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Memoirs of a Man Slut: Getting Dirty in the Clean Room

"Toni gets more than she bargained for, when she tries to seduce Thomas at work."

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“We’re the only ones in the lab,” Toni says from behind me.

I look up from the equipment I’m working on and glance around. It’s the middle of the night, and we are in what I affectionately call the “fishbowl.” A rectangular eight-thousand square foot clean room with windows that wrap around the perimeter of the lab.

Despite the aquarium style windows, the lab itself was pretty damn awesome. At last count, there is well over $100 million worth of top of the line and prototype manufacturing equipment in here. And I get to play with it on a daily basis.

One downside is that the equipment in the lab is incredibly sensitive. A single particle of dust can cost thousands of dollars in lost output, and a careless fingerprint will bring a system down for days. Humans are dirty creatures, and we wear polyester “bunny suits” to protect the equipment from us.

I look back at Toni and nod. “Yup, looks like,” I say as I turn back to my work.

I’m so wrapped up in the repair work that I don’t realize she’s still standing there until she puts a hand on my shoulder and leans against me.

“What ‘cha workin’ on?” she asks in a sing-song voice.

With a slight sigh, I put down my tools and straightened up. Toni takes a small step back to give me room, but she doesn’t take her hand from my shoulder.

“Day shift blew up the RF thing-a-ma-bob, and the replacement part didn’t arrive until about two hours ago,” I say, as I gesture at the parts strewn about my workbench. “Craig is being a dick, and he said I couldn’t leave until I fixed it. So, that’s what I’m doing.” I try to keep the frustration out of my voice. I like Toni, and it’s not her fault my boss is a jerk.

“Okay, I’ll let you get back to work then.”

“Thanks,” I say, as I take a deep breath and pick up my tools. With any luck, I’ll have this thing back up by and running by quitting time.

It takes ten minutes of my sub-conscience needling me before I realize that Toni sounded a bit disappointed. I try to dismiss the thought, but my sub-conscience is insistent.

Toni and I usually go to the Village Inn for lunch on Friday nights, but I had to cancel on her tonight. Critical repairs have to take precedence over my appetite.

Our Friday lunches have become one of the high points of my week. Since we work graveyard, it’s usually the two of us at lunch. Which means we could talk about subjects that would ordinarily be off limits. Thinking about our Friday lunches reminds me of last Friday.


It was late September in Oregon, and Toni was wearing a green and gold Oregon Ducks sweatshirt to ward off the chill. We had finished lunch, and I was about to fire up my old Chevy Blazer when she declared: “Are you hot, Thomas? I am.”

Without waiting for a reply from me, grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt, and pulled it up over her head. Her t-shirt went up with the sweatshirt, and my gaze was pulled directly to her tits. Her bra wasn’t the plane Jane padded bra, but it wasn’t a full-on Fredericks of Hollywood “here are the titties” bra either. It was somewhere in between, though it leaned towards the Fredericks side of the spectrum.

Toni was also showing off a beautiful orange and black tiger tattoo running across her belly. It started on her right hip, below her belt line and stretched up her flat stomach to the bottom of her left breast. The mouth of the big cat was spread wide as if it was trying to reach the underside of Toni’s black bra and rip it off of her. I could sympathize. As sexy as the bra was, I too wanted it gone.

All too soon, Toni untangled her t-shirt from the sweater, and the shirt came down with an unabashed “Oops.” I had expected her to pull her shirt down quickly to cover herself, but to my surprise, she didn’t seem to be in a hurry.

She grasped the hem of her shirt where it was bundled up under her chin, pulled it tight against herself and dragged it down her torso. It was like watching a boob drop, only in reverse, and just as sexy.

“Enjoy the show?” she asked as she smiled at me.

“Yeah, your tattoos’ beautiful. Can I see it again? The light in here is not that great.”

As if to emphasize the point, the dome light chose that exact moment to turn off.

“Umm, sure,” she says as she used one hand to pull her shirt up, over her breast.

I turned on all the lights in the cab. I wasn’t sure how long Toni’s going to be showing off her body, and I wanted to get as good a look as I could.

