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12 hours ago
Straight Male, 102
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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by adeleeve

Loooking up into his eyes just as he erupts is so erotic

There are few things in life as intimate as erupting into a woman's willing mouth.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by desireintimacy
keeps me awake at nights after seeing my friends

More than once.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by desireintimacy
naked on my deck at night under the stars

...with your legs spread ... exposed ... nipples hard in the pleasant evening air.
Am I right?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by desireintimacy
be spanked

Excellent answer. Simple, to the point...
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by emmaslut
They should be as skimpy as you are comfortable with.

So that begs the question - how skimpy are you comfortable with?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by BethanyFrasier
There was no gradual progression or reluctance involved in our erotic photography. My boyfriend took up photography in college specifically because I was already modeling nude for other photographers and art students at the university, and he wanted to shoot me creatively as a way to hone his photographic skills (and get to know me better, of course). I did do lingerie to an extent, but most of our pictures were done with me nude in natural settings, woods, waterfalls, abandoned school houses, warehouses, or anywhere that presented an interesting backdrop to photographing me in the nude. I never did slutty outfits, nor used dildoes etc. They were tasteful nudes, but our location shots and studio shoots both often led to sex, as I was made up to look as sexy as possible.

Sounds like you are/were on a much different path than my wife and I. In our case, it's been a bit of a journey of discovery, using art and photography to draw out a certain eroticism that had, before that, been either submerged or hidden. That was the point I was trying to get across with my post - to illustrate where that journey had taken us lately. I appreciate the artistic nude photo as much as anybody, but my purpose in posting was to see if my description of our journey would perhaps draw out some others who had been on a similar path.

I am interested by the apparent distinction you drew to your work as 'tasteful nudes'. Because after all, what is 'tasteful'? I've been shooting my wife in a wide range of styles over the years, and I freely acknowledge that our most recent work is intended to be extremely erotic.
Advanced Wordsmith
Really hoping for some conversation on this topic. I'll leave the original post up for a couple more days, but after that I'll probably take it down.

Now's the time to have fun.
Advanced Wordsmith
It depends on her motivation for asking. If it's all about exploring her sexuality, I'm all for it. If it's because she is restless and wants an open marriage or some other kind of rot, then absolutely not. If it's about sex, then yes. If she wants a relationship then no.
Advanced Wordsmith


There are a few fuckers but nothing special--well nothing special from my part.

That could be corrected. I know at least one who thinks you would make a fabulous fantasy fuck buddy...
Advanced Wordsmith
This is just something I felt like sharing, because it's fun to do, and therefore also fun to talk about. Feel free to make of this thread what you will...

(There wasn't much activity on the thread, so I deleted it. But if this is a topic you'd enjoy discussing, reach out and we can have some fun with it.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by HotWife4U

How's mine?

Just gorgeous! And if I may say so, you also have perfectly lovely tits.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by 1nympholes

Some 30-year old's should wear something with lots of cover up and some well past that point can wear just anything. It all depends on your body and your condition.

This is soooo true! It depends not only on her body and condition, but also importantly on her ATTITUDE.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by FirstBlush
What you want to see:

What I'd rather wear:

Personally, I would love to see you wearing either one. The one-piece is wildly's often the case that the less shown the hot and sexier it is. The important thing is the attitude of the wearer. Don't you think?
Advanced Wordsmith
Bringing this marvelous thread back from the dead.

Which is preferred, G-strings, T-back, Whaletails, or Scrunch butt bikini bottoms?

Ladies, which do you prefer to wear?
Men, which do you prefer to see the ladies wearing?
Advanced Wordsmith
Kind of unfortunate that the last five posts (including my own) are from guys, especially since this is an 'ask the gals' thread.

(I let myself off the hook since I started the thread in the first place so have sort of an obligation to keep it lively.)

Ladies, I'd love to hear from you. If you have ever posed for erotic photos, for your husband or b/f or even for an anonymous photographer, how did it make you feel? Was it fun and exciting, or was it somethiing you did under duress? Do you think the experience may have helped you overcome some personal barriers?

Were you pleased with the results? I know my wife is very surprised every time I show her the fruits of our shared labor...she's always surprised to find out that I'm not just making stuff up when I tell her how hot she looks.
Advanced Wordsmith
We had an opportunity to indulge in an erotic shoot a week or two ago. Spent nearly the whole day, after turning our house into a giant photo studio.

Guys, have you ever done that with your wife or g/f?
Advanced Wordsmith
We had the opportunity to indulge in an erotic photo shoot a week or two ago...nobody home but us, so we turned our house into a giant 'home' studio...and spent most of a day shooting some fantastically erotic photos of her.

Occasionally in the summer we can indulge in an outdoor location at a forested park not far from home...
Advanced Wordsmith
Guys, I posted a similar question on the Ask the Gals forum, but I think it would be very interesting to hear your point of view as well. Have you ever asked your wife or girlfriend to pose for you for a series of erotic photo shoots? Was she willing to do so?

Do you think she would she be willing to pose:
- ...wearing sexy lingerie?
- ...wearing an erotic/sexy outfit, whether something you could wear in public or purely as an erotic fantasy?
- ...completely nude?
- public?
- situations in which she would not normally engage, for the sake of creating erotic art?
- the act, for example while giving a blowjob or receiving head or being fucked?

If you're a photographer, even of the most amateur variety, what sorts of outfits or poses would you love to see her in as you photograph her?

If you have asked her, how did she react? Was she flattered? Offended? Secretly thrilled?

A big part of the trick of it for me has been in finding ways to help my wife feel comfortable posing...overcoming her natural insecurities and helping her come to the conclusion that erotic photography between a loving couple is probably more ordinary than we think.

I've been photographing my wife for many years - I'm very curious how it works for other couples.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by 1nympholes
I had a Erotic Nude done years ago for my husband to be. He has a reproduction of the General John Pershing Desk about 5'by 8' feet.

I am sitting on the top of the desk leaning back on both hands with my legs spread a bit and both feet flat on the top of the desk.

Just about as exposed as a woman can be.

He loves it and shows just about anyone who will look and I love it too since he is so proud of it.

I found it very exciting to be photographed like that

Think I am too old to do it again?

Too old??? Never! It's simply not possible to be "too old" to express one's self erotically. At least that's my opinion. My wife is in her late 50s and I find her to be as sexy and erotic as ever. Here's a photo I shot of her last summer. Granted, it's just a leg view, but you get the idea.

The vision of you displayed on top of that desk is indeed intoxicating, and it's wonderful to hear that your husband is so proud of the result of that photo shoot. Has he ever had the pleasure of having you pose for him to photograph?
Advanced Wordsmith
Ladies, if your husband or BF asked you to pose for him while he photographs you, would you do it? I'm asking specifically about posing for erotic photos.

For example, would you pose while:
- ...wearing sexy lingerie?
- ...wearing an erotic/sexy outfit, whether something you could wear in public or purely as an erotic fantasy?
- ...completely nude?
- public?
- situations in which you would not normally engage, for the sake of creating erotic art?
- the act, for example while giving a blowjob or receiving head or being fucked?

If he did ask you, would you be flattered? Offended? Secretly thrilled?

If you like the idea of being the model, but are slightly hesitant, what would he do to help you feel more comfortable and enjoy the experience?

I've been photographing my wife for many years - I'm very curious how it works for other couples.
Advanced Wordsmith
To me, there is nothing erotic or sexy about guns. I'd run the other way.
Advanced Wordsmith
Turf - no brainer, I don't like seafood. Except tuna.

Guys, would you rather receive a blowjob from her along with a sultry invitation to "cum in my mouth", or would you rather fill her pussy?
Advanced Wordsmith
Roller Coaster.

Ladies, if you were dressing on the slutty side for a night on the town designed to push the boundaries, would you opt for short, tight booty shorts, or a short, skintight skirt?
Advanced Wordsmith
It seems to me that many people on this thread aren't distinguishing between the fantasy of it, and the reality of it.

I positively love the fantasy of it...the idea of it, the sense of danger and risk, the heightened stimulation, the intense intimacy that the idea provokes.

But that's alot different from actually doing it.

I think it's very possible to enjoy the idea of it without doing it. At least that's where I am.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jamey66
I think a one piece can be just as erotic as a skimpy bikini.

Absolutely. At some point, the line between a one piece and a bikini can almost disappear. There are some fantastically beautiful and very skimpy one pieces out there.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Pegasus4
I do like skimpy bikinis but love something left to the imagination.

Agreed! To me, that is the very definition of skimpy! Just enough to cover her lady bits, and to tease and excite. A perfect skimpy bikini is one that accentuates her gorgeous femininity.
Advanced Wordsmith
Garcia without a doubt.
Joe Bonamassa is coming on fast...