughs.

"Little slut is right," Rosy giggles. "We're newly-weds. We're supposed to be horny and be fucking all the time."

"Well, we better get our minds off sex and get our asses to work."

"Oh yes, the real world needs us, reality calls," Rosy giggles.

"One thing to always remember," Jill tells the girls before they leave, "whatever ever you tell the girls at work about us, do not ever tell anyone about us dating for money. That's a guarded secret between us and our dates. Just tell them we make our money selling lube. That's all anyone needs to know."

After kissing the girls off to work, Jill and Allie talk about what they need to get done today. "I'm going to run to the post office," Jill says. "Can you call Steve and see about changing our names?"

"Yeah, I'll call him at his office. And don't forget, we still have to write our letters to our parents."

"Fuuuuck..." Jill gets sad, "you would have to bring that up."

"Well... we have to do it. I'm dreading it as much as you, but it's not going away by itself."

"OK, you're right, Allie. Let's sit down tonight while the girls are still at work, and just get it over with."

At the post office, as she expected, Jill has tons of lube orders filling her mailbox. She's going to have to make two or three new batches to fill all the orders, so on the way home she stops to buy more bottles and shipping envelopes.

"Guess what we're doing tonight?" she tells Allie when she gets home.

"We can't do lube orders tonight," Allie says, "I just talked to Steve. He doesn't have time to meet us at his office, but he said we could come over to his house tonight. I told him we'll pick up some KFC chicken and be there at six-thirty."

"Shit," says Jill, "that means we only have a few hours to work on orders."

"Work on lube orders...? Or write letters to our parents?"

"Fuck!" Jill wants to cry, "I don't want to write that god-damned letter!"

Allie puts her arms around her. "I know, babe, I don't wanna do it either. But the longer we put it off, the worse it's gonna feel."

"I know, Allie. I know we have to do it. It just makes me so sad."

Allie gets the pens and paper and sits Jill down at the kitchen table. "C'mon baby, let's get it over with. It feels like shit right now, but we'll feel better when it's done."

"OK, Allie. I know you're right. Gimme a fuckin' pen. Here we go."

With tears in their eyes, they both start writing.

"Dear mom," Jill writes, "This is the hardest thing I've ever had to tell you..."
She goes on to tell her mom how she's been lying to her about what she's been doing since she moved to Des Moines. She writes about how awkward she always felt growing up as a boy. It saddens her to write about growing up with an ugly burn scar covering her arm, being made fun of, and always having girls turn her down for dates.

She trembles when she tells her mom she's been having sex with men, but she dares not say anything about being a whore. Having sex with men, she writes, made her realize she's never really been a boy in her soul. She tells her mom about her dysphoria and the research program at Northrop. Her heart breaks when she tells her mom she's decided to transition to female, and she's taken the name, Jillian.

It's painfully difficult for both of them to tell their parents they just got married. They never felt safe to say anything about their love affair with the girls, and it's embarrassing telling them about it now, after the fact. They cry together for over an hour as they write, but finally, they finish.

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Jill ends her letter by saying, "So mom, I've now told you the truth about everything. I'm giving you the phone number of Maggie, my psychiatrist, just in case, by chance, you might want to find out more about my dysphoria condition. She can explain it better than I can. I know this is a shock to you, but I know I'm female inside and I always have been. I hope you can accept me as I am, but if you can't, I'll understand. I love you mom, your daughter, Jill."

Jill cries as she folds the six tear-stained sheets of paper and puts them in an envelope. She feels a little better as she addresses it, knowing it's finally done.

After they've sealed their envelopes, they hug and have another cry. This was the hardest thing either of them has ever had to do, but they've done it. They hold each other as they go into the shower to clean themselves up before getting dressed to meet with Steve.

As they put on their panties, nylons, and fake tits, they start feeling like girls again. Putting on their makeup reminds them why they just wrote those letters. They're girls, and there's no denying it to the world anymore. With their faces all made up, they actually giggle a little as they choose what dress to wear for Steve.

