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Awesome Award 2/27/17: Rumpleforeskin

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Her Royal Spriteness

There is a rumor that, when Nicola first started Lush, Rumple was already here, so she simply built the site around him. Since then, he's been a staple of Lush. Who here hasn't spent sometime at his watering hole (Rumplations) and had a friendly conversation? He's a top notch writer and a voracious reader, whose comments go beyond 'good job', usually having something of substance to say that makes a lot of us pause and take heed. Even when he has something negative to say, he always manages to do it in an uplifting manner.

He may not remember this, but i do. He read a story of mine, this was several years ago, and sent me a PM so as "not to embarrass me". he told me that he scored it a 4. Anyone else, he'd said, it would have been a 5, but i know you can do better, i have seen you do better. Since then, when a story is done, i read it thru one last time and think - did i phone this one in? is Rumple going to give it a 4 or a 5? it's led me to clean up one or two stories and make them that much better.

Btw, when i asked people to send in nominees for the award, apparently i wasn't alone in thinking he represents the best of lush - a warm and generous guy who is always happy to put aside what he's doing and help someone out...

He is always generous w his time and comments. And he is wonderfully able (and willing) to provide constructive criticism in a way that never stings, because it is so obvious that he loved writing and wants to help. There is never a sense of doing it in order to show off how smart he is or to play "gotcha." In addition, his "rumplations" thread in the Pub is, as he would call it, a goodness.

And, on a personal note, just seeing him sleeping on the beach with his sombero always makes me smile, regardless of what mood i'm in, so congratulations, Rumple, and thank you for making this place just a little bit better by your presence.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm ashamed to have not nominated Bill. Truth be told, if it wasn't for him, I would have probably run away from the site. He invited me to his bar which is the best place to hang out and he trusted me to edit his story and he's so funny and he named a fucking drink after me and I love him to the sky and back and god, what a guy! Such a good, decent guy and a great writer too. CONGRATULATIONS to a top, top guy!
Scarlet Seductress
A nice guy who will never get a sunburned willy. Congrats on the Awesome Award!

Primus Omnium
It's a pleasure seeing Rumple getting recognition here on Lush. I must say, he and I are more familiar with each other on the blue site. He's always encouraging and wonderfully complimentary there. I'm not sure he has ever read anything I've written here on red. That's not important, actually. What is important is that he has been such a good friend and confidante to so many here on Lush. It's grand that he's the first recipient of this coveted award.
Rainbow Warrior
Never heard of him! ...okay, he's never heard of me! But what a good call for first recipient! Sadly, I've never shown up on his radar, (this is what comes of never entering drinking establishments!) but he's clearly made a big impact on Lush, so CONGRATULATIONS, Rump!
Normal Adjacent
How perfect, I was thinking of him for this award but I suffer from a deplorable amount of laziness. I wandered into his bar awhile back and have never left. He too sent me a pm after reading some of my stories pointing out my over use of "I" and some other sage advice. You could tell he was doing it in an honest effort to better my work and in the nicest way possible. I have always appreciated that. His sense of humor is just a bonus.

Come to his bar, he will always make you feel welcome and will even "pimp" your latest story, offer a drink or commentary on the news of the day, sports etc.

I feel like Rumplations is my second home here. I will admit some days it has kept me from leaving. I've met some of the nicest people there, made new friends and been reacquainted with old ones.

So congratulations and don't forget to read his stories and come by the bar. You won't regret either.

My favorite story of his is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Of course I can't remember the name or look it up at the moment, but it is in is forum sig line if I am not mistaken.

And don't forget to try the "Hannah".


I heard this was brewing. Crap. Even when I try avoid punnies, it still happens.
Active Ink Slinger
I haven't visited the rumplations thread a lot, but it was always a joy when I did. I think this award is well deserved.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I already gushed about this over at his bar, so I will simply add that this is a great pick for the award, and a nice way to start the day. Nice guy, generous and smart and self-deprecating, who has helped my writing many times over and given me quite a few laughs as well. Well deserved, Bill.
Gentleman Stranger
Congratulations, RF, a very worthy recipient of the first non-honorary honor of this award. Your generosity, presence, participation, and contributions to Lush and its members help to make it the great site it is.