She cupped the bottom of her breast and pulled it out of the way so I could get a better view of the tiger’s head. Her tits looked pretty firm, and her bra was doing an admirable job of supporting them. I’m pretty sure she was teasing me, but I wasn’t going to complain.

“Beautiful tattoo,” I said.


“How long did it take?”

“Dunno, fourteen hours or so? We did three sessions, then a touch-up after it had healed.”

She decided she had had enough of showing off the tigers head and arched her hips up off the seat. She caught the waistband of her jeans, pulled them down an inch or two, and angled towards me so I could get a better view. It looked like one of the tiger’s paws would be in her crotch, and the other paw was on her inner thigh. The tigers tail wrapped around her hip and ended on her ass cheek.

“Very nice,” I said as I ran my eyes along the tantalizing flesh that Toni had on display for me. As the light played against her skin, I could see the barest hint of her abs flexing under the ink of the tiger.

“Thanks,” she said as she sat down in the seat and rearranged her clothes to a more modest configuration.

“Any more tattoo’s?” I asked as I reached for the ignition.

“No,” she said. “That’s my only one.”

We spent the ten-minute drive back to work talking about tattoos.

Yeah, I know. I’m a dumb ass.



I smile at the memory and put my tools down as I spin around on my stool until I’m facing Toni. I slam my feet on the floor, legs spread wide, and my booties make a loud “CLANG!” as they hit the metal floor.

Toni jumps in surprise at the sudden noise and looks up from her computer. Without saying a word, I point and beckon her to me with one finger.

Being covered head-to-toe in a shapeless polyester gown can deprive us of the subtle body language cues what we have come to rely on for a good chunk of our communication. There is nothing subtle about Toni’s body language, though. Her smile is bright enough I can see it through the hood she’s wearing, and she’s got so much sway in her hips I am afraid she might dislocate something.

Toni saunters up to me and comes to a stop between my legs. She is a small woman, and sitting on this stool puts me at eye level with her.

“If I can make you come with one finger,” I say, looking her up and down, “Imagine what I can do with my entire hand.” I hold up a hand to show her what I’m working with.

Toni throws her head back and barks out a laugh. “Oh, gawd Thomas! That was horrible!” The cheesiness doesn’t stop her from placing her hand against mine; my hand dwarfs hers. “I’d love to see what else you can do with your hands,” she says as she intertwines her fingers with mine.

I meet Toni’s eyes; we are on the same wavelength. In this veritable shrine to cutting-edge technology, where naked flesh is verboten, I must have her.

The Ogre starts to stir in the darker reaches of my mind.

Without warning, I scoop Toni up with one arm as I rise to my feet. She lets out a surprised “Whoa!” and wraps her arms and legs around me.

Our faces are bare inches apart. I want to kiss her, to taste her lips, but the fucking bunny suits are in the way.

“Mmm, hello Little One. So fresh. So willing,” the Ogre rumbles, in my head.

As I’m carrying Toni to an empty workbench, she pulls off our hoods and they both fall to the floor. Her cheeks are flushed, and she parts her lips as she licks them.

The Ogre starts clawing at the veil in my head. He wants out. He wants to savage Toni, to break her.

I put Toni down on the workbench and lean into her, pressing my lips to hers, our tongues meeting and probing. I pull her tongue into my mouth and bite down, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough that she could feel it. She responds by pulling me closer, and shoving her tongue deeper into my mouth, urging me on.

The Ogre grins.

I start exploring her body with my hands, and Toni’s hands are alternating between pulling at my hair and clawing at my back. But there are too many damn layers between us. Being wrapped up in polyester sucks, but the latex gloves are, by far, the worst part.

I’m an incredibly tactile person. Until I put my hands on something, it’s a figment of my imagination. It's only when I can touch and feel something that it becomes real.

Touching Toni while I’m wearing these accursed gloves is like going to a piano recital at the Met in New York. But I've got earplugs in.

“More like a Mötley Crüe concert during Sturgis Bike Week, with the amps turned down from eleven down to four,” the Ogre says.

With a growl of frustration, I pull back from Toni and rip the gloves off of my hands, and I’m able to feel. I can feel the curves of her body, the firmness of her muscles, the pounding of her heart.

Toni pulls off her gloves, and I can feel her hands on me as she rakes her nails through my hair, leaving shallow furrows in my scalp.

I smile down at Toni. It’s not the smile of a considerate lover like she was expecting. The Ogre has pried back a corner of the veil, and he’s the one smiling down at her. In that one look, I let her know that at this moment, she belongs to me. Her only reason for existing is to please me.

Until she saw that smile, Toni’s expression had been full of passion and lust. As she realizes that I intend to use her for my enjoyment, I watch as several expressions flicker across her face: Surprise, fear, anger, doubt... She cycles back to lust, but I can see a hint of doubt and fear lingering.

At 6’5” and 280lbs, I am an Ogre compared to Toni’s 5’4” and 110lbs. I’m sure she was wondering if she would be able to walk once I am done with her. To be honest, it was a valid concern. I wasn’t sure myself.

She tried to pull me to her for another round of making out, but I reach up and grasp her hands, pulling them off of me. With a growl, I use one hand to hold both of her wrists against the small of her back. I move my other hand up her body, over her breasts to wrap around her neck. I tilt her head back, exposing her throat.

Now that the gloves are off, and I could actually feel her, the Ogre is incensed. In this artificial environment, where necessities, like human touch, are outlawed, I had to have her; I had to be inside of her. She’s compliant enough until she sees me bare my teeth as I dive towards her exposed jugular with a vicious snarl.

Toni’s eyes bulge, and she tries to flinch back from me as I strike, but there is nowhere for her to go. She’s pinned between my bulk and the workbench.

As my teeth reach her throat, her entire body clenches up. I can feel her legs flailing behind me, and she lets loose a terrified scream as I savage her throat.



Between one breath and the next, her scream transforms from one of terror to gales of laughter as I blow a massive raspberry against her neck.


“Fucking hell, Thomas!” she gasps, between fits of nervous laughter. She tries to get her hands free, probably to hit me, but I clamp down on her wrists. She’s not going anywhere unless I allow it.

“I thought you were going to rip out my throat, ya big ogre!” she laughs again.

The Ogre chuckles. “You have no idea how right you are, Little One,” he says in my head.

I pull back from her throat so that we are nose to nose. The look on my face was not what she had been hoping to see, because she tries to shy away from me. I take my hand from her throat and grasp her jaw and force her to look at me.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Little One,” the Ogre promises.

I rarely let anyone see what lurks behind the veil inside my head. Toni’s never seen even a hint of the Ogre I keep locked up in there. Now that she’s seen a bit of it of him, she’s afraid.

I release her hands and pull back from her, giving her some space.

She looks down at her hands and takes a few seconds to compose herself. Five minutes ago, she thought we were going to have a quickie in the lab. Thirty seconds ago, she thought I was going to rip her throat out with my teeth. I figured she could use a few minutes to sort things out.

I slowly move my hand from the workbench and cup her chin, pulling upwards until she was looking into my eyes. She sees Thomas looking down at her, not the Ogre she had seen minutes earlier. I see tears glistening at the corners of her eyes, and frown slightly. I hadn’t intended on scaring her that much.

“Fuck dude, you know how to push a girl’s buttons don’t you?” she says with a last nervous chuckle. She lowers her eyes from mine and uses the palms of her hands to wipe away the tears.

“Look at me, Toni,” I say. Toni continues to wipe away her tears. I repeat myself, this time with a bit more of the Ogre creeping into my voice. “Little One, Look at Me.”

That got her attention, and her eyes shoot up to mine.

“Good girl,” I say. “You’ve got a decision to make. We can stop this right now and go back to work, no harm, no foul. Or we can continue deeper down the rabbit hole. This is your decision to make. If you don’t want to play anymore, that’s fine. If you decide you do want to continue playing, then you need to know that you are going to be my bitch. I’m going to torment you, then use you. I can’t guarantee you’ll enjoy it, that’s up to you. But you will know you’ve been fucked, hard.”

Her eyes go wide with shock. It’s probably the first time anyone had told her that she was going to be their bitch. I can see the emotions warring on her face as she tries to decide what she wants to do.

Occasionally she will look up at me as if to do a reality check that yes, this is happening. I let the Ogre out enough to let her know that yes, this is happening.

It takes her about thirty seconds to decide. When she does, she looks me in the eyes and doesn’t shy away. She gives me a barely discernible nod and a tiny “Okay.”

“I can’t hear you.”

“Okay,” louder this time.

I look at her.

She clears her throat and tries again. “Okay,” she says, almost at a conversational volume.

“Okay… Okay what? Okay, we’re done? Okay, you want to continue?”

“The umm, second one?”

It sounds like she is telling me what I want to hear.

“Toni, are you afraid of me?”

A couple of years ago, I realized that fear is a fantastic aphrodisiac. Scare a woman in the right way, and she’ll fuck you silly. The problem is, I lost control, and let the Ogre push too hard.

Toni nods that yes, she is afraid of me.

“Are you telling me what I want to hear, so I won’t hurt you?” I ask as I step back from her. I grab a stool and sit on it, hunching down to make myself appear at least a little less intimidating.

As I back away from her, Toni closes her legs, crossing them at her ankles.

A little bit of courage resurfaces in Toni, and she answers me. “Yes, maybe a little?”

“Maybe a little?” I parrot back at her. “So, there is part of you that wants to continue playing?”

She looks surprised at that. She thought about it for a second; then she seems to have reached a decision.

“I want to continue,” she says. Her confidence is starting to return now that she’s made a decision.

“Continue what?” I ask.

“This,” she says, waving her hand between us.

“I don’t know what ‘this’ means,” I say as I mirror her hand movements. “You have to tell me exactly what you want.”

She hesitates. As beautiful as she is, I doubt anyone has ever made her beg for sex.

“I want you to…” she trails off, unable to finish the sentence.

I shake my head and look away from her. I had found the hood to my bunny suit when Toni says, just above a whisper: “I want to be your bitch.”

I turn back to face her, and she’s smiling like she can’t believe she said that.

I make a show of cupping my hand to my ear and leaning towards her. “Could you repeat that?”

“I want to be your bitch,” she says, louder this time.

I nod my head and make a rolling motion with my hand, encouraging her to continue.

“I want you to use me, to fuck me…”

I get up off the stool and step forward. Toni opens her legs for me, beckoning me back into her embrace.

Caveat Emptor,” the Ogre says from behind the veil.

I wrap my hand around her throat again, and I silence her with a gentle kiss on her lips. Just a tease, and pull back.

As worked up as she is, a tease won’t do. She clamps her legs around my waist as she grasps my head in her hands and tries to pull me back down to her. I have control of her though. I lock my gaze on Toni’s, and ever so gently, squeeze her throat.

People think asphyxiation is about cutting off air flow to the lungs, and they focus on the windpipe. The right way to do it is to cut off blood flow to their brain by pinching the carotid arteries on either side of the neck. If you know what you’re doing, you can knock someone out within 5 or 10 seconds.

I know what I’m doing, but knocking Toni out is not my goal. I squeeze hard enough to make her go a little loopy, and her hands drop to her sides. Then I stop and wait for her to recover.

“Before we get started, we need to cover the rules,” I say, keeping her on task.

“Rules? For fucking?” Tonight, is a lot of first for Toni.

“Yes. Rules.

“Rule Number One. Do you know what a Safe Word is?”

She shakes her head.

“Didn’t think so. A Safe Word is your safety net. If I do something you’re not comfortable with, use your Safe Word, and I’ll stop, immediately. Understood?”

“Yeah, I think so. What is the Safe Word?”

“Kiezilblab,” I manage to say with a straight face.

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“Kize… Killz… Huh?”

I hold onto the poker face for as long as I can. But all too soon, it starts to crack around the edges.

“Jerk,” she says as she realizes I’m teasing her. She punches my bicep to emphasize the point.

“Red, the Safe Word is red,”

She nods. “Ok, I can remember that.”


“Rule Number Two: for the rest of the night you will address me as Sir.”

She nods again, “Okay.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“Okayyy, Sir?”

“You’re learning,” I say as I reward her with a smile.

“And Rule Number Three. No talking unless I ask you a direct question. You can make as much noise as you want, but no talking.”

“Okay, bu-”


The look of shock on her face was priceless.

“Did you!” she starts, but I hold up a finger in front of her face, and she clamps her mouth shut.

“Good girl,” I say as I lean in and kiss the cheek I slapped. It wasn’t a hard slap, not even enough to color her cheek.

“You were about to ask what would happen if you did say something, weren’t you?”

She nods, not sure if she’s allowed to talk.

“If you break any of the rules, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

Again, she nods.

“It’s okay. I asked you a direct question; you’re allowed to speak.”

“I understand,” she says.

I had never taken my hand off of her throat, and I start to squeeze again. Just enough pressure to remind her that my hand is there.

“You forgot something.”

She looks up at me, a little bit of panic showing in her eyes as she tries to figure out what she could have forgotten.

“Umm, Sir! I understand, Sir!”

I bend down and kiss her, full on the lips, as I continue to apply pressure to her throat. She seems to enjoy the combination of sensations.

“Mmm, this is going to be fun, Little One,” I whisper.

I pull back from her so I can look her in the eyes.

“There is one corollary to Rule Number Three. Can you guess what it is?”

Her brow furrows a bit as she thinks about the question. “Umm, red?” Then her eyes go wide as she hurries to add “Sir!”

“Very good, Little One. Remember, if we go beyond what you are comfortable with, you don’t need my permission to use your Safe Word.”


“Good. Now that you know the rules, and have a small idea of how the game is played, are you sure you want to continue?”

“Umm, red?”

I was already reaching for the collar of her bunny suit to rip it open, but I stop in mid-motion and look at her, surprised.

Toni’s poker face is even worse than mine. She holds it for half a second before she cracks up laughing. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I let her pull me down into a kiss.

“Quit stalling, and make me your bitch already, Sir,”

That is all the invitation the Ogre needs.

“You’re going to pay for that, Little One,” the Ogre says as I rip her bunny suit open.



Toni looks up at me with an eager smile and reaches behind herself to pull the sleeve cuffs off. Before she can complete the motion, I grab a handful of her gown and twist it, pinning her arms behind her.

I reach up with my other hand and grasp the collar of her t-shirt and pull. The light cotton fabric rips away, exposing Toni’s chest.

Toni yelps in surprise and it takes her a second to realize what I had done. “Thomas! W- AAAHHHhhhh!”

I grab one of Toni’s nipples through her bra and pinch it, savagely, twisting and pulling at the same time. Toni kicks her legs and tries to buck out of my grasp, futilely.

“What is Rule Number Three?” I ask.

It takes her a little while to recover from my sudden attack, but once she does, she says: “No speaking unless spoken too.”

I arch a questioning eyebrow at her and start reaching towards her breast again. As I open my hand, a scrap of purple lace falls from my hand. We both watch it land on her stomach.

I keep slowly reaching for her exposed nipple, and Toni is unable to tear her eyes away from my hand. She’s still trying to squirm away from me, but she can’t get any leverage.

As my hand gets closer, I make a couple pinching motions with my thumb and forefinger. Toni cowers back and squeezes her eyes shut, in expectation of the pain. Before my fingers clamp down on her nipple, she screams out, “SIR!”

I stop and wait a few seconds as she takes a couple of quick breaths, trying to calm herself. Her body is still quivering, and the Ogre drinks in her fear.

After a few seconds, she opens her eyes and looks up at me.

“Sir, what?”

“No speaking unless spoken to first, Sir,” she says this time, without hesitation.

I open my hand and lay it gently on her injured breast. She still flinches slightly when my hand makes contact, but her nipple is rock hard. I run my fingers over her nipple as I lean into her. She eagerly opens her mouth for a kiss, and I don’t disappoint her.

I release her gown and slide my hand up her back until my hand is at the base of her head. I grab a handful of hair and pull her head over to the side, exposing her throat, again.

I leave a trail of kisses along her jaw until I get to her earlobe and I whisper into her ear: “Isn’t it much nicer when you obey the rules?”

