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What's the most F'd up thing you've ever seen with your own eyes?

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Active Ink Slinger
What's the most F'd up thing you've ever seen with your own eyes?

For me, open heart surgery. Seeing some dude with his chest wide open is something I'll never forget.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set her free." -Michelangelo

Please Enjoy: The Beach, The Workout, The Hike
I saw a dead body once. He had been left outside this shady shop on my street at the time. The cops say it was probably gang related, one gang sending a message to another. The site was pretty F'd up
Active Ink Slinger
I saw the aftermath of an entire section of concrete Highway overpass fall onto the Interstate below it. Got there less than a minute or so after it happened. From the earthen ramp on one end to the middle concrete pillars in the middle, both concrete lanes of the upper section were hit by a crane on a flat bed truck. Crushed a couple cars when it it, killing all instantly. Another couple cars didn't have anywhere near enough time to stop and slammed head first into the the concrete wall that suddenly appeared. Others ran into the backs of those. So much blood everywhere. It was awful.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Active Ink Slinger
Mis-fire in a twin 5" 38 gun mount that killed the whole crew and caused a flash fire in the handling room. I was the first person in the mount and knew all the guys, it was pretty bad. I have dreams about it sometimes now 45 years later.
Active Ink Slinger
Seeing a friend of mine from my doorway mugged and shot at point blank range in the head. It all happened so fast, I was so shocked. There was so much blood. . . I dream about him every once in a while. I'll never be able to shake his face from my head.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Navy
Mis-fire in a twin 5" 38 gun mount that killed the whole crew and caused a flash fire in the handling room. I was the first person in the mount and knew all the guys, it was pretty bad. I have dreams about it sometimes now 45 years later.

I know the feeling personally, I won't get into it but I know what you mean about recurring dreams.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
Active Ink Slinger
Not so much saw but felt.

I was breastfeeding my youngest son a couple of years ago when our house started to rock and shake so badly. Was pretty scary..I just knew that it was 3 hours drive away in Christchurch, I held my breath and it seem to go on forever. it was like you could feel the lives departing this world. when i got out of the house, the neighbors and i just looked at each other. we all just knew it was going to have bad repercussions.
Active Ink Slinger
Working in the ER I saw some "stuff"! A lady once forget to take her tampon out...almost 8 days later she had shown up in my ER with gangrene! I will never forget the sight or smell!
Her Royal Spriteness
was forced to sit thru a Will Ferrell movie once, i think it was the one where he's a pro basketball player... i still have nightmares *shudders*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
was forced to sit thru a Will Ferrell movie once, i think it was the one where he's a pro basketball player... i still have nightmares *shudders*

I felt the same way the first time I heard a Sarah Palin speech!
Active Ink Slinger
Most fucked up? My naked grandmother
I'm halfway gone.
Active Ink Slinger
a guys leg run over by a car, mangled and my friends holding him and the leg together while I called the ambulance.
While working in the trauma unit I saw a little girl, 5 years old, come in with over 50 stab wounds to her body. Worst thing in the world to see a little child harmed. All bc the mommas bf didn't want a child.
Hate to bring up bad memories for everyone but... Two Girls, One Cup.
Active Ink Slinger
6 Russian MIG fighters standing on an RAF base at the height of the Cuban Missile crisis.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Alphamagus

Oh gosh Alpha, that is sooo non PC, but it really made me laugh. X

As for me, well I once watched a young Thai 'dancer' firing peeled bananas at guys in a bar, out of her pussy! Try as I might since, I just can't perfect the art!! hehe x
two dumpster divers get into a shoving match over an empty soda can
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I saw a biker slam into the back of a car...he flipped in the air, came down, and splatted onto the pavement. It was like seeing someone get drawn and quartered in one of those medieval movies, except without the horses. It was so unreal, and it happened so fast. I had nightmares for months.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
An auto accident, I ran over to help, I looked in side, und dont remember any thing after that, may have fainted, next thing i remember was , they were putting a mask on mi face.or taking it off....dont know.later they told me people in side were dead.
I'm sure there are more things but this is what came to mind...

1. going to the scene of an accident where a fatality had occurred and seeing brain matter
2. watching a man who had a motorcycle accident be run over by a vehicle bounding out of control
3. seeing a woman mistreat her toddler at the store, yanking her along and cursing her out using the F word and everything you can think of
4. sitting through Will Ferrell's Casa de Mi Padre
Wild at Heart
One time this girl got drunk at a party and she shit herself. She was wearing white pants and kept dancing because she didn't even realize at first. There was shit everywhere. It was so fuckin sick.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Alphamagus

hahahaha i must admit.... being from Glasgow i can so relate to this one
Active Ink Slinger
A drilling well service truck sitting inside a car with the front tire where the driver of the car was pinned beneath it. Driver looked like a bucket of soup.
Active Ink Slinger
Some of the shit on pain olympics.
Active Ink Slinger
I was at a bar with my Uncle and Aunt, and shortly after we sat down I watched as these two men get into an argument. They were drunk, shouting and cussing up a storm before it became physically violent. I witnessed one of the men shove a knife into the other man's throat. I will never forget how much blood there was.
Active Ink Slinger
An older gentleman bring hit by a moving freight train.
Advanced Wordsmith
where should I begin... seen several that fit here...

Once worked at a grain elevator.. loading wheat into rail cars to ship by train.... one guy got between cars when we were moving them... the cars coupled through his abdomen/chest... he lived fine long enough for his wife to get there....and as soon as they they uncoupled the cars he died

watched my best friend hang himself as i walked thru his front door when I was 10

saw a car wreck ... the lady had to be pushing 400# and when she hit the back of a parked semi doing 70 mph she exploded all over the inside of tha car...lil fat pustules dripping

another car ran under a semi trailer... I watched helpless as her and her 5-6 yr old child burned alive

lead guitarist in my band during high school... his girlfriend told him she was pregnant to force him to marry her.... he blew his head off with 2 357's during rehearsal ..she wasnt even pregnant

2 other friends were gunned down standing next to me ..the guys who killed them and missed me were aiming for me and my back was to the shooters as it happened

Me an a friend were ridin our harleys.... car ran a red light as we turned thru an intersection...his leg was instantly amputated

another friend (ridin harleys again) was nearly killed when a locust flew directly into his mouth at 80 mph... although that may have also belonged in "the funniest things I ever saw" too...I laughed my ass off... almost wrecked myself when I saw him fly off tha back of his bike

...any wonder I'm the way I am?
Knowledge is nothing if not shared, with your slave, your community, and those wishing to enter into it. So I will continue to look for topics to give My opinion about, yes opinion.

*** Disclaimer ***
My way of thinking doesn't fit everyone, nor does anyone elses, it is not My intention to tell anyone else here how they must see or do things, as there are as many views of what "the life" means to people as there are people in it.
Seen too many F'd up things. Just know when you live in the Hood it's F'd up all around.