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A Week At The Office - Part Four

"BDSM, slave, Master"

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I swallow my nerves, and look up at You.   “As You wish, Master.   I am Your slave and I exist for Your pleasure.”   We have spoken about this quite a few times now, and I always thought I would be completely ready when the time came.   But the time has come, and I feel as if everything is moving in slow motion.   I desperately want You to do this – to be able to give myself to You in this way, but at the same time I am nervous.   It’s one thing wearing a butt plug that is tapered for a comfortable fit, but Your cock is much thicker than the plug.


“On all fours on the bed My sweet,” You say to me as You cross the room and rummage through the case.   You pull out a bottle of lube – You have always promised me that You would take this slowly, and use plenty of lubrication.   As You approach the bed again, I cannot take my eyes off Your cock – wondering how it’s ever going to fit into my arse without splitting me in two.   You see the nervous look and stroke my back firmly.   “I want you to relax slave, and if it becomes too much for you, use your safe word, understand?”   “Yes Master,” I whisper, facing the front and closing my eyes again.   I concentrate on my breathing, relaxing myself in preparation for this experience.   I jump slightly when You rub some of the lube onto my tight hole.   You cover it slowly, letting Your finger slip inside my arse a few times, lubricating me inside and out.   I take Your finger easily after my all day session with the butt plug, and this raises my spirits and I start to repeat to myself that I can do this.   Your hand leaves me, and I know You are lubing up Your cock, and then I feel Your hands spread my cheeks, and it pressing against my arse.   I steadfastly refuse to let myself tense up, and continue to take deep breaths.   “Relax, My slut,” You say quietly as You push into me slowly but firmly.   The head of Your cock is almost completely in my arse now, and once it’s in, You stop to allow me to adjust to the feeling.   It’s more uncomfortable than painful – the vibrator did a good job of relaxing my muscles.   Shortly, I find that I’ve grown accustomed to the sensation, and try to push back on to You.   You moan as You feel me taking Your cock deeper into my arse.   “Mmm…such a good little slave…hold still for a while now My sweet,”     I stop moving straight away, but the feeling of Your cock moving inside me doesn’t.   I suddenly realise that You are holding me in position and fucking my arse slowly.   About half of Your cock is in my arse now, and with each thrust You push a little deeper.   At one point You stop moving and put some more lube on to Your cock.   Before very long, You are fucking me with almost Your entire length, and I am loving it.   I feel incredibly dirty taking part in this lewd act, and tell You so.   “You are.   You’re a dirty little whore who’s found she likes getting her arse fucked.   You’re My horny little bitch aren’t you?   My cum hungry little fuck toy…”   Your voice is low and seductive, and it’s driving me wild.   “Please…”   I whisper, “Please may I touch my clit Master..?”   “Not yet. I want to hear you tell Me what you are first,” You reply, and I have no trouble finding the words.   I’m Your slut, Master.   I’m Your sexy little bitch…Your slave, Your own, personal, filthy little whore, Master.   I’m Your horny cock slut, and Your cum hungry little fuck toy, Master!”   My voice becomes increasingly urgent – You know I love to be called all those things – it turns me on even more.   “Good little bitch – now you may rub your clit,” You say, all the while fucking my arse slowly.   I lift my left hand and begin to run it over my clitoris…my juices are dripping down my thighs as I briefly push two fingers into my pussy.   I smother my clit in the juices, making it slippery and even more sensitive to touch…I begin to rub my whole pussy feverishly, begging You to fuck me faster.   You remind me briefly about how I’m Your sexy little whore and then oblige, holding my hips tightly as You drive Your whole length into my arse.   I’m soaring.   I feel positively elated at having been able to please You in this way, and as I listen to the sound of my fingers pumping my soaked pussy, and the sound of You fucking my arse I am overcome, and before I know it my orgasm is close.     “Please may I cum Master?   Please let me cum for You…”   I gasp out, not daring to think what Your answer will be.   “Not yet bitch – hold on a little longer.” You reply, and it sounds as if You are close too.   “Don’t you dare ease up on your clit slut,” You add warningly, with a slap to my bottom.   “I won’t Master…feels so good…please let Your little whore cum for You…PLEASE Master!”   I beg.   I am becoming desperate – I feel as though I am sitting right on top of my impending orgasm, then I hear those wonderful words,   “Cum now, slut!   Cum with your Master…Cum hard for Me My little slave…”   You trail off as Your orgasm overtakes You, and I feel You cumming – Your cock twitching as You shoot Your hot cum into my arse.   As we gradually get our breath back, You shift off of me and plant several small kisses down my spine.   “You did very well slave, I’m proud of you,” You say indulgently.   “Did you enjoy it?”   You ask, and when I turn my head and look at You there is a touch of concern on Your face.   It changes to relief when I smile.   “Yes Master I did – it felt fantastic!” I say with a grin.   You pat my bottom and send me off into the bathroom to clean up.   When I emerge again You are wrapped in a hotel robe and sat at the writing desk in front of Your laptop.   I pout slightly, and You catch it in the mirror.     “No pouting slave, unless You want to go over this desk for a quick reminder of the rules.   I’m only sending a few emails, then I believe it’s My turn in the bathroom.   There’s a couple of hours before we go down to dinner – I thought we would take a nap for a short while.”   Mmm, that would be nice Master – I am a little worn out after today, although it has been highly enjoyable,” I say to You as I wander over to the bed and turn back the duvet.   I slip underneath it and lay back, and am surprised how quickly sleep beckons.   I close my eyes and begin to doze, dimly aware of You moving about in the bathroom.   I am nearly asleep when You join me in the bed, and I hear You comment,   “You really are a sleepy little slut aren’t you, My sweet?”   I muster the energy to smile a little, and feel Your lips brush mine in a soft kiss, before I succumb to complete relaxation…     When I awake, You are standing looking down at me as You button Your shirt.   I smile, stretch and say, “How long have You been standing there, Master?”   “Long enough,” You reply.   “Up you get now slave, you should be dressing for dinner,” You add, as You pull back the duvet to reveal my naked body.   I drag myself to a sitting position, then stand up off the bed.   I stretch again, and run my hands over my body as I stand in front of You.   I squeeze my breasts as You look on, then squeak and scoot to the bathroom giggling as You swat my bottom playfully.   I douse my face in warm water, shaking off the sleep still hanging around, and quickly rub on some moisturiser to give me a fresher look.     A few more preparations and I hurry back into the bedroom.   I reach for the dress that was removed earlier, but You stop me.   “I have something else for you to wear My sweet.”   You take from the case a loosely folded item, which You hold up in front of me.   It’s a black dress designed with only one shoulder strap, and cut so that it hangs with the longest side coming to knee length, diagonally opposite the shoulder strap side.   The shortest part hangs to mid thigh.   You also take from the case a pair of silk hold ups, and a black strapless lace bra.   I feel thoroughly spoilt.   I move to You and kneel, resting my head against Your thigh.   “Thank You for such beautiful gifts, Master.   I am a very lucky slave.”   You stroke my hair softly.   “You’re welcome slave – you may thank Me in more depth when we return from dinner.   Now, let’s see how you look in them,” You reply.   I dress quickly and carefully, making sure not to ladder the delicate stockings.   You help me into the dress, and guide me to the full length mirror, standing behind me as I admire myself.   “You have such wonderful taste Master – I wish You were available to be my personal shopper,” I say smiling, as I make a small turn, watching the fabric move with me.   I sit on the bed and pull on my heeled boots.   The ensemble complete, I check my look again and smile.   You do likewise and then lead me from the room as I pick one of my long, light brown hairs from the back of Your jacket.   Before very long we are seated in the hotel’s restaurant, in a quiet corner.   We have both been given menus, but only Yours is open – as usual You are in the process of deciding on our meals.   Suddenly You say,   “I would like you to take a look at the wine list My slave, and decide what we should have.”   I am slightly taken aback, but reach out for the menu, keeping my eyes on You as though it may be a joke.   You know that I enjoy wine, and have a fairly good knowledge, but it is always You that orders.   I decide on white before I have even looked properly, as I know it will go with whatever You choose for us to eat.   When the waiter approaches and asks what we would like to drink, You nod at me and smile.   