“Hmmm, yes, EEK!”

I had given her nipple a slight pinch.

She giggles and pulls me in closer with her legs. “Mmmm, much nicer, Sir.”

I pull myself upright and say: “Legs in the air. We need to get this gown off of you.”

She raises her legs, and I try to pull the booties off. I struggle with the first bootie, but it’s not cooperating. Part of the difficulty is because I am distracted. Unlike the lighting in my truck, the lights in the lab are excellent. Toni’s breasts and tattoo are perfectly lit by the harsh fluorescent bulbs.

Her bra is sheer purple lace with white trim, and about half of the cup is missing over her right breast. It’s not the type of bra you would wear to work. This is a bra that one wears to show off the titties to a lover.

Speaking of titties, Toni’s are perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body; small, firm and tipped with a pair of large, dark brown nipples. Her skin is smooth, pale white, and the perfect canvas for her tiger tattoo.

I look up at Toni’s eyes, and she’s got a self-satisfied smile on her face as she watches me take in her body.

The Ogre returns her smile.

“I do love your tattoo, Little One.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she says, and her smile grows in response.

By now I’ve gotten one of her booties off, but the other one is being even more stubborn. Out of frustration, I yank on it and pull her shoe off along with the bootie. Her bunny suit ends up crumpled on the floor a few seconds later.

As I’m pulling the suit off of her legs, Toni’s hands are already working on unbuttoning her pants. I grab her hands and pull them away from her belt.

“What are you doing? Did I say you could take your pants off?”

She whimpers, “No, Sir.”

“What happens when you do something I don’t want you to do?”

She whines and squirms under my hands. “I’m punished, Sir.”

“That’s right, Little One, you are punished. What do you think your punishment should be?”

She looks up at me in surprise but doesn’t say anything.

“Go ahead, Little One,” the Ogre says. “How should I punish you? If you don’t make a suggestion, I’ll come up with something on my own. And I guarantee you won’t like it.”

Making her think about all the different ways I could punish her is having the desired effect. The anticipation of the pain is worse than any pain I could inflict on her.

“Umm, pinch my other nipple?” She rushes to append a “Sir!” to the end.

I can feel my smile growing. “No, I don’t think that punishment is sufficient.” Toni whimpers at that. “I know. Put your hands behind your back and lay down as flat as you can.”

She hurries to comply, uncertainty plain on her beautiful face. She’s now sprawled across half of the workbench, her hips hanging off the edge, and her ankles resting on my shoulders. I keep one of her legs on my shoulder, and lower the other down to the workbench, spreading her wide and exposing her denim-clad pussy.

“You’ve had your ass spanked before?” I ask her.

She nods her head, yes.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Sometimes, yes, Sir,” she squeaks.

The agony on her face as she tries not to cry from the anticipation, it’s driving me insane with lust. I can’t wait to get her pants off and slide my cock into her juicy hole.

“Your punishment is to have your pussy spanked.” Her eyes go wide at that. “What do you think? Is that an acceptable punishment?”

She reluctantly nods.

I feel my smile growing a bit wider. “Not good enough, Little One. What is your punishment?”

“Y-you are going to sp-sp-spank my pussy, Sir.” Her voice cracks, and I see a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

My smile spreads ear to ear as I nod down at her, “That’s right. Do you think that is a fair punishment?” I ask as I cup her crotch with my free hand. She flinches slightly.

Again, she nods, but before I can say anything, she says “Yes, Sir.”

“I’m going to spank you five times. I want you to count each one, out loud. If you miss one, we start all over. If you break any more rules, we start over. Understood?”

I start to rub the heel of my palm against her, I can feel the heat of her little pussy radiating through her pants. She’s definitely ready for a good fucking.

“Yes, Sir,” she says with a small nod.

I place a hand flat on her stomach, fingers spread wide, and apply some pressure, holding her in place. Then, I pull my other hand back from her and give her clit a light tap with two fingers. It takes her a few seconds to realize that that was swat number one. From the shocked look on her face, she had been expecting me to slap her hard.

Before she can get over her surprise, I make a buzzing noise. “Bzzz! Times up. That was a warm-up anyway.”