They feel much better getting into the car, and when they drop their envelopes in the nearest mailbox, they're relieved of all the stress and anguish they've suffered leading up to this hardest part of transitioning so far. The ball is now in their parents' court, and no matter how they take the news, the girls are comforted knowing they'll always have their wives at their side.

It's all behind them when they pull into Steve's driveway. He has a very nice house in an upscale part of town, and Steve opens the door as they walk up.

"Hey you two!" he greets them, "C'mon in!"

"Good to see you again," says Jill, "how was your Christmas?"

"Not as good as your Christmas. Allie told me you two got married. Congratulations!"

Steve's house looked really nice when they drove up, but inside is a different story. It's clean and all that, but without a woman around, the place is drab and even a bit depressing. The furnishings are sparse with only a few pictures on the wall. It's obvious Steve is a bachelor and doesn't spend a lot of time at home.

"Are you hungry?" Allie asks. "We brought chicken."

"Yeah, I'm starved. I just got home from the office twenty minutes before you got here. I've been busy as hell."

He takes them into the dining room where there's a nice table and chairs, but literally nothing else in the room. It reminds Allie of her apartment before Jill came into her life.

As they eat their chicken on paper plates, Steve tells them about what's involved with changing their names.

"It's a fairly easy process," he tells them, "it's just a matter of drawing up the papers and going before a judge."

"Will we have to appear in court in front of a lot of people?"

"I hope we can avoid that. Changing to female names isn't something anyone ever does, so I'll request a private hearing to avoid any embarrassment. I'll give the judge the information about your dysphoria conditions and the treatment program at Northrop. That should help.

"Jim Butler told me you bought a house?"

"Yeah, we can't wait to move in."

"When are you closing escrow?"

"January twentieth."

"Hmmm... that's less than three weeks away. I'll see if I can expedite your hearing so we can put your new names on the title."

By the time they finish eating, Steve's got all the information he needs to get everything going. Allie gets up and puts her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek from behind.

"We really appreciate you doing this for us," she thanks him.

"Make sure you charge us for your services, sweetie. Is there anything we can do to thank you right now?" she offers as she puts her hand on his inner thigh.

"I think Steve deserves a free date, don't you?" Jill grins.

"Yeah, a double date," says Allie.

"I wasn't expecting to take you to bed," Steve says.

"How about an unexpected fuck from both of us, baby?"

"Won't your wives mind?"

"No, baby, they know all about what we do. Being married isn't gonna change what we do with the Club one teeny little bit."

"Where's your bedroom?" Jill asks.

"Let me take you," Steve smiles.

Steve's bedroom is as bland as the rest of his house. There's a nice bed and a dresser, but that's it. The girls don't really notice as they get themselves in the mood to fuck. Not having been with a man in over two weeks, they're instantly turned on as they rub their hands all over Steve.

"Mmmm..." Allie feels his cock, "You're getting hard already."

"I haven't had sex since our last date."

"We haven't had cock for a while either," says Jill.

"I can't wait," Allie says as she kneels on the floor and takes out his cock.

With Steve's cock in her mouth, Allie realizes how much she's missed a real man's cock and how much she craves it. Jill's getting horny for it too as she kisses Steve and unbuttons his shirt.

"I forgot how sexy you are," she tells him as she runs her fingers through his chest hairs.

"I haven't forgotten how sexy you are," Steve replies. "I never thought I'd have both of you at the same time."

"We're the Cox Sisters, baby. Let us turn you on."

When Jill says the 'Cox Sisters', it sends shivers up both their spines. The anguish they went through two hours ago when they were writing their letters has all but disappeared. They forget all about their parents and go into full slut mode.

"Wanna unzip me?" Jill turns her back to him.

Steve's speechless as he pulls on Jill's zipper. With Allie on her knees gagging herself like an addict, and Jill letting her dress fall to the floor, Steve thinks this is his lucky day.

Jill knows she's hot with the pink nipples of her fake tits pressing against her lacy transparent bra. She gives Steve an erotic show as she runs her hands up and down herself. Rolling her tongue around her lips, she lets Steve know she wants her turn at sucking his cock.

She thinks she's hard as hell as she reaches into her panties. But when she pulls it out, it's only halfway hard. She doesn't think too much about it as she pushes her panty down her legs. Steve loves watching her semi-flaccid dick twirl in little circles as she shakes her hips back and forth.

Kneeling next to Allie, she giggles "Are you gonna share some of that with me?"

"Oh yeah, there's plenty here for both of us."

Taking it in her hand, Allie points the head to Jill's open mouth. Steve's hand on the back of her head guides Jill to where she wants to go. She gets an erotic rush as her lips touch the spongy head tissue, her tongue licking the clear liquid oozing from his slit.

The taste of pre-cum ignites a passion that was missing when she only had sex with her wives and Allie. With her testosterone levels decreasing, her desire for cock is growing stronger. The smooth skin of his shaft excites her as she swallows him to the base. Erotic tears run down her cheeks as she keeps it in her throat until she gags.

With red cheeks and watery eyes, the two of them lick and suck his hard shaft, losing themselves in his superior masculinity. Steve can hardly take it as their two tongues encircle his bulbous head, almost making him cum.

"Fuuuuck... you Cox Sisters are a hot team," Steve moans. "You're gonna make me cum if you keep this up."

"Why don't you hop on the bed...?" Jill teases. "We'd love to finish you off."

"You wanna fuck him first...? or shall I?" Allie asks Jill.

"I wanna go first, since you got to suck him first."

Jill feels her femininity strong as she straddles Steve's cock and guides it into her hole. Not having been fucked in over two weeks, her body trembles when the hard shaft slides up into her ass. She's so aroused as she rides him, but still, her cock isn't hard like it usually is.

Allie hasn't gotten hard either as she straddles Steve's face, letting her semi-hard dick dangle above his open mouth. He licks her head like a clit as the two girls kiss. They use him like a toy the next thirty minutes, taking turns riding him and putting their dickheads in his mouth.

They feel like they have clits, with their half-hard cocks preventing them from feeling like men. They don't fully realize it yet, but after two months on testosterone blockers, their bodies are physically changing. They're well into the first phase of their hormonal feminization.

When Steve says he can't take much more, they both lick his throbbing shaft as it pulses in Allie's hand. Allie gently sucks his head as Jill runs her tongue up and down his length and sucks on his balls.

Allie knows Steve's cock well, and when he's about to blow, she flutters her tongue on the underside of his glans. Like she's gotten him off on their dates, she licks around his pee-hole until his cum gushes into her mouth.

Steve hasn't had sex since his last date with Allie, so there's more than enough cum for Jill to get her share. Kissing each other and tasting his cum on their lips, they feel like real sisters, worshipping Steve's cock and licking it clean.

Resting their heads on his chest afterward, they kiss as Steve puts an arm around each of them. Steve feels their love, but he knows it's for each other, not for him. As they pick their scattered garments off the floor and get dressed, Jill sees his sadness and gives him a hug.

"What's the matter, baby? You look like something's bothering you."

"Oh, it's alright," Steve tells her, "I was just wishing I could find a girl like you two. I want to fall in love, but girls like you are hard to come by."

"Be patient, sweetheart, she'll come around when you least expect it."

"I doubt it," Steve laments, "there just aren't many girls like you around. You're the only two I know of, and you were both taken before I even met you."

"There are other girls like us in the program we're in," Jill says. "Once we start getting to know them, maybe we can hook you up. I know some of them are looking for a boyfriend. You know, guys like you who want a girl with a cock are hard to come by too."

