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I just joined and I am lost ...

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Active Ink Slinger
I'm Ethel, I just joined here and I am lost.

I got kicked off of Literotica for "violating" a "rule" that I don't think I did violate.

The first thing I did here was ask for a definition of "ZZZ" (something that was banned there as well as here).

The rules say I cannot post "true" stories about ___. I also cannot post anything on the subject of "ZZZ" on the forum, or in the chat room. But the definition of "ZZZ" is unclear. Here the "rules" say that "ZZZ" is "Y" between "A" "B" people. (The problem being A is a variable with no set value. (Like how much cayenne pepper is too much?)

We are all people, so at one logical extreme it bans all communication. Logically, that cannot be a valid interpretation. At the other extreme it does not include what I want to say. Which is fine, unless after I've unpacked my metaphorical bags I am told to leave.

The "rules" go on to say that "ZZZ" is illegal. That is truly a can of worms. It isn't illegal in New York State (where I live) or in the adjoining states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont or any of Canada. But it is illegal, or banned without criminal penalty in 17 US States. There is no federal law against it.

Then it goes on to say it's banned at Lush if a majority of site members find it "highly objectionable." Has there been a referendum? What is "highly objectionable"? The answer is becoming more confusing than the question.

I want to be respectful of the rules here. I don't want to offend or be writing where I am not welcome. What I am "not talking" about is legal and not that unusual in New York, but often gets conflated with something that is illegal and pretty rare. (Like using a law against "drugs" to ban aspirin, which technically IS a drug.)

I don't want to be in a place where I am not welcome. I don't want to break any of the rules here. I would truly welcome a PM so I could "fill in the blanks" and ask the question straight out.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by FrednEthel

I'm Ethel, I just joined here and I am lost.

Welcome to LushStories.

I got kicked off of Literotica for "violating" a "rule" that I don't think I did violate.

I'm somewhat aquainted with that particular site. Can you still comment on, favorite, and upload stories there?

The first thing I did here was ask for a definition of "ZZZ" (something that was banned there as well as here).

The rules say I cannot post "true" stories about ___. I also cannot post anything on the subject of "ZZZ" on the forum, or in the chat room. But the definition of "ZZZ" is unclear. Here the "rules" say that "ZZZ" is "Y" between "A" "B" people. (The problem being A is a variable with no set value. (Like how much cayenne pepper is too much?)

We are all people, so at one logical extreme it bans all communication. Logically, that cannot be a valid interpretation. At the other extreme it does not include what I want to say. Which is fine, unless after I've unpacked my metaphorical bags I am told to leave.

The "rules" go on to say that "ZZZ" is illegal. That is truly a can of worms. It isn't illegal in New York State (where I live) or in the adjoining states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont or any of Canada. But it is illegal, or banned without criminal penalty in 17 US States. There is no federal law against it.

I'd ask Nicola in a PM for clarification. If she says no, accept it and post it elsewhere. I'm doing Handmaid's Tale Fan-fix. As this site bans fanfiction—I think—I ain't posting it here. I might post it in FFN, but will have to edit out all the gratuitous lesbian sex scenes—scenes of Puritans implicitly traumatized women there is okay—they even have it in American high-schools. But female badasses groping 18-year-old daughters? Not if it's FF. AO3, however, seems to allow it, and my own wiki, FAFSW, might include pics.

Then it goes on to say it's banned at Lush if a majority of site members find it "highly objectionable." Has there been a referendum? What is "highly objectionable"? The answer is becoming more confusing than the question.

Again, I'd PM Nicola: she's the de facto majority here—and she's always replied to my PMs—unlike the Laurel who administers that particular site you are referring to. (Maybe the +22 years there have kinda gotten to the latter.)

I want to be respectful of the rules here. I don't want to offend or be writing where I am not welcome. What I am "not talking" about is legal and not that unusual in New York, but often gets conflated with something that is illegal and pretty rare. (Like using a law against "drugs" to ban aspirin, which technically IS a drug.)

and the liquor store is the local drug dealer. Ditto variety stores.

I don't want to be in a place where I am not welcome. I don't want to break any of the rules here. I would truly welcome a PM so I could "fill in the blanks" and ask the question straight out.


Best wishes to you here. smile
Mana wahine
Quote by FrednEthel
I'm Ethel, I just joined here and I am lost.

I got kicked off of Literotica for "violating" a "rule" that I don't think I did violate.

The first thing I did here was ask for a definition of "ZZZ" (something that was banned there as well as here).

The rules say I cannot post "true" stories about ___. I also cannot post anything on the subject of "ZZZ" on the forum, or in the chat room. But the definition of "ZZZ" is unclear. Here the "rules" say that "ZZZ" is "Y" between "A" "B" people. (The problem being A is a variable with no set value. (Like how much cayenne pepper is too much?)