Internet Philosopher
Great choice. Bill is a quality guy who has reached out to most all of us at one time or another. Congrats, Rumple!
Congrats, Rumple!

So well deserved.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Never heard of him! ...okay, he's never heard of me! But what a good call for first recipient! Sadly, I've never shown up on his radar, (this is what comes of never entering drinking establishments!) but he's clearly made a big impact on Lush, so CONGRATULATIONS, Rump!

I'm often in the bar but never drinking! Except today, of course!
A very deserved award, as I've already commented over in Rump's bar. Now all the ladies should rush over. Some idiot ape said he'd buy all the ladies a drink.
Alpha Blonde
Excellent nomination and decision. Rump is a kind, warm-hearted, talented yet humble man who offers some of the best constructive feedback for writers who really want to improve their skills and grow. He's a huge asset to the site and a really awesome human being! Congrats!
Congrats Rumple. Always enjoy a visit to your bar and the great humour with which one and all is met. Love to read through the posts there when i need a chuckle. Cheers!
Snake Charmera
Congratulations. I don't believe we have ever officially met although I've stopped by once or twice. I will have to come check out the bar and the patrons. it seems you are very deserving of this lovely lush award.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

The Bee's Knees
congratulations! i'm afraid that i don't know you personally, but i can see that you're very deserving of this award. i've come across a few of your posts and have peeked inside your bar. guess it's time to order a round!?

Say. Her. Name.

The Linebacker
Congratulations Rumpy! You are an outstanding recipient for the Awesome Award. You've always been a huge positive for Your RUMPLATIONS: Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar is a great ambassador for the site as well as being Lush's coolest hang out.

Again congratulations to a fabulous guy! Awesome! And Rumpy has one of the best avatars on the site.

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to my fellow Lushketeers.

While I'll be eternally grateful to Sprite for giving me this special 'atta boy', what I'll treasure even more are the personal recollections in her 'award presentation' and the numerous kind comments that followed from other members of the Lush community.

Today's recognition is one I'll always recall with warm fondness. Many thanks from, Rumpled old Bill , to each and every one of you, or to express it with grammatical southern conciseness, to y'all. ;)

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Raised on Blackroot
I don't much venture into all segments of the forum to really know the bloke, or really many forum goers really. Probably missing out on some gems.

But Buz pimped one of my stories in his Honky Tonk before because I'm never all that confident in pimping my shit. Needless to say, I got reads I've never gotten before from people more than willing to help get a wonky competition piece eligible. If a dude creates a place that like, he's a right gent.

More than that, he compared a bit of my writing to 'Fear and Loathing.'

That's way too kind a compliment. Hunter S. Thompson is a cult classic boss.

Thanks, for that man. That's the best compliment I've ever received, and it was short as hell.

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Active Ink Slinger
Congratulation Rumple... a well-deserved award to be sure!
I'm not for everyone
Congratulations. I often look through the window of your fine establishment, one day I will have to come in for a drink.
Story Verifier
Congratulations RF! Great choice and most deserved.
Candyland Kitten
Congratulations Mr. Rumple, Obviously everyone agrees that you're more than deserving and I only wish I knew you better too. Guess I'll have to try to get a seat at the bar again though I'm afraid after this it'll be standing room only.
Active Ink Slinger
The Right Rev of Lush
Nothing better on a rainy Tuesday in Arizona than reading kind comments directed at me, my own self. Thanks to all of you.

BTW, everyone in Lushland should feel free to drop into, Rumplations. There's no cover, no minimum, no bouncer and absolutely no standards. Y'all come.
RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
God Empress of Lush
Congratulations! You're one of those people who make Lush what it is. Always there, always with something fun or interesting to say. So nice that you've been recognised with this fantastic new award.

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx