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EP Award - Lo! Baphomet! I. Cult as Fuck - StarBelliedBoy

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Her Royal Spriteness
one of my favorite moments is discovering one of our writers just taking things to the next level. This time, it's StarbelliedBoy who has just been awarded his first EP for writing a literary equivalent of the freaking hardest rocking metal story i've read here. seriously, it's like getting on a freaking crazy ass train ride with the devil and once it's got you by the throat, it just won't let you go until you reach the end. so yeah, read this baby. It's just an amazing piece of work that, once i got to the end, i immediately put it up for an EP. here it is:

so, congratz, SB. seriously, this is mentally good and you deserve to be proud of writing it and i can't wait to see what you come up with for the next chapter. awesome job. all hail StarBelly smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Partner-in-Lust / Cummunist
Congratulations on a definitely well-deserved EP!!!

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Bonnet Flaunter
Yesss! *punches air*

Many congrats to starbelliedboy on an amazing story that completely deserves this award!

As Sprite says, this dark tale grips you by the throat as it gets weirder, more threatening and far more erotic than the main character could ever hope for!

Wonderfully imaginative and atmospheric. Bravo!!
Cheesy Alchemist
Oh, how I devoured this story with the hunger of a starved Baphomet. Delicious atmosphere, amazing selection of music, great scenery, scorching sex!

In celebration of the event, here is how it (arguably) all started:

Rainbow in the Dark
Thank you so much everyone! I'm still in shock from seeing the award pop up in my feed a few days ago. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out, particularly given at least half of the writing and editing was done in short bursts on my phone, but I certainly didn't expect an RR, let alone an EP.

I really have to thank Vanessa26 for inspiring me to put so much effort into this story. I had a few vague ideas before, but after exchanging messages with her, and especially after reading the amazing Nightmare Inside series she wrote with MollyDoll, I knew any story I posted in the same category as that would have to be pretty bloody good, at least to me.

Quote by el_henke
In celebration of the event, here is how it (arguably) all started:

Not going to lie, "Lay down your hole for the God's massive pole" was a tagline I considered (and rejected, but only because the one I chose allows consistency between chapters and a progression that amuses me)

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Big congratulations, StarBellie. smile