"Let me know if anyone tells you they're looking for a boyfriend," Steve says.

Steve's got his arms around them as they walk to the door. Allie kisses him and says, "You know, baby, I'm always available whenever you get horny. We have our wives' permission to keep doing what we've been doing. I just loved your cock tonight, by the way."

On the way home, the girls are feeling very satisfied after gorging themselves on Steve's beautiful cock. Indulging in male sex again was just what they needed after writing the dreaded letters to their parents. It's a huge weight off their minds to finally have it over with.

They know their parents aren't going to take it well, but honestly, neither of them cares right now. The way they just went after Steve's cock told them transitioning to female is the only path that's right for them.

When they get home, they roll a joint and talk about it as they smoke.

"I'm glad you made me finally write that letter," Jill says.

"I could tell you needed a little push."

"Yeah, I did. I would have kept putting it off. After writing it, I felt so free when we were over at Steve's. I couldn't get enough of his cock."

"Neither could I. Did you notice our cocks didn't get hard?"

"I sure did. It felt the same, like I was hard as a rock, but when I took it out, it was like only half-hard."

"Yeah, I know. It was weird because I was hard as hell last night with Carla."

"So was I with Rosy. Maybe it's because we're in love with them and we're not in love with Steve."

"Could be, or maybe it's because we've been taking blockers for two months now. This was the first change I've noticed with my body since we've been on them."

"We'll have to see what happens when we get on estrogen. I know I felt more like a girl tonight than I ever have. I liked the way my dick flopped around when I was riding his cock."

"I loved it too. I wonder if we'll get hard when we make love to each other. Will our dicks get hard enough to fuck each other?"

"Wanna find out? The girls are sleeping together tonight. We're free to play."

"Oh yeah, sweetheart. Let's get out of these dresses and get in bed."

They feel their femininity strong and leave their nylons on as they get in bed. They both feel like a girl loving her man as they take turns sucking each other's cock. They often sixty-nine when they suck, but tonight they suck each other separately so they can totally get into the male/female roles of their sex. Unlike earlier, when they were with Steve, their cocks get hard as they enjoy both sides of fellatio.

"Think you can fuck me?" Allie invites.

"I think so. Looks like we got each other hard."

"Let's see if you're hard enough to open up my ass," says Allie.

She lubes them up real good, and Jill's cock bends a little as she pushes it in. Once Allie relaxes enough for her though, she's able to pound her like she's done so many times before. Allie's moaning to the pleasure, and Carla hears her moans as she and Rosy get home from work.

"Shhhhh..." she turns to Rosy with her finger over her lips.

"They're fucking in the bedroom," she whispers. "Let's see if we can watch without them knowing we're here."

They quietly tip-toe into the hallway, struggling not to giggle. They hear Allie quietly moaning as Jill fucks her. With the door halfway open, they peek in to see Allie's legs wrapped around Jill's waist, kissing as they fuck. They watch a few minutes until they get so turned on they can't keep their hands off each other.

They tip-toe into the other bedroom and quietly undress each other. Getting into bed, the girls make love like they always did before they moved in with their husbands. The past few weeks, they've missed their pure girl sex as much as their husbands missed their male sex.

They hear their husbands' final moans as they climax together. Jill and Allie hear Rosy moaning to Carla's tongue. They didn't hear them come home, and wonder if they saw them fucking when they came in.

With the door halfway open, there's no way they couldn't have seen them. They kiss as they realize how perfect this marriage is for them. Bisexuality and polygamy are heavy social taboos in 1975; yet in this marriage, they're free to indulge in whatever sexual pleasure they feel like having any time they want.

Falling asleep with their same-sex lovers, they rest assured that anything they want to do sexually is perfectly fine with the others.

Rosy goes to sleep with her finger in Carla's pussy and Carl's finger in hers. With her desire now fully realized, she thinks to herself, "How can it be any better than this?'

Written by Jilluvscox
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