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Over 90 days ago
Male, 154
0 miles · Salmon


Rookie Scribe
kilometers deeper than simple
seeing, visceral visitation
as the hottest sweetest sweet
potato -- feel of the glow
that escapes that cherry sucker
t-shirt that comes down to only the top

of the first curvaceous rise
of your backside as you walk
with a wobble into the kitchen
where I already fired up
my afterglow appropriate red
Lucky gets me thirsty for a malt

liquor except the last malt liquor
I gunned happened when the night
was silent but only from our session
of fire engine screaming passion
that ended like the one I smoke this red
Lucky for and gives you your wobbly

glow so why don’t you go collect
those panties hearts like polka dot lips
are kissing all over that you know
brings the temperature of my passions
soaring all the way to animal,
slip them on and feel the slippery

harvest you milked from me to you
as you walk to the store to fetch
a cold malt liquor and maybe
a kebab and tell the guy
to not be shy about the peppers.
If you hadn’t wiped me out I’d travel

with you on those grit-groovy streets
just to grin within at how you try
to be cool about the reminder
that gives goo in your panties,
that gets those little red hearts
all smeared so their bright reds

are occluded pinkish. I think
that skirt I purchased for you
Christmas before this last you should fasten
and I bet you’ll be a walking doll
who exudes the warmth that gives pause
to nerve endings no matter what sex

organs dwell in a crotch, maybe
because your hair though a ponytail
won’t be pulled back in the usual
tidy fashion. I’ve heard about
that land of toys called novelty
and sourpusses warn against

prioritizing passing fancies
because they are novelties and novelties
have short shelf lives. But girl
every time you come near me
I remember how you writhed under
me and that your best muscles

are hidden in your exquisite pussy
walls and your countenance never fails
to animate into a woman
I’d not recognize because it’s like
the place you belong is always near
and easily accessed; your tart of

a sassy saucy cunt should be daily
and nightly throbbing and maybe
a little bit sore in the sensitive
tingly way because the way the heavens
put you together keeps me enslaved
in a state of unquenchable greed.

Or maybe it wasn’t the heavens,
at least the deacons I remember
would warn me about a sexpot
exposing pouty lips as you
were born to do. And once in a while

a rash of chills comes along and bathes
my body because they know
what gives me a kind of erotic
terror inside, knowing that if you
really wanted to turn the tables

and with a leash lead me to the troughs
to drink of all the perverse deeds
I’d flee from if anyone but you
took to black leather tools, I know
the answer and that’s why I feel

pretty much manipulated in
sprinkling brusqueness
in these lines and trying to talk
tough and you better hurry
to the store for that cold
malt liquor and peppered kebab.

*saw this and scrounged in the files and found this.
Hello. Nice to be here.
Rookie Scribe
Sure from afar it seems
sugar is the style the mysterious
horns prefer, as an assumption is easy
for the picking when eyes are froze
in the throes tongues versed in the vulgar
know as the awestruck gaze at what can
only be elevated sweetness.

However the explorer daring to scale
her unforgiving ruggedness
(and it must be an elite level
explorer daring to do this)
discovers quick enough the flesh
is hardly fruity but is high
in salty content. So salty are these rocks
one wonders where the bartender hides.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by seeker4
I used to think of myself as 99.9% straight, too. I dismissed my odd dreams and fantasies about cocks as just that; odd. But somehow, they didn't stop and my desire to enjoy some of those dreams and fantasies grew to the point where I had to drop that 99.9% down to maybe 60% or even 50:50. I'm bi and know it now. Does that mean I changed or does it mean I was just repressing? Tough call. I was bullied in high school for being "gay" (which I wasn't at the time, overtly or covertly) so that likely not only kept me in the closet, but kept that part of me in my mental closet, ie. I wouldn't even come out to myself. So, it was probably there all along and just repressed. So, yeah, maybe whittle that down a bit. Though perhaps getting turned on by a guy masturbating is a different level from where my fantasies are at (full-on oral, and maybe even anal, sex with men). In any case, I think you're in the right place. Not sure if any of that helps or not.

Well I sure do appreciate your thoughtful and insightful perspective on the matter.

Since posting this, my mental meanderings in the Great Parking Lot of Sexual Stuff stumbled on a space marked, A Smidge-of-a-Smidgen Curious. It's a comfortable space and think I will chill in it for awhile.
Rookie Scribe
New to the site & forum.
Hope to contribute what I can in the way of lush literature.
Rookie Scribe
New to Lush Stories, but not new to writing or sexual fantasies. Got one short tale posted and another should be public soon.

Apologies if this is not the most appropriate place to pose this question, but like I said, I'm new to these parts and still kind of lost about where to put what.

Anyway: I've always considered myself about 99.9% straight. I'm a guy and not at all sexually attracted to men (or to masculinity).

But on another blog platform where I like to post short sketches/stories, someone openly said they jerked off to my stuff. Well, it's a very rare thing for me to hear that something I wrote inspired someone to masturbate. And I take it as about the highest compliment that can to be paid. But the visual, the idea, the reality, of another man masturbating, telling me he masturbated, and made a big cummy mess... I have to say it turned me on a bit. And frankly it's turning me on as I type these words.

Maybe I should whittle that 99.9% down to 95%?