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Alisha Unleashed

"Will the discovery of a betrayal be the end?"

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Author's Notes

"The road to redemption is often not the path expected."

Alisha stood silently and let her fingertips skim the assortment of leather implements on the wall before her. They ranged from the relatively tame to the severely intimidating.

How had she not known about her husband’s penchant for whips and chains? More importantly, why had he felt the need to hide this side of himself? After ten years of marriage, you’d think she would have had some notion.

She’d stumbled upon this den of iniquity by fluke when searching her kitchen for a bowl she couldn’t locate. She assumed that her darling husband had forgotten to bring it back into the house, so she went to retrieve it and found it filled with shackles and blindfolds.

Now, there was no turning back, no pretending that the mancave Dave had constructed behind the house didn’t have a sex dungeon in the back room, instead of the storage closet he’d claimed it was.

A tingle in her nether region caused her to feel momentarily flushed. She struggled to shake off the feeling of arousal at seeing a plethora of phallic-shaped toys in a variety of sizes. She’d never seen a room like this before and certainly never expected to find one in her backyard. It was hard to deny that her interest was piqued.

Then came the sudden realization that if Dave had all of this tucked away in his private space, he was likely cheating on her with women who enjoyed this kind of thing. Alisha was crestfallen that the love of her life would do such decadent things— things he’d never shared with her—with someone else. Tears that had been pooling in her eyes now trickled down her cheeks. She turned and saw Dave standing in the doorway.

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t call me baby when you’ve been doing God knows what, with the Devil knows who!”

“Lisha, I can explain,” he said quietly.

“Oh, you can? Really? You can explain how you’re out in our backyard engaged in debauchery while making a fool of your naïve wife? How many women have you fucked in that sex shack?”

Dave frowned. “None. I would never have sex with anyone but you, Alisha.”

“Don’t lie to me!” she wailed. “I’m not completely stupid! Are you trying to tell me you haven’t used those kinky sex toys?”

Dave inhaled sharply. “Yes, I’ve used those toys in the dungeon, but I haven’t engaged in intercourse. Any contact was for training purposes only. I’m a Dom; I train women to obey their husbands and show men how to dominate their wives properly. I stress things like safety, consent, and aftercare. Sessions may culminate in them having sex, but I don’t participate.”

With a look of both disbelief and disgust, Alisha asked, "Do you watch?"

“Yes; that’s part of my role as a sub-trainer. It helps determine whether more sessions are required.”

While her head felt like it might spin around and fly off her neck, Alisha’s nipples stood up involuntarily. Part of her felt nauseated, but deep within her soul, she felt intrigued and aroused. As indignation settled in, she jutted her chin and asked, “What’s in it for you?”

“What do you mean?”

Her answer came in the form of a barrage of questions. “I mean, what do you get out of these sessions? Does it turn you on to strike a woman with a whip? Do you jerk off afterward? Do you use this secret obsession to get in the mood to touch me during our weekly lovemaking? Am I not enough for you? How long has this been going on?”

Dave sighed, knowing that honesty was long overdue.

“I became Master David fifteen years ago and developed a stellar reputation in the D/s community for training spouses to be Doms and subs. I used to have several submissives of my own. That stopped when I met you. When I fell head over heels in love with you, I continued training others, but I no longer engaged in sex with them.”

Alisha was stupefied. How could she not have known? “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Running a hand through his hair, he let out a sigh. “I thought my lifestyle would repulse you. When I met you, you were so pure and light; you were a virgin, for cripes sake. I was afraid you’d think I wasn’t morally good enough for you. I’d been with plenty of other women, but you were the first I ever loved. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. When you accepted my marriage proposal, I stopped for a while. It felt wrong to be duplicitous, and I didn’t want to hurt you.”

Alisha felt a mix of rage and curiosity. Her mouth was silent, but her eyes demanded more. Dave knew that anything short of the truth would kill whatever chance he had to save his marriage.

“I stopped for almost a year. Then, a couple contacted me and offered me an obscene amount of money to train them. I declined, of course, but they doubled their offer.”

Realization washed over her face. “The big bonus you got from work...” she let her words trail off, waiting for Dave to confirm them.

“Yes, I accepted the fee, trained them at their house, and told you that the money was a bonus from work. It was technically true, so I didn’t feel like I was lying to you. I can see now that I was wrong.”

Alisha said nothing; she stared intently at him, waiting for more.

“Training them brought back that heady feeling I’d forgotten, a feeling I enjoyed. So, I told you to find us a house on a big piece of property. One big enough on which I could build a man cave so I wouldn’t clutter up the beautiful home you created for us. What I really needed was a training dungeon. I didn’t want to be away from home night after night—away from you. Having what I needed on-site made it seem like I was just a sports fanatic.