I press down on her stomach a bit harder and thump her clit a little harder this time.

“One, Sir,” she whimpers as she tosses her head, sending her blonde tresses across her face.

I place my palm against her again, rubbing out the sting. Once she starts to grind against my hand, I stop.

I draw my hand back and thump her clit again, harder than the last time. Despite her best efforts, a small sob escapes her, and she tries to roll to the side and close her legs, but I don’t let her.

“T-two, Sir.”

“Little One,” I say as I cup her pussy and continue to rub her. When she doesn’t respond fast enough, I grind my palm into her, and her eyes snap to mine. “That’s a good girl,” I say as I reduce the pressure on her. “If you keep trying to close your legs, we’re going to have to start over. Do you want that?”

The thought of starting over was enough to tear a sob from her. “N-n-no, Sir.”

“I didn’t think so. How many are left?”

“Th-Three, Sir.”

“Ok, if you can keep your little pussy open for me, and count, we’ll make this quick, okay?”

She eagerly nods her assent to that. “Oh, yes, Sir. Please, Sir!”

Toni makes it through the next three swats admirably. Each one is a little stronger than the one before it. The last one elicited a short, sharp yelp of pain from her, but she kept her legs open for me. After a few seconds, she counts it off.

I take my hand off of her stomach and pull back from her, letting her legs fall closed. Without waiting for permission, Toni pulls her arms around to her front, and curls up into a ball on her side, back to me. She’s trying to hide it, but I can see her tiny frame shaking from her sobs.

Now that the Ogre has had his fun, I shove him back behind the veil. “She’s had enough of you. It’s my turn now,” I tell him.

I stroke Toni’s hair and make soft cooing noises to help calm her down. After a few minutes, she uncurls and flops onto her back, exhausted. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying, her hair is matted to her skull, and she’s covered in sweat.

“I bet you’re glad that’s over with, aren’t you?”

She nods, “Yes, Sir.”

“Are you having fun?”

“No, Sir.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.”

Now it’s her turn to arch an eyebrow.

I nod towards her pants, “You can undo them now.”

With a sigh, she undoes her pants as I put her ankles on my shoulders again. Working together, we get her pants off, well almost. She’s still wearing one shoe, so they only come halfway off. I had more important things to consider.

Like how red and swollen her bald pussy is after the beating it had taken.



“No panties?”

“No, Sir. I normally go commando,” she says as she grinds against me.

I chuckle and spread her legs as wide as she can go, and watch as her outer lips spread open for me. “Hold your legs open for me, like this,” I say. “Don’t let go; you won’t like the consequences.”

She does as she’s told and I swirl my finger around the outside of her sex, closing in on her wet fuck hole with every circuit.

I lean over her and whisper into her ear; “I’ve had all fun so far. Would you like to have some fun too, Toni?”

“Yes, please, Sir,” she says, pleading.

I look into her eyes as I slide a finger inside of her, it’s incredible how hot and wet her pussy is. She raises her hips, letting my finger slip all the way into her. I kiss her as I work my thumb into her wet folds and find her abused clit.

I’m sure she’s super sensitive right now, so I slowly slide my finger in and out of her and ever so lightly rub my thumb on her clit. It doesn’t take but a few strokes until she’s moaning and bucking against my hand. I keep my pace slow though, partially to give her time to recover, but mostly because I enjoy teasing her.

I slide a second finger inside of her, and her eyes go wide at the sensation of the extra girth spreading her open. I hook my fingers up and start rubbing her G-spot. A little whimper of pleasure escapes her. I smile down at her, encouraging her.

“You like that?” I ask. I pause for a heartbeat, then I rapidly start flicking her G-spot with my fingers.

Instead of answering me, Toni writhes under me, moaning.

Before she can cum, I stop and wait for her to recover a bit. “What was that? I couldn’t understand what you were saying.”

I pause for another heartbeat, then I resume rubbing her G-spot, a bit harder this time. Again, she bucks under me. I grab a handful of sweaty hair, pull her face me, and kiss her. Toni returns the kiss. Again, I stop rubbing her G-spot before she can cum.

