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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar How Y'all Are?

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Whistling on my journey
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Quote by KimmiBeGood

Morning, Rumpies! wave

I’m just going to bathe in caffeine this week. Super busy week at work!

Hope it’s a good one for y’all! ❤️


Have a great start Kimmi!!

This is my weather sadly heading east toward you, sigh.


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Simple Scribbler
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Leave the light on tonight, Bearkeep. I’m bringing my laptop in for a 4am install for my client and will probably be digging into the drinks and popcorn machine.

Simple Scribbler
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Quote by techgoddess

Hang in there!

Kimmi’s drinks are on me tonight. 🍷

Thanks, Kat! 😘

I’m too old for this middle-of-the-night install shit. sad


Quote by KimmiBeGood

Leave the light on tonight, Bearkeep. I’m bringing my laptop in for a 4am install for my client and will probably be digging into the drinks and popcorn machine.


I've alerted Terrance that you might be popping in to grab some popcorn. He tells me he'll keep it fresh – and stay out of your grubby hands!

And I've also arranged a coffee-IV drip featuring Bertha's Best.

We got you, Kimmi dear. Do what you gotta do!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler
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Install done! I’ll be in my corner, sleeping…



Okay, so it's morning again, somehow. How does that happen?

Caffeine…must have … caffeine!

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Irish Breakfast teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned out, rinsed, and refilled, and is now perkin' away.

Today we're using Folger's Black Silk coffee. Like it or leave it!

I've put out donuts, with Sara's sprinklies set aside with her sports section.

Plus I've got some chocolate brioche for y'all.

I've actually started my Blue comp piece! All of 300 words so far…

But I spent last night dreaming about what it could be when it grows up.

We'll see.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Whistling on my journey
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Morning Bear

thanks for taking care of Kimmi, I didn't realize she has cute soft snore 🙂

Music starts in 5mins

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey
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1st up

18 and Life

Skid Row

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey
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Crazy On You


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

3rd this morning

Should I Stay Or Go

The Clash

Well I'm going

everyone be happy, and think of this (still) wet anicent lion.

More rain today

Lion Out

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Snake Charmera

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around


Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies


Hey Tonya! Welcome back!

Yes, life does rather take one's breath away, doesn't it?

I think everyone here is doing well. Carl is coping with his farm animals, helping neighbours (as always), and has been coming in soaking wet, leaving puddles on the floor.

Kat has struggled a bit with her sinuses, but seems better now, and, like you, is coping with her grandkids getting bigger! She also recently claimed the title as most popular writer on Lush – of all time! We're all really rather proud of her.

Kimmi is trying really hard to avoid burnout, but her work just keeps piling more and more on her. I think she's sleeping off in her Korner after pulling an all-nighter.

Lots of the former regulars are MIA, so I can't really tell you much about them. CuriousAnnie isn't writing as much – somehow being the mother of a toddler AND a full-time nurse is occupying her time. Kistin pops in now and then, but seems to have given up writing for Lent – alas! Susie is writing up a storm, but occasionally drops in, grabs a big mug of Spanish coffee or some such, then disappears to her typewriter again.

Me and mine are all doing well. I have 4-year old and nearly 8-year old granddaughters who both, for some reason, think I'm silly. Go figure!

We don't see Rumps very often anymore. I think he's taken his retirement seriously for some reason, although he does put in an occasional appearance, just to rally the troops.

Terrance has saved some delicious crickets for you in the corner of the nut warmer, if you want. And the dumpster hot tub is still there if you fancy a quick dunk.

Welcome back!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler

Hi Tonya!!! I love your littly dances. I loved to dance, and still do!

My son is 26 now, but seems like he was a toddler just yesterday. Time flies!

It’s so nice to hear from you! ❤️

Simple Scribbler
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Bearkeep, caffeine, please. Trying to stay awake for a 7 pm install…


Quote by KimmiBeGood

Bearkeep, caffeine, please. Trying to stay awake for a 7 pm install…


OK, I've got Bertha's Best set up in THREE IV drips. They've been refrigerated, so you can hang one, and hold onto the other two.

Hope that helps! And good luck with the work! ❤️😊

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Whistling on my journey

this song stays in my head.


Paint It Black

Rolling Stones

And if you wonder it's not about the Vietnam War.


"I see a red door

And I want it painted black

No colors anymore

I want them to turn black."


My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

Awww I miss those dance days!

It’s good to see you here! I can’t recall when we last spoke, but I now have 4 Grandkids, the youngest being 6 weeks old. She’s a sweet baby, though she seems to have days and nights a bit confused still.

As Bear mentioned, I was pretty sick for a while but I’m doing much better.

Hopefully we will see more of you here. 😘

Please enjoy my 2nd place Unleashed competition story:

Alisha Unleashed

Latest story:

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part 2 -Chapters 5-8

Help this story become famous:

The Office Whore - Part 1


Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

Hey TonyaL!

I'm just back on Lush after a long absence myself. Life just gets crazy busy sometimes and I don't even have kids. I got tired just reading the list of all those activities!

Hey everyone! Nearly always the same faces here; I'm not sure if that's a reflection of this fine establishment or you are just a bunch of rummies. Drinking and writing do have a long history together.

So, I GOTTA tell you this, even though it will probably make me sound like a jerk:

So I was talking to this really pretty girl with every single one of those nefarious intentions you are imagining. Then I used a flirty line from a story I'm working on and it WORKED! lol like worked really, really well. I'm hysterical. Second date is Friday. Life is good. Cheers!

(The women are all smirking; she was a step ahead of me wasn't she?)

Carey’d away.

Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

Welcome back, Tonya.

I really need to edit my profile and such to show this but...I'm kinda having a passionate affair with Tom Petty at the moment, so to speak.

My heart has wi-fi and the password is Drew Carey.

Whistling on my journey

Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies


Reading makes me smile, you back and I've missed your posts of your little princess, your little.

keep strong we all need you, Tonya.

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Whistling on my journey

Welcme to Rumps

Big Beautiful Bertha


As the Copper Tea Kettle

Since Bear brings the morning treats,

I'll add a few too.

Cuppycakes, enjoy

1st song


Eric Clapton


Sultans Of Swing

Dire Straits


Quiet weather till late afternoon, well that's code for plenty to do at the ranch.

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

1 like

Thank you for the setup this morning, Lion! Much appreciated.

Hope you've managed to dry off from all the rain. We had some of that yesterday. Today just looks cloudy.

Treats, you say. Well, let's see what we've got here…

Donuts, of course. And some of Kimmi's buns – the cinnamon kind this time.

Plus some cream-and-chocolate chip cannoli.

I was going to add a girl named Alice, but she chickened out on us.

Oh well – that's life in the big city, I guess!

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Whistling on my journey

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Thank you for the setup this morning, Lion! Much appreciated.

Hope you've managed to dry off from all the rain. We had some of that yesterday. Today just looks cloudy.

Treats, you say. Well, let's see what we've got here…

Donuts, of course. And some of Kimmi's buns – the cinnamon kind this time.

Plus some cream-and-chocolate chip cannoli.

I was going to add a girl named Alice, but she chickened out on us.

Oh well – that's life in the big city, I guess!

Take care out there, 'K?

Hey Bear

Why don't you play some funky music White boy!

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by LYFBUZ

So, I GOTTA tell you this, even though it will probably make me sound like a jerk:

So I was talking to this really pretty girl with every single one of those nefarious intentions you are imagining. Then I used a flirty line from a story I'm working on and it WORKED! lol like worked really, really well. I'm hysterical. Second date is Friday. Life is good. Cheers!

(The women are all smirking; she was a step ahead of me wasn't she?)

She was…but it’s still lovely to hear anyway. Hope date #2 goes well! 😘

Please enjoy my 2nd place Unleashed competition story:

Alisha Unleashed

Latest story:

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part 2 -Chapters 5-8

Help this story become famous:

The Office Whore - Part 1

Simple Scribbler

Morning Rumpies! wave

It’s a lovely, rainy day in Kentucky!

And LYFBUZ, you must tell me your flirty line that got you that date, or I shall drag you to Storeroom #4 and flog it out of you. 😊


Quote by fuzzy1954

Hey! I ain't no white boy! I'm a white BEAR!

Jeez Louise

Now, I know it SAYS the lyrics are "Play that funky music, white boy," but if you listen closely, you'll hear that the real lyric is "Play that funky music white bear"

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess
1 like

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Morning Rumpies! wave

It’s a lovely, rainy day in Kentucky!

And LYFBUZ, you must tell me your flirty line that got you that date, or I shall drag you to Storeroom #4 and flog it out of you. 😊

Ummm...can I help?

It's been a rainy day in Florida, too—both yesterday and today. There was a Tornado Watch on both days. We needed rain so badly, and the heavens decided to make up for lost time, apparently. LOL!

I went to pickleball this morning as I am feeling so much better. I was playing pretty well, too! Then I got nailed in the eye with the ball. Fortunately, one of the guys who plays in our group is an ER doc. He made sure I was able to follow his finger with my eyes while someone ran to get me some ice. I managed to stave off a black eye, at least.

Hope all y'all are having a happy hump day!

Please enjoy my 2nd place Unleashed competition story:

Alisha Unleashed

Latest story:

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part 2 -Chapters 5-8

Help this story become famous:

The Office Whore - Part 1