We are all people, so at one logical extreme it bans all communication. Logically, that cannot be a valid interpretation. At the other extreme it does not include what I want to say. Which is fine, unless after I've unpacked my metaphorical bags I am told to leave.

The "rules" go on to say that "ZZZ" is illegal. That is truly a can of worms. It isn't illegal in New York State (where I live) or in the adjoining states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont or any of Canada. But it is illegal, or banned without criminal penalty in 17 US States. There is no federal law against it.

Then it goes on to say it's banned at Lush if a majority of site members find it "highly objectionable." Has there been a referendum? What is "highly objectionable"? The answer is becoming more confusing than the question.

I want to be respectful of the rules here. I don't want to offend or be writing where I am not welcome. What I am "not talking" about is legal and not that unusual in New York, but often gets conflated with something that is illegal and pretty rare. (Like using a law against "drugs" to ban aspirin, which technically IS a drug.)

I don't want to be in a place where I am not welcome. I don't want to break any of the rules here. I would truly welcome a PM so I could "fill in the blanks" and ask the question straight out.


I will send you a PM and we may discuss any questions you have.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DMBFFF
I'm somewhat aquainted with that particular site. Can you still comment on, favorite, and upload stories there?


Quote by DMBFFF
This site bans fanfiction—I think—I ain't posting it here. I might post it in FFN, but ...

Fan Fiction is interesting legally speaking. If you just add a chapter to a copyright work it is a copyright infringement. If you use one author's work to make general comments about society it's Satire, and if it's a copyrighted work then it's a copyright infringement.

BUUUUT, if it makes fun of a copyrighted story itself, if the 'Law and Disorder' cop literally trips over a Bankers Box marked "Incriminating Evidence - Don't Look Inside," if the fourth wall is broken and the new 'StarDreck' crewman knows that he is a human sacrifice, or if the 'Blue Balls' Raygun family dinner is always in the nude. It's perfectly fine. It's Parody which (because the copyright holder would never, ever give you permission to use their property in order to make fun of it*) is constitutionally protected free speech and AO3 is really cool with stuff like that.

*No it doesn't make sense to us but it's the law, no wonder many sites don't want to deal with it.
Active Ink Slinger
I have written a few "parodies" - I have written a couple stories based on The Big Bang Theory show, I have written an "adult" version of The Wizard of Oz, and I have shown people that June Cleaver wasn't the nice wholesome woman the show Leave It To Beaver portrayed her as! All my stories were accepted with no problems here mainly, I think, because I was poking fun at the shows and I used different names for the characters, even though it was obvious who I was portraying. Also, none of the characters in the original shows or in my parodies were real people which helps too, I think. If I were to parody a real story of a real person, it might be different.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by FrednEthel
I'm Ethel, I just joined here and I am lost.

I got kicked off of Literotica for "violating" a "rule" that I don't think I did violate.

The first thing I did here was ask for a definition of "ZZZ" (something that was banned there as well as here).

The rules say I cannot post "true" stories about ___. I also cannot post anything on the subject of "ZZZ" on the forum, or in the chat room. But the definition of "ZZZ" is unclear. Here the "rules" say that "ZZZ" is "Y" between "A" "B" people. (The problem being A is a variable with no set value. (Like how much cayenne pepper is too much?)

We are all people, so at one logical extreme it bans all communication. Logically, that cannot be a valid interpretation. At the other extreme it does not include what I want to say. Which is fine, unless after I've unpacked my metaphorical bags I am told to leave.

The "rules" go on to say that "ZZZ" is illegal. That is truly a can of worms. It isn't illegal in New York State (where I live) or in the adjoining states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont or any of Canada. But it is illegal, or banned without criminal penalty in 17 US States. There is no federal law against it.

Then it goes on to say it's banned at Lush if a majority of site members find it "highly objectionable." Has there been a referendum? What is "highly objectionable"? The answer is becoming more confusing than the question.

I want to be respectful of the rules here. I don't want to offend or be writing where I am not welcome. What I am "not talking" about is legal and not that unusual in New York, but often gets conflated with something that is illegal and pretty rare. (Like using a law against "drugs" to ban aspirin, which technically IS a drug.)

I don't want to be in a place where I am not welcome. I don't want to break any of the rules here. I would truly welcome a PM so I could "fill in the blanks" and ask the question straight out.


Rather than worrying about the rules of each site (and I'm both Literotica and Lush, and I'm very fond of both of them), just go to a site that will allow whatever it is you want to do. It will save you a lot of agita. Do what you want to do; don't get hung up on the rules of a particular site. Those can not be changed.