She looks up at me, pleadingly as she tries to grind her pussy against my hand, trying to cum. I smile down at her with the Ogre smile, and this time she doesn’t flinch away from it.

“You want to cum, don’t you, Little One?”

With an effort of will, I shove the Ogre back behind the veil. “Back in your hole!” I command.

“Yes, please, Sir! Please make me cum, Sir!” she begs. She’s almost crying from the pent-up tension in her little body.

“What about me?” I ask, as I straighten up and motion that she can release her legs.

“Sir?” she asks as she drops her arms into a more comfortable position, and wraps her legs around me.

“All of this has been for you,” I say as I run my fingertips over her exposed flesh. “I have needs too. You think my cock isn’t hard as a rock right now?”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she says with a gasp as she reaches up to me. I catch her hands and kiss her knuckles. “I, I didn’t even… Please, I want you to fuck me. Use me. Fill me up with your cum, Sir!” To emphasize the point, she pulls me closer into her and grinds her sopping wet pussy against my bunny suit.

The fucking bunny suit again. I had forgotten I was wearing it. I unzip the suit and let it fall down around my ankles.

“What if I want to flip you over and use your little asshole?”

Toni stops grinding against me and stares up at me. I can feel her ass cheeks clench reflexively.

“Umm, we can try, Sir. If that’s what you want,” she says in a tiny voice.

“You’ve never done anal before, have you?”

“No, Sir.”

I nod. “Okay, we won’t try it tonight then. You’ve been through enough.”

She lets out a pent-up breath. “Oh, thank you, Sir!”

I pull off my shirt and drop it on the ground. Toni smiles up at me, and I let her run her hands along my chest.

“Are you ready to get your little pussy fucked?”

“Fuck yes! I’ve been wanting to have your cock inside of me since you started working night-shift with me, Sir!”

“Is that so?” I ask. “Well, tonight is your lucky night.”

I undo my belt and pull down my pants and boxer-briefs. As expected, my cock is already standing at attention. I rub the tip against Toni's folds, getting it wet, preparing to slide inside of her. As soon as Toni feels my cock probing her pussy, she starts begging me to fuck her.

I had wanted to toy with her more, tease her by slowly sliding my cock in and out of her, but I could hear the Ogre pounding on the veil, demanding that I take her. Possess her.

With one smooth stroke, I slide into Toni, as deep as I can. Her begging cuts off and is replaced by a long, low moan. I collapse on top of her as she squeezes me with her legs, trying to pull me deeper into her.

“Fuck yes, baby. Your cock fills me up so good!” she cries as I start thrusting into her. I stop and look at her.

“Rule Number Three,” I say, and her face goes pale. “You’re gonna take all my cum in your little pussy as punishment.”

She laughs and agrees. “Yes! Yes! Give me all your cum, Sir. I need it!”

I start fucking her again. Pounding her harder, and harder. The harder I thrust into her, the harder she rakes her nails across my back, and the harder I thrust into her.

I look down at her, we are both covered in sweat, and her breath is coming in great big gulps. I grab a handful of her hair and direct her face towards me.

“Look at me,” I say. “I want to see you cum.” We are nose to nose and I watch as her eyes roll up into her head and her mouth opens in a silent scream.

I smile as her orgasm takes her, and keep thrusting into her. I try to keep my pace, try to stave off my own orgasm for as long as possible.

Toni’s moaning, the muscle spasms around my cock, her desperately clawing at my back, it’s too much for me. I bury my face against her neck and thrust one last time into her, as deep as I can, and I fill her with my cum.

We lay like that for a few minutes, both of us spent.

I brush the hair from Toni’s face, meet her eyes and smile. She gives me a weak smile, and I kiss her forehead. She’s been through a lot in the last hour, and she’s exhausted.

“Come here, Toni,” I say and gather her up in my arms. As I pull her close to my chest, she wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. Slowly, I sit down on the floor, cradling her in my lap.

“You were amazing,” I say as I stroke her hair.

“Mmm, so were you,” she murmurs against my shoulder, nuzzling in closer.

“Sorry about the shirt.”


Written by ThomasMurphy
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