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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States


Advanced Wordsmith
Hello Doll:

The spontaneous orgasm during a high school exam that you describe happened to me--but just once. I was in the middle of a final exam when I looked up and misread the clock, thinking I had just 10 minutes to go instead of 1 hour and 10 minutes.

A wave of emotion -- mostly fear, I suppose -- shot through me and almost immediately I felt myself beginning to ejaculate. I remember it was so unexpected--and so pleasant--that I just closed my eyes and went with it.

When the orgasm was over, my briefs were extremely moist and sticky--but I also had regained my composure, and quickly realized my error, and went on to finish the exam.

The quality of that orgasm -- perhaps because it happened without being fully erect -- was different from any other that I've experienced. Each pulse was like a mild (and immensely pleasant) electric shock coursing through my whole body.

Thanks for reminding me!
Advanced Wordsmith
"i'd rather count the wrinkles on my dog's balls..." I wonder if this is a quintessential Limbaugh ditto head, or is he just really, really antisocial.
Advanced Wordsmith
Brilliant! Does this mean that Sci-Fi is like porn? It's the action that counts, not the plot.
Advanced Wordsmith
Brilliant! Does this mean that Sci-Fi is like porn? It's the action that counts, not the plot.
Advanced Wordsmith
It was going to be baby rack of lamb, but Loislane's tacos has me reconsidering. Lamb and tequila just don't seem to pair.
Advanced Wordsmith
My preference is for the first person--although depending upon which personality happens to dominate at any given time, the perspective can vary.
Still, there are times when only the omniscient perspective will work.
Advanced Wordsmith
Nominate words or phrases that should be banned from the English language, such as:

it is what it is
think outside the box
voted off the island
omg, lol, imho, btw
even in this economy
too much information
off the reservation
off the hook
throw under the bus
don't go there
110 percent
same ol' same ol
with all due respect
phone tag
it's all good
no worry
at the end of the day
the kicker is
agree to agree
back in the day
very unique
pushing the envelop
boots on the ground
say what?
off the hook
game changer
jumped the shark
(anything) on acid
(anything) from hell
(anything) on steroids

based on list originated by members of the band, They Might Be Giants
Advanced Wordsmith
rainbowlicious francofrog

a muppet frog that eats flies, dates pigs, makes love in French, and dreams impossible dreams
Advanced Wordsmith
IMO, the Paris Hilton hotel is much sexier than the Paris Hilton person.
Advanced Wordsmith
Cook suggested it could be symbol of fertility, perhaps even portrayed in the act of giving birth.
Mellars suggested a more basic motivation for the carving: "These people were obsessed with sex."

My guess: Mellars is obsessed with sex and that Neanderthals were obsessed with fertility. In tribes that were little more than a collection of few extended families, the birth of new child would have been vastly significant.
Advanced Wordsmith
"Bruises" by Chairlift

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Everytime I fell on you, yeah, everytime I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But everytime I fell for you
I'm permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you.

For you-ooh-ooh-ooh
So black and blue-ooh-ooh-ooh
For you-ooh-ooh-ooh.

I grabbed some frozen strawberries so I could ice your bruising knees
But frozen things they all unfreeze and now I taste like....
All those frozen strawberries I used to chill your bruising knees,
Hot July ain't good to me
I'm pink and black and blue for you.

Got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue for you-ooh-ooh-ooh
Advanced Wordsmith
[QUOTE]I am scared of heights but I'd LOVE to do a sky dive!![/QUOTE]

OK, MM, now that really is scary!
Advanced Wordsmith

Get a Mac!

A built in "Time Machine" automatically backsup your work every hour--so, even if you accidentally delete the contents of a file and save it that way, you can still go back to the previous hour's version.

Anyway, it's all water over the dam, right? Your new stories are awesome!