Alisha spat the words out like venom, “So, while I was inside the house, cooking and cleaning, you were teaching men how to degrade women? You disgust me!”

“No, Alisha, it’s not like that. These women… Look, I know it’s hard to comprehend. These women want to be submissive. They want to learn how to please their masters. It’s nothing they are being forced to do. I would never be involved in something so nefarious.”

A puzzled look came across her face. “Women want to be sexual slaves?”

“They want to submit to their husbands and, in turn, be well cared for and loved.”

“How is beating a woman considered caring and loving?” she asked, genuinely befuddled.

“I know this concept is completely foreign to you. But, before you decide that I’m a degenerate lecher, would you at least agree to watch a session? I want you to see that the relationship between a master and his submissive is one of the most intimate relationships there can be. That’s why I could no longer fathom the idea of having any subs of my own once I met you. I couldn’t share my heart with anyone else but you.”

“You want me to watch your filthy sex games?” Alisha asked incredulously.

“I want you to observe how I teach a man that a proper master cares for his sub. Let me show you that BDSM isn’t all pain and decadence.”

“Then what?” she asked quietly.

“Then, we discuss how you feel and what you need from me to keep our marriage alive.”

Alisha shook her head. “I already know how I feel. My entire world is shattered.”

Taking her hands in his, he spoke softly. “I never meant to hurt you. I took painstaking caution to be discreet. It never occurred to me that you’d come looking for that old bowl. I haven’t seen you use it in years. I’m so sorry that this has caused you so much pain.”

“No, you’re sorry because you got caught. We had a good life together; at least, I thought we did. I let you take the lead in our sex life. If you wanted more, then you should have asked. You didn’t need to go sneaking around behind my back, or, I should say, right under my nose.”

“It wasn’t sex that was lacking. It was the excitement of training others to lead the lifestyle I once enjoyed.”

“You mean the lifestyle you missed?”

“Okay, yes, a little. But I never wanted to lose what I have with you.”

“It never occurred to you to ask me?”

“Ask you? Ask you if it was okay for me to train others?”

“No, ask me if this was something I might be interested in. You never gave me a chance to understand your lifestyle or bothered to find out whether I’d be willing to try it. You say you love me, but you didn’t share your most intimate secrets with me.”

“You were so innocent and shy in the bedroom, I just thought...”

“Of course, I was shy! I was a virgin. I didn’t know what sex was supposed to be like. My mother died when I was young, and my father was a preacher. The only conversation I had about sex before I married you was when a woman at church told me that a wife must allow a man to do what he wants at least weekly. You missed the perfect opportunity to mold me into the kind of sexual partner you wanted and needed. If you’d said, ‘This is how it is between a husband and a wife,’ I would have been eager to learn. You just assumed I was too inexperienced or wouldn’t be good at it and never bothered to teach me,” Alisha said bitterly.

Dave was speechless. She was right; he had never considered that she might be a willing submissive. That his beautiful, loving wife might have been open to a D/s lifestyle had never even occurred to him.

Disappointment hung in the air. Dave wished he could think of the right words to express how sorry he was for everything.

“I should have been upfront. I’m so incredibly sorry I didn’t discuss what you might have been willing to learn and try. I didn’t…”

“Didn’t you say that Master David was a renowned trainer? Shouldn’t someone so adept at the skill have been able to teach me how to be a good submissive?”

It was Dave’s turn to be baffled.

“Would you have wanted me to?” he asked.

“A part of me wants to say, ‘Well, we’ll never know, will we?’ and walk out that door. My cousin is a lawyer; I could tell him every sordid detail and live my life as a wealthy, bitter woman scorned.”

Dave searched her face for any sign, any glimmer of hope, that she might be willing to stay and give him a chance to repair the damage he’d done. Or if it were too late, and he’d fucked up the best part of his life for a fetish.

“I love you, Lisha; please give me a chance to make this up to you. I won’t lie; being a Dom is something I enjoy. But it loses its luster if I don’t have you in my life.”

“I’m trying to decide what makes me angrier. Whether it’s that you kept all this a secret or that you never thought to include me.”

“I’m so, so sorry, Alisha.”

“I need time to think. I’d prefer that you sleep in the spare room tonight,” she said as she stood up and wiped the remaining tears from her face.

“Of course,” he said, grateful she was calm and did not demand that he get the hell out.

She first went into their bedroom and shut the door, feeling lost and confused. Eventually, curiosity had her firing up her iPad to research the D/s lifestyle. She spent several hours going down a rabbit hole, educating herself about bondage, spanking, and what the appeal was for women to be submissive. Some of it was downright scary, but there were aspects that she found intriguing. The video of a sub being flogged by her master made Alisha’s labia slick and left her body humming with a need that she couldn’t identify.

The following day, Dave threw on his jeans and a T-shirt and stumbled groggily into the kitchen to make some coffee when he saw the door to the man cave wide open. In a moment of panic, he worried that his wife had come out in a fit of rage and destroyed his dungeon equipment. Running into the den portion, he stopped at the entrance to the training room and saw Alisha picking up items and scrutinizing them.

"Would you like me to explain how any of these things are used?” he asked gently.

Picking up the big, black dildo, she said, “Not necessary. I’m naïve, but I’m not stupid. I know what a big, black cock is, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what most of these tools and implements are and what they do.” The curtness in her voice surprised him. But seeing her practically petting the vibrators was even more baffling.

“Do you love me, Dave?” she asked earnestly.

“With my whole heart and soul,” he answered without hesitation.

“Enough to give all this up?”

“If that’s what you want, yes.”

“And what if I want something else? What if I want you to train me to be submissive to you?”

Dave was dumbfounded. Then he grew a bit wary. As exciting as it sounded, how could he turn his wife into a sub? Could he bring himself to call her a slut, spank her, and make her address him as Sir?

“Alisha, you’re my wife. I don’t think…”

“Never mind, then,” she cut him off hastily, clearly hurt by his dismissive reply. “I guess Master David isn’t the Dom he thinks he is if he can’t turn me into a sub. Maybe I’m just not sexy enough.”

Dave opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it again.

Alisha pointed to the wall of spanking implements. “You’re always so careful with me, treating me as if I were fragile and might break. I wonder—would it make your dick hard to spank me with one of those black leather paddles or that riding crop?”

Dave’s dick twitched; he’d never heard her speak this way, and it was fucking erotic.

Alisha pursed her lips and held her head high. “I took a vow, for better or worse, till death do us part. Those weren’t just empty words, Dave.”

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She meandered over to the spanking bench and ran a delicate hand along the smoothly varnished wood. Alisha suddenly recognized the feeling she couldn’t identify the night before—it was lust.

“You have deprived me of the opportunity to be so much more than the sweet little wife who does her weekly duty. I’ve always been happy to let you climb on top of me and thrust into me until you get your pleasure. It felt good, but I’ve always been left with a nagging feeling that there should be something more. I did a lot of online reading last night, and I’m embarrassed at how little I knew about what that more could be and that my orgasm should be more than a satisfying little pop. You’ve failed me, Master David. I think if we have any hope of salvaging our marriage, you’ll need to prove to me that you can train your wife to be your submissive slut.”

Dave blinked. He’d never heard her say the word slut. And never, in a million years, did he expect the road to redemption would require him to get over his vision of what a good wife should be and treat her like a slut.

Searching her face to ascertain her true intentions, Dave spoke, “I’m only going to ask this once: are you certain this is what you want?”

“Yes, Master David. Please teach me.”

He went instantly hard at the opportunity that lay before him.

“For starters, then, you will call me Sir, and I will refer to you as slut. In this room, you shall speak only when I permit it. Otherwise, you will be silent. You’ll need to choose a safe word. You will say this word if I am doing anything that hurts you beyond what is pleasurable or tolerable, and I will stop everything immediately.”

Alisha nodded obediently and felt her panties go damp. She had no explanation as to why she should feel so sexually stirred, but because she did, she would embrace this adventure wholeheartedly.

“Tell me, slut, why do you wish to submit to your master?”

“I want to be the most important part of your life, Sir. I can’t be that unless I truly belong to you. I need to be the one you crave to own. I want to be the only one who pleases you sexually. Allowing you to take control will free me. It will break me loose from all my inhibitions so that I may enjoy my sexuality without shame.”

Dave was astounded. “I’ve never heard a better reason for wanting to become submissive. Is there anything you’d like to set down as an arbitrary rule? Something that would be a deal-breaker for you, perhaps?”

Alisha pondered that thought for a moment. “I want to insist that your cock never enter another woman’s mouth besides mine.”

Dave nodded. Although her oral skills were fair at best, it would be a small price to pay for the gift of saving their marriage and becoming her Dom.

Alisha was quite astute; she recognized the fleeting look of disappointment in his eyes, so she added, “Of course, I will need to learn to properly service your cock with my mouth and throat, Sir.”

A wide grin spread across Dave’s face. “It is my duty to teach you how to properly service my cock. I have no doubt that, with some practice, you’ll be able to do incredible things with your mouth and throat, slut. I promise that my cock will not cross the lips of any other person unless you say otherwise.”

She nodded.

“What are your limits?” he asked.

She remembered several online articles discussing limits. Having given it great thought, she was prepared with an answer.

“I don’t want to do anything gross.”

“Define gross.”

“If it goes in the toilet, it doesn’t go on me.”

Dave nodded in agreement. “What else?”

“I don’t want to be used by other men. Even though I am fully committed to learning to submit to you, I still want monogamy. Without that, I’m gone.”

Dave smiled. “Anything else?”

“I don’t want to be humiliated or leashed in public.”

Dave’s prick stiffened even more. He hadn’t considered that she might be open to a leash and collar.

“You have my word; I won’t do anything that overtly calls attention to the fact that you are an owned slave.”

Alisha’s face felt hot, and soon, the rest of her did as well. The idea of being owned was far more titillating than she had imagined.

“I want to try this on a short-term basis before I sign a contract agreeing to be your submissive.”

She’d certainly done her research. “That seems fair. Shall we say a trial period of a month?”


“To clarify, you are giving consent for me to train you to be submissive. This may include spanking, blindfolding, gagging, clamping, restraining, and electro-stimulation. Do you give your consent?”

“Yes, Sir. I consent to all of that. When can we start?”

“We’ll start now,” he said, his voice becoming stern. “Take off your clothes, slut, and get on your knees facing me with your hands behind your back and your gaze down. You will not make eye contact with me nor speak another word unless I’ve instructed you to do so, or if you need to use your safe word. Nod if you understand.”

Alisha nodded and did as she was told. Master David moved to where she kneeled and unzipped his jeans.

“Open your mouth to receive your Sir’s cock. Keep your hands behind your back; you haven’t earned the privilege of touching it yet.”

She lifted her chin and opened her mouth wide but kept her gaze toward the floor. Dave took his stiff shaft and rubbed the head, slick with precum, on her lips before entering her willing mouth. He slid further along her velvety tongue, enjoying the tightness this created in his balls.

Placing both hands on her head, he coached her next move. “Now, my sexy slut, you need to relax your throat for me so I can push myself in deeper.”

Alisha nodded and did her best to comply. But her gag reflex was strong, and he had to pull back. Feeling like a failure, she put her hands on his forearms and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Dave, I can’t do this.”

Tears filled her eyes as she got up and rushed toward the door. Finding it locked, she turned to face him, expecting to find him angry. Instead, he took her into his arms and held her momentarily.

He lifted her chin and kissed her lips gently. “You can do this, slut. I have great faith in you. With practice and time, you’ll be able to take me in your throat.” Taking a deep breath and blowing out slowly, he added, “In the meantime, there are other ways to please your master. Shall we try something else?”

Alisha shook her head as tears rolled down her cheek. “No, Sir.”

Dave felt disappointment creeping in. Then she surprised him.

“I want to try taking you into my throat again. Maybe not so fast or so far, though. Please, Sir?”

He smiled and wiped away her tears. “Of course, slut; get on your knees again. This time, I will allow you to use your hands so you can help control the depth of my penetration of your throat. Say, ‘Thank you, Sir.’”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Taking his erect shaft in her hands, she guided him into her mouth. She spent a few moments treating him to some spectacular sucking action. He moaned and praised her efforts, fully aware that this was the most oral attention she’d ever paid to his cock. He’d have been satisfied with this much progress, but he was delighted when she took him as far as the entrance to her throat.

“Mmm, good girl, slut,” he encouraged her. “That’s right. Now, take a little more.”

Alisha forced herself to relax her throat and was amazed when she was able to take his bulbous head in deeper than she knew was possible.

“Mmm, see what a good girl you are? Can you take more, slut?”

When she shook her head, he decided not to spoil things by pushing too hard this first session.

“I’m going to fuck your face, slut. It’s my nature to push in as far as possible, but you can control the depth with your hands. When I climax, you will swallow every drop of cum; do you understand, slut?”

Nodding, she prepared herself for the onslaught of his dick pounding against the back of her throat. As his pace increased, she could feel his arousal grow. He growled while he fucked her mouth, and she discovered it was an exhilarating feeling to know she was causing this pleasure.

“That’s right, slut, take my cock in your throat like a dirty little whore. Your Sir is going to feed you my cum now. Make sure you swallow every...fucking...drop! Fuck, yes!”

His balls felt like they were being squeezed in a vise before they let go as he erupted like a geyser in her throat.

She choked a little, but she managed not to let any of his seed escape her lips. It didn’t taste bad, and the incredible pleasure he had experienced in her mouth made her feel proud.

When Master David opened his eyes and pulled out of his slut’s mouth, he looked down to find her beaming. He took her hand to help lift her to a standing position and resisted the urge to embrace her as his wife. She was right; he had denied her the chance to be his submissive slave, and to break from the scene now would spoil the moment.

“You did well, slut. I’m proud of your progress already. Did you enjoy pleasing your Sir? You may speak.”

“I enjoyed it very much, Sir,” she said, lowering her gaze. “Thank you for using me for your pleasure."

Wondering if it was pushing his luck, he asked, “What do you suppose the consequence should be for failing to use your safe word and trying to run off the first time I tried to fuck your throat, slut?”

Alisha blushed and turned her gaze to the spanking bench but did not speak a word.

“You’re a quick study, slut. Climb onto the bench and present your ass to me.”

Alisha complied immediately and shivered with arousal when Master David ran his hand over her bare ass cheeks. When his hand slid between her legs, she was as shocked as he was by the extreme wetness he discovered. He let his fingers linger for a moment before securing her wrists and ankles and grabbing a paddle from the wall.

“This will hurt, but it will remind you to follow the rules. You must use your safe word if it’s too much to bear, do you understand?”

She nodded, trembling with a mix of trepidation and desire.

Smack! Smack!

Two quick swats, one on each side of her sexy bottom, were applied harshly to create the sting he found most effective when spanking disobedient subs.

Alisha took her punishment stoically at first. However, after several moments of paddling, she started to writhe and whimper. Master David set the paddle down and selected a crop. Each stroke of the leather upon her now reddening bottom made her moan like a lusty whore. Her hips began to grind, and as the movements stimulated her clit against the bench, she cried out like a bitch in heat, “Oh, God, what’s happening? I feel like I’m on fire! Please don’t stop!”

He spanked her harder for speaking without permission. “You naughty slut, you’re going to cum, aren’t you?”

“Is that what this is? Oh, my God, yes!”

Alisha feverishly humped the bench while Master David continued to spank her relentlessly, saying, “Go ahead, slut, cum for your Sir.”

“Oh, God! Oh, my…”

Alisha’s orgasm ripped through her body as her pussy sprayed sweet nectar, drenching the bench. Her body quaked for several moments, and Dave worried that she was having a seizure. Eventually, she stopped shaking as he unfastened her restraints. He helped her off the bench and noticed tears were streaming down her face.

“Alisha! Are you okay? Did I go too far? Did I hurt you?”

Alisha shook her head, indicating she was okay. He gazed at her fiery red hair, wild and disheveled. He’d never seen her look so sexy!

As he smoothed some aloe over her angry-looking butt cheeks, he imagined what it would look like with stripes from his cane. Lust burgeoned in his loins as he imagined all the depraved acts he would teach her. His balls ached, envisioning her strapped to the cross with a ball gag in her mouth, a collar around her neck, and her nipples clamped. But they had plenty of time to work up to that kind of intensive play.

Finally able to speak, Alisha looked cross as she panted, “All this time.”

“All this time?”

“All this time, you’ve denied me the intensity of a mind-blowing orgasm. I never knew it could feel this wonderful. Why would you keep this from me?” She was pissed!

Dave was flabbergasted. "I’m sorry I hurt you by keeping this all a secret. I never intended to deny you pleasure; I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she replied. “But never again!”

“Never again?” he questioned, feeling confused and like the rug had just been pulled from beneath him. “I thought you truly enjoyed that session.”

"It will take me time to regain faith in our marriage because you betrayed my trust for so long."

Dave nodded penitently, trying not to let his disappointment show.

“So, never again will you deny me the kind of pleasure that I experienced today. Your days of training others are over. You are my master, and I am your sub. You won’t have time for anyone else; you’ll be busy making up for lost time with me. I want to try everything in that room; I have so much to learn! Oh, and you may be Master David in the dungeon, but I’m calling the shots in the bedroom from now on. Is that clear?”

Dave was astonished and aroused by the decadent slut he had unleashed, “Yes, ma'am.”

“Good. Now take me in the house and fuck me savagely; no more holding back! You’ll play with me and use me till I can’t take any more. Now that I know what a real orgasm feels like, you’ll be expected to make that happen more often!”

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied, delighted to realize his newly submissive slut also had a dominant side as well. Alisha might be his collared slut in the dungeon, but she would be a demanding, insatiable woman in the bedroom. He grinned salaciously. She didn’t know it yet, but his wife was a switch! That was fuckin’ hot!

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she asked. “We’ve wasted enough time. I need you to fuck me!”

Dave chuckled at her impatience. “I’ll have to spank you later for being so sassy.”


Written by techgoddess
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