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Power Foods

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Quote by NickiC
Dark leafy greens such as kale, collards, chard, dandelions:Full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
Seaweed:Very rich in nutrients
Beets:Liver cleansers
Wild caught salmon
Fresh tuna
Flax seeds:Omegas

My god I could have made this exact post myself and I have to be careful of what I eat.
Exactly as worded too!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Pickle Juice

If you play team sports, tennis, rowing, running, training or do cardio-intensive workouts etc. - Pickle Juice is a great option to rehydrate and reduce leg cramps. It also helps those hangovers and works to help settle an upset stomach. You can also freeze them into pickle-pops.

More Details:

It is becoming a favorite among sports players. It has been found to help reduce cramps in athletes, whether racing bikes or playing football, or whatever kind of sport you partake in, pickle juice is being recognized more and more as a drink that will give you more electrolytes than the more popular "ade" drinks. In fact 30 times more than PowerAde and 15 times more than Gatorade. Preventing dehydration is a major factor in any sport, and with the salt content along with the acetic acid, it has been found that pickle juice is much better than isotonic drinks that contain citric acid.

Do you happen to know how many meals a person can have this way? I mean, in just measured doses of powdered or liquid mixes like this?
A friend of mine takes Spirulina every day.

Apparently it's one of the few foods in the world, which alone, can sustain human life:

a Japanese philosopher named Toro Mattsui who lived on nothing but spirulina grown on his own waste for 15 years


The downside, it tastes like swamp. The pure stuff is the best, they add fillers to the tablets.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
A friend of mine takes Spirulina every day.

Apparently it's one of the few foods in the world, which alone, can sustain human life:


The downside, it tastes like swamp. The pure stuff is the best, they add fillers to the tablets.

I think swamp would taste better than spirulina. I bought some to add to my green smoothies, but it's completely unpalatable to me. It's been shoved into a dark corner of my pantry, giving me a tiny twinge of guilt every time I see it and don't use it. Anybody want a nearly full jar of spirulina powder?
Quote by jollylolly

I think swamp would taste better than spirulina. I bought some to add to my green smoothies, but it's completely unpalatable to me. It's been shoved into a dark corner of my pantry, giving me a tiny twinge of guilt every time I see it and don't use it. Anybody want a nearly full jar of spirulina powder?

I've started taking "Super Spirulina" tablets, they have no horrible aftertaste at all (Healthy Care brand here in Australia).

General Information

Spirulina is a fresh water plant that contains beneficial nutrients in their natural, easily digestible form.
Spirulina is ideal for sports people, vegetarians & those wanting an extra boost. It has an excellent balance of nutrients including chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals, unique phytonutrients and all the essential amino acids.
Spirulina is low in calories and fat and is one of the highest protein vegetarian foods.

Healthy Care Spirulina is organically grown in a natural environment, without the use of synthetic & artificial chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers.
A rich natural source of antioxidants and protein.
Source of vitamin B1 & Iron plus other vitamins minerals & essential fatty acids.

Organically Grown Spirulina
A rich natural source of Antioxidants & Protein
Contains beneficial nutrients in natural, easily digestible form
Ideal for sports people, vegetarians & those wanting an extra boost
Excellent balance of nutrients including chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals & unique phytonutrients
One of the highest protein vegetarian foods
Low in calories & fat
Low Allergy Formulation

■Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has gotten a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements like Fermented Cod Liver Oil. (I suspect that the benefits of GLA in Spirulina are even more than what the studies have found since these studies often use vegetable oils for their GLA source, and the other inflammatory compounds in vegetable oils can interfere with the anti-inflammatory ability.) It contains all essential amino acids.

■Spirulina contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s.

■Spirulina is extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system.

■Spirulina has a very high concentration of bio-available iron and is excellent during pregnancy and for those with anemia and will not cause constipation.

■ Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including (according to Wikipedia): “Spirulina contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”.

■This Spirulina (from Mountain Rose Herbs) was tested be an independent laboratory and found to have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of over 24,000 which is 4x the ORAC score of blueberries. The ORAC score is generally used to measure antioxidant ability and concentration in different foods.

■Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk, making it excellent for children, the elderly and during pregnancy.

■Some research has suggested that Spirulina may be helpful in allergies and allergic reactions.

■Spirulina’s phosphorus content makes it helpful as part of a tooth remineralization regimen.

■Emerging evidence suggests that it binds with radioactive isotopes and may be useful for radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy.

■The protein in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61%

■Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.

■Spirulina can increase fat burning during exercise.
Active Ink Slinger
A good friend got me hooked on chia seeds. I've been including them in my diet on a daily basis for the past two weeks and I've noticed a significant improvement in in so many areas not the least of which is the mental clarity and energy I've seemed to found again. Can't recommend it enough! My next mission is to incorporate spirulina.
Quote by nicola

■Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has gotten a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements like Fermented Cod Liver Oil. (I suspect that the benefits of GLA in Spirulina are even more than what the studies have found since these studies often use vegetable oils for their GLA source, and the other inflammatory compounds in vegetable oils can interfere with the anti-inflammatory ability.) It contains all essential amino acids.

■Spirulina contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s.

■Spirulina is extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system.

■Spirulina has a very high concentration of bio-available iron and is excellent during pregnancy and for those with anemia and will not cause constipation.

■ Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including (according to Wikipedia): “Spirulina contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”.

■This Spirulina (from Mountain Rose Herbs) was tested be an independent laboratory and found to have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of over 24,000 which is 4x the ORAC score of blueberries. The ORAC score is generally used to measure antioxidant ability and concentration in different foods.

■Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk, making it excellent for children, the elderly and during pregnancy.

■Some research has suggested that Spirulina may be helpful in allergies and allergic reactions.

■Spirulina’s phosphorus content makes it helpful as part of a tooth remineralization regimen.

■Emerging evidence suggests that it binds with radioactive isotopes and may be useful for radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy.

■The protein in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61%

■Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.

■Spirulina can increase fat burning during exercise.

Seaweed is overlooked in Western culture. It is so rich in nutrients. People think you have to eat steak to get iron but you can get plenty from seaweed too. I drink a green juice almost everyday but I add parsley for Vitamin C.
Active Ink Slinger
Superfood Quinoa is my favorite and is very versatile. Lately I eat is as a hot cereal with blueberries, honey and almonds.
But I've prepared it many different ways.

Quote by Soleillalune
Superfood Quinoa is my favorite and is very versatile. Lately I eat is as a hot cereal with blueberries, honey and almonds.
But I've prepared it many different ways.

How can I adore her anymore? Yes I sprinkle quinoa on my salads.
Head Nurse
Yum, I love quinoa!
Active Ink Slinger
My fave is KALE. Love my greens.

1. Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat. One cup of kale has only 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fat. It is great for aiding in digestion and elimination with its great fiber content. It’s also filled with so many nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium as well as those listed below.

2. Kale is high in iron. Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef. Iron is essential for good health, such as the formation of hemoglobin and enzymes, transporting oxygen to various parts of the body, cell growth, proper liver function and more.

3. Kale is high in Vitamin K. Eating a diet high in Vitamin K can help protect against various cancers. It is also necessary for a wide variety of bodily functions including normal bone health and the prevention of blood clotting. Also increased levels of vitamin K can help people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids help protect against various cancers.

5. Kale is a great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale is filled with 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids, which help, fight against arthritis, asthma and autoimmune disorders.

6. Kale is great for cardiovascular support. Eating more kale can help lower cholesterol levels.

7. Kale is high in Vitamin A.Vitamin A is great for your vision, your skin as well as helping to prevent lung and oral cavity cancers.

8. Kale is high in Vitamin C. This is very helpful for your immune system, your metabolism and your hydration.

9. Kale is high in calcium. Per calorie, kale has more calcium than milk, which aids in preventing bone loss, preventing osteoporosis and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Vitamin C is also helpful to maintain cartilage and joint flexibility

10. Kale is a great detox food. Kale is filled with fiber and sulfur, both great for detoxifying your body and keeping your liver healthy.
The intellect is always fooled by the heart. ~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld