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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female
0 miles · Melksham


Active Ink Slinger
god yes I adore pregnant women and love to hear from them xxxx
Active Ink Slinger
I adore naughty chat with the right person who can be equally naughty and inventive………
Active Ink Slinger
Eating pussy for me would be a staple in my diet...........................
Active Ink Slinger
its a way of life. I love her to bits and she's very attractive and young but has little or no libido..................
I have given up but take every opportunity I can........
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tinastits2
My twelve year marriage was sexless for final two and a half years, before we finally seperated. Of course I missed the physical side in that time, I love sex and have always had a high sex drive, but worse than that was the loss of comfort, closeness and love that sex brings. I lost all confidence when my husband rejected my obvious advances, we became like a Brother and Sister living in the same house. I started to find fault in myself. "Was I no longer attractive, should I try even harder", even wondering if my pussy had lost its elasticity having had 2 kids. I was emotionaly drained in the end and it tipped our already difficult marriage into a final downward spiral that councilling, endless talking and weekends without the kids just could'nt resolve. I never want to go through that again. IMO, unless there are health reasons, a partnership without regular sex is only half a partnership.

I so agree with what you write here. I'm on the other side of the relationship........ My wife just doesn't get sex.....Its not helped by the fact she's on meds that don't help, but its too much effort for her it seems, she's gorgeous 20 yrs younger than me I adore her, but I have no sex life other than whens she's feeling sorry for me, twice a year if i'm lucky. Im fit in every way viral and adore sex and erotica. I just don't understand.
I'm at breaking point and am even considering an affair which id want only for the physical side. its just not right.
Active Ink Slinger
I have to admit to a point in time where panties of any type were such a turn on. in the right circumstances used ones would still do it but I so now adore the no panties opportunities x
Active Ink Slinger
I have to admit to a point in time where panties of any type were such a turn on. in the right circumstances used ones would still do it but I so now adore the no panties opportunities x
Active Ink Slinger
every second day or so.............. some time each day.. my wife is not into sex !
Active Ink Slinger
turn off for certain.
I understand the mental side of it but having been hands on.... so to speak a certain turn off
Active Ink Slinger
small breasted women as such a turn on.........they are gorgeous x
Active Ink Slinger
What an interesting thread. Older or younger............I think it depends on your needs. I'm in my late 50's. I have a wonderful lady 20yrs younger. she's the only girl who can match my intellect and physicality. Yea she doesn't understand the 60's or 70's but she's teaching me about the 80's and 90's when I was too busy to have fun. She seems to love the attention I give her and the time I take to make her the centre of my life. He previous guy was 24...............If you are into shallow stuff then go young it doesn't demand huge effort and everyone is pretty or fit. If you are into relationships and serving you partners needs some one who has experience may be your thing........
Active Ink Slinger
im sorry girls generally have the most beautiful body in the world now and whilst I understand the potential to add to that canvas ink doesn't do time well nor do bodies so as long as you accept that it may be amazing for 5 10 years it will cease to be thereafter..............