I deliver the order with confidence, knowing that my pronunciation, everything, is correct.   The waiter then turns to You to see if You are ready to order.   You tell him what You require, and he nods and leaves.   “You seemed quite surprised, My sweet,” You comment.   “Why was that?”   I can see from Your face that You are not interrogating, You are merely interested in my response.   “It is always You who decides Master,” I reply with honesty.   “But I thank You for allowing me to choose.”   “You are quite welcome slave,” You say.   “Choice is a special thing, and it’s not one that you often have when we meet, so I thought I would indulge you.   Who knows, you may have the chance to make other choices this evening.”   I wonder what You mean, but before I can ask the waiter returns with the wine, and fills our glasses.   I chose an oaked chardonnay, and it’s delicious.   I smile at You as I swallow the small amount, and You say to me,   “Touch yourself,” You give the order softly, but it still takes me by surprise and I glance around the restaurant wondering if anybody will be able to see if I do.   You grow impatient.   “I didn’t say look around the room slave, I said touch yourself.”   The scolding brings me back to reality and I murmur, “Yes Master,” and slip my hand down into my lap.   The material of the dress is quite thin and I consider touching myself through it, then decide to be a little more daring.   Making sure You can see, I push the shorter side of the dress all the way up my thigh and stroke two fingers over my pussy as You look on proudly.   “Mmm, you really are a dirty little bitch, aren’t you?”   You say to me, Your voice almost a whisper.   “Aren’t you?”   You repeat, a little louder.   “Yes Master,” I whimper.   “I’m Your dirty little bitch.   Your cock slut.”   My fingers move faster as I feel my juices start to flow.   You watch me for another minute or so, making sure my actions cannot be seen by anybody, then say to me,   “That will do for now My little slut, you did very well.”   You tell me with a smile.   “Put your dress back as it was, My sweet.”   I do as I am told and try not to pout – I am now extremely horny and eager for release.   Not that it takes much for my Master to get me into this state, I reflect.   Just hearing You give me orders can make me wet and horny.   And You know it.   The waiter approaches again with our first course, and sets the plates in front of us.   As usual the food You have selected is excellent, and for a while we sit in contented silence, each enjoying the situation and surroundings.   You refill our glasses as we begin to talk again, just happy jumbled conversation made up of whatever enters our heads.   You pepper the conversation with the word “slave” and it vaguely occurs to me that You’re using the term more than You usually do.   Not that I mind – I adore it when You refer to me as Your slave.   Finally, the main course finished, the waiter clears the plates and we sit finishing off the wine.   You again have me touch myself for You, and at Your word I bring myself to the point of near-orgasm before You command me to stop.   The frustration is great, and I ask You pointedly if I will be allowed to cum for You when we get back to the room.   “We’ll see,” is all You say and lead me from the restaurant and back up to the room.   You unlock the door and allow me through first, and then close it behind us.   I am stood waiting in the centre of the room, and as You approach me I kneel before You, my hands behind my back. I lean forward my head turned to one side, until my face rests against Your shoes.   I like showing You my submission in this way – showing You how much I like serving You.   “Good girl,” You say, which is my cue to kneel up.   You cup my chin in Your hand and raise my head to look at You.   You nod once and so I get to my feet and stand before You, awaiting Your pleasure.   “Strip, My slut.”   You say quietly, stroking a finger over my neck.   I do as You tell me, and wriggle out of the dress, which I hang neatly over the back of a chair.   I unhook the bra, running my hands over my breasts as I remove it.   Next I place a foot on the chair and slowly slide off the stockings one by one.   For this last part I act as if there is no one else present, running my hands over my thighs and down my legs.       When the clothes are placed neatly on the chair I turn and face You again.   You walk behind me and stroke Your hands over my flesh, reaching round in front to squeeze my breasts and pinch my nipples.   I moan quietly, adoring the feel of Your knowing hands exploring me.   “Go into the bathroom slut,” You say into my ear, and curious, I turn and head for the door.   You are standing just behind me as I enter, and turn on the soft lighting as You follow me in.   The large bath is full with steaming hot water, and islands of bubbles from citrus scented bath foam sit on the top.   You flick a switch and it starts up the whirlpool jets in the bottom of the tub.   “Hop in and enjoy, My slave.   I will be back in a moment,” You say.   “Master, this is wonderful.   Thank You so much!   Will You please join me?”   I ask, smiling from ear to ear at this wonderful surprise.   “In just a minute slave – now in you get,” You reply as You walk from the room.   I sink into the hot water and slip beneath the bubbles.   The water swirls around me, feeling both awakening and relaxing at the same time.   You walk back in wearing only Your boxers and carrying something.   It’s an ice bucket, and in it is sat a bottle of champagne.   My eyes are agog as I think about how thoroughly spoilt I have been today.   I mentioned to You months and months ago that I would love champagne on ice in the bedroom, and I never dreamt You would remember, or actually do it.   You open the bottle, fill a glass and hand it to me, then fill another for Yourself.   You place Your glass on a shelf next to the bath, then remove Your boxers and climb into the tub.   I scoot over to give You more room, placing my own glass on the floor, then turn back to face You.   “Come here slut,” You say and so I fit myself neatly between Your legs.   “Kiss me,” You say simply, and delighted at the invitation I lean forward and press my lips to Yours.   I linger for a short while, then tease Your lips open and slip my tongue into Your mouth, seeking out Your own.   You return the kiss hungrily, and slipping a hand between my legs You push a finger into my pussy and finger fuck me slowly.   I sigh softly at the pleasure and place my hands on to Your shoulders for support as I kneel up out of the water to allow You easier access.   I lean my head back, which thrusts my breasts forward and so You tease my nipples with Your tongue, dividing Your attentions between the two – licking, sucking and gently biting.

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  “Ohhhhh, Master…please don’t stop…” I moan, and then gasp in delight when You add another finger and increase Your pace.   “Don’t you dare cum My little slut,” You say warningly as I start to move my hips in rhythm with Your movements.   “I…I’ll try not to, Master...”   I whisper as the sensation starts to overtake me.   “You’ll be sorry if you do, whore,” You reply in a low voice.   My stomach turns delicious somersaults at the threat and I move my head towards You again, offering another kiss.   Your lips meet mine as You begin to devour me, Your free hand pulling on my hair.   I pull back and plead quietly,   “Please Master…please fuck me…”   I shift in the water, trying to spread my legs wider for You.   You look me in the eye as You slow the movement of Your fingers.   I gaze back, my breathing heavy, hoping I look appealing.   Then You shake Your head, smiling.   “Not yet slave – I have other plans for tonight,” You say softly.   After a few more strokes You withdraw Your fingers from my dripping pussy and put them to my lips.   Obediently I open my mouth and lick my nectar from Your fingers, working methodically I suck on them as though it were Your cock until they are completely clean.   You then order me to settle back and relax for a while, so I reluctantly move from between Your legs and do as I am told.   As I lay back You stroke Your fingers up my body and I close my eyes and sink lower into the water.   I lie in a state of bliss, every so often feeling Your hands gliding over me, occasionally pinching my nipples or running roughly through my hair.   “Time to get out now slave,” I hear, and watch as You step out and dry Yourself off briskly.   I admire Your body and confident movements until You pick up a second towel and order me out of the bath.   You quickly dry me off for the most part then walk back into the bedroom with Your glass, leaving me to finish up and follow. When I emerge from the bathroom the lighting is low and You have slipped a pair of black jeans on.   You are sat in the chair at the desk, seemingly waiting for me.   You stand up and walk to the middle of the room.   “Kneel down My slave,” You say, and so I quickly move to kneel at Your feet.   I assume the correct posture automatically – You have trained me to Your preferences very well. As I kneel before You, You walk slowly around me, taking in the sight of Your very own slave, completely naked, awaiting Your next command.   You complete Your circuit and stop in Your original position, and then reach out and lift my chin.   “Remember how I said you might have other choices to make My slut?” You say as You stroke a finger over my cheek.   “Yes Master,” I reply nervously, wondering what’s coming.   “Well, you have given yourself to me fully now slave,” You say, walking back to the dresser and opening the outer pocket of the overnight case, “and so I would like you to decide…” You walk back to me.   “Decide what, Master?”   I ask, my head tilting slightly to one side as I look up at You.   In answer You open the black box You are holding and show me a beautiful silver collar.   My heart seems to skip a beat.   It’s actually a collar necklace, fairly plain but stylish – to the “vanilla” world it could merely be a nice choker.   I want desperately to touch it, but know I will not be allowed just yet.   You snap me out of my trance.   “Do you agree to wear this collar as a symbol of My ownership of you, My slave?”     ‘Y…Yes Master I do.   Thank You Master – I have been dreaming about You collaring me for so long!”   I cannot keep the excitement out of my voice, nor the smile from my face.   You smile back, and order me to lift my hair from my neck as You walk behind me.   You carefully place the collar around my neck, fully claiming me, and fasten it closed.   “Stand, My slave – I wish to look at what is now completely Mine,” You say, and so I stand quickly.   I feel as if I am standing taller than usual, and like I have just had an injection of confidence.   “Very nice,” You comment as You run Your hand over my buttocks.   I gasp as You suddenly spank me hard twice – one hard slap on each cheek.   It makes my juices start to flow immediately, and an idea comes to me.   “Master, may I please play with myself for You..?” I say quietly.   “What a nice thought!”   You say.   “Yes My little whore, you may.   On the bed and kneel up so I can see everything,”   “May I help myself to toys, Master?”   I ask, moving towards the overnight case.   When You nod Your assent I begin to rifle through the case.   I pull out a seven inch pink jelly vibrator and then climb on to the bed.   Preparing to give You a good show I lick up the length of the vibrator before taking the first few inches into my mouth and sucking on it as I look right at You.   I switch the vibe on and run it down across my body to my clit where I hold it for a while.   Then I see You nod, and so move it further and push it slowly into my soaked pussy, then twist it round before drawing it out.   I thrust it into myself again hard, then pull it out slowly so You can see it glistening with my juices.   I repeat the action a few more times and then turn the speed up on the toy.   It hums louder and my head falls back as I pump it in and out of my pussy more quickly.   My free hand runs over my boobs, squeezing them hard – I pinch my nipple, pulling my breast upwards, enjoying the pain it causes.   I do the same to the other, all the while fucking myself with the vibrator.   I had all but forgotten that You were in the room, then I suddenly hear Your voice,       “You are not to cum slave; not until My cock is inside you.”   You are sat on a chair at the foot of the bed, and I can see a large bulge in Your jeans.   You look absolutely gorgeous – bare chested and quite obviously horny.   I feel honoured to have such an attentive audience.   I silently set myself a challenge to see how quickly I can persuade You to fuck me through just my actions.   I gyrate my hips very slightly, just enough to continually alter the position of the toy in my hot channel, stimulating my g-spot at regular intervals.   I glance at You to see that Your hand is resting on Your crotch, rubbing Your erection through Your jeans.   You stand up and take the few steps that put You right in front of me.   You reach out and play with my nipples, rolling them round between Your fingers, causing me to gasp quietly at the small shocks of pain.   “Are you ready, My little slut?”   You ask me, running a hand down my torso and stroking a finger over my clit.   “Mmm, yes Master…please fuck Your slave,” I whimper desperately.   I long to feel You slide Your cock into my pussy, and sensing that You are about to make it happen, I withdraw the vibrator and move it away from my wet entrance, albeit a little tentatively.   “Lay back My horny little slave,” You say as You slowly unbutton Your jeans and cast them to one side.   “I’ve fucked you many times, slave.   Perhaps I should do something different,” You add as You climb on to the bed.   I watch You from the pillows, wondering what You mean.   I find out suddenly as You lower Your head to between my thighs and lick across my outer lips.   I gasp with delight and resist the urge to reach down and hold Your head in place.   Your tongue strokes over my entire pussy with skill, always just missing my clitoris, despite my best efforts to move to meet Your mouth.   When it eventually does flick across the hard bud I almost cum right then and there, moaning loudly I twist my hands into the bed clothes.   After a few more minutes of sweet torture You crawl up over me and kiss me hard.   I can taste myself on You, which I find incredibly erotic.   You draw back and say,   “I’m going to make love to you, My slut.   You are not to touch yourself – spread your arms out above you, and keep them there, understood?”   “Yes, Master,” I whisper.   You said some months ago that You would show me the difference between fucking and making love, and I am eager to find out.   I spread my arms as You have ordered and hook my fingertips around the bars of the bedstead headboard.   It’s quite a stretch, and makes me feel quite vulnerable in a strange sort of way.   I spread my legs wide, knowing that You will be able to see how dripping wet I am, and wait, barely able to keep still.   You support Your weight on Your hands and tilt Your hips, pushing Your cock into me.   I moan as I feel Your whole length slide into my pussy.   When You are in up to the hilt You hold it there for a moment – in response I grind my hips against You, pushing upwards trying to drive You deeper still. You draw back slowly and then start to repeat the motion, causing the delicious friction to start building.   This is definitely softer than fucking, more careful and calm, but just as nice.   You shift position and lean down and kiss me – my arms still spread-eagle above me I lift my head as high as I can to meet Your kiss.   Again, it’s soft, slow and deliberate, and makes my whole body tingle, right down to my toes.   I raise my hips to meet every gentle thrust, and each time it causes Your cock to stimulate my g-spot.   It feels amazing, like rubbing my clit, but a deeper feeling.   I gaze up at You, so dominant, even without uttering a sound.   I lift my legs and wrap them around Your lower back, allowing Your cock to drive deeper into me.   This causes You to hit my g-spot harder on every thrust, and I can feel my orgasm starting to build.   I want to ask You for permission to cum, but I don’t want the intimacy to end, so resolve to hold back until the last possible moment.   I let myself sink into the feeling and become part of it.   Images flash through my mind of all that I have experienced this week.   Reaching new heights in my obedience and ability to please You, and I am now collared.   I officially (well, as officially as possible) belong to You…Your own sweet slut.   Your slave.   I grip your hips between my legs at a new rush of pleasure – Your thrusts have quickened and although they are not really hard, they’re not as gentle as when we began.   I wet my lips and look up at You.   “Pl…please may I cum for You Master?”   The urgency is evident in my voice and I am struggling to keep my fingers in contact with the head board.   “Hold back just a few moments longer My sweet,” You reply, and I know that You are close too.   You lean down closer, supporting Your weight on one arm as You press Your lips to my shoulder.   “Cum with Me, My slave,” You say, Your voice strained as You raise Your head and look into my eyes.   I gaze back at You as I let go with a strangled cry.   The sensation engulfs me like a wave and I let it take me over, drowning me in feeling.   You continue to thrust into me powerfully as You cum deep inside my pussy, causing my orgasm to go on and on as the waves ebb and flow over me.   For the first time my hands leave the head board and grip the pillows as I ride out my climax.   Your movements slow gradually until they are no more.   You press Your lips to mine in a soft kiss and then shift off of me gently.   I lay exhausted in the middle of the bed, arms and legs still spread wide.   I open my eyes.   “Thank You Master…I never imagined that it could be that controlled yet so intense,” I say quietly, as I shift into a sitting position.   “You are most welcome My little slut,” You reply, as You retrieve my glass from the other side of the room.   There’s only a little left and so You top it up before handing it to me.   Thirsty, I take a big mouthful.   The bubbles fizz up my nose making me splutter slightly then giggle.   “Careful slave – I do not want you to choke,” You say gently, sitting on the bed beside me.   “Sorry Master – it’s just I’m not used to having champagne,” I reply mischievously.   “I feel a little tipsy actually Master,” I add truthfully.   The couple of big mouthfuls seem to have gone straight to my head.   “Mmm, really?   What if I were to take advantage of a poor, tipsy little slut?” You say, reaching out and tweaking a nipple.   Your voice is low and flirtatious, and despite feeling tired from my earlier orgasm, I feel myself getting horny all over again.   “I would most definitely let You, Master,” I reply, running my hand up Your back.   Then I ask shyly, “May I give You a massage, please Master?”   “This is new,” You comment, shifting further on to the bed.   “Yes, My slave, you certainly may.   Where do you want Me?” You ask.   “In the middle of the bed will be just fine Master,” I say, standing back as You lay face down on top of the duvet.   I position myself kneeling either side of Your legs, and run my hands tentatively over Your back.   Then starting with Your shoulders I begin to massage You gently but firmly, taking care to be even with both sides.   I run my thumbs down Your neck, and feel Your head relax into the pillow under my touch.   I smile, encouraged, and work on Your shoulder blades.   I hear a low, “Mmmmm,” from You, and know I must be having an effect.   I progress gradually down Your body, responding to Your occasional comments such as, “a little harder My sweet,” and, “left a bit…”   I lose myself in the delight of giving my Master pleasure, so much so that I barely realise when my hands move on to Your buttocks and knead the flesh firmly.   A different toned moan from You brings me back to reality and I almost blush when I think how brazenly I have been touching You.   But the moan was of pleasure I think, so I continue for a while then venture,   “Is it nice, Master?” I have eased off some of the pressure, trying to still give You the massage, yet be as unobtrusive as possible.   A strange and difficult combination given the act in question.   “Very, My little slut…though there is one problem,” You reply, and at this I stop completely, worried that I have done something You dislike. Then You go on.   “In the course of relaxing the majority of my muscles, you have made one in particular rather stiff…”   “I have?” I say innocently, trying not to smile.   “It’s no good you playing coy with Me whore,” You answer, “I want to know what you intend to do about it…”   “Roll over, my Master, and I will gladly show You…” I purr, as I shift backwards to allow You room.   You roll over lazily to reveal Your hard cock fully erect, resting against Your stomach.   You have given me permission for semi-free reign by doing what I asked of You.   Nevertheless I still glance at You and see You nod ever so slightly.   Your head is supported on Your hands as You watch me.   I crawl up Your body, my nipples brushing Your skin as I kiss Your chest softly.   I work my way back down Your body until I reach Your cock.   My tongue flicks out and over the head, capturing the small dew drop that has formed.   I lick my lips, loving the taste of You and do it again hoping for more.   I take the head of Your cock into my mouth and hold it there, sucking on it gently whilst I move my tongue over the silky surface.   I slowly begin to move my head to take You further inside, as I wrap my fingers around the base of Your shaft.   I move my hand on Your cock in time with my sucking, while my other hand wanders around Your lower body, stroking over Your thighs then moving further down to squeeze and caress Your balls.   I pause momentarily to brush my hair out of my face, and in doing so I feel Your collar around my neck.   I run my fingertips over it, then hear You say,   “That’s right My little slut – you belong to Me…” I blush at how You seem to be able to read my mind so well, and renew my attentions on Your cock.   I revel in the act, loving the taste of Your cock as it slides between my lips, going deeper with each movement of my head.   My hand continues to move smoothly over Your shaft as I suck and lick, all the while making sure my other hand continues to touch You.   “I’m close, slave,” You say, and I realise that You are being most generous in giving me the opportunity to take Your cock from my mouth.   But I don’t want to.   You are my Master, and I find that I feel rather desperate for Your gift.   Suddenly Your hand comes down over mine to guide my movements through Your orgasm and I suddenly feel Your cum hit the back of my throat.   I move my head back slightly so it can land on my tongue, which is where the second and third smaller jets hit.   Your cock slips from my mouth as I am still becoming accustomed to the taste – I have never done that before – previously You had always cum over my breasts if I had brought You to orgasm with my mouth.   In fact, there is not much “flavour” to it anyway, I realise.   Just a little salty.   I lick my lips and lean forward again to lick the last few drops from the head.   I swallow those too, then look to You, smiling.   “Thank You Master…I hope that I pleased You…” I say quietly.   “Most definitely slave,” You answer, and then before You can stop Yourself, You yawn.   “I’m sorry My sweet, excuse Me – it seems You have worn your Master out,” You add.   I smile in response and crawl up and under Your arm.   “I’m tired too Master,” I say.   “I think it’s time for sleep.”  
Written by Panache
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