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Announcing our "Change" Story Competition

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To celebrate the addition of our dirty dozen new categories, we are running a "Change" sex story competition.

This is a very open competition. Stories can be submitted to any of our new categories: Femdom, Horror, Mind Control, Money, Monster Sex, Occupations, Outdoor, Steampunk, Teen, True, Uniform, Watersports.

Competition Theme

The site is ever evolving, changing with the times, moving forward. We want stories to reflect this, and contain an element of "change".

Perhaps a relationship has changed in some way? You've decided you wanted to have an open relationship? Or try swinging? Maybe you were always the dominant one in bed, until a sexy Dom persuaded you to change your "set in stone" ways? Was it time for a change of partner, to go exploring your wilder fantasies?

How about a plot containing elements of a sex change? A change of country or career? Decided to change your mind about staying faithful to your lacklustre partner, and go for that hotel bar pickup, dangerous liaison?

As an added challenge to writers, stories must be 6,000 words or less.


Winner: $150

Second Place: $100
Third Place: $50

Full details here.

Great theme and wonderful way to plug the new categories. Alas, the timeline may be too tight for me given holidays and a major IT rollout at work. Still, I'll meditate on it and see if something comes to mind.

Primus Omnium
I just ran across this poster. It does seem apropos of the new contest/competition. Anyone want to accept the challenge?

Quote by Green_Man
I just ran across this poster. It does seem apropos of the new contest/competition. Anyone want to accept the challenge?

I maybe saying too much here, but I wrote the first four paragraphs of my possible comp entry and it's some of the best Lovecraftian prose I've written in 40 years of trying to write Lovecraftian prose. So, yeah, challenge (maybe) accepted. My problem is, it is so good at being Lovecraftian, I'm not sure how the hell I am going to make it erotic.147721hChD4E9s0t It will be in Horror or Monster Sex for sure.
Should be a great Comp, I'm really looking forward to reading the entries!
God Empress of Lush
Ah fuck. I've had a wonderful idea for a story that would fit this perfectly.

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Testing The Waters.
The same story I finished a long time ago fits this one as the previous competition, "Breasts To Go". The connection to the previous contest should be obvious, and the connection to this one is an employee's last day at work in preparation to leave for college, and his MILF boss introducing a distinct change in their relationship at the end of that last day.

New ideas are proving more difficult. I've mulled over a teen and occupation story so far. Not excited enough about the teen idea, and the occupation one felt like it would exceed the word limit. The Monster Sex story I already have in progress doesn't quite have enough "change" angle. The True story I already have in progress will end before the major change of her moving in with me, and adding that in will take it over the word limit.

If I make it into this one, it will likely be late in the game. Too many irons already in the fire to spend much time developing something new.
I hope you manage to submit one to this competition RR. You stories are always very creative, which is what us judges crave.
Testing The Waters.
Thanks It's a good thing I have creativity going for me, because my vocabulary is pitiful. LOL

I need to get at least this scene and the next written for SOTM to feel I'm not neglecting it. Then I need to finish one of the in-progress ones. After that, I won't feel too bad about devoting some extra time to musing ideas for this.

I do have vacation time about to hit, so that creates some possibility. But, I also have almost 24k words of SOTM to edit and have ready for the second week of January. That's a couple of full days easily.

I really need to win the lottery or something so I can get rid of this damn job that keeps eating up all my writing time.
Advanced Wordsmith
Glad I rejoined in time to take part in this one. I'm already liking what I've got so far
Newest Story: [Url=https://]After Prom (Change Comp)[/URL]
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Is there a minimum word count? Is flash fiction eligible?
Unicorn Wrangler
Well, the writer's block has passed for the moment and I've submitted my story. Thank you Nicola for this comp as it was the kick in the ass I needed.
Charming as fuck
Quote by Verbal
Is there a minimum word count? Is flash fiction eligible?

There is no minimum count, other than the usual Lush minimum, which is about 600 words/3000 characters. Bear in mind though that you need to have the story in one of the new categories so it would just be a short story in one of them, rather than living in the flash section.

(Poetry isn't eligible. It must be a story.)

J x
Testing The Waters.
Finally had an idea for this one yesterday, and it's in the money category. Everything else that came to mind was too long due to having a new romance edge as the "change". There's at least a place I can fade to black on this one with a ( hopefully ) witty line, creating a satisfying end point, while leaving an opening for more and staying within the word limit. ( Hopefully #2 )

4200 words in.

Already had an idea in the starting stages for this category, so I guess that one will be #2 there eventually.

I'll probably finish the first draft of "Unleashed" today, let it sit over the weekend, and then start editing the middle of next week. I've got 20k words worth of other stories to edit this weekend, including my weird new Monster Sex story.

:: Checks competition dates :: Yeah, I'm good.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Jen

There is no minimum count, other than the usual Lush minimum, which is about 600 words/3000 characters. Bear in mind though that you need to have the story in one of the new categories so it would just be a short story in one of them, rather than living in the flash section.

(Poetry isn't eligible. It must be a story.)

J x

Gotcha. Thanks Jen. smile
Quote by Verbal

Gotcha. Thanks Jen. smile

You gonna flash us?
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by browncoffee

You gonna flash us?

Yeah. smile Though a lot of that is a function of wanting to get the Isle of Thorns story out first, so I doubt I will be able to get much more than a thousand words in by deadline. I'm SO SLOW. It's frustrating.

That said, much of it is already written in my head.
Charming as fuck
Quote by Verbal

That said, much of it is already written in my head.

Ooh, Mr Verbal, sir. Would you like us to take your dictation?

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Jen

Ooh, Mr Verbal, sir. Would you like us to take your dictation?

ahem. that is all.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Charming as fuck
Quote by sprite

ahem. that is all.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Jen

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Right Rev of Lush
Jen wrote: Ooh, Mr Verbal, sir. Would you like us to take your dictation?

Me, I wrote: Before confirming that offer, it might be best to find out which of Jeff's two heads contain the story.

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Jen wrote: Ooh, Mr Verbal, sir. Would you like us to take your dictation?

Me, I wrote: Before confirming that offer, it might be best to find out which of Jeff's two heads contain the story.

I argue against the inferred statement they can't work together. In my case, anyway, I often find myself thinking Person X is attractive & simultaneously arousing in a sexual manner.
Good to hear RR!

Some great entries so far =d>
Quote by Verbal

Yeah. smile Though a lot of that is a function of wanting to get the Isle of Thorns story out first, so I doubt I will be able to get much more than a thousand words in by deadline. I'm SO SLOW. It's frustrating.

That said, much of it is already written in my head.

Slow is fine (sometimes lol). I just about figured a plot out on my phone late last night (hi Flynn!) but I always change them. I'm still so happy you're entering!
Unicorn Wrangler
Quote by RejectReality
First draft squeaked in at just shy of 5900 words.

I feel your pain man. I had to rewrite my ending several times to get it to: 1) work right; and 2) come under the 6,000 word limit. So far the feedback has been good so I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. So cheers to us for making it work!
Testing The Waters.
It ain't over yet. We'll see what happens when I do the first read in a few days. I've only got 100 some-odd words to play with, so if anything's missing, it could be a problem.

Quote by NymphWriter

I feel your pain man. I had to rewrite my ending several times to get it to: 1) work right; and 2) come under the 6,000 word limit. So far the feedback has been good so I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. So cheers to